Robert Balling has a long history of conducting research on the climate change issue with a special interest in blending in applications involving Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Many of his research projects look at output from numerical climate models that simulate the effects of altering atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. In his work, Professor Balling compares historical climate observations with results predicted by the models for the same time periods. At times, the observations are consistent with expectations from the models, but at other times, they are not. Other recent projects use satellite-based observations to investigate hourly patterns of precipitation.
Balling has written four books on the climate change issue, he has served as a science consultant to the United Nations, and he was the 2011 ASU Professor of the Year awarded by Order of Omega Greek Honorary Society. He is also the director of the Master of Advanced Study in Geographic Information Systems program.
Ph.D. Geography, University of Oklahoma 1979
M.A. Geography, Bowling Green State University 1975
Randall S. Cerveny, Kimberly DeBiasse, Matthew B. Pace, Andrew W. Ellis, Robert C. Balling, Jr. Revitalization of Namias’s Climatological Isentropic Analysis: Detection and Evaluation of Monsoonal, Severe Storm, Drought, and Flood Events. Annals, Association of American Geographers (2011).
Robert C. Balling, Jr. and Gregory B. Goodrich. Interannual Variations in the Local Spatial Autocorrelation of Tropospheric Temperatures. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2011).
Robert C. Balling, Jr. and Gregory B. Goodrich. Spatial Analysis of Variations and Trends in Precipitation Intensity in the Conterminous United States. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2011).
Robert C. Balling, Jr., Kimberly DeBiasse, Matthew B. Pace, Randall S. Cerveny and David M. Brommer. Long-Term Precipitation Trend as a Function of Isentropic Variability. Atmospheric Environment (2011).
Bohumil M. Svoma and Robert C. Balling, Jr. United States' Interannual Precipitation Variability over the Past Century: Is Variability Increasing as Predicted by Models?". Physical Geography (2010).
Bohumil M. Svoma, Robert C. Balling, Jr., Andrew W. Ellis. Analysis of Soil Moisture Trends in the Salt River Watershed of Central Arizona. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2010).
Patricia Gober, Craig Kirkwood, Robert Balling, Andrew Ellis, Stephanie Deitrick. Water Planning Under Climatic Uncertainty in Phoenix: Why We Need a New Paradigm. Annals, Association of American Geographers (2010).
Robert C. Balling, Jr., and Gregory B. Goodrich. Increasing Drought in the American Southwest? A Continental Perspective using a Spatial Analytical Evaluation of Recent Trends. Physical Geography (2010).
Ana-Rosa Peralta-Hernandez, Robert Balling, Luis Barba-Martinez. Analysis of Near-Surface Diurnal Temperature Variations and Trends in Southern Mexico. International Journal of Climatology (2009).
Ana-Rosa Peralta-Hernandez, Robert C. Balling, Jr., Luis Barba-Martinez. Comparative Analysis of Indices of Extreme Rainfall Events: Variations and Trends from Southern Mexico. Atmosphera (2009).
Bohumil Svoma, Robert C. Balling, Jr. An Anthropogenic Signal in Phoenix, Arizona Winter Precipitation. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2009).
Robert C. Balling, Jr., Hermes C. Cubaque. Estimating Future Residential Water Consumption in Phoenix, Arizona Based on Simulated Changes in Climate. Physical Geography (2009).
Shouraseni Sen Roy, Robert C. Balling, Jr. Evaluation of Extreme Precipitation Indices Using Daily Records (1910-2000) from India. Weather (2009).
Michaels, Patrick J., Balling, Robert C. Climate of Extremes: Global Warming Science They Don’t Want You to Know. (2009).
Andrew Ellis, Timothy Hawkins, Robert Balling, Patricia Gober. Estimating Future Runoff Levels for a Semi-Arid Fluvial System in Central Arizona. Climate Research (2008).
Jason Walker, Robert Balling, John Briggs, Madhusudan Katti, Paige Warren, Elizabeth Wentz. Birds of a Feather: Interpolating Distribution Patterns of Urban Birds. Computer, Environment and Urban Systems (2008).
