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Long Bio
Hallie Eakin is a professor in the School of Sustainability and affiliated professor in the School of Urban Planning and Geographical Sciences. Professor Eakin's research interests include governance and social equity in socio-ecological systems (urban and rural), household vulnerability and sustainability of adaptations to global change, globalization and the institutional context of vulnerability and adaptation, rural development, sustainable food systems, agricultural change and food sovereignty and social-ecological resilience and integration of risk into urban and rural development planning. She joined ASU in 2008 from the University of California-Santa Barbara. She completed her postdoctoral fellowships at the U.S.-Mexican Studies Center, University of California-San Diego (2002) and the Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2003-2005).
Ph.D. Geography, University of Arizona. Minor in Anthropology 2002. Dissertation: Rural Households’ Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climatic Variability and Institutional Change: Three Cases from Central Mexico. Director: Dr. Diana Liverman.
M.A. Geography, University of Arizona. 1998 Thesis: Adapting to Climatic Variability in Tlaxcala, Mexico: Constraints and Opportunities for Small-scale Maize Producers. Director: Dr. Diana Liverman.
B.A. Environmental Studies, Brown University, Magna Cum Laude 1993. Honors Thesis: Anticipating Crisis: Structural Adjustment and Drought in Zimbabwe. Directors: Dr. Robert Chen and Dr. Harold Ward.
Hallie Eakin's research interests include: Household vulnerability and sustainability of adaptations to global change • Governance, globalization and the institutional context of vulnerability and adaptation • Rural development, sustainable food systems, agricultural change and food sovereignty • Social-ecological resilience and integration of risk into development planning.
Frank, Elisa; Eakin, Hallie and Lopez-Carr, David. Social identity, perception and motivation in adaptation to climate risk in the coffee sector of Chiapas, Mexico. Global Environmental Change (2011).
Eakin, Hallie; Lerner, Amy; and Murtinho, Felipe. Adaptive capacity in evolving peri-urban spaces: Responses to flood risk in the Upper Lerma River Valley, Mexico. Global Environmental Change (2010).
Hallie Eakin, Maria Carmen Lemos. Institutions and change: The challenge of building adaptive capacity in Latin America. Global Environmental Change (2010).
Eakin, Hallie; Bohle, Hans-Georg; Izac, Anne-Marie; Reenberg, Anette, Gregory, Peter and Pereira, Laura. Food, violence and human rights. Food Security and Global Environmental Change (2010).
Hallie Eakin. What is vulnerable?. Food Security and Global Environmental Change (2010).
Misselhorn, Allison; Eakin, Hallie; Devereux, Stephen; Drimie, Scott,; Msangi, Siw; Simelton, Elisabeth; and Safford Smith, Mark. Vulnerability to what?. Food Security and Global Environmental Change (2010).
. Adaptive Capacity in Latin America. (2010).
Adger, W. Neil; Eakin, Hallie and Winkels, Alexandra. Nested and teleconnected vulnerabilities to environmental change. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment (2009).
Götz Schroth, Peter Laderach, Jan Dempewolf, Stacy Philpott, Jeremy Haggar, Hallie Eakin, Teresa Castillejos, Jaime Garcia Moreno, Lorena Soto Pinto, Ricardo Hernandez. Towards a climate change adaptation strategy for coffee communities and ecosystems in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (2009).
Hallie Eakin, Monica Wehbe. Linking local vulnerability to system sustainability in a resilience framework: two cases from Latin America. Climatic Change (2009).
Rafael Díaz, Hallie Eakin, Edwin Castellanos, Gerardo Jiménez. Condiciones para la adaptación de los pequeños productores de café ante presiones económicas mediante procesos de "upgrading" en la cadena productiva. Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecologica (2009).
Eakin, Hallie; Tompkins, Emma L.; Nelson, Donald; and Anderies, John M. Hidden costs and disparate uncertainties: Trade-offs involved in approaches to climate policy. Adapting to climate change: Thresholds, values, governance (2009).
Eakin, Hallie and Bojórquez-Tapia, Luis Antonio. Insights into the composition of household vulnerability from multicriteria decision analysis. Global Environmental Change (2008).
Hausermann, Heidi and Eakin, Hallie. Producing ‘viable’ landscapes and livelihoods in Central Veracruz, Mexico: Institutional and producer responses to the coffee commodity crisis. Journal of Latin American Geography (2008).
Eakin, Hallie; Wehbe, Mónica; Ávila, Cristian; Sánchez Torres, Gerardo; and Bojórquez-Tapia, Luis Antonio. Social vulnerability of farmers in Mexico and Argentina. Climate Change and Vulnerability (2008).
Castellanos, Edwin; Díaz, Rafael; Eakin, Hallie; and Jiménez, Gerardo. Understanding the resources of small coffee growers within the global coffee chain through a livelihood analysis approach. Applying ecological knowledge to landuse decisions (0).
