Thomas Sharp is a geology professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration and associate director of the Arizona Space Grant Consortium and runs the NASA/ASU Space Grant Program, which provides fellowships and scholarships to train the next generation of scientists and engineers. Dr. Sharp has been at ASU for more than 20 years, teaching primarily mineralogy, field geology and electron microscopy. His research interests include: impacts and shock metamorphism in meteorites, high-pressure minerals and phase transformations in Earth's mantle and chemical weathering of rocks on Mars.
Hammer, J.E., Sharp, T.G., and Wessel, P. (2010). Heterogeneous nucleation and epitaxial crystal growth of magmatic minerals. Geology (2010).
Bradley T. De Gregorio, Thomas G. Sharp, George J. Flynn, Sue Wirick, and Richard L. Hervig. Biogenic origin for Earth's oldest putative microfossils. Geology (2009).
De Carli, P.S., El Goresy, A., Xie, Z. and Sharp, T.G. (2009). High-Pressure Mineralogy of Shock Veins does Constrain the Equilibrium Shock Pressure and its Duration. Meteoritics and Planetary Science (2009).
Kraft M. D. Alvarado C. M. Sharp T. G. Rampe E. B. Spectral Indexing of Chemical Weathering in the Mid-Infrared: New Means to Evaluate Weathering on Mars. Lunar Planetary Institute (2009).
McAdam A. C. Sharp T. G. Leshin L. A. Harvey R. P. Hoffman E. J. Antarctic Mars Analogs and Interpretation of Martian Alteration Signatures. Lunar Planetary Institute (2009).
Rampe E. B. * Kraft M. D. Sharp T. G. Chemical Weathering Trends from TIR Spectral Models: Implications for Deriving Weathering Trends from Martian Spectral Data. Lunar and Planetary Institute (2009).
Sharp T. G. Trickey R. Xie Z. De Carli P. S. Ringwoodite Microstructures in L-Chondrites RC 106 and Acfer 040: Implications for Transformation Mechanisms. Lunar Planeary Institute (2009).
El Goresy A, Dera P, Sharp TG, Prewitt CT, Chen M, Dubrovinsky L, Wopenka B, Boctor NZ, Hemley RJ. Seifertite, a dense orthorhombic polymorph of silica from the Martian meteorites Shergotty and Zagami. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY (2008).
McAdam AC, Zolotov MY, Mironenko MV, Sharp TG. Formation of silica by low-temperature acid alteration of Martian rocks: Physical-chemical constraints. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS (2008).
McAdam AC, Zolotov MY, Sharp TG, Leshin LA. Preferential low-pH dissolution of pyroxene in plagioclase-pyroxene mixtures: Implications for martian surface materials. ICARUS (2008).
De Carli, P.S., Xie, Z. and Sharp, T.S. Where are all the Strongly Shocked Meteorites?. Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., (2008).
Du Frane, W., Tyburczy, J., Hervig, R. and Sharp, T.S. D-H Interdiffusion in Olivine: Preliminary Results. Trans. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., (2008).
Hammer, J.E., Sharp, T.G., Brugger, C.R. SEM and TEM Investigation of Crystal Nucleation in Silicate Melts During Isothermal Decompression. Trans. AGU (2008).
Kraft M.D., Michalski J.R., Rampe E.B., Sharp T.G. Emplacement of regional high-silica deposits on Mars. Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta (2008).
Kraft, M.D., Michalski, J.R., Sharp, T.G., and Rampe, E.B. An aqueous weathering model for middle and high latitude regions of Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, (2008).
McAdam A.C., Hoffman E.J., Coleman A., Sharp T.G., Harvey R.P. Iron oxides in ferrar dolerite weathering products (Martian soil analogs). MAPS (2008).
McAdam, A.C., Zolotov, M.Yu., Mironenko, M.V., and Sharp, T.G. Formation of Martiian silica-rich deposits through rock alteration. LPI (2008).
Rampe E.B., Kraft M.D., Rogers A.D., Sharp T.G. The effects of chemical weathering on bulk chemistry derived from TIR spectral models. Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta (2008).
Rampe E.B., Kraft, M.D., Rogers, A.D., Sharp T.G. Effects of chemical weathering on detection of igneous minerals in thermal infrared spectral models. LPI (2008).
Rampe, E.B., Kraft, M.D., Sharp, T.G., Williams, L., and Turners, A. Characterization of Natural Mixed-Layer Illite/Smectite and Physical Mixtures of Illite and Smectite Using TIR and VNIR Spectroscopy: Are Mixed-Layer Clays on Mars?. Trans. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl (2008).
Rieck, K.D., Hervig R.L., and Sharp T.G. Lithium isotope analysis of eucrite minerals: implications for thermal history of 4 Vesta. LPI (2008).
Sharp T.G., Xie Z., De Carli P.S. Shock veins in L6 chondrites and constraints on the impact history of the L6 parent body. MAPS (2008).
