Ramon Velazquez
Phone: 480 9654452
Mail code: 7601Campus: Tempe
(Accepting PhD students for Fall 2025)
See link to student success stories: https://velazquezlab-asu.github.io/studentsuccess.html
Dr. Ramon Velazquez is an Assistant Professor at the Arizona State University (ASU) School of Life Sciences and a member of the ASU-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center. His research focuses on 1) identifying pathogenic mechanisms in the neurodegenerative process resulting from environmental factors; and 2) developing therapeutic strategies to slow progression of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease and Down Syndrome. Dr. Velazquez received his PhD in Neuroscience at Cornell University in 2014 and completed a post-doc at ASU, funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) research fellowships. He is principal investigator and co-investigator of numerous grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and serves as a standing member of the NIH Chronic Dysfunction and Integrative Neurodegeneration study section. He is also director of the “Workforce Inclusion in Neuroscience through Undergraduate Research Experience” program, with the goal of exposing underrepresented minorities to research opportunities and neuroscience PhD programs. Dr. Velazquez is a mPI of a new NIH T32 Program (2024-2029), combining training for PhD students in Alzheimer’s disease biology and the artificial Intelligence space.
WINURE program website: https://sols.asu.edu/research/winure
AD and AI T32 program: https://asupredoct32alzhbioai.github.io/index.html
- Postdoctoral Fellow. ASU NDRC (2014-2019)
- Ph.D. Cornell University, Ithaca NY (Aug. 2008- Aug 2014)
- B.A. California State University, Long Beach (May 2002- May 2007)
As a neuroscientist, I have been mainly interested in deciphering the early molecular events that contribute to the pathogenesis of various neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. In particular, I am interested in identifying new therapeutic targets for discovery of drugs that can ameliorate disease progression. Our lab uses a combination of post mortem human brain tissue in addition to various lines of animal models of Down Syndrome (DS), Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) to test our hypotheses. I strongly believe that in order to progress outcomes within research, collaborations are key. Sharing knowledge through publications, mentorship, teaching and public seminars have been key to furthering my scientific career. My ultimate goal is to make a large impact by both progressing science and consecutively helping those who suffer from insidious diseases.
Given that the elderly is the fastest growing population in our society and that age is the single most important risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), there is an urgent need to understand the mechanisms contributing to AD pathology. Doing so, we will be able to develop strategies by which we can prevent the incidence of AD, as well as help those that are currently in advanced stages of this disease. One of the most fruitful approaches for studying neurodegenerative diseases stems from utilizing a multidisciplinary strategy. My graduate and early postdoctoral studies have shaped me into a well-rounded neuroscientist with this type of multidisciplinary approach, as I received extensive training in behavioral neuroscience, animal models of disease, neurobiology and molecular neuroscience. This allows us to ask questions at multiple levels of analysis.
Current projects
See link to learn more about our most uptodate projects
Techniques performed in our laboratory
- Development and usage of genetic mouse models of Down syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease (e.g. Ts65Dn, APP/PS1, PS19, APP Knock-in).
- Immunohistochemistry
- Western blot assay
- Confocal Microscopy
- MBF unbiased stereology and Neurolucida dendritic spine quantification
- Genotyping and qPCR
- Behavioral assessment in mice (Rota Rod, Morris water maze, Radial arm water maze)
- Automated behavioral assessment in mice using the TSE IntelliCage system
Judd JM, Winslow W, McDonough I, Mistry F and Velazquez R, 2024. "Modifying reaction time tasks parameters in the automated IntelliCage identifies heightened impulsivity and impaired attention in the 3xTg-AD model of Alzheimer’s disease." Front. Aging Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2024.1466415
Bartholomew SK, Winslow W, Sharma R, Pathak KV, Tallino S, Judd J, Leon H, Pirrotte P, Velazquez R, 2024. "Glyphosate exposure exacerbates neuroinflammation and Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology despite a 6-month recovery period in mice." J. Neuroinflammation, PMID: 39633366.