Wehbe, Mónica; Eakin, Hallie; Seiler, Roberto; Vinocur, Marta; Ävila, Cristian, Maurutto, Cecilia and Sánchez Torres, Gerardo. Local perspectives on adaptation to climate change: Lessons from Mexico and Argentina. Climate Change and Adaptation (0).
Research Activity
White,Dave Douglas*, Abbott,Joshua K, Aggarwal,Rimjhim M, Anderies,John M, Bliss,Nadya T, Eakin,Hallie C, Gober,Patricia, Hanemann,William Michael Micha, Hanemann,William Michael Micha, Johnston,Erik W, Larson,Kelli Leigh, Larson,Kelli Leigh, Maciejewski,Ross, Mack,Elizabeth Anne, Miller,Clark Anson, Pfeiffer,Deirdre A, Quay,Raymond G, Redman,Charles L, Redman,Charles L, Sabo,John L, Sampson,David Arthur, Schoon,Michael L, Turner II,Billie Lee, Turner II,Billie Lee, Vivoni,Enrique, Vivoni,Enrique, Wang,Zhihua, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann, Westerhoff,Paul, Wiek,Arnim, Wutich,Amber Yoder, York,Abigail. DMUU: DCDC III: Transformational Solutions for Urban Water Sustainability Transit. NSF-SBE(9/1/2015 - 8/31/2019).
Eakin,Hallie C*, Georgescu,Matei, Manuel-Navarrete,David, Redman,Charles L, Redman,Charles L, Vivoni,Enrique, Vivoni,Enrique. The Dynamics of Multi-scalar Adaptation in the Megalopolis: Autonomous action institutional change and social-hydrological risk in Mexico City (MEGAD. NSF-GEO(8/15/2014 - 7/31/2018).
Eakin,Hallie C*, Anderies,John M, Anderies,John M, Lant,Timothy W, York,Abigail. Risk perception institutions and water conservation: Enhancing agricultural adaptation to future water scarcity in central Arizona. DOC-NOAA(9/1/2011 - 8/31/2014).
Eakin,Hallie C*, Basile,George Matthew, Childers,Daniel L, Gober,Patricia, Gober,Patricia, Redman,Charles L, Redman,Charles L. International collaboration to advance sustainability Science in the US and Mexico. NSF-EHR(8/1/2011 - 9/30/2014).
Eakin,Hallie C*. Collaborative Research: The relative importance of generic vs specific capacity in addressing drought vulnerability in North East Brazil. UNIV OF GEORGIA(7/1/2011 - 6/30/2015).
Redman,Charles L*, Redman,Charles L*, Anderies,John M, Basile,George Matthew, Eakin,Hallie C, Lara-Valencia,Francisco, Ledlow,Susan Elizabeth, Ledlow,Susan Elizabeth, Nation,Marcia L, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, Spielmann,Katherine Ann, Spielmann,Katherine Ann, Wiek,Arnim. Managing biodiversity under climate change: Enhancing capacities in Mexico for conservation planning decision-making and sustainability assessment. HED-HIGHER ED FOR DEVELOPMENT(1/25/2010 - 6/30/2012).
Anderies,John M*, Anderies,John M*, Eakin,Hallie C. Agriculture, water, and institutions: Investigation of water management, policy and its effects on sustainable water use by agriculture in AZ. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY(7/1/2009 - 8/31/2011).
Redman,Charles L*, Redman,Charles L*, Bryan,Harvey John, Bryan,Harvey John, Eakin,Hallie C, Eakin,Hallie C, Elser,Monica Mueller, Elser,Monica Mueller, Fraser,Matthew P, Fraser,Matthew P, Golub,Aaron, Golub,Aaron, Golub,Aaron, Golub,Aaron, Grimm,Nancy B, Ledlow,Susan Elizabeth, Martin,Chris A, Martin,Chris A, Martin,Chris A, Nelson,Margaret C. GK -12: Sustainability Science for Sustainable Schools. NSF-EHR(3/15/2009 - 4/30/2016).
Eakin,Hallie C*. AOC: Market Integration and Climate as Drivers of Change in the Mexican Maize System: Mulit-Scale Interactions in Livelihood. UNIV OF CA AT SANTA BARBARA(10/1/2008 - 8/30/2012).
Eakin, Hallie. Synergy and friction in household vulnerability and system resilience. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting 2010 (Oct 2010).
Eakin, Hallie; Bausch, Julia; Sweeney, Stuart and Appendini, Kirsten. Shifting geographies of food security: The rise of irrigated maize in Sinaloa, Mexico. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting 2010. October 17-19 (Oct 2010).
Eakin, Hallie and Tompkins, Emma. Managing privately-created public adaptation goods and services. North American IASC 2010 (Oct 2010).
Eakin, Hallie. Is managing market risk adaptive? Market and Climate Risk in the Mexican Coffee Sector. Colloquium of the C-Change IGERT (Sep 2010).