Sharp, T.G., Du Franw, W., Diedrich, T., Marton, F. and Leinenweber, K. Constraints on the H2O content of subducting slabs from olivine-ringwoodite transformation kinetics. Trans. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., T13C-1967 (2008).
Sharp, T.G., Xie Z. and De Carli, P.S. Shock veins inL6 chondrite RC106 and constraints on the impact history of the L6 parent body. LPI (2008).
Xie Z.D., Sharp T.G., Lemenweber K., DeCarli P.S. Natural occurrence of a new mineral with an olivine structure and pyroxene composition in the shock-induced melt veins of Tenham L6 chondrite. MAPS (2008).
Xie, Z., Wang, H., Sharp. T.G. and DeCarli, P.S. New evidence for an impact origin of Taihu lake, China: Possible trigger of the extinction of LiangChu Culture 4500 years ago. Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., (2008).
Joseph Michalski, Stephen Reynolds, Paul Niles, Thomas Sharp, Philip Christensen. Alteration mineralogy in detachment zones: Insights from Swansea, Arizona. Geosphere (2007).
McAdam, Amy, Zolotov, Mikhail, Mironenko, M, Sharp, Thomas, McAdam, Amy, Zolotov, Mikhail, Mironenko, M, Sharp, Thomas, McAdam, Amy, Zolotov, Mikhail, Sharp, Thomas, Mironenko, M. Preferential Low-pH Dissolution of Pyroxene in Plagioclase-Pyroxene Mixtures and Implications for Martian Low-Albedo Regions. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII (2007).
Z Xie, Thomas Sharp. Host rock solid-state transformation in a shock-induced melt vein of Tenham L6 chondrite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2007).
B De Gregorio, Thomas Sharp. The structure and distribution of carbon in the 3.5 Ga Apex chert: implications for the biogenicity of Earth's oldest putative microfossils. American Mineralogist (2006).
J Michalski, M Kraft, Thomas Sharp, L Williams, P Christensen. Thermal emission spectroscopy of clay minerals and clay-bearing rocks: Application to Martian surface mineralogy. JGR-Planets (2006).
J Michalski, M Kraft, Thomas Sharp, P Christensen. Effects of chemical weathering on infrared spectra of Columbia River Basalt and spectral interpretations of martian alteration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2006).
J Mosenfelder, T Diedrich, E Soignard, Thomas Sharp, J Tyburczy, Y Wang, K Leinenweber. High-pressure cells for in-situ multi-anvil experiments. High Pressure Research (2006).
Kurt Leinenweber, J. Mosenfelder, T. Diedrich, Emmanuel Soignard, Thomas Sharp, James Tyburczy, James Tyburczy, Y. Wang. High-pressure cells for in-situ multi-anvil experiments. High Pressure Research (2006).
T Glotch, P Christensen, Thomas Sharp. Fresnel Modeling of Hematite Crystal Surfaces and Application to Martian Hematite Spherules. Icarus (2006).
W Hsu, Y Guan, X Hua, L Leshin, Thomas Sharp, Y Wang. Aqueous alteration of opaque assemblages in the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite: evidence from opaque assemblages in oxygen isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2006).
Z Xie, Thomas Sharp, P De Carli. Estimating shock pressures based on high-pressure minerals in shock-induced melt veins of L chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science (2006).
Z Xie, Thomas Sharp, P De Carli. High pressure phases in a shock-induced melt vein of Tenham L6 Chondrite: Constraints on shock pressure and duration. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2006).
Mosenfelder, J L (Author) ,Sharp, Thomas (Author) ,Asimow, P D (Author) ,Rossman, G R (Author) . Hydrogen incorporation in natural mantle olivines. Earth's Deep Water Cycle (2006).
Mosenfelder, J L (Author) ,Sharp, Thomas (Author) ,Asimow, P D (Author) ,Rossman, GR (Author) . Hydrogen incorporation in natural mantle olivines. Earth's Deep Water Cycle, Geophysical Monograph Series 168 (2006).
Sharp, Thomas (Author) ,De Carli, P S (Author) . Shock effects in meteorites. Meteorites and the Early Solar System II (2006).
J Michalski, M Kraft, Thomas Sharp, L Williams, P Christensen. Mineralogical constraints on the high-silica Martian surface component by TES: Clay-rich mineralogy cannot explain the Acidalia Planitia-type spectra. Icarus (2005).
X Hau, G Huss, S Tochibana, Thomas Sharp. Oxygen, Si and Mn-Cr isotopic composition of fayolite in the oxidized Kaba CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. Geochim. Cosmoschim. Acta (2005).
A El Goresy, L Dubrovinsky, Thomas Sharp, M Chen. Stishovite and post-stishovite polymorphs of silica in the Shergotty meteorite: their nature, petrographic settings versus theoretical predictions and relevance to the Earth's mantle. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (2004).
