Jacob Young
Associate Professor,
School of Criminology & Criminal Justice (CCJ)
Other ASU affiliations
Center on Technology, Data and Society
Institute for Social Science Research
Mail code: 4420Campus: Dtphx
Long Bio
Jacob Young is an associate professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University. To learn more about me, visit my website: https://jacobtnyoung.github.io/.
- Ph.D. Sociology, University of Washington
- M.A. Sociology, University of Washington
- B.A. Criminology, University of New Mexico
- B.A. Psychology, University of New Mexico
Research Website URL
Google Scholar URL
Research Interests
- Network Criminology
- Data Science & R
- Corrections
- Criminological Theory
- Quantitative methods
- Meyers, Travis J. and Kevin A. Wright, Jacob T.N. Young, and Melinda Tasca. In Press. “Social
Support from Outside the Walls: Examining the Role of Relationship Dynamics with Prison
Visitors”. Journal of Criminal Justice. - Shjarback, John A. and Jacob T.N. Young. In Press. “The ‘Tough on Crime’ Arms Race: A Network
Approach to Understanding the Social Mechanisms Leading to the Rise of Federal Crime Control
Legislation in the United States from 1973-2004”. American Journal of Criminal Justice, https://
link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12103-017-9395-5. - Schaefer, David R., Martin Bouchard, Jacob T.N. Young, and Derek A. Kreager. In Press. “Friends in
Locked Places: An Investigation of Prison Inmate Network Structure”. Social Networks, http://
dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2016.12.006. - Young, Jacob T.N. and Justin T. Ready. In Press. “A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship between
Administrative Policy, Technological Preferences, and Body-Worn Camera Activation Among
Police Officers”. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, http://policing.oxfordjournals.org/
content/early/2016/03/16/police.paw005.full.pdf+html. - Kreager, Derek A. Jacob T.N. Young, Dana L. Haynie, Martin Bouchard, and Gary Zajac. 2017. “Where
‘Old Heads’ Prevail: Inmate Hierarchy in a Men’s Prison Unit”. American Sociological Review,
82(4): 685-718. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0003122417710462. - Fahmy, Chantal and Jacob T.N. Young. 2017. “Gender Inequality in Knowledge Production in
Criminology and Criminal Justice”. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 28(2): 285-305.
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10511253.2016.1233346. - Meldrum, Ryan C., Melissa A. Petkovsek, Brian B. Boutwell, and Jacob T.N. Young. 2017.
"Reassessing the Relationship between General Intelligence and Self-Control in Childhood".
Intelligence, 60(1):1-9. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016028961630126X. - Flexon, Jamie L., Ryan C. Meldrum, Jacob T.N. Young, and Peter Lehmann. Low Self-Control and the Dark Triad: Disentangling the Predictive Power of Personality Traits on Young Adult Substance Use, Offending, and Victimization. Journal of Criminal Justice (2016).
- Hoeben, Evelien M., Ryan C. Meldrum, D’Andre Walker, and Jacob T.N. Young. The Role of Peer Delinquency and Unstructured Socializing in Explaining Delinquency and Substance Use: A State-of-the-Art Review. Journal Of Criminal Justice (2016).
- Kreager, Derek A., David R. Schaefer, Martin Bouchard, Dana L. Haynie, Sara Wakefield, Jacob T.N. Young, and Gary Zajac. Toward a Criminology of Inmate Networks. Justice Quarterly (2016).
- Turanovic, Jillian J. and Jacob T.N. Young. Violent Offending and Victimization in Adolescence: Social Network Mechanisms and Homophily. Criminology (2016).
- Chantal, Fahmy and Jacob T.N. Young. Invisible Colleagues: The Informal Organization of Knowledge Production in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Journal of Criminal Justice Education (2015).
- Corcoran, Katie, David Pettinicchio, and Jacob T.N. Young. Perceptions of Societal Injustice and Efficacy: Participation in Low/High Cost Forms of Collection ActionSociological Inquiry. Sociological Inquiry (2015).
- Meldrum, Ryan C., Jacob T.N. Young, and Peter Lehmann. Parental Low Self-Control, Parental Socialization, Young Adult Low Self-Control, and Offending: A Retrospective Study. Criminal Justice and Behavior (2015).
- Ready, Justin, and Jacob T.N. Young. The Impact of On-Officer Video Cameras on Police-Citizen Contacts: Findings from a Controlled Field Experiment. Journal of Experimental Criminology (2015).
- Young, Jacob T.N. and Justin Ready. Diffusion of Policing Technology: The Role of Networks in Influencing the Endorsement and Use of On-Officer Cameras. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice (2015).
- Young, Jacob T.N., Cesar J. Rebellon, J.C. Barnes, and Frank M. Weerman. What do Alternative Measures of Peer Behavior Tell Us? Examining the Discriminant Validity of Multiple Methods of Measuring Peer Deviance and the Implications for Etiological Models. Justice Quarterly (2015).
- Meldrum, Ryan C., Jacob T.N. Young, Callie Burt, and Alex R. Piquero. Maternal Versus Adolescent Reports of Self-Control: Implications for Testing the General Theory of Crime. Journal of Criminal Justice (2013).
- Young, Jacob T.N. and Frank M. Weerman. Misperception of Peer Delinquency and Its Consequences: Examining a Mechanism of Social Influence and Delinquency. Social Problems (2013).
- Young, Jacob T.N., and Elizabeth Litzler. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Transfer Student Adjustment. Community College Journal of Research and Practice (2013).
- Litzler, Elizabeth and Jacob T.N. Young. Understanding the Risk of Attrition in Undergraduate Engineering: Results from the Project to Assess Climate in Engineering. Journal of Engineering Education (2012).
