Barry Ritchie
Phone: 480-965-4707
PSF 429 Tempe, AZ 85287
Professor Barry G. Ritchie is in the Department of Physics at Arizona State University's Tempe campus. With his research group and collaborators, he conducts experiments at international accelerator facilities aimed at better understanding how the protons and neutrons of atomic nuclei are constructed from quarks and gluons. He also co-leads Conversations on Religion, Ethics, and Sciences, a project in the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, funded by the John Templeton Foundation.
A member of the American Physical Society with more than 200 refereed publications, Professor Ritchie's research specialty is in experimental nuclear and particle physics. He has served on technical advisory panels at Los Alamos National Laboratory and at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab). He served as a postdoctoral research associate at both the University of South Carolina and the University of Maryland. Professor Ritchie's ASU research group has been funded by the National Science Foundation.
Professor Ritchie also teaches physics at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He has taught courses ranging from introductory freshman physics to graduate-level nuclear and particle physics. His abilities as a teacher have been recognized twice by the Outstanding Teaching Award from the Department of Physics and also with the Dean's Quality Teaching Award from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
He has also held a number of key administrative roles during his career at ASU. Most recently, he served as Senior Advisor to the Provost (2015-2016). He was Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, providing oversight for ASU's nearly 3,000 faculty members and 2,400 academic professionals (2012-2015). From 2011 to 2013, he also directed the university-wide effort that successfully secured the reaffirmation of the accreditation of Arizona State University by the North Central Association Higher Learning Commission in 2013. Professor Ritchie served as Interim Vice President and Dean of the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at ASU (2006-2007). Prior to that appointment, he served as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (2000-2006), and Associate Chair from 1995-2000. He has been with ASU since 1984 and was promoted to professor of physics in 1996.
- Ph.D. Nuclear Physics, University of South Carolina-Columbia 1979
- M.S. Nuclear Physics, University of South Carolina-Columbia 1977
- B.S. Physics, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 1975
Professor Ritchie's research interests deal with meson and baryon spectroscopy using high energy photons. He has previously been involved in investigations of neutron-deficient heavy nuclei created in heavy ion interactions, pion interactions with nuclei, pion beta decay, neutrino oscillations, and baryon spectroscopy using electromagnetic probes. All these seek to understand the fundamental interactions between the basic constituents of matter.
- A Teymurazyan et al. (The PrimEx Collaboration). High precision photon flux determination for photon tagging experiments. Nucl. Instr. and Method 767, 300 (2014).
- O. Hen et al. (The CLAS Collaboration). Momentum sharing in imbalanced Fermi systems.
Science 346, 614 (2014). - I Bedlinskiy et al. (The CLAS Collaboration). Exclusive pi(0) electroproduction at W > 2 GeV with CLAS.
Phys. Rev. C 90, 025205 (2014). - B. Dey, et al. (The CLAS Collaboration). Data analysis techniques, differential cross sections, and spin density matrix elements for the reaction gamma p -> phi p. Phys. Rev. C 89, 055208 (2014).
- H. Seraydaryan, et al. (The CLAS Collaboration). phi-meson photoproduction on hydrogen in the neutral decay mode. Phys. Rev. C 89, 055206 (2014).
- W. Gohn, et al. (The CLAS Collaboration). Beam-spin asymmetries from semi-inclusive pion electroproduction. Phys. Rev. D 89, 072011 (2014).
- K. Moriya, et al. (The CLAS Collaboration). Spin and parity measurement of the Lambda(1405) baryon . Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 082004 (2014).
- M. Dugger, et al. (The CLAS Collaboration). Beam asymmetry Sigma for pi(+) and pi(0) photoproduction on the proton for photon energies from 1.102 to 1.862 GeV . Phys. Rev. C 88, 065203 (2013).
- Ritchie,Barry G*, Dugger,Michael Robert. Meson Physics at Arizona State University. NSF-MPS-PHY(8/1/2013 - 7/31/2016).
- Ritchie,Barry G*, Dugger,Michael Robert. Meson Physics at Arizona State University. NSF-MPS-PHY(9/1/2010 - 11/30/2013).
- Ritchie,Barry G*. ASU-Jefferson Lab Contract Meson Photoproduction. JEFFERSON LABS(1/1/2009 - 2/4/2010).