J Michalski, S Reynolds, P Christensen, Thomas Sharp. Thermal infrared compositional analysis of natural bedrock surfaces in the Sacaton Mountains, Arizona. Journal of Geophysical Research (2004).
J Moreau, Thomas Sharp. A transmission electron microscopy study of silica and kerogen biosignatures in ~1.9 Ga Gunflint microfossils. Astrobiology (2004).
R Hervig, F Mazdab, L Danielson, Thomas Sharp, A Hamed, P Williams. SIMS microanalysis for gold in silicates. American Mineralogist (2004).
T Glotch, R Morris, P Christensen, Thomas Sharp. Effect of precursor mineralogy on the thermal infrared emission spectra of hematite: application to Martian hematite mineralization. Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets (2004).
Z Xie, Thomas Sharp. High-pressure phases in shock-induced melt veins of the Umbarger L6 chondrite: Constraints on shock pressure. Meteoritics & Planetary Science (2004).
DeCarli, P, Aramovich Weaver, C, Xie, Z, Sharp, Thomas. Meteorite studies illuminate phase transition behavior of minerals under shock compression. American Institute of Physics (2004).
Joseph Michalski, M Kraft, T Diedrich, Thomas Sharp, P Christensen. Thermal emission spectroscopy of the silica polymorphs and considerations for remote sensing of Mars. Geophysical research Letters (2003).
M Kraft, J Michalski, Thomas Sharp. Effects of pure silica coatings on thermal emission spectra of basaltic rocks: Considerations for Martian surface mineralogy. Geophysical Research Letters (2003).
N Tomioka, K Fujino, E Ito, T Katsura, Thomas Sharp, T Kato. Microstructures and structural phase transition in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 majorite. European Journal of Mineralogy (2002).
Thomas Sharp, Z Xie, C Aramovich, P DeCarli. Pressure-temperature history of shock veins: a progress report. Meteoritics & Planetary Science (2002).
Z Xie, N Tomioka, Thomas Sharp. Natural occurrence of Fe2SiO4-spinel in the shocked Umbager L6 chondrite. American Mineralogist (2002).
DeCarli, P, Bowden, E, Sharp, Thomas, Jones, A, Price, G. Evidence for kinetic effects on shock wave propagation in tectosilicates. American Institute of Physics (2002).
A El Goresy, L Dubrovinsky, Thomas Sharp, S Saxena, A Chen. A new monoclinic post-stishovite polymorph of silica in the SNC meteorite Shergotty. Science (2000).
A Kontny, H de Wall, Thomas Sharp, M Pósfai. Mineralogy and magnetic properties of natural pyrrhotite from a 260°C section at the KTB Drilling Site, Germany. American Mineralogist (2000).
L Kerschhofer, D Rubie, Thomas Sharp, J McConnell, C Dupas-Bruzek. Mechanisms and kinetics of intracrystalline olivine?ringwoodite transformation. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors (2000).
M Pósfai, Thomas Sharp, A Kontny. Pyrrhotite varieties from the 9.1 km deep borehole of the KTB project. American Mineralogist (2000).
Dalton, Heather, Sharp, Thomas, Holloway, John, Dalton, Heather, Sharp, Thomas, Holloway, John. INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF WATER ON A MARTIAN MANTLE COMPOSITION. Lunar and Planetary Sceince Conference Abstracts (0).
Kraaft, Michael, Sharp, Thomas, Michalski, Joeseph, Rampe, Elizabeth. Combined Thermal and Near Infrared Spectra of Hydrous Silica Coatings: Implications. Lunar and Planetary Sceince Conference Abstracts (0).
Research Activity
Sharp,Thomas*. Arizona Space Grant Consortium. UNIV OF AZ(4/23/2015 - 4/22/2016).
Sharp,Thomas*. ASCENDing Further: Engaging More Students from Community Colleges in STEM Activities through Expansion of the Arizona Space Grant Consortium. UNIV OF AZ(9/19/2014 - 9/18/2016).
Anbar,Ariel David*, Anbar,Ariel David*, Bell,David R, Bell,David R, Boonstra,Sheri Klug, Garnero,Edward, Hannah,Mark A, Hartnett,Hilairy, Hartnett,Hilairy, Mcnamara,Allen Kieth, Sharp,Thomas, Shim,Sang-Heon, Shock,Everett, Shock,Everett. FESD Type I: The Dynamics of Earth System Oxygenation. NSF-GEO(9/1/2013 - 8/31/2018).
Sharp,Thomas*. Using shock metamorphism in meteorites to explore the impact history of the solar system. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(6/13/2013 - 6/12/2016).
Leinenweber,Kurt D*, Sharp,Thomas, Tyburczy,James Albert. Multi-Anvil Cell Development Project. UNIV OF ILLINOIS - CHAMP/URBAN(6/1/2012 - 5/31/2017).