Eakin, Hallie. Adapting with a Long View: the Future of Maize in Mexico. Second International Conference on Climate, Sustainability and Development in Semi-arid Regions (Aug 2010).
Nelson, Don and Eakin, Hallie. Adaptation with a long-view: Promoting resilience in response to environmental and development challenges. Second International Conference on Climate, Sustainability and Development in Semi-arid Regions (Aug 2010).
Eakin, Hallie. Perception of Risk and Opportunities for Adaptation in the Coffee Sector of Chiapas, Mexico. Annual Meetings of the American Association of Geographers (Apr 2010).
Eakin, Hallie. Economic Geography and Climate Change: Crossroads for Theory and Practice. Annual Meetings of the American Association of Geographers (Apr 2010).
Eakin, Hallie. Climate Adaptation, Landscapes, and Institutions. Annual Meetings of the American Association of Geographers (Apr 2010).
Eakin, Hallie. The new rurality of Mexico: Institutions, adaptations, and livelihoods. Annual Meetings of the American Association of Geographers (Apr 2010).
Don Nelson, Petra Tschakert and Jessica Hellman. Our hot and uncertain future: Is adaptation possible?. Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, National Academy of Sciences, Irvine, CA Nov 12-14 2009 (Nov 2009).
Hallie Eakin. Adaptive Capacity and Community Resilience. Department Colloquium (Oct 2009).
Hallie Eakin. Adaptive capacity and community resilience: Lessons from the impact of hurricane Stan in Chiapas, Mexico. EnLightening Lunch speaker series for the Center for Science Policy Outcomes (Sep 2009).
Hallie Eakin, Luis Bojorquez, Edwin Castellanos. Drivers of Change and Autonomous Adaptations in the Mesoamerican Coffee Sector: Potential Avenues for Policy Intervention. International Human Dimensions Programme Open Meetings (Apr 2009).
Siri Eriksen, Hallie Eakin. New Public Management, Governance and Limits to Adaptation in Mexico and Norway. IHDP Open Meetings (Bonn) (Apr 2009).
Jan Sendzimir, Hallie Eakin, Alexandra Winkels. Cross-Spatial and Inter-Temporal Linkages in Coffee Livelihoods and Landscapes. IHDP Open Meetings (Bonn) (Apr 2009).
Eakin, Hallie; Morales, Helda; Barrera, Juan; Cruz, Gustavo. Uso de tierra y cambios de modos de vida en la Sierra Madre: Entendimiento de la capaciad de adaptación hacia las múltiples causas de estrés. Adaptation to Climate Change in Coffee Farm Communities in the Sierra Madre of Chiapas (Nov 2008).
Eakin, Hallie. Biofuels and Food. Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium (Nov 2008).
Bojorquez-Tapia, Luis and Eakin, Hallie. Conflict and collaboration in defining the "desired state": the case of Cozumel, Mexico. Enhancing Resilience to Catastrophic Events (Virginia Tech) (Nov 2008).
Eakin, Hallie. Adaptive capacity and institutional change in rural Mexico. ASU Geographical Sciences Colloquium (Oct 2008).
Eakin, Hallie. Enhancing adaptive capacity in Latin America. (Rutgers Unv): Behind the rain: Human rights, adaptation and environmental change in Latin America (Sep 2008).
Eakin, Hallie. Adaptive capacity and institutional change in rural Mexico. Rutgers Department of Geography Colloquium (Sep 2008).
Eakin, Hallie. Adaptive capacity and institutional change in rural Mexico. University of Southern California, Geography Department Colloquium (Sep 2008).
Eakin, Hallie. Resilient but vulnerable? Challenges for enhancing adaptive capacity in rural Mexico. Yi-Fu Tuan Lecture, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Apr 2008).
Wehbe, Monica and Eakin, Hallie. Linking local vulnerability to system sustainability in a resilience framework: A case study from Argentina. Resilience 2008. Stockholm (Apr 2008).
Eakin, Hallie. New Public Management & Capacity for Adaptation to Flood Risk. Resilience 2008, Stockholm (Apr 2008).
Eakin, Hallie; Winkels, Alex; and Sendzimir, Jan. Nested vulnerability: Cross-scale linkages and tele-connections in Mexican and Vietnamese coffee systems. Global Environmental Change and Food Security, Oxford (Apr 2008).
Eakin, Hallie and Lerner, Amy. Flood risk, water governance and livelihoods in the rural-urban interface: A case study of adaptive capacity in central Mexico. Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA (Apr 2008).
Eakin, Hallie. Adaptive Capacity in Latin America. Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA (Apr 2008).
Geographical Journal, reviewer (2010 - Present)
Graduate Committee, Chair (2010 - Present)
United Students for Fair Trade, Faculty Advisor (2010 - Present)
Neely Scholarship, Committee Member (2010 - Present)
Sustainability, reviewer (2010 - Present)
Global Environmental Change, Editorial Board (2010 - Present)
Global Environmental Change, Editorial Board (2010 - Present)