- Meldrum, Ryan C., Jacob T.N. Young, and Frank M. Weerman. Changes in Self-Control During Adolescence: Investigating the Influence of the Adolescent Peer Network. Journal of Criminal Justice (2012).
- Meldrum, Ryan C., Jacob T.N. Young, Carter Hay, and Jamie L. Flexon. Does Self-Control Influence Maternal Attachment? A Reciprocal Effects Analysis from Childhood through Middle Adolescence. Journal of Quantitative Criminology (2012).
- Corcoran, Katie, David Pettinicchio, and Jacob T.N. Young. The Context of Control: A Cross-National Investigation of the Link between Social Structure, Fatalism, and Collective Action. British Journal of Social Psychology (2011).
- Young, Jacob T. N. How Do They ‘End Up Together’? A Social Network Analysis of Self-Control, Homophily, and Adolescent Relationships. Journal of Quantitative Criminology (2011).
- Young, Jacob T.N., J.C. Barnes, Ryan C. Meldrum, and Frank M. Weerman. Assessing and Explaining Misperception of Peer Delinquency. Criminology (2011).
- Meldrum, Ryan C., Jacob T.N. Young, and Frank M. Weerman. Peers, Self-Control, and Delinquency: Assessing Effect Size Across Different Measures of Delinquent Peers. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (2009).
- Young, Jacob T.N. and Carter Rees. Social Networks and Delinquency in Adolescence: Implications for Life-Course Criminology. Handbook of Life-Course Criminology (0).
Research Activity
- Schaefer,David*, Young,Jacob. The Prison Inmates Network Study. PENN STATE UNIV(4/15/2015 - 5/31/2017).
- Decker,Scott Henderson*, Sweeten,Gary A, Young,Jacob. Revisiting Roxbury: Crime Gang Membership and the Life Course. NSF-SBE(9/1/2012 - 8/31/2016).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 502 | Seminar in Criminology |
CRJ 507 | Social Network Analysis |
CRJ 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
CRJ 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 507 | Social Network Analysis |
CRJ 605 | Quantitative Methods |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
CRJ 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
CRJ 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
CPP 526 | Found Data Sci I: Data Prog R |
CPP 526 | Found Data Sci I: Data Prog R |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 523 | Seminar in Network Criminology |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CPP 526 | Found Data Sci I: Data Prog R |
CPP 526 | Found Data Sci I: Data Prog R |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 240 | Introduction to Corrections |
- Young, Jacob T.N and Justin Ready. When a Control is not in Control: The Effect of Indirect Treatment Exposure in Experimental Research. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting (Nov 2014).
- Young, Jacob T.N and Justin Ready. The Social Organization of Legitimacy in Police Work Groups: Using Signed Graphs to Examine the Structure of Police Officer's Perceptions of Technology. Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (Feb 2014).
- Young, Jacob T.N. and Frank M. Weerman. Cognitive Consistency, Structural Balance, and Delinquency: A Longitudinal Analysis of Differential Social Organization using Bipartite Graphs. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2013).
- Young, Jacob T.N and Justin Ready. Diffusion of Policing Technology: The Role of Networks in Influencing the Endorsement and Use of On-Officer Cameras. Fifth Annual Illicit Networks Workshop (Oct 2013).
- Young, Jacob T.N. and Frank M. Weerman. Social Organization and Deviance: A Longitudinal Analysis of Definitions, Behaviors, and Relationships using Two-Mode Networks. Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (May 2013).
- Young, Jacob T.N., Cesar Rebellon, JC Barnes, and Frank M. Weerman. Unpacking the Black Box of ‘How Peers Matter’ using the Integrative Model of Interpersonal Influence. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting (Nov 2012).
- Young, Jacob T.N. Life-Course Trajectories and Peer Friendships: A Test of Moffitt’s Mimicry Hypothesis. Arizona State University, Center for Population Dynamics CePoD Seminar (Feb 2012).
- Young, Jacob T.N. Age, Peers, and Delinquency: Examining the Age-Varying Effects of Peer Delinquency using Perceptual Measures and Social Network Measures. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting (Nov 2011).
- Young, Jacob T.N. and Frank M. Weerman. Misperception of Peer Delinquency and Its Consequences: Examining the Microfoundations of Social Influence and Delinquency. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting (Nov 2010).
- Young, Jacob T.N. Projections or Connections? Egocentric Biases, Social Network Properties, and Norm Misperception in Adolescent Peer Networks. University of Washington, Department of Sociology Deviance and Social Control Seminar (Aug 2010).
- Young, Jacob T.N. and Frank M. Weerman. Misperception of Peer Delinquency and Its Consequences: Examining the Microfoundations of Social Influence and Delinquency. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting (Aug 2010).
- Young, Jacob T. N. Misperceptions of Peer Delinquency and Its Consequences: Examining the Microfoundations of Social Influence. University of Washington Department of Sociology Graduate Research Symposium (Jul 2010).
- Young, Jacob T. N. Peer Group Solidarity: Causal Force or Farce?. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting (Nov 2009).
- Young, Jacob T. N. Peer Group Solidarity: Causal Force or Farce?. University of Washington, Department of Sociology Deviance and Social Control Seminar (Feb 2009).
- Young, Jacob T. N. Life-Course Trajectories and Peer Friendships: A Social Network Analysis of Dual-Taxonomy Theory. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting (Nov 2008).
- Faculty Search Committee, Member (2015 - Present)
- Executive Committee, Member (2014 - Present)
- Graduate Committee, Member (2014 - Present)
- Director Search Committee, Member (2013 - Present)
- Social Problems, Advisory Editor (2013 - Present)
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Editorial Board Member (2016 - 2018)
- Academic Program Review, Member (2016 - 2017)