Moore,Gordon M*, Buseck,P R, Buseck,P R, Hervig,Richard Lokke, Hodges,Kip Vernon, Sharp,Thomas. Acquisition of a new electron microprobe at Arizona State University. NSF-GEO-EAR(11/1/2010 - 10/31/2011).
Sharp,Thomas*. Effects of shock metamorphism on phyllosilicate spectroscopy. PLANETARY SCIENCE INSTITUTE(6/30/2010 - 6/29/2015).
Sharp,Thomas*, Kiaei,Sayfe. Arizona Space Grant Consortium (Annual - Yr 1). UNIV OF AZ(4/9/2010 - 2/14/2016).
Leinenweber,Kurt D*, Buseck,P R, Haussermann,Ulrich, Sharp,Thomas, Tyburczy,James Albert, Yarger,Jeffery Lynn. Upgrade of the Multi-Anvil High-Pressure Facility at Arizona State University. NSF-GEO-EAR(7/1/2009 - 6/30/2012).
Sharp,Thomas*. The effect of trace amounts of H2O on the rates and mechanisms of olivine and enstatite phase transformations in Earth's mantle transition zone. NSF-GEO-EAR(7/1/2009 - 9/30/2013).
Sharp,Thomas*. Constraining the impact history of meteorite parent bodies from shock metamorphism. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(4/1/2009 - 3/31/2013).
Carpenter,Ray W*, Buseck,P R, Crozier,Peter, Drucker,Jeffery S, Mahajan,Subhash, Mccartney,Martha Rogers, Newman,Nathan, Rez,Peter, Sharma,Renu, Sharp,Thomas, Smith,David John, Spence,John Charles, Treacy,Michael Matthew John. MRI: Acquisition of an aberration corrected high resolution analytical transmission electron micro for advanced materials research. NSF-MPS-DMR(10/1/2008 - 8/31/2014).
Wadhwa,Meenakshi*, Wadhwa,Meenakshi*, Buseck,P R, Buseck,P R, Sharp,Thomas. Isotopic Investigations of Meteorites. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(4/1/2008 - 3/31/2013).
Sharp,Thomas*. Effects of Secondary Silicates on Remote Sensing Measurements and Interpretations: Implication for the Composition and Alteration of the Martian Crus. NASA-JOHNSON SPACE CTR(8/1/2007 - 4/30/2011).
Thornton,Trevor John*, Barnaby,Hugh James, Burleson,Winslow S, Burleson,Winslow S, Sharp,Thomas. EEE498/591: Electronics and Instrumentation for Extreme Environment Systems. JPL(7/31/2007 - 7/20/2008).
Hodges,Kip Vernon*, Hester,John Jeffrey, Johnson,Julia K, Reynolds,Stephen James, Semken,Steven, Sharp,Thomas, Tyburczy,James Albert, Whipple,Kelin X. Redesign of the Course GLG 101 Intro to Geology I to ASU. AZ BOARD OF REGENTS(7/15/2007 - 6/30/2009).
Leinenweber,Kurt D*, Sharp,Thomas, Tyburczy,James Albert. COMPRES: Community Facilities and Infrastructure Development for High Pressure Mineral Physics and Geosciences. SUNY STONY BROOK(5/1/2007 - 7/31/2010).
Sharp,Thomas*. Mineralogy and Microstructure of Basalt Weathering Rinds and Their Spectral Signatures in Thermal Infrared and visible/Near Infrared Spectra: Fundamen. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(6/1/2006 - 5/31/2010).
Sharp,Thomas*. Shock Metamorphism in Meteorites: Constraining Shock Conditions and Impact History. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(4/1/2006 - 3/31/2010).
Sharp,Thomas*. Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Thermal Emission Spectroscopy of Poorly Crystalline Alteration Products and Basalt Weathering Rinds: Fundamental Research. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(6/15/2005 - 6/14/2007).
Sharp,Thomas*. Arizona Space Grant Consortium Cycle 4 (Annual - Yr 1). UNIV OF AZ(3/1/2005 - 2/28/2011).
Sharp,Thomas*. Resolving the Biogenicity of Earth's Oldest Microfossils Using Electron Energy-Loss and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy. NASA-GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CTR(7/1/2004 - 6/30/2007).
Sharp,Thomas*, Reed,Helen Louise. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COMPETITION. UNIV OF AZ(9/1/2002 - 4/30/2005).
Leinenweber,Kurt D*, Sharp,Thomas, Tyburczy,James Albert. CONSORTIUM FOR MATERIAL PROPERTY RESEARCH IN THE EARTH SCIENCES (COMPRES). SUNY STONY BROOK(5/1/2002 - 11/30/2008).
Sharp,Thomas*, Reed,Helen Louise. ARIZONA SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM (ANNUAL - YR 7). UNIV OF AZ(2/1/2002 - 4/30/2005).