Press release: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/12/241204113640.htm
Tallino S, Etebari R, McDonough I, Leon H, Sepulveda I, Winslow W, Bartholomew SK, Perez S, Mufson E, Velazquez R, 2024. "Dietary choline supplementation in adult Down syndrome mice enhances health outcomes". Nutrients, https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16234167
Judd JM, Jasbi P, Winslow W, Serrano GE, Klein-Seetharaman J, Beach T, Velazquez R, 2023. "Inflammation and the pathological progression of Alzheimer's disease are associated with low circulating choline levels. Acta Neuropathologica, PMID: 37548694
Press release: https://news.asu.edu/20230807-new-research-links-low-choline-levels-blo…
Ávila C, Suazo C, Nolz J, Cochran JN, Wang Q, Velazquez R, Dammer E, Readhead B, Mastroeni D, 2023. Reduced PIN1 gene expression in neocortical and limbic brain regions in female Alzheimer’s patients correlates with cognitive and neuropathological phenotypes. Neurobiology of Aging. PMID: 38964013
Tallino S, Winslow W, Velazquez R, 2023. "Pathological trajectory in the Ts65Dn model of Down syndrome." Aging, PMID: 36707069
Dave N, Judd JM, Decker A, Winslow W, Sarette P, Villarreal Espinosa O, Tallino S, Bartholomew SK, Bilal A, Sandler J, McDonough I, Winstone JK, Blackwood EA, Glembotski C, Karr T, Velazquez R, 2023. "Dietary choline intake is necessary to prevent systems-wide organ pathology and reduce Alzheimer's disease hallmarks." Aging Cell, 00, e13775. PMID: 36642814 Press release: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/01/230117193006.htm
Winstone JK, Pathak K, Winslow W, Piras IS, White J, Sharma R, Huentelman MJ, Pirrotte P, Velazquez. "Glyphosate infiltrates the brain and increases pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFα: implications for neurodegenerative disorders." J. Neuroinflammation, PMID: 35897073
Press release: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-science/2022/08/29/a…
Tallino S, Winslow W, Bartholomew SK, Velazquez R, 2022. "Temporal and brain region-specific elevations of soluble Amyloid-β 40-42 in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease." Aging Cell, PMID: 35290711
Powers B, Velazquez R, Strawderman MS, Ginsberg SD, Muson EJ, Strupp BJ, 2021. "Maternal choline supplementation as a potential therapy for Down syndrome: Assessment of effects throughout the lifespan." Front. Aging Neurosci, PMID: 34690739
Winslow W, McDonough I, Tallino S, Decker A, Vural AS, Velazquez R, 2021. "IntelliCage automated behavioral phenotyping reveals behavior deficits in the 3xTg-AD mouse model of Alzheimer's disease associated with brain weight." Front. Aging Neurosci, PMID: 34483889
Dave N, Vural AS, Piras IS, Winslow W, Surendra L, Winstone J, Beach T, Huentelman MJ, Velazquez R, 2021. "Identification of the retinoblastoma binding protein 7 (Rbbp7) as a mediator against tau acetylation and subsequent neuronal loss in Alzheimer’s disease and related tauopathies." Acta Neuropathologica, PMID: 33978814
Press release: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/772698
Mifflin MA, Winslow W, Surendra L, Tallino S, Vural A, Velazquez R, 2021. "Sex differences in the IntelliCage and Morris water maze in the APP/PS1 mouse model of amyloidosis." Neurobiol. of Aging, PMID: 33610962
Velazquez R, Winslow W, Mifflin MA, 2020. "Choline as a prevention for Alzheimer’s Disease." Aging, PMID: 32039834
Velazquez R, Ferreira E, Knowles S, Fux C, Rodin A, Winslow W, Oddo S, 2019. "Life-long choline supplementation ameliorates Alzheimer’s disease pathology and associated cognitive deficits by attenuating microglia activation." Aging Cell, PMID: 31560162
Press release: Common nutrient supplement choline may hold the answers to combating Alzheimer’s
Velazquez R, Meechoovet B, Ow A, Foley C, Shaw A, Smith B, Oddo S, Hulme C, Dunckley T, 2019. "Chronic Dyrk1 Inhibition Delays the Onset of AD-like Pathology in 3xTg-AD Mice." Mol Neurobiol, PMID: 31240602
Velazquez R, Ferreira E, Winslow W, Dave N, Piras I, Naymik M, Huentelman M, Tran A, Caccamo A, Oddo S, 2019. "Maternal choline supplementation ameliorates Alzheimer’s disease pathology by reducing brain homocysteine levels across multiple generations." Mol. Psychiatry, PMID: 30622336
