Ann Hibner Koblitz
Phone: 480-965-8483
Wilson Hall 312 TEMPE, AZ 85287-6403
Ann Hibner Koblitz, professor of women and gender studies in the School of Social Transformation, has taught at ASU since 1998. Her first book was the biography of a Russian woman mathematician, feminist and writer. Her second book examined the lives of the first group of Russian women to receive their doctorates in the sciences and medicine. Her most recent book, "Sex and Herbs and Birth Control: Women and Fertility Regulation through the Ages" (Kovalevskaia Fund, 2014) received the 2015 Transdisciplinary Humanities Book Award from the Institute for Humanties Research at ASU and is a cross-cultural examination of fertility control methods, meanings of pregnancy/abortion, demographers' narratives about reproduction, and degradation of contraceptive knowledge. She also directs a small non-profit foundation, the Kovalevskaia Fund, for the encouragement of women in science, technology and medicine in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and she hosts the blog, Sex, Abortion, and Contraception.
Although Professor Hibner Koblitz's research interests have changed considerably since she received her doctorate in Russian intellectual history from Boston University in 1983, they still generally revolve around the relationships of gender with science, technology (broadly defined) and medicine. Her first two books, "A Convergence of Lives. Sofia Kovalevskaia: Scientist, Writer, Revolutionary and Science," and "Women and Revolution in Russia," examined the lives of 19th-century Russian women scientists and mathematicians and explored the significance of their stories for feminist gender and science theory. She has also written several dozen research articles on Russian women in science, gender and science theory, gender and archaeology, and comparative aspects of women/gender in science, technology and medicine (with special emphasis on the situations of women in Asia, Africa and Latin America).
She has consulted for UNIFEM, the Vietnam Women's Museum, and the Gender Research Institute of Essen University. She has been an Arizona Humanities Council speaker, and has served on national committees of the History of Science Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for Women in Slavic Studies, the American Mathematical Society, and other professional organizations.
Ph.D. Russian Intellectual History, Boston University 1983
Research interests: women in science, technology and medicine; women in science and mathematics in the Third World; women's reproductive health; women in Russia/USSR; women in Arizona; gender and science.
Teaching interests: feminist theory, gender and science/technology/medicine, gender and development, and women's medicine. Her global feminist theory course explores the interactions/tensions of transnational feminist theory with postcolonial theory, critical race theory, etc. Her graduate courses examine feminist epistemologies, ecofeminism, technologies of gender, and postcolonial critiques in the context of science and technology studies; and case studies in biopolitics and its relationships to market and state actors. She is also graduate faculty in History, and she is on the executive committee of the doctoral program in Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology.
NOTE: These are selected publications since 2010. For a full list of publications, see my curriculum vitae.
- Special issue: Transnational Feminisms, Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies, 36, No. 3 (2015); co-edited with Karen Leong, Karen Kuo, Heather Switzer, and Roberta Chevrette.
- Ann Hibner Koblitz. Sex and Herbs and Birth Control: Women and Fertility Regulation Through the Ages. (2014).
- Ann Hibner Koblitz, "French and Francophone Women in Science," Women in French Studies, ed. Mark Cruse (2014), pp. 87-98.
- Ann Hibner Koblitz. "It Walks in Beauty: The Science Fiction of Chandler Davis". The Mathematical Intelligencer 36, No. 1 (2013).
- Ann Hibner Koblitz. Gender, Science, and Narrative Inversion. The Cascadia Subduction Zone (2011).
- Ann Hibner Koblitz, Neal Koblitz, Alfred Menezes. Elliptic Curve Cryptography: The Serpentine Course of a Paradigm Shift. Journal of Number Theory (2011).
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
WST 499 | Individualized Instruction |
WST 792 | Research |
WST 799 | Dissertation |
WST 790 | Reading and Conference |
WST 690 | Reading and Conference |
NOTE: These are selected presentations since 2010. For a complete list, see my curriculum vitae.
- 2015 IHR Transdisciplinary Book Award Recipient talk (September 2015)
- El sexo, las hierbas, y el control de la natalidad. Sociology Department, Pontifical National University of Peru (April 2015)
- Conversatorio. Mathematics Department, San Marcos National University, Peru (April 2015)
- Speaker, opening ceremonies, espository lecturer, and roundtable participant on sessions on women in mathematics in Mexico, Mexican Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Durango (October 2014)
- Author Meets Critics session on Judy Wu's Radicals on the Road. National Women's Studies Association (Nov 2013).
- Uneasy Careers and Intimate Lives: Twenty-Five Years. History of Science Society (Nov 2012).
- French and Francophone Women in Science. Women in French conference (Feb 2012).
- Women in Mathematics: A Cultural Perspective. Math Forum for Teachers, Montego Bay Community College, Jamaica (Mar 2011).
- Estudios de Genero. Women's Studies Colloquium, University of Havana (Mar 2011).
Recipient of the "President's Friendship Medal" of the Government of Vietnam, 1995, 2010
ASU Institute for Humanities Research Transdiciplinary Book Award, 2015
American Historical Association, History of Science Society, National Women's Studies Association, Western Association of Women Historians
History, Justice Studies, Human & Social Dimensions of Science & Technology
Selected, since 2010:
- Indiana University Press, manuscript referee (2012 - Present)
- Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Association, chair and comment (2011)
- Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology Program, member of executive board (2007 - 2015)
- Institute for Issues in the History of Science, editorial board member (2006 - Present)
- Graduate Program Committee, 2009-present