Farmer,Jack*, Blankenship,Robert E, Buseck,P R, Buseck,P R, Christensen,Philip R, Cronin,John Read, Dowling,Thomas Edmunds, Dowling,Thomas Edmunds, Elser,James Joseph, Elser,James Joseph, Fagan,William Fredric, Garcia-Pichel,Ferran, Greeley,Ronald, Holloway,John Requa, Knauth,L Paul, Leshin,Laurie Ann, Mccartney,Martha Rogers, Minckley,W L, Oday,Peggy Anne, Pizzarello,Sandra, Sharp,Thomas, Tang,Carol Marie. EXPLORING THE LIVING UNIVERSE: ORIGIN, EVOLUTION & DISTRIBUTION OF LIFE IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM. NASA-AMES RESEARCH CTR(7/1/1998 - 12/31/2004).
De Gregorio, B, Sharp, Thomas, Flynn, G. Structure, Bonding, and Composition of Precambrian Carbonaceous Materials: Evidence of Early Life or Abiotic Processes?. AGU Fall Meeting (Dec 2006).
Kraft, M, Michalski, J, Sharp, Thomas, Rampe, E. Recent Near-Neutral Chemical Weathering of Martian High-Latitude Surfaces. AGU Fall Meeting (Dec 2006).
Marton, F, Diedrich, T, Sharp, Thomas. Effect of Water on Olivine Metastability in Subducting Lithosphere. AGU Fall Meeting (Dec 2006).
Sharp, Thomas, Diedrich, T, DuFrane, W, Leinenweber, K. Subduction of hydrated lithosphere: small amounts of H2O would eliminate metastable olivine in the transition zone. AGU, Fall Meeting (Dec 2006).
Xie, Z, Sharp, Thomas, DeCarli, P. Ringwoodite Lamellae in Olivine from the S6 Chondrite Tenham: The Transformation Mechanism. AGU Fall Meeting (Dec 2006).
Rampe, E, Kraft, M, Sharp, Thomas, Michalski, J. Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy and Modeled Mineralogy of Fine-Grained Mineral Mixtures: Implications for Martian Surface Mineralogy. AGU Fall Meeting (Dec 2006).
Sharp, Thomas, Kraft, M, Michalski, J, Rampe, E. Mineralogy and Microtexture of Weathered Basalt Effect TIR Spectra. 16th Annual Goldschmidt Conference (Aug 2006).
McAdam, A, Zolotov, M, Mironenko, M, Leshin, L, Sharp, Thomas. Low pH weathering of Mars analog lithologies: Thermodynamic modeling. 16th Annual Goldschmidt Conference (Aug 2006).
Michalski, J, Kraft, M, Sharp, Thomas. Assessing martian surface alteration from thermal infrared observations. 16th Annual Goldschmidt Conference (Aug 2006).
Rampe, E, Kraft, M, Sharp, Thomas, Michalski, J. Effects of secondary material on thermal emission spectra of primary minerals in controlled mixing experiments. 16th Annual Goldschmidt Conference (Aug 2006).
Kraft, M, Michalski, J, Sharp, Thomas, Rampe, E. Linking Mineralogy and Microtexture to Thermal Infrared Spectra of Weathered Basalt. 16th Annual Goldschmidt Conference (Aug 2006).
Sharp, Thomas. High-Pressure Minerals in Meteorites: Deep Earth Minerals and Collisions in the Solar System. University of MilanDepartment of Earth Science Colloquium (May 2006).
Kraft, M, Rampe, E, Sharp, Thomas, Michalski, J. Thermal emission spectroscopy of mixtures of primary and secondary minerals mixed in controlled experiments. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (Apr 2006).
Klug, S, Sharp, Thomas, Jackson, C. Teaching, modeling and mentoring graduate and undergraduate NASA Space Grant students on how to be effective in STEM outreach using immersive experiences, personal storytelling and focused educational opportunities. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (Apr 2006).
Kraft, M, Michalski, J, Sharp, Thomas. Thermal emission spectral modeling of weathered basalt surfaces. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (Apr 2006).
Carlil, De, P S Xie, Z, Sharp, Thomas. Modeling the impact histories of veined chondrites. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (Apr 2006).
De Gregorio, B, Sharp, Thomas. Possible abiotic formation of kerogen-like carbon in the Strelley Pool Chert. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (Apr 2006).
McAdam, A, Zolotov, M, Mironenko, M, Leshin, L, Sharp, Thomas. Aqueous chemical weathering og a Mars analog lithology: kinetic modeling for a Ferrar Dolertie composition. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (Apr 2006).
Wright, S, Christensen, P, Sharp, Thomas. Thermal emission spectroscopy of shocked basalt from the Earth and Mars: A review plus new insights. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (Apr 2006).
Xie, Z, Sharp, Thomas. Ringwoodite lamellae in olivine from the L6S6 chondrite Tenham: constraints on the transformation mechanism. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (Apr 2006).