Belfiore R, Rodin A, Ferreira E, Velazquez R, Branca C, Caccamo A, Oddo S, 2018. "Temporal and Regional Progression of Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology in 3xTg-AD mice." Aging Cell, PMID: 30488653
Velazquez R, Tran A, Ferreira E, Turner EC, Oddo S, 2018. "Acute Tau knockdown in the hippocampus of adult mice causes learning and memory deficits." Aging Cell, 17, 1-12. PMID: 29749079
Velazquez R, Tran A, Ishimwe E, Denner L, Dave N, Oddo S, Dineley KT, 2017. "Central insulin dysregulation and energy dyshomeostasis in two mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease." Neurobiol. of Aging 58, 1-13. PMID: 28688899
Powers BP, Kelly CM, Velazquez R, Ash JA, Strawderman MS, Alldred MJ, Ginsberg SD, Mufson EJ, Strupp BJ, 2016. "Maternal choline supplementation in a mouse model of Down syndrome: effects on attention and nucleus basalis/substantia innominata neuron morphology in adult offspring." Neuroscience 340, 501-514. PMID: 27840230
Velazquez R, Shaw DM, Caccamo A, Oddo S, 2016. "Pim1 inhibition as a novel therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer’s disease." Mol Neurodegener. 11, 1 – 14. PMID: 27412291
Powers BP*, Velazquez R*, Kelley CM, Ash JA, Strawderman MS, Alldred MJ, Ginsberg SD, Mufson EJ, Strupp BJ, 2016. "Attentional function and basal forebrain cholinergic neuron morphology during aging in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome." Brain Struct Funct. 221, 4337-4352. PMID: 26719290
Kelley CM, Ash JA, Powers BP, Velazquez R, Alldred MJ, Ikonomovic MD, Ginsberg SD, Strupp BJ, Mufson EJ, 2016. "Effects of Maternal Choline Supplementation on the Septohippocampal Cholinergic System in the Ts65Dn Mouse Model of Down Syndrome." Curr Alzheimer’s Res. 1, 84-96. PMID: 26391045
Strupp BJ, Powers BE, Velazquez R, Ash JA, Kelley CM, Alldred MJ, Strawderman MS, Caudill MA, Mufson EJ, Ginsberg SD, 2016. "Maternal Choline Supplementation: A Potential Prenatal Treatment for Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease." Curr Alzheimer’s Res. 13, 97-106. PMID: 26391046
Talboom JS, Velazquez R, Oddo S, 2015. "The mammalian target of rapamycin at the crossroad of aging and Alzheimer’s disease." Aging and mechanism of disease. PMID: 28721257
Ash JA*, Velazquez R*, Kelley CM, Powers BE, Ginsberg SD, Mufson EJ, Strupp BJ, 2014. "Maternal choline supplementation improves spatial mapping and increases basal forebrain cholinergic neuron number and size in aged Ts65Dn mice." Neurobiol. Dis 70, 32-42. PMID: 24932939
Kelley CM, Powers BP, Velazquez R, Ash JA, Ginsberg SD, Strupp BJ, Mufson EJ, 2014. "Maternal choline supplementation differentially alters the basal forebrain cholinergic system of young-adult Ts65Dn and disomic mice." J Com Neurol. 522, 1390-1410. PMID: 24178831
Kelley CM, Powers BP, Velazquez R, Ash JA, Ginsberg SD, Strupp BJ, Mufson EJ, 2013. "Sex differences in the cholinergic basal forebrain in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease." Brain Pathol. 24, 33-44. PMID: 23802663
- Velazquez R, Ash JA, Powers BE, Kelley CM, Strawderman MS, Luscher ZI, Ginsberg SD, Mufson EJ, Strupp BJ, 2013. "Maternal choline supplementation improves spatial learning and adult hippocampal neurogenesis in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome." Neurobiol. Dis 58, 92-101. PMID: 23643842
Current Funding
- T32 NIH (MPI Wu, Velazquez, Li, Klein-Seetharaman) (2024-2029)
PI on a training grant, immersing PhD students to Alzheimer’s disease via artificial intelligence, clinical immersion, and neurobiology. - ASU Edson Seed Grant (PI Velazquez) (2024-2025)
PI on a seed grant to develop a new Microglial Dyrk1a conditional knockout mouse to understand mechanism tied to inflammation and cytokine release. - R01 AG062500 HHS: NIH (PI Velazquez) (2019-2024)
PI on a grant to identify how the ribosomal protein S6 kinase beta-1 (S6K1) mechanistically links aging and AD. - R01 AG059627 HHS: (NIH PI Velazquez) (2019-2023)
PI on a grant to identify common mechanisms of neurodegeneration between Down syndrome (DS) and AD.