Randall Cerveny, Bohumil Svoma, Robert Balling, Russell Vose. The Gregorian Calendar Bias in Monthly Temperature Databases. Geophysical Research Letters (2008).
Robert Balling, Patricia Gober, Nancy Jones. Sensitivity of Residential Water Consumption to Variations in Weather and Climate: An Intra-Urban Analysis of Phoenix, Arizona. Water Resources Research (2008).
Seung-Jae Lee, Robert Balling, Patricia Gober. Bayesian Maximum Entropy Mapping and the Soft Data Problem in Urban Climate Research. Annals, Association of American Geographers (2008).
Taly Drezner, Robert Balling. Regeneration cycles of the Keystone Species Carnegiea gigantea are Linked to Worldwide Volcanism. Journal of Vegetation Science (2008).
David Brommer, Randall Cerveny, Robert Balling. Characteristics of long-duration precipitation events across the United States. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS (2007).
Robert Balling, Gregory Goodrich. Analysis of Drought Determinants for the Colorado River Basin. Climatic Change (2007).
Robert Balling, Patricia Gober. Climate Variability and Residential Water Use in Phoenix, Arizona. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (2007).
Shouraseni Roy, Robert Balling. Diurnal Variations in Summer Season Precipitation in India. International Journal of Climatology (2007).
Andrew Ellis, David Brommer, Robert Balling. Climatic Conditions Linked To High PM10 Concentration In A Bi-National Airshed: Nogales, Arizona/Sonora. Climate Research (2006).
Carol Atkinson-Palombo, James Miller, Robert Balling. Quantifying the Ozone "Weekend Effect" at Various Locations in Phoenix, Arizona. Atmospheric Environment (2006).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny. Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Intensification Trends and Variability in the North Atlantic Basin over the Period 1970-2003. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (2006).
Shade Shutters, Robert Balling. Weekly Periodicity of Environmental Variables in Phoenix, Arizona. Atmospheric Environment (2006).
Shouraseni Roy, Robert Balling. Analysis of Spatial Patterns of Trends in the Frequency and Intensity of Indian Precipitation. Mausam (2006).
Balling, Robert C, Cerveny, Randall Scott. Winds and Wind Systems. The Encyclopedia of World Climatology (2005).
Randall Cerveny, Robert Balling. Trends in the Diurnal Character of Tropical Cyclone Wind Speeds. Geophysical Research Letters (2005).
Robert Balling, Shouraseni Roy. Analysis of Spatial Patterns Underlying the Linkage between Solar Irradiance and Near-Surface Air Temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters (2005).
Shouraseni Roy, Robert Balling. Analysis of Diurnal Patterns in Winter Precipitation across the Conterminous United States. Monthly Weather Review (2005).
Shouraseni Roy, Robert Balling. Analysis of Trends in Maximum and Minimum Temperature, Diurnal Temperature Range, and Cloud Cover over India. Geophysical Research Letters (2005).
Shouraseni Roy, Robert Balling. Harmonic and Simple Kriging Analyses of Diurnal Precipitation Patterns in Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science (2005).
. . Review of: Hard Choices: Climate Change in Canada (2005).
Balling, Robert C (Author) . Interactions of Desertification and Climate in Africa. Climate Change and Africa (2005).
Balling, Robert C (Author) . Observational Surface Temperature Records Versus Model Predictions. Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming (2005).
Balling, Robert C (Author) ,Cerveny, Randall S (Author) . Winds and Wind Systems. The Encyclopedia of World Climatology (2005).
Adam Kalkstein, Robert Balling. Impact of Unusually Clear Weather on United States Daily Temperature Range Following 9/11/2001. Climate Research (2004).
Brenda Koerner, Elizabeth Wentz, Robert Balling. Projected Carbon Dioxide Levels for the Year 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona. Environmental Management (2004).
