Jun Wu
Mail code: 1604Campus: Tempe
Dr. Jun Wu is currently an assistant research professor in the School of Molecular Sciences and School of Earth and Space Exploration at ASU. Dr. Wu’s expertise is in mineralogy and crystallography with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as an experimental tool. His current research interests focus on application of TEM to high-pressure geoscience, one of the most rapidly rising fields in broad earth sciences. Dr. Wu’s experimental approach – “HPTEM” (high-pressure TEM) coined by himself – uses carbon nanostructures to generate high pressure and compress synthetic minerals directly inside an electron microscope, and has opened up a new in-situ window with high resolution to look into Earth’s interior.
Dr. Wu is now working on a collaborative project on origins of Earth’s water that is funded by the Keck Foundation. He is also interested in (i) synthesizing useful nano-materials using various techniques, and (ii) applying his HPTEM technique to addressing the long-standing puzzle about the cause of deep earthquakes.
Dr. Wu completed his Ph.D. in mineralogy at the Johns Hopkins University before he moved to ASU for his postdoctoral training under supervision of Prof. Peter Buseck.
Ph.D, Johns Hopkins University
- Buseck,P R*, Buseck,P R*, Anbar,Ariel David, Anbar,Ariel David, Desch,Steven, Elkins-Tanton,Linda, Leinenweber,Kurt D, Romaniello,Stephen Justin, Shim,Sang-Heon, Wu,Jun. Water From the Heavens: The Origins of Earths Hydrogen. ASU FDN(1/1/2016 - 12/31/2018).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
BCH 492 | Honors Directed Study |
BCH 493 | Honors Thesis |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CHM 493 | Honors Thesis |
BCH 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |
CHM 392 | Intro to Research Techniques |