Completed Funding
- R42NS129400-01 Small Business Technology Transfer
(STTR) HHS, NINDS: (PI Dunckley, Hulme; Collaborator Velazquez) (2022-2024)
Collaborator for two years on commercialization of selective Dyrk1a inhibitors for Down Syndrome. - Developmental Research grant (NIH-Arizona Alzheimer's Consortium); PI Velazquez; Co-PI Huentelman TGen; CO-PI Karr, ASU), (2021-2023)
PI on a 2-year grant to investigate the role of Neuronal Rbbp7 as a mediator against tau pathology in Alzheimer’s disease and related tauopathies. - Edson Foundation Seed grant (ASU Foundation; PI Dunckley, Co-PI Velazquez), (2021-2022)
Co-PI on a 1-year grant to test a novel Dyrk1a inhibitor in the 3xTg-AD mouse model of AD. - Edson Foundation Seed grant (ASU Foundation; PI Mastroeni, Co-PI Velazquez), (2021-2022)
Co-PI on a 1-year grant to test whether dysfunctional neuronal mitochondria translocate into neighboring glial cells via tunneling nanotubes. - Edson Foundation Seed grant (ASU Foundation; PI Velazquez; Collaborators TGen; Huentelman and Pirrotte), (2020-2022)
PI on a 2-year grant to determine if glyphosate exposure is associated with cognitive aging and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). - IDSA - The Role of Microbe-induced Necroptotic Death in Tauopathy (PI Jacobs; Co-PI Velazquez), (2020-2021)
Co-PI on a grant to determine mechanisms of cell death in Alzheimer’s disease and related tauopathies. - Alzheimer’s Association International Research Grant (PI Velazquez), (2016-2020)
PI on a 3-year grant to investigate Pim1 inhibition as a novel target for AD leveraging a nanoparticle technology. - P30 AG019610: Pilot grant (PI Velazquez), (2019-2020)
PI on a 1-year grant to collect preliminary data on the Pim1 kinases’ involvement in AD. - National Science Foundation Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, (PI Velazquez), (2016-2018)
PI on a 2-year grant to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms linked to choline supplementation and healthy cognitive aging. - National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2009-2012)
Graduate funding to examine the neural mechanisms associated with maternal choline supplementation cognitive benefits. - Cornell University Sage Graduate Fellowship (2008-2010)
Two-year graduate funding plus 4 summers awarded to top incoming graduate students.
Press Releases
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
NEU 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 360 | Animal Physiology |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BIO 394 | Special Topics |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
NEU 591 | Seminar |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
NEU 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 360 | Animal Physiology |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
NEU 591 | Seminar |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 361 | Animal Physiology Laboratory |
BIO 394 | Special Topics |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
NEU 591 | Seminar |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
NEU 591 | Seminar |
BIO 498 | Pro-Seminar |
NEU 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 360 | Animal Physiology |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
BIO 394 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BIO 493 | Honors Thesis |
BIO 495 | Undergraduate Research |
AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science (Inducted October 2018)
Biology Travel Award (April 2018)
Society for Neuroscience Trainee Professional Development Award (November 2017)
Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation Young Investigator Scholar (July 2017)
James Bradford young scholar Award (June 2012)
Neurobehavioral Teratology Society “Best student presentation Award” (June 2012)
Phi Beta Kappa (inducted May 2007)
AAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science
Society for Neuroscience
Phi Beta Kappa
We are very proud of the accomplishments made by students mentored in the Velazquez lab.
Click here to see our success stories.
Current Trainees
I. Post-Doctoral scholar:
1. Dr. Jessica Judd Ph.D. – Primary mentor of Edson post-doctoral fellow Dr. Judd whose work investigates the mechanistic role of Rbbp7 in tau acetylation and subsequent neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease. (2021 - present).
II. Graduate:
1. Savannah Tallino (Ph.D. student primary mentor) - Primary mentor of Savannah’s graduate work which investigates links between Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease (2021 - present).
2. Samantha Bartholomew (Ph.D. student primary mentor) - Primary mentor of Samantha’s graduate work which investigates the role of Dyrk1a in Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease (2022 - present).
3. James Bonner (Ph.D. student committee member) – On James’s Ph.D. committee whose primary mentor is Dr. Bertram Jacobs (2019 - present) at ASU. His work focuses on mechanisms associated with necroptotic cell death.
4. Chelsea Tran (Ph.D. student committee member) - On Chelsea’s Ph.D. committee whose primary mentor is Dr. Robert Bowser at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix AZ (2020 - present). Her work focuses on deciphering the molecular mechanisms associated with ALS.