Robert Balling, Shouraseni Roy. A Spatial Entropy Analysis of Temperature Trends in the United States. Geophysical Research Letters (2004).
Shouraseni Roy, Robert Balling. Analysis of Hawaiian Diurnal Rainfall Patterns. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2004).
Shouraseni Roy, Robert Balling. Trends in Extreme Daily Precipitation Indices in India. International Journal of Climatology (2004).
David Brommer, Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny. Local and Regional Discriminators of Mesoscale Convective Vortex Development in Arizona. Monthly Weather Review (2003).
Hassan Nasrallah, Robert Balling, Shaker Madi, Lamya Al-Ansari. Temporal Variations in Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations in Kuwait City, Kuwait with Comparisons to Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Environmental Pollution (2003).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny. Analysis of Radiosonde-Based Lapse Rates and the Difference Between Near-Surface and Satellite-Based Lower-Tropospheric Air Temperatures over the Central United States. Geophysical Research Letters (2003).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny. Analysis of the Duration, Seasonal Timing, and Location of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones: 1950-2002. Geophysical Research Letters (2003).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny. Compilation and Discussion of Trends in Severe Storms in the United States: Popular Perception v. Climate Reality. Natural Hazards (2003).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny. Cosmic Ray Flux Impact on Clouds? An Analysis of Radiosonde, Cloud Cover, and Surface Temperature Records from the United States. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2003).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny. Vertical Dimensions of Seasonal Trends in the Diurnal Temperature Range Across the Central United States. Geophysical Research Letters (2003).
Robert Balling, Taly Drezner. El Niño and Climatic Control of Saguaro Cacti Regeneration in the Sonoran Desert. Physical Geography (2003).
Shouraseni Roy, Gregory Goodrich, Robert Balling. Influence of El Niño/Southern Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Local Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies on Peak Season Monsoon Precipitation in India. Climate Research (2003).
Hildebrandt, Mark, Balling, Robert. The Effect of Land Degradation on the Surface Radiation Balance Along the United States-Mexico Border. (2003).
Robert Balling, Craig Idso. Analysis of Adjustments to the United States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) Temperature Database. Geophysical Research Letters (2002).
Robert Balling, Elizabeth Wentz, Patricia Gober, Thomas Day. Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in an Urban Environment. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2002).
Robert Balling, Sherwood Idso, Craig Idso. Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Near-Surface Atmospheric CO2 Concentration within a Residential Sector of the Urban CO2 Dome of Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Atmospheric Environment (2002).
Balling, Robert C (Author) . A Climate of Uncertainty in the Greenhouse Century. Sustainable Development: Promoting Progress or Perpetuating Poverty (2002).
Robert Balling, Craig Idso, Sherwood Idso. An Intensive Two-Week Study of an Urban CO2 Dome. Atmospheric Research (2001).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny, Craig Idso. Does the Urban CO2 Dome of Phoenix, Arizona Contribute to Its Heat Island?. Geophysical Research Letters (2001).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny, Darlene Periconi, Sallie Baliunas. Between the Stars: The Weather and Climate of the Mount Wilson Observatory: Past, Present, and Future. Weatherwise (2001).
Balling, Robert C (Author) . Climate Impacts of Land Degradation in the World's Drylands. Our Fragile World: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development (2001).
