Born and raised in Ciudad Obregon, Mexico, in the heart of the Yaqui Valley. Graduated with honors in both Bachelor in Chemistry (2005) and Master in Science in Natural Resources (2008) the Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora in 2005. He worked as a research assistant at Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora from 2007-2011. He works as a professor-researcher in Universidad Autnonoma de Ciudad Juarez since 2012. Member of the National Investigators System of Mexico (SNI, Candidate) 2013-2015. He is currently studying a Ph. D. in Geological Sciences in the School of Earth and Space Exploration from Arizona State University. He got the PRODEP scholarship from the mexican goverment and the prestigious Fullbright-Garcia Robles scholarship.
- Ecohydrology of arid and semi arid ecosystems.
- Ecohydrology of urban areas and agro-ecosystems.
- Environmental and Watershed Hydrology.
- Remote sensing.
- Geographic information systems.
- Net Ecosystem Exchange and Evapotranspiration.
- Climate Change and Global Warming