De Carli, P, Xie, Z, Sharp, Thomas. Mechanisms for melt vein formation in meteorites. Meteoritical Society Meeting (Sep 2005).
Sharp, Thomas, Xie, Z, De Carli, P. Melt-Vein Crystallization as an Alternative Means of Constraining Shock Pressures in Chondrites. Meteoritical Society Meeting (Sep 2005).
Sharp, Thomas, Diedrich, T, Leinenweber, K. The influence of D2O on the mechanisms and kinetics of the olivine-ringwoodite phase transition. Study of Materials Extreme Conditions Meeting (Apr 2005).
Diedrich, T, Sharp, Thomas, Leinenweber, K. Experimental determination of the effect of H2O on olivine-ringwoodite growth rates. Study of Materials Extreme Conditions Meeting (Apr 2005).
Hua, X, Wang, Y, Hsu, W, Sharp, Thomas. Fremdlinge inclusions in chondrules and matrix of the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI (Mar 2005).
Kraft, M, Michalski, J, Sharp, Thomas. Palagonite-like alteration products on the Earth and Mars 2; Secondary mineralogy of crystalline basalts weathered under semi-arid conditions. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI (Mar 2005).
Danielson, L, Sharp, Thomas, Hervig, R. Implications for core formation of the Earth from high pressure-temperatures of Au partitioning. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI (Mar 2005).
De Gregorio, B, Sharp, Thomas, Flynn, G. A comparison of the structure and bonding of carbon in Apex Chert kerogenous material and Fischer-Tropsch-type carbons. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI (Mar 2005).
McAdam, A, Leshin, L, Sharp, Thomas, Harvey, R, Hoffman, E. Investigation of weathering products of Martian meteorite analog materials and implications for the formation of Martian surface fine. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI (Mar 2005).
Michalski, J, Kraft, M, Sharp, Thomas, Christensen, P. Palagonite-like alteration products on the Earth and Mars 1; Spectroscopy (0.4 - 25 µm) of weathered basalts and silicate alteration products. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI (Mar 2005).
Moore, J, Bullock, M, Sharp, Thomas, Quinn, R. Mars-analog evaporite experiment: Initial results. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI (Mar 2005).
Xie, Z, Sharp, Thomas, De Carli, P. Pressure histories from thin and thick shock-induced veins in meteorites. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI (Mar 2005).
Kraft, M, Michalski, J, Sharp, Thomas. Thermal emission spectra of secondary silicates formed in arid-zone basalt weathering. Geol. Assoc. Can. - Min. Assoc. Can. Combined Meeting (May 2004).
De Gregorio, B, Sharp, Thomas. Structure and bonding of kerogen in the Apex Chert: distinguishing biogenic carbon from Fischer-Tropsch-type carbon using energy loss spectroscopy. Astrobiology Science Conference (Apr 2004).
Michalski, J, Kraft, M, Sharp, Thomas, Williams, L, Christensen, P. Thermal emission spectroscopy of smectites: Implications for the TES andesite-weathered basalt debate. LPSC XXXV (Mar 2004).
Kraft, M, Michalski, J, Sharp, Thomas. High-silica rock coatings: TES surface-type 2 and chemical weathering on Mars. LPSC 2004 (Mar 2004).
Sharp, Thomas. Planetary Science Institute Public Lecture (Feb 2004).
Sharp, Thomas. RSES Earth Materials Group (Sep 2003).
Danielson, L, Sharp, Thomas, Hervig, R. High P and T partitioning of Au:constraints on core formation. Abstracts of the 12th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference (Aug 2002).
Sharp, Thomas. Department of Geological Sciences Seminar (Feb 2001).
Sharp, Thomas. Department of Earth and Environmental Science Seminar (Nov 2000).
Sharp, Thomas. Department of Geological Sciences Colloquium (Oct 2000).
Sharp, Thomas. Geology Club (Jan 2000).
Sharp, Thomas. Shock Physics Group (Jan 2000).
Sharp, Thomas. (Jan 2000).