- Ritchie,Barry G*, Dugger,Michael Robert, Pasyuk,Eugene Anatolievitch. Meson Physics at Arizona State University. NSF-MPS-PHY(8/1/2007 - 7/31/2010).
- Samuelson,Hava Tirosh*, Allenby,Braden Richard, Cady,Linell E, Cady,Linell E, Lindsay,Stuart, Lindsay,Stuart, Marchant,Gary E, Ritchie,Barry G, Samuelson,Norbert Max, Samuelson,Norbert Max, Sarewitz,Daniel, Sarewitz,Daniel, White,Michael Joe, White,Michael Joe, White,Michael Joe. Facing the Challenges of Transhumanism: Religion Science and Technology. METANEXUS INST(5/1/2006 - 11/30/2011).
- Ritchie,Barry G*. Photonuclear Physics at Jefferson Laboratory. JEFFERSON NATL ACCELERATOR(6/16/2005 - 8/15/2008).
- Ritchie,Barry G*. Meson Physics at Arizona State University. NSF-MPS(8/15/2004 - 7/31/2007).
- Ritchie,Barry G*. Photonuclear Physics at Jefferson Lab. JEFFERSON NATL ACCELERATOR(6/16/2004 - 8/30/2004).
- Ritchie,Barry G*. MESON PHYSICS AT ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY. NSF-MPS(8/1/2001 - 12/31/2004).
- Ritchie,Barry G*. MESON PHYSICS AT ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY. NSF-MPS(6/15/1998 - 11/30/2001).
- Ritchie,Barry G*. MESON PHYSICS AT ASU. NSF-MPS(5/1/1995 - 4/30/1999).
- Ritchie,Barry G*. PHYSICS REU PROGRAM. NSF-MPS(3/24/1992 - 9/30/1995).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 311 | Classical Part/Field/Matter II |
PHY 311 | Classical Part/Field/Matter II |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 310 | Classical Parts/Field/Matter I |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 310 | Classical Parts/Field/Matter I |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 592 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 311 | Classical Part/Field/Matter II |
PHY 311 | Classical Part/Field/Matter II |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 310 | Classical Parts/Field/Matter I |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 310 | Classical Parts/Field/Matter I |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 592 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 311 | Classical Part/Field/Matter II |
PHY 311 | Classical Part/Field/Matter II |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 310 | Classical Parts/Field/Matter I |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 310 | Classical Parts/Field/Matter I |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 592 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 311 | Classical Part/Field/Matter II |
PHY 311 | Classical Part/Field/Matter II |
- B. G. Ritchie. Our Impending Cyborg Future: A Pause for Reflection. Metanexus Conference 2009: Cosmos, Nature, Culture - A Transdisciplinary Conference (Jul 2009).
- B. G. Ritchie. Status of Beam Asymmetry Measurements for Non-Strange Meson Photoproduction from g8b. CLAS Collaboration meeting (Jun 2009).
- B. Ritchie, et al. (for the CLAS Collaboration). $\pi^+$ photoproduction on the proton from 0.675 to 2.875 GeV. APS Division of Nuclear Physics meeting (Oct 2008).
- M. Dugger, et al. (for the CLAS Collaboration). Photon beam asymmetries for $\pi^0$ and $\pi^+$ photoproduction from the proton. APS Divsion of Nuclear Physics meeting (Oct 2008).
- P. Collins, et al. (for the CLAS Collaboration). Beam asymmetry in $\eta$ meson photoproduction from the proton. APS Division of Nuclear Physics meeting (Oct 2008).
- Barry Ritchie. Evolution, Purpose, and Physics. Science Cafe: Evolution and Faith - Room for Both (Feb 2008).
- Ritchie, Barry. Recent results on eta and eta' photoproduction on the proton. Second Symposium on Threshold Meson Production in pp and pd Interaction (Jun 2004).
- Ritchie, Barry. Photoproduction of eta and eta' Mesons. Workshop on New Aspects of Quark Nuclear Physics with Polarized Photons, Honolulu, HI (Feb 2003).
- Zhang, B, Ritchie, Barry. Searching for NN correlations in Helium using CLAS. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Que-bec, Canada (May 2000).