Folland, C K (Author) ,Karl, T R (Author) ,Christy, J R (Author) ,Clarke, G V (Author) ,Jouzel, J (Author) ,Mann, M E (Author) ,Oerlemans, J (Author) ,Salinger, M J (Author) ,Wang, S -W (Author) ,Bates, J (Author) ,Crowe, M (Author) ,Frich, P (Author) ,Groisman, P (Author) ,Hurrell, J (Author) ,Jones, P (Author) ,Parker, D (Author) ,Peterson, T (Author) ,Robinson, D (Author) ,Walsh, J (Author) ,Abbott, M (Author) ,Alexander, L (Author) ,Alexandersson, H (Author) ,Allan, R (Author) ,Alley, R (Author) ,Ambenje, P (Author) ,Arkin, P (Author) ,Bajuk, L (Author) ,Balling, Robert C (Author) ,Bardin, M Y (Author) ,Bradley, R (Author) ,Brazdil, R (Author) ,Briffa, K R (Author) ,Brooks, H (Author) ,Brown, R D (Author) ,Brown, S (Author) ,Brunet-India, M (Author) ,Cane, M (Author) ,Changnon, D (Author) ,Changnon, S (Author) ,Cole, J (Author) ,Collins, D (Author) ,Cook, E (Author) ,Dai, A (Author) ,Douglas, A (Author) ,Douglas, B (Author) ,Duplessy, J C (Author) ,Easterling, D (Author) ,Englehart. Observed Climate Variability and Change. Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis (2001).
Robert Balling. The Geographer's Niche in the Greenhouse Millenium. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2000).
Robert Balling, Craig Idso, Sherwood Idso, Bruce Kimball, Hyoung-Shin Park, J Hoober. Ultra-enhanced spring branch growth in CO2-enriched trees: Can it alter the phase of the atmosphere's seasonal CO2 cycle?. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2000).
Robert Balling, Hassan Nasrallah, Nancy Selover, Russell Vose. Development of a Seasonal Forecast Model for Kuwait Winter Precipitation. Journal of Arid Environments (2000).
Robert Balling, Mark Hildebrandt. Evaluation of the linkage between Schumann Resonance peak frequency values and global and regional temperatures. Climate Research (2000).
Robert Balling, Michael MacCracken, Patrick Michaels, Alan Robock. Assessment of Uncertainties of Predicted Global Climate Change Modeling: Panel 1. Technology (2000).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny. The Climate Riddle of The Lost Squadron Crewman. Weatherwise (2000).
Robert Balling, Randall Cerveny. The Rescue of the Lost Squadron Crewmen. Weatherwise (2000).
Balling, Robert C, Michaels, Patrick J. The Satanic Gases: Clearing The Air About Global Warming. (2000).
Balling, Robert C (Author) . Epiclimate. The Dictionary of Physical Geography (2000).
Balling, Robert C (Author) . Fourier Analysis. The Dictionary of Physical Geography (2000).
Balling, Robert C (Author) . IPCC. The Dictionary of Physical Geography (2000).
Day, Thomas, Mueller, Erin, Xiong, Fusheng, Balling, Robert. Temporal Patterns in Near-Surface CO2 Concentrations in the Phoenix Urban CO2 Dome over Contrasting Vegetation Types. (2000).
Cerveny,Randall Scott*, Balling,Robert C, Ellis,Andrew Walton. Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Climatological Variations in Isentropic Surfaces. NSF-SBE(7/1/2008 - 12/31/2010).
Ellis,Andrew Walton*, Balling,Robert C. Implementing the Hydroclimatic Index in Short and Long Term Drought Forecasting within the Colorado River Basin. DOI-BOR(6/4/2007 - 12/31/2010).
Shangraw Jr,Ralph Frederick*, Balling,Robert C, Castillo-Chavez,Carlos, Razdan,Anshuman. West Nile Virus Transmission Model. AZ DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES(3/1/2006 - 2/28/2007).
Ellis,Andrew Walton*, Balling,Robert C, Cerveny,Randall Scott. Development of an Operational Model Series for Forecasting Runoff on the Salt, Tonto, and Verde Watersheds. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(1/1/2005 - 8/31/2005).
Gober,Patricia*, Balling,Robert C, Bolin,Robert, Bolin,Robert, Corley,Elizabeth, Corley,Elizabeth, Elser,Monica Mueller, Gries,Corinna, Griffin,William Albert, Kinzig,Ann, Mccartney,Peter H, Nelson,Margaret C, Razdan,Anshuman, Razdan,Anshuman, Redman,Charles L, Redman,Charles L, Rowe,Jeremy, Rowe,Jeremy, Saltz,Charlene, Taylor,Thomas J, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann, White,Dave Douglas, White,Dave Douglas, Zehnder,Joseph A. Decision Center for a Desert City (DCDC): Science and Policy of Climate Uncertainty. NSF-SBE(9/15/2004 - 8/31/2011).