5. Sara Walton (Ph.D. student committee member) – On Sara’s Ph.D. committee whose primary mentor is Dr. Jeffrey Kordower (2022 - present) at ASU. Her work focuses on mechanisms associated with Parkinson’s disease.
6. Briana Ondatje (Ph.D. student committee member) – On Briana’s Ph.D. committee whose primary mentor is Dr. Rita Sattler (2022 – present) at ASU. Her work focuses examines the interplay between astrocytes and microglia, and how their interactions with one another contribute to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) onset and progression.
7. Ashton Spillman (Ph.D. student committee member) - On Ashton’s Ph.D. committee whose primary mentors are Drs. Rita Sattler and Fredric Manfredsson (2022 – present) at ASU. His work focuses on the role of microglia in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) onset and progression.
8. Bruna Genisa Costa Lima (Ph.D. student committee member) - On Bruna’s Ph.D. committee whose primary mentor is Dr. Esther Florsheim at ASU (2023-present). Her work focuses on the role of allergens on inflammation and neuronal function.
9. Pavani Dadi (Ph.D. Student committee member) – On Pavani’s Ph.D. committee whose primary mentors are Dr. Dhara Shah and Abishek Shrivastava at ASU. Her work in focused on the understanding the role of gut bacteria in producing critical GABA neurotransmitter.
10. Ashley Ruland (M.S. Student co-chair) – Co-chair of Ashley’s MS committee, whose primary mentor is Dr. Johnathan Lifshitz PhD at the University of Arizona. Her work is focused on mechanism associated with traumatic brain injury.
III. Undergraduate:
1. Rachel Etebari – ASU undergraduate research assistant who is an underrepresented minority and is assisting in various projects in the lab (2022- present). She was accepted to the SOLUR program in Fall 2023.
2. Alison Martin - Mentored at ASU as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. She will prepare and defend her thesis in Spring 2026 (2023 - present).
3. Anastasia Culibrk (2024-present) – Mentored at ASU as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. Her work is focused on understanding links between dental hygiene and dementia.
4. Shauna Meshkin (2024-present) - Mentored at ASU as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. Her work is focused on understanding interactions between dental hygienist and dementia patients.
5. Bryce Mortensen (2023-present) – Mentored at ASU as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. His work is focused on understating why patients with Alzheimer’s disease versus Lewy body dementia are misdiagnosed given common symptomology.
6. Aastha Wandile (2024-present) - Mentored at ASU as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. Her work is focused on understating the role of choline supplementation in offsetting the tau pathogenesis in primary tauopathies.
Former students
I. Post-Doctoral scholar:
1. Dr. Adrian Fisher Ph.D. – Co-mentor on Dr. Fisher’s Presidential post-doc committee, whose primary mentor was Dr. Brain Smith. Dr. Fisher’s work focused on environmental stressors affecting insect pollinator health (2022-2023).
V. Graduate students:
1. Kavya Balasubramanian (M.S. student committee member) – On Kavya’s committee member whose primary mentor was Drs. Jason Newbern and Heather Bimonte-Nelson. Her work examined the effects of ovariectomies on basal forebrain cholinergic dysfunction (2023-2024).
2. Nicole Houchin (M.S. student committee member) – On Nicole’s committee whose primary mentor was Dr. David Medina at Barrow Neurological Institute. Her work focused on characterizing a novel mouse model of mutated Matrin3, a genetic mutation tied to ALS.
3. Gabrielle Kizeev (M.S. student committee member) - On Gabrielle’s committee whose primary mentor was Dr. Timothy Balmer (2022 - 2023) at ASU. Her work focused on cerebellar neurocircuitry.
4. Joanna Winstone (Ph.D. student primary mentor)– Primary mentor of Joanna’s graduate work who investigated the widely used pesticide glyphosate as a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (2019 – 2023; defended June 26th, 2023).
5. Sara Knowles (Ph.D. student committee member) - On Sara’s Ph.D. committee whose primary mentor was Dr. Jason Newbern (2019 - 2023). Her work focused on the ERK1/2 pathway and its involvement in GABAergic neuron development.
6. Nikhil Dave – (M.S. student primary mentor) - Mentored as a high school researcher and undergraduate in my lab. He was the recipient of the 2018 Arizona Flint Foundation Scholarship and was appointed Arizona Student Regents (2020 - 2022). He published various high impact papers on the role of Rbbp7 in Alzheimer’s disease. He has accepted a position at Mckinsey & Company Global Consulting as of October 2022.