- Barrow, S, Ritchie, Barry. Electroproduction of the ?(1520) hyperon. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Bektasoglu, M, Ritchie, Barry. Exclusive p- Production from Polarized Deuterons. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Carman, D, Ritchie, Barry. Hyperon Double-Polarization Observables from CLAS for the p(e, e'K +)Y Reaction. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nu-clear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Egiyan, K, Ritchie, Barry. Study of Short Range Correlations in Nuclei with CLAS. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Inter-sections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Fatemi, R, Ritchie, Barry. Extraction of gp in the Resonance Region. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Tedeschi, D, Ritchie, Barry. Photoproduction of the f(1020) Meson Near Threshold. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Inter-sections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Weinstein, L, Ritchie, Barry. Direct Observation of Two Nucleon Correlations in Nuclei with CLAS. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Confer-ence on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Holtrop, M, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of the Polarized Beam Asymmetry on Nuclei with CLAS. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Confer-ence on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Kuhn, S, Ritchie, Barry. Inclusive Asymmetries and Spin Structure Function Integrals for the Deuteron. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Laget, J, Ritchie, Barry. Photo- and Electro-production of Vector Mesons. CI-PANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 2000).
- Yun, J, Ritchie, Barry. Spin structure functions of the Deuteron. CIPANP 2000 - 7th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (Apr 2000).
- Frlež, E, Ritchie, Barry. Study of Rare Pion and Muon Decays with the PIBETA Detector.
- Egi-yan, Hovanes, Ritchie, Barry. Single p+ Electroproduction Experiments Using the CLAS at Jefferson Lab.
- Loukachine, Konstantin, Smith, Elton, Ritchie, Barry. Electroproduction of the f(1020) Vector Meson at 4 GeV.
- McAleer, Simeon, Ritchie, Barry. Preliminary Results of ?(1116) Recoil Polari-zation in Electroproduction.
- Philips, Sasha, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of the ?p ? pp0p0 Reaction.
- Pocanic, Dinko, Ritchie, Barry. A Precise Measurement of the Pion Beta Decay Rate.
- Price, John, Ritchie, Barry. Photoproduction of ? Hyperons.
- Taylor, Simon, Ritchie, Barry. A preliminary measurement of the decay S(1385) ? ??.
- Ambrozewicz, P, Ritchie, Barry. Kaon Electroproduction using CLAS at Jefferson Lab.
- Avakian, H, Ritchie, Barry. Single-Spin Asymmetries at CLAS.
- Benmouna, N, Ritchie, Barry. Rho Photoproduction on 3He and 4He.
- Carnahan, B, Ritchie, Barry. Photoproduction of the S+.
- Dugger, M, Ritchie, Barry. Photoproduction of ?' Mesons on the Proton.
- Gavalian, G, Ritchie, Barry. Beam Spin Asymmetry in DVCS.
- Joo, K, Ritchie, Barry. CLAS Measurement of sLT' in the Resonance Region.
- Klimenko, A, Ritchie, Barry. Electron Scattering From a High-Momentum Neutron in Deuterium.
- Kubarovsky, V, Ritchie, Barry. Deeply Virtual Pseudoscalar Neutral Meson Production with CLAS.
- Li, Weidong, Ritchie, Barry. A New Measurement of the Pion Beta Decay Rate.
- Park, K, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of p+ Electroproduction Using Protons.
- Prok, Y, Ritchie, Barry. Measurements of the ep and ed Polarized Structure Functions at Energies of 1.6 and 5.7 GeV Using CLAS.
- Avakian, H, Ritchie, Barry. Single-Spin Asymmetries with CLAS.
- Biselli, A, Ritchie, Barry. Study of the ?+(1232) Using Double-Polariza-tion Asymmetries.
- Carnahan, B, Ritchie, Barry. Photoproduction of S+.
- Chinchilla, F, Ritchie, Barry. Development and Testing of Calibration Software for the CLAS Large Angle Calorimeters.
- Cole, P, Ritchie, Barry. The Physics with Linearly Polarized Photons in Hall B of Jefferson Lab.
- Egiyan, H, Ritchie, Barry. Pion Electroproduction in the Resonance Region Using CLAS.
- Fatemi, R, Ritchie, Barry. Extraction of in the Resonance Region.
- Forest, T, Ritchie, Barry. Measurements of the Q2 Dependence of Polarized Structure Functions.