Anderson,James R, Balling,Robert C, Brazel,Anthony J, Bryan,Harvey John, Ellis,Andrew Walton, Fernando,H J S, Lee,Sang-Mi, Mou,Jong-I, Phelan,Patrick E, Stromberg,Juliet C, Trujillo,Octaviana, Zhu,Han. SCERP FY02: SOUTHWEST CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND POLICY (SCERP) ADMINISTRATION/MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. NM ST UNIV - System Office(6/1/2002 - 12/31/2004).
Balling,Robert C*, Day,Thomas, Fernando,H J S, Gober,Patricia, Hogan,Timothy D, Klopatek,Jeffrey M, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann. DYNAMICS OF AN URBAN CARBON DIOXIDE DOME. NSF-BIO(5/1/1999 - 4/30/2003).
Dorn,Ronald I*, Balling,Robert C. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING OF GLASS WEATHERING. SANDIA NATL LAB(11/17/1997 - 8/31/1998).
Randall S. Cerveny, Kimberly DeBiasse, Matthew B. Pace, R.C. Balling, Jr., and Andrew W. Ellis. Revitalization of Namias’s Climatological Isentropic Analysis: Detection and Evaluation of Monsoonal, Severe Storm, Drought, and Flood Events. 22nd Conference on Climate Variability and Change, Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society (Jan 2010).
Randall S. Cerveny, Kimberly DeBiasse, Matthew B. Pace, Andrew W. Ellis, and Robert C. Balling, Jr. Revitalization of Namias’s Climatological Isentropic Analysis: Detection and Evaluation of Monsoonal, Severe Storm, Drought, and Flood Events. 22nd Conference on Climate Variability and Change, AMS 90th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorolo (Jan 2010).
R.C. Balling, Jr. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. Colloquium Series, Department of Geography, Texas State University (Sep 2009).
R.S. Cerveny, A.W. Ellis, R.C. Balling, Jr., K. Debiasse, and M. Pace. Climatological Isentropic Analysis as a Drought Detection/Monitoring Tool. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (Mar 2009).
R.C. Balling, Jr. and B.M. Svoma. An Anthropogenic Signal in Phoenix, Arizona Winter Precipitation. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (Mar 2009).
Bohumil M. Svoma and Robert C. Balling, Jr. An Anthropogenic Signal in Phoenix, Arizona Winter Precipitation. Eighth Symposium on the Urban Environment and 89th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (Jan 2009).
Robert C. Balling, Jr. and Bohumil M. Svoma. An Anthropogenic Signal in Phoenix, Arizona Winter Precipitation. Eighth Symposium on the Urban Environment and 89th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (Jan 2009).
Robert C. Balling, Jr. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. Leadership Conference of the Fund for American Studies (Nov 2008).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. 2008 American Agri-Women Annual Meeting (Nov 2008).
Cerveny, Randy, Pace, Matt, DeBaisse, Kim, Balling, Robert, Ellis, Drew. Climatological Isentropic Analysis as a Drought Detection/Monitoring Tool. 33rd Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop/CLIVAR Drought Workshop (Oct 2008).
Lukinbeal, Chris, Balling, Robert. The Professional Master’s of Advanced Study in GIS (MAS-GIS) at Arizona State University. Arizona Geographic Information Council’s Geospatial Education and Training Symposium (Oct 2008).
Balling, Robert, Gober, Pat, Jones, Nancy. Sensitivity of Residential Water Consumption to Variations in Climate: An Intra-Urban Analysis of Phoenix, Arizona. 18th International Congress of Biometeorology (Sep 2008).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. Thirty-Third Annual Conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education (Apr 2008).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. The Law Society Debating Series, University College – Dublin (Nov 2007).