De Gregorio, B, Sharp, Thomas. Kerogen distribution in oxide bearing microfossils from the Gunflint Formation. Astrobiology Science Conference
DeCarli, P, Sharp, Thomas, Xie, Z, Aramovich, C. Pressure-temperature history of shock-induced melt veins. AGU Fall Meet
Diedrich, T, Holloway, J, Sharp, Thomas. Effect of Surface Chemistry on Mineral-Promoted Abiotic Organic Synthesis in Early Terrestrial Planet Hydrothermal Systems. 2nd Astrobiology Science Conference
El Goresey, A, Dubrovinsky, L, Sharp, Thomas, Chen, M. Natural poststishovite polymorphs of silica: their nature versus predictions and relevance to the Earth's Mantle. High-pressure Mineral Physics Seminar
Hua, X, Huss, G, Sharp, Thomas. 53Mn-53Cr dating of fayalite formation in the kaba CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. LPSC XXXIII CD-ROM
Hua, X, Li, J, Sharp, Thomas, Buseck, P. Oscillatory zoning and aqueous alteratoin of fayalitic olivine from the LEW 90500 CM2 Chondrite. MAPS
Hua, X, Sharp, Thomas. Melt and polymineralic inclusions in chondrule silicates from QUE99038 CM2 carbonaceous chondrites: witness of chondrule formation in the early solar system. LPSC XXXIII CD-ROM
Kraft, M, Michalski, J, Sharp, Thomas. Silica-Coated Basalt on Mars: A New Interpretation of Dark-Region Thermal-Emission Spectra. AGU Fall Meet
Kraft, M, Sharp, Thomas, Trueba, A, Diedrich, T. Thermal emission spectra of red oxidized olivine: implications for olivine on Mars. LPSC XXXIII
Michalski, J, Sharp, Thomas, Kraft, M, Christensen, P. Emission spectroscopy of silica minerals and implications for remote sensing of Mars and Earth. GSA national meeting
Sharp, Thomas, El Goresy, A. High-pressure mineral assemblages in shocked chondritic meteorites: A window to constituents in Earth's transition zone and lower mantle. Goldschmidt Conference 2002 Abstracts
Sharp, Thomas, Leshin, L. Sample collection for investigation of mars (SCIM): an early mars sample return mission through the Mars Scout Program. LPSC XXXIII CDROM
Sharp, Thomas, El Goresy, A, Chen, M. Nanocrystalline maskelynite in the Sixiangkou and Tenham L-6 chondrites: Microstructures of shocked plagioclase with the hollandite structure. LPSC XXXI
Xie, Z, Sharp, Thomas. Mineralogy of shock-induced melt veins in chondrites as a function of shock grade. LPSC XXXI
Danielson, L, Sharp, Thomas, Hervig, R. Partitioning of gold in sulfidesilicate melts at high pressures: implications for core formation of the Earth. Goldschmidt Conference
DeCarli, P, Bowden, E, Sharp, Thomas, Jones, A, Price, G. Evidence for Kinetic Effects on Shock wave Metamorphism: Laboratory experiments Compared with Inferences from Studies of Natural Impact Craters. LPSC XXXII
Hua, X, Sharp, Thomas. Polymineralic Inclusions in Chondritic Silicate from Carbonaceaous Chondrites: Records of Heating and Cooling in the Early Solar System. LPSC XXXII
Hua, X, Wang, J, Huss, G, Sharp, Thomas, Buseck, P. Si-Isotope Fractionation in Silicate Minerals from Chondritic Meteorites: A Possible New probe for Early Solar System Proceses. LPSC XXXII
Moreau, J, Sharp, Thomas. Mineralogical, Microstructural and Chemical Biosignitures of Microfossils: an electron Microscope Study. LPSC XXXII
Sharp, Thomas. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting
Sharp, Thomas, Xie, Z, Tomioka, N. Shock-Induced Melt Veins in Chondrites: Crystallization History vs. Shock History. LPSC XXXII
Xie, Z, Tomioka, N, Sharp, Thomas. High-Pressure Phases in Shock-Induced Melt Veins from the Umbarger L6 Chondrite Constraints on Shock Conditions. LPSC XXXII
Leinenweber, Kurt, Tyburczy, James, Sharp, Thomas, Stoyanov, E. Bridging the piston-cylinder/multianvil gap. American Geophysical Union Fall National Meeting 2007
McAdam, Amy, Zolotov, Mikhail, Mironenko, M., Sharp, Thomas. Formation of Silica Deposits on Mars by Acid Weathering: Physical-Chemical Constraints. American Geopysical Union Fall Meeting
Moreau, J, Sharp, Thomas. Optical and electron microscopic characterization of Precambrian Gunflint microfossils. LPSC XXXI
Sharp, Thomas. Application of thermal emission spectroscopy and remote sensing to studies of K-metasomatism. GSA Annual Meeting
Sharp, Thomas. Determining the Biogenicity of Microfossils in the Apex Chert. LPSC
Sharp, Thomas. Determining the biogenicity of residual carbon within the Apex Chert. GSA Annual Meeting
Sharp, Thomas. Estimating shock pressures from high-pressure minerals in shock-induced melt veins of the chondrites. LPSC
Sharp, Thomas. High-Silica Rock Coatings on Mars. Fall AGU
Sharp, Thomas. Oxygen, Si and Mn-Cr isotopic composition of fayolite. LPSC