- Frlez, Emil, Ritchie, Barry. Detailed Study of the Radiative Pion Decay.
- Guo, L, Ritchie, Barry. Strangeonium Photo-Production at CLAS.
- Hearin, A, Ritchie, Barry. Detection of Eta Mesons with the CLAS Detector at Jefferson Lab.
- Joo, K, Ritchie, Barry. Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements from p(e,e'p)p0 and p(e,e'n)p+ in the Resonance Region.
- Joo, K, Ritchie, Barry. Single Spin Beam Asymmetry Measurements from in the ?(1232) Resonance Re-115. gion.
- Juengst, H, Ritchie, Barry. Photoproduction of Hyperon Resonances.
- Lawrence, D, Ritchie, Barry. Precision Measurement of G(p0? ??) via the Primakov Effect.
- Lawrence, D, Ritchie, Barry. Study of the Axial Anomaly in the ?p ? p+p0p Reaction.
- Li, Weidong, Ritchie, Barry. Beam Pro?le Tomography in the PIBETA Experiment.
- Pocanic, Dinko, Ritchie, Barry. New results on the pion beta decay rate.
- Protopopescu, D, Ritchie, Barry. Beam Asymmetries in Semi-Exclusive Electron Scattering on 12C.
- Raue, B, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of Beam-Helicity Dependent Asymmetries in ep ? e'K+ with CLAS.
- Stepanyan, S, Ritchie, Barry. First Observation of Exclusive Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering.
- Weisberg, A, Ritchie, Barry. Electroproduction of K0± Mesons from Hydrogen.
- Zhang, B, Ritchie, Barry. Searching for NN Correlations in 3He.
- Ambrozewicz, P, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of ATL' for K +S0 Electroproduction with CLAS.
- Avagyan, H, Ritchie, Barry. Single-Spin Asymmetries in Pion Electroproduction at CLAS.
- Bektasoglu, M, Ritchie, Barry. Exclusive Negative Pion Production from Polarized Deuterons.
- Bellis, M, Ritchie, Barry. Two Charged Pion Photoproduction at CLAS.
- Carman, D, Ritchie, Barry. Hyperon Double Polarization Observables from CLAS for the p(e,e'K+)Y Reaction.
- Cole, P, Ritchie, Barry. An Instrumented Collimator for Enhancing the Degree of Linear Polarization for the g8 Run in Hall B of JLab.
- Dytman, S, Ritchie, Barry. Eta Electroproduction at CLAS.
- Egiyan, H, Ritchie, Barry. Single p+ Electroproduction Experiments at CLAS.
- Elouadrhiri, L, Ritchie, Barry. Deep Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) with the CLAS Detector at Jefferson Lab; First Results and Future Plans.
- Feuerbach, R, Ritchie, Barry. ? and S0 Electroproduction Structure Function Measurements with CLAS.
- Frlez, Emil, Ritchie, Barry. A New High Precision Measurement of Radiative Pion and Muon Decays.
- Gan, L, Ritchie, Barry. Development of a Precision Hybrid Electromagnetic Calorimeter at JLab.
- Hadjidakis, C, Ritchie, Barry. Exclusive ?0 Electroproduction on the Nucleon Above the Resonance Region at CLAS.
- Joo, K, Ritchie, Barry. Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements from p(e,e'p)p0 in the ?(1232) Resonance Region.
- Mammei, R, Ritchie, Barry. Calibration of the UTEP/ORSAY Instrumented Collimator Using the g8a Data Set.
- McNabb, J, Ritchie, Barry. Elementary ? and S0 Photoproduction Cross Sections and Induced Polarizations with CLAS at Jefferson Lab.
- Minehart, R, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of Proton Spin Structure Functions in the Resonance Region.
- Niccolai, S, Ritchie, Barry. Search for the Effects of Three-Body Forces in the 3He? ppn Reaction Measured with the CLAS Detector.
- Nozar, M, Ritchie, Barry. Meson Spectroscopy in Photoproduction at CLAS.
- Perry, J, Ritchie, Barry. Lifetime of the Neutral Pion by the Primakoff Effect.
- Pocanic, D, Ritchie, Barry. Recent Results from the PIBETA Experiment.
- Prok, Y, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of Proton Polarized Structure Function in the Energy Range from 1.6 to 5.75 GeV Using CLAS.