Balling, Robert. Impacts of Potential Climate Change on the Phoenix, Arizona Water Supply. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (Apr 2007).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. Political Engagement Project, Ferris State University (Mar 2007).
Balling, Robert. Climate Change 2050: Impacts on the Salt and Verde Watersheds. Family Farm Alliance Annual Meeting (Feb 2007).
Balling, Robert. Climate Change 2050: Impacts on the Salt and Verde Watersheds. Annual Meeting of the Colorado River Water User's Association (Dec 2006).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. Department of Geosciences Colloquim Series (Nov 2006).
Balling, Robert. Analysis of Drought Determinants for the Colorado River Basin. 69th Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (Sep 2006).
Balling, Robert, Ellis, Andrew. Simulating the Potential Impacts of Regional Climate Change on Water Supply from the Salt and Verde. DCDC Symposium on Watersheds. The Impact of Climate on Water Supply Reliability (Sep 2006).
Ellis, Andrew, Balling, Robert. Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Central Arizona Watersheds. 69th Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (Sep 2006).
Ellis, Andrew, Balling, Robert. The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Arizona Watersheds. Geological Society of America Specialty Meeting "Managing Drought and Water Scarcity in Vulnerable Environments: Creating a Roadmap for Change in the United States" (Sep 2006).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Slowing Global Warming. John Locke Foundation Seminar Series (Mar 2006).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. David S. Saurman Provocative Lecture Series (Nov 2004).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. (Feb 2004).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. (Oct 2003).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. (Sep 2003).
Balling, Robert. Carbon Credits: A New Business Asset. AGCON 2000: Meeting of the Australian Association of Agricultural Consultants (Feb 2000).
Balling, Robert. CO2, Greenhouse Effect and All That. AGCON 2000: Meeting of the Australian Association of Agricultural Consultants (Feb 2000).
Balling, Robert. Global Warming: The Other Consensus. (Feb 2000).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. (Jan 2000).
Balling, Robert. A Climate of Doubt About Global Warming. Department of Geosciences (Jan 2000).
Balling, Robert. An Update on the Global Warming Debate. Annual Meeting of the Coteau Properties Company (Jan 2000).
Balling, Robert. The Increase in Global Temperature: What It Does and Does Not Tell Us. The 2008 International Conference on Climate Change
Brommer, David, Cerveny, Randall, Balling, Robert. Impacts of Potential Climate Change on the Phoenix, Arizona Water Supply. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
Lukinbeal, Christopher, Balling, Robert. The Professional Master’s of Advanced Study in Geographic Information Systems (MAS-GIS) at ASU. Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Annual Meeting
Honors / Awards
2011 - Professor of the Year, Awarded by Order of Omega Greek Honorary Society
Goldwater Institute, Senior Fellow (2005 - Present)
MAS-GIS Program, Director and Associate Director (2004 - Present)
MAS-GIS Program, Director (2004 - Present)
Tenure and Promotion, Member (2007 - 2010)
Journal of Arid Environments, Editorial Board (1999 - 2008)
Personnel Committee, Member (2006 - 2008)
Goldwater Institute, Senior Fellow (2004 - 2008)
Climate Research, Associate Editor (2002 - 2006)
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Contributing Author (1991 - 2006)
Climate Research, Review Editor (2002 - 2006)
IT Analyst Search, Chairman (2005)
Graduate Recruiting and Admissions Committee, Chairman (2000 - 2005)
Forum, Co-Chairman (2004 - 2004)
American Meteorological Society's Committee on Biometeorology and Aerobiology, Member (2000 - 2004)
Goldwater Institute, Academic Advisor (1992 - 2004)
CLAS Senate, Member (2003)
Executive Committee, Member (2003)
Hydrology Search Committee, Member (2003)
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges Board on Oceans and Atmosphere, Member (2003)
16th International Congress of Biometeorology and the 15th American Meteorological Society's Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology, Member Program Committee (2001 - 2002)