7. Hannah Weisman (M.S. student committee member) - Was on Hannah’s committee whose primary mentor was Dr. Rita Sattler (2020 - 2022) at ASU. Her work focused on the role of progranulin in a mouse model of frontal temporal dementia.
VI. Undergraduate students:
1. Zoe I. Lusher – Mentored at Cornell University and was co-authored on one of my publications. She received her B.S. in 2012, an M.D. in 2018 and is now in her medical residency.
2. An L. Tran – Mentored at Arizona State University as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. She was co- authored on three of my publications (2015 – 2017). She was accepted into a Clinical nursing program at Georgetown university to start in Fall 2021.
3. Lukith Surendra - Mentored at Arizona State University as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. Defended his thesis in Spring 2020 and was accepted to U of A medical School class of 2024. (2018 - 2020).
4. Marc Mifflin - Mentored at Arizona State University as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. Defended his thesis in Spring 2020 and is currently applying to law school (2018 - 2020).
5. David Moreno - Co-mentor of an undergraduate working in the laboratory of Elliot Mufson at Barrow Neurological Institute as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program (2019 - 2020). Defended his thesis in Spring 2020.
6. Mara-Clarisa Boiangiu - Mentored at Arizona State University as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. She defend her thesis in Spring 2022 and started a master’s in public health at Georgetown. (2019 - 2022).
7. Oscar Villarreal Espinosa – Undergraduate mentored at Arizona State University to receive more training in biomedical research. Graduated in 2021 and entered a medical program at the University of Wisconsin (2020 – 2021).
8. Leia Brookhouser - Co-mentored in collaboration with Dr. Paul Coleman at Arizona State University as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. She will prepare and defend her thesis in Spring 2022 (2020 - present).
9. Shelby Coup - Co-mentored in collaboration with Dr. Paul Coleman at Arizona State University as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. She defended Spring 2022 and applied to Physician assistant school (2020 - 2022).
10. Jennifer White - Undergraduate mentored at Arizona State University to receive more training in biomedical research prior to graduating in Spring 2022 (2020 - 2021).
11. Landon Mattingly – ASU Neuroscholar undergraduate student mentored at ASU to receive training in biomedical research (May 2022- July 2022).
12. Isabella Sepulveda - WINURE undergraduate underrepresented minority student mentored at ASU to receive training in biomedical research prior to graduating in Spring 2023 (2021- 2023).
13. Neha Yeturu – Barrett Honor College thesis director for ASU undergraduate who worked with Dr. Drake Duane on a case study of a patient with frontotemporal dementia (2022-2023).
14. Kavya Balasubramanian – Barrett Honor College thesis committee member for ASU undergraduate who completed work with Dr. Jason Newbern on ERK1/2 loss-of-function during basal forebrain cholinergic neuron development (2022-2023).
15. Garima Pilania – Mentored at ASU as a summer intern as part of the prestigious Khorana scholarship program awarded by the Indian department of biotechnology. This student worked on understanding the role of S6K1 knockdown in the PS19 mouse model of tauopathies (May – August 2023).
16. Chloe Coulter - Barrett Honor College thesis committee member for ASU undergraduate who completed work with Dr. Thomas Martin investigating the Diet-Disease Links in Diabetes & Alzheimer's (2023-2024).
17. Paige Feldman - Barrett Honor College thesis committee member for ASU undergraduate, who was paired with Chloe Coulter, completed work with Dr. Thomas Martin investigating the Diet-Disease Links in Diabetes & Alzheimer's (2023-2024).
18. Mena Abdullah – Mentored at ASU as a part of the NIH funded STEP-UP program. This student work is on understanding the role of Rbbp7 in the PS19 mouse model of tauopathies, which was presented at NIH in Bethesda, MD on July 30, 2023 (2023 – 2024).
19. Hector Leon - WINURE undergraduate underrepresented minority student mentored at ASU to receive training in biomedical research prior to graduating in Spring 2024 (2023- 2024).
20. Faizan Mistry - Mentored at ASU as part of the Barrett’s Honor’s college program. He will prepare and defend her thesis in Spring 2024 (2021 - 2024).
Alzheimer's Association Desert Southwest Chapter DJ (2016-present)
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Phoenix Chapter DJ (2015-present)
Research Advisor / Consultant for Performance Lab (Focus on mindlab pro; https://www.mindlabpro.com)
Standing member of NIH Chronic Dysfunction and Integrative Neurodegeneration (CDIN) study section
Associate Editor of Brain Research