New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences Mail Code 2151
Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100
Long Bio
Martin Beck Matuštík is a Lincoln Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies. He joined the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at ASU West in fall 2008. After earning his doctorate from Fordham University in 1991, he has been on the faculty in the Department of Philosophy at Purdue University. Matuštík has published six single author books, edited two collections, and co-edited "New Critical Theory," a series at Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. Among his publications are "Postnational Identity: Critical Theory and Existential Philosophy in Habermas, Kierkegaard, and Havel" (1993); "Specters of Liberation: Great Refusals in the New World Order" (1998); "Jurgen Habermas: A Philosophical-Political Profile" (2001); and "Kierkegaard in Post/Modernity" (1995), co-edited with Merold Westphal. His most recent book is "Radical Evil and the Scarcity of Hope: Postsecular Meditations" (2008). His last book is a philosophical autobiography, “Out of Silence: Repair across Generations” (2015, in Czech 2018). See
Matuštík's research and teaching specialties range from critical theory, Continental philosophy, phenomenology and existentialism to post-Holocaust and reparative ethics and East-Central European thought; his interests integrate in transdisciplinary form the fields of literature, philosophy, social theory, and spirituality.
Matuštík is an affiliate professor of Jewish studies.
ASU Senate, Arizona State University Academic Council, President-elect, ASU-West Senate (2013 - Present)
Center for Critical Inquiry and Cultural Studies - Director, 2013-14 CCICS Illuminations awards: Patrick Bixby & Michael Stancliff, Patricia J. Huntington, Arthur Sabatini & Jeffery T. Kennedy, Julia Sarreal, Stefan Stantchev, Michelle Tellez & Ilana Luna (2012 - Present)
Hospice of the Valley and New Song for Grieving Childern, Facilitator and Volunteer (2012 - Present)
Jewish Studies Center, program committee member for The Harold and Jean Grossman Lectures in Jewish Thought (2012 - Present)
The Hospice of the Valley, Phoenix, volunteer with hospice patients (2008 - Present)
President Crowe's and Provost's Page task force on institutional ethics at ASU, appointed as a task force member (2013 - 2014)