- Raue, B, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of ATL' for K-? Electroproduction with CLAS.
- Ripani, M, Ritchie, Barry. Resonance Excitation in Two Pion Electroproduction with CLAS.
- Ronchetti, F, Ritchie, Barry. Deuteron Two-Body Photodisintegration in the Quark-Hadron Picture.
- Smith, L, Ritchie, Barry. CLAS Measurement of N ? ?(1232) Quadrupole Transition Form Factors.
- Todor, L, Ritchie, Barry. Helicity Asymmetry of the ?p Cross Section for Photon Energies Between 2.5 and 5.3 GeV.
- Smith, L, Ritchie, Barry. Electroproduction of the ?(1232) for Q2=0.1-0.3 GeV2 using CLAS.
- Strauch, S, Ritchie, Barry. Photoproduction of Two Charged Pions from Hydrogen with Circularly Polarized Photons.
- VanDevender, Brent, Ritchie, Barry. The PIBETA Detector Waveform Digitizing System.
- Baltzel, N, Ritchie, Barry. Pentaquark Search with Quasi-Free Photoproduction in Deuterium.
- Butuceanu, C, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of the Nuclear Transparency by Double Scattering in d(e,e'p).
- Chen, S, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of Target Spin Asymmetry of DVCS Using CLAS.
- Driscoll, D, Ritchie, Barry. Single Spin Asymmetry Measurements from in the ?(1232) resonance region.
- Ilieva, Y, Ritchie, Barry. Coherent Pion Photoproduction on Deuterium.
- Ilieva, Y, Ritchie, Barry. Coherent Pion Photoproduction on Deuterium at Momentum Transfers |t| up to 2.2 GeV2.
- Joo, K, Ritchie, Barry. Evidence of Longitudinal P11(1440) Roper Resonance Strength from p+ Electroproduction Beam Asymmetry Measurements with CLAS.
- Klein, F, Ritchie, Barry. Search for Resonance Contributions in Elec-tro-and Photoproduction of the ? at CLAS.
- Korang-Beheshti, Y, Ritchie, Barry. Modi?ed Monte Carlo Simulation of Phi Meson Photoproduction.
- Mirazita, M, Ritchie, Barry. Search for Exotic Pentaquark T+ Baryon State in the ?d ? ?T+ Reaction.
- Nasseripour, R, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of the Fifth Structure Function in Kaon Electroproduction.
- Palladino, A, Ritchie, Barry. Single Spin Asymmetry Measurements from in the Roper Resonance Region.
- Smith, L, Ritchie, Barry. CLAS Measurement of Pion Electroproduction in the ?(1232) Region at Q2=0.1-0.3 GeV2.
- Strauch, S, Ritchie, Barry. Helicity Asymmetries in Double Charged Pion Photoproduction from Hydrogen with Circu-larly Polarized Photons.
- Ungaro, M, Ritchie, Barry. Electroproduction of p0 from ?(1232) at High Q2 with CLAS.
- Ungaro, M, Ritchie, Barry. Search for Pentaquark States in High Statistic Experiment on Proton Target at CLAS.
- Ambrozewich, P, Raue, B, Ritchie, Barry. L/T Separation in Kaon Electroproduction using CLAS at Jefferson Lab.
- Baltzel, N, Tedeschi, D, Ritchie, Barry. T+ Search with Quasi-Free Photoproduction in Deuterium.
- Balzel, N, Tedechi, D, Ritchie, Barry. T+ Search with ? n ? p Ks0 K- at Jefferson Lab.
- Benmouna, N, Ritchie, Barry. Photodisintegration of 4He (?, tp) into t+p.
- Burrell, R, Gilfoyle, G, Ritchie, Barry. Momentum Corrections for E5 data set.
- Gonenc, A, Laue, B, Kramer, L, Ritchie, Barry. Coherent Vector Meson Photoproduction off the Deuteron.
- Greenholt, K, Gilfoyle, G, Ritchie, Barry. Generating Fiducial Cuts for CLAS E5.
- Guo, L, Ritchie, Barry. ? spectroscopy in photoproduction on a proton target at Lefferson Lab.
- Joo, K, Ungaro, M, Ritchie, Barry. Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurement from p p0 and n p+ in the Roper and Second resonance Region.