Sharp, Thomas. Partitioning of Au up to 23 GPa: Implications for core formation of the Earth. Fall AGU
Sharp, Thomas. Spectroscopy of silica and the remote detection. Spring AGU
Sharp, Thomas. TEM observations of amorphized silicate-perovskite, akimotoite, and Ca-rich majorite. LPSC
Sharp, Thomas. The distribution of shock-induced high-pressure minerals in chondrite Skip Wilson. LPSC
Sharp, Thomas. Thermal emission spectra of silica-coated basalt and considerations for Martian surface mineralogy. LPSC
Danielson, L, Sharp, Thomas, Leinenweber, K. New Results from High Pressure Phase Equilibria Experiments on the Richardton H-Chondrite. AGU Fall Meeting
Sharp, Thomas, Jung, H, Gerald, Fitz, John, Karato. Dislocation microstructures and dissociation in deformed olivine displaying the A-, B- and C-type Fabrics. AGU Fall Meeting
Xie, Z, Sharp, Thomas, De Carli, P. Shock veins as recorders of shock pressures in chondrites: Pressure histories from thin vs. thick veins. AGU Fall Meeting
Michalski, J, Rogers, D, Kraft, M, Christensen, P, Sharp, Thomas. Evidence for high-silica, sulfate-bearing sedimentary rocks in Acidalia Planitia from TES and THEMIS data. AGU Fall Meeting
Mosenfelder, J, Sharp, Thomas, Asimow, P, Rossman, G. Hydrogen in Olivines From the Colorado Plateau: Implications for Water in the Mantle and the Alpe Arami Controversy. AGU Fall Meeting
De Gregorio, B, Sharp, Thomas, Flynn, G. Structural Disorder and Origin of Kerogen in the Apex Chert: A Comparison With Fischer-Tropsch-Type Carbon. AGU Fall Meeting
Diedrich, T, Sharp, Thomas, Hervig, R, Leinenweber, K. Investigation into the Effect of H2O on Olivine-Ringwoodite Transformation Kinetics. AGU Fall Meeting
Kraft, M, Michaslski, J, Sharp, Thomas, Christensen, P. Mineralogy of Natural Basalt Weathering Rinds With Application to Thermal Emission Spectra of Mars. AGU Fall Meeting
Michalski, J, Kraft, M, Sharp, Thomas, Christensen, P. The mineralogy of natural rocks surfaces from thermal emission spectroscopy: Terrestrial studies. Geological Society of America Meeting
De Carli, P, Xie, Z, Sharp, Thomas. Modeling the chondrite impact histories revealed by high-pressure minerals in melt veins. AGU Fall Meeting
Leinenweber, K, Tyburczy, J, Sharp, Thomas, Soignard, E, Diedrich, T, Petuskey, W, Mosenfelder, J. Performance of the COMPRES multi-anvil high-pressure assemblies. AGU, Fall Meet
McAdam, A, Leshin, L, Sharp, Thomas, Harvey, R, Farquar, J. Characterization of an Antarctic Mars analog soil and implications for martian weathering processes. AGU Fall Meeting
Kraft, M, Michalski, J, Sharp, Thomas. Effects of Weathering on Basaltic Rocks and Their Thermal Emission Spectra: Implications for Evaluating Mars Mineralogy and Weathering. AGU Fall Meeting
Michalski, J, Kraft, M, Sharp, Thomas, Christensen, P. Constraints on the global-scale chemical weathering state of mars from TES results based on spectral analysis of chemically weathered basalts. AGU Fall Meeting
Sharp, Thomas, Xie, Z, De Carli, P. The impact history of chondrites as revealed by high-pressure minerals. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
American Geophyscial Union Fall Meeting, Special Session Organizer (2009 - Present)
COMPRES/Infrastructure Development Committee, Committee chair (2006 - Present)
COMPRES/Infrastructure Development Committee, Committee member (2006 - Present)
COMPRES/Infrastructure Development Committee Chair, Committee member (2006 - Present)
AGU Mineral and Rock Physics Focus Group Award Committee, Member (2005 - Present)
ASU/Space Grant Program, Director (2005 - Present)
ASU/Space Grant Program, Director (2005 - Present)
Arizona NASA Space Grant Consortium, Associate Director (2005 - Present)
Arizona NASA Space Grant Consortium, Associate Director (2005 - Present)
Arizona NASA Space Grant Consortium, Associate Director (2005 - Present)
Earth Science Day Departmental Outreach Event, Chair (2005 - Present)
Earth Science Day Departmentla Outreach Event, Chair (2005 - Present)
Earth Science Day Departmentla Outreach Event, Chair (2005 - Present)
NASA Arizona Space Grant Consortium, Outreach coordinator (2005 - Present)
NASA Arizona Space Grant, ASU, Associate Director (2005 - Present)
American Mineralogist, Associate editor (2004 - Present)
COMPRESS ASU electorate, Electorate for ASU membership (2003 - Present)
COMPRESS ASU electorate, Electorate for ASU membership (2003 - Present)
AGU Mineral and Rock Physics Focus Group, Member (2000 - Present)
ASU/ School of Earth and Space Exploration, Undergraduate Advisor (2005 - 2007)