- Mahmood, F, Vineyard, M, Ritchie, Barry. Comparison Between simulations and Data for Neutral Meson Photoproduction on the Proton.
- Mibe, T, Hicks, K, Carman, D, Stepanyan, S, Ritchie, Barry. Search for T+ in ? d ? K+ K- p (n) reaction.
- Nadel-Turonski, P, Ritchie, Barry. ? Photoproduction on the Neutron.
- Naseripour, R, Djalali, C, Tor, C, Wood, M, Weygand, D, Ritchie, Barry. Search for Medium Effects on Light Vector Mesons.
- Raue, B, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of st, sl, and the Ratio sl/st in Kaon Electroproductin Using CLAS.
- Santoro, J, Ritchie, Barry. Electroproduction of f(1020) Mesons at High Q2.
- Schumacher, R, Brad-ford, R, Ritchie, Barry. Measurement of Cx, Cz and ds/dO for K+? and K+S Photoproduction.
- Strauch, S, Ritchie, Barry. Photodisintegration of a Proton Pair in 3He.
- Ungaro, M, Ritchie, Barry. Electroproduction of p0 from ?(1232) at High Q2.
- Asavapibhop, Burin, Ritchie, Barry. Study of the Axial Anomaly in the ?p ? p+p0n Reaction at Low t Using CLAS and the Photon Tagger.
- 2013 Higher Learning Commission Re-Accreditation and Self-Study Effort, Director (2009 - Present)
- Metanexus Institute, Academic Board (2007 - Present)
- Metanexus Institute, Member, Academic Board of Directors (2007 - Present)
- 2013 Higher Learning Commission Re-Accreditation and Self-Study Effort, Director (2009 - 2013)
- Jefferson Lab CLAS Collaboration, Chair, Collaboration Review Committee (2011 - 2012)
- National Science Foundation, Reviewer (2011 - 2011)
- Division of Nuclear Physics meeting, American Physical Society, Session Chair (2011 - 2011)
- Department of Physics, Peer Visitor (2011 - 2011)
- Metanexus Institute, Academic Board (2007 - 2011)
- Graduate Exam Committee, Member (2008 - 2010)
- Dept. of Physics Executive Committee, Member (ex-officio: Undergrad Pgm Dir) (2009 - 2010)
- Undergraduate Program Committee, Interim Director (2009 - 2010)
- Graduate Examination Committee, Member (2008 - 2010)
- Undergraduate Program Committee, Member (2008 - 2010)
- NSF Major Research Instrumentation Proposal program, Reviewer (2009 - 2009)
- Dept of Physics Undergrad Award Ad Hoc Committee, Member (2009 - 2009)
- NSF Science Technology Center Panel Review, Panel Reviewer (2009 - 2009)
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Alliance for Faith, Science and Technology, Symposium organizer (2007 - 2007)
- New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Interim Dean and Vice President (2006 - 2007)
- Academic Chairs and Directors' Council, Chair (2004 - 2006)
- CLAS Collaboration Ad Hoc Review Committee, Analysis on Exclusive Delta Production on Deuterium, Chair (2006 - 2006)
- Social Embededness Steering Committee, Member (2005 - 2006)
- Academic Chairs and Directors Council, Chair, Steering Committee (2004 - 2006)
- CSSS Executive Committee, Member (ex-officio) (2000 - 2006)
- DPA Budget and Policy Committee, Chair (ex-officio) (2000 - 2006)
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Chair (2000 - 2006)
- External Visiting Committee, Physics Dept., NMSU, Member (2003 - 2006)
- University Club Advisory Board, Member (2003 - 2005)
- Academic Professionals Task Force, Member (2004)
- External Visiting Committee, Physics Dept., NMSU, Member (2004)
- DPA Executive Assistant Search, Chair (2004 - 2004)
- Kinesiology Chair Search, Chair (2003 - 2004)
- Search Committee, Associate Dean for Academic Personnel, CLAS, Member (2002 - 2003)
- CLAS Collaboration Ad Hoc Review Committee on g3 paper, Chair (2003)
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Chair (2003)
- Kinesiology Chair Search, Chair (2003)
- Search Committee, Associate Dean, Graduate College, Member (2000 - 2001)
- Department of Physics and Astronomy, Associate Chair (1994 - 2000)