Juan Gil-Osle
Mail code: 0202Campus: Tempe
Juan Gil-Osle completed his doctorate at the University of Chicago. Currently he is professor of Spanish, and Head of the Spanish and Portuguese section, at the School of International Letters and Cultures. His books focus on Golden Age peninsular literature (Cervantes, Tirso de Molina, Celestina, comparative analysis of the comedia). Many of his articles deal with literature & global studies, transborder studies, Basque studies, friendship/networking theories, the relationship between word and image, and gender studies. He leads the Spanish in China Initiative, is editor of Laberinto journal, and president of the Early Modern Image and Text Society.
- Ph.D. University of Chicago 2007
- M.A. Ohio University 2001
- Accreditation Legal Translator and Interpreter of French and Spanish 1995
- M.B.A. Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain 1993
- B.A. Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain 1993
1. LABERINTO JOURNAL http://laberintojournal.com
Laberinto is a peer-edited journal dedicated to the exploration of interdisciplinary connections among literary and cultural texts, as well as images of the Hispanic areas of influence during the early modern period.
Laberinto is sponsored by the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies—ACMRS, affiliated with the Spanish Section at the School of International Letters and Cultures, Arizona State University, and published in Tempe, Arizona.
2. EARLY MODERN AND IMAGE SOCIETY http://www.emitsociety.com
The EMIT Society intends to advance the study of images and texts in the Early Modern Period, as well as the theory and praxis that unite the visual and the textual in the creative process of artists. EMIT Society fosters collaborative opportunities between members in the form of bi-annual international, conferences, books, and special issue journals.
3. HISTORY OF EMOTIONS Australian Research Council Centre for Excellence in the History of Emotions (CHE), and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (ACMRS)
4. INTERPLANETARY INITIATIVE https://interplanetary.asu.edu/pilot-projects
Pilot project on "How will humankind react to the discovery of life off Earth?"
2018 Early Modern Globalism.
Under peer review. Awarded with Provost’s Humanities Fellows Academy 2016. 200pp.
2016 Los cigarrales de la privanza y el mecenazgo en Tirso de Molina. Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica. Madrid: Universidad de Navarra-Iberoamericana-Vervuert. 2016. 198 pp. ISBN: 978-84-8489-945-7. Reviewed in:
Modern Language Review 112.3 (2017): 726-28 (Enrique García Santo-Tomás)
Arte Nuevo. Forthcoming (Adrián Sainz)
e-Humanista. Forthcoming (Ana María Rodríguez-Rodríguez)
Renaissance Quarterly. Forthcoming (Christopher Weimer)
2013 Amistades imperfectas: de la tradición a la modernidad con Cervantes. Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica 83. Madrid: Universidad de Navarra-Iberoamericana-Vervuert. 2013.194 pp. ISBN: 978-84-8489-640-1. Reviewed in:
Hispanofilia. Forthcoming (Barbara Simerka)
Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America (2015): 234-36 (Matthew A. Wyzynski)
Hipogrifo 4 (2014): 189-91 (Fernando Rodríguez Mansilla)
Iberoamericana 14.53 (2014): 204-05 (Ana M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez)
Renaissance Quarterly 66.4 (2013): 1492-93 (Donald Gilbert-Santamaría)
In Progress Theater under the Ming and the Habsburgs.
Awarded with the American Council of Learned Societies-ACLS Comparative Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange ($8000)
Refereed Journal Articles and Chapters in Books:
1.“Metateatralidad en Cigarrales de Toledo de Tirso de Molina.” Bulletin of the Comediantes. Under consideration.
2.“Taming Heroic Friendships: Gendering and Privatizing Representations of Friendship.” Early Modern Women Journal. Under consideration.
3.“Journal of Iberian and Latin American StudiesLa representación de la Casa de Austria en el teatro del Siglo de Oro. Under consideration.
4.“El castigo económico en La febre d’or de Narcís Oller.” Catalan Review. Under consideration.
5.“Ocio, negocio y sacrificio en La Galatea.” Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America. Under consideration.
6.“Vizcaínos: The Scourge of the Empire and Uncomfortable Identities.” Boga: Basque Studies Consortium Journal 5.1 (2017): 1-15. Article 4. Available at: http://scholarworks.boisestate.edu/boga/vol5/iss1/4
7.“Early Modern Globalized World: Gifts, Trifles, and Friendship.” Journal of Globalization Studies 2 (2018). Forthcoming.
8.“Cabeza de Vaca’s Primahaitu Pidgin, O’odham Nation, and euskaldunak.” Journal of the Southwest (Spring 2018). Forthcoming.
9.“Disfrazándose como Escipión: de La Sofonisba de Trissino a los Africanos de Cervantes, Zorrilla, Pugat de la Serre y Calderón.” In “Los cielos se agotaron de prodigios”: Essays in Honor of Frederick A. de Armas. Ed. Christopher Weimer, Julio Vélez-Sainz, et al. Juan de la Cuesta. 2016. 113-20. In Press. Forthcoming 2017.
10.“The Cultural Border, Magic, and Oblivion in Bless Me, Ultima (2013), Obaba (2005), and Un embrujo (1998).” In Perspectives on Chicano Literature. Ed. Jesús Rosales and Vanessa Renee Fonseca. Columbus: Ohio State University Press. 2017. 82-89.
11.“La tradición de la amistad femenina en La traición en la amistad de María de Zayas.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 93.4 (2016): 361-83.
12.“El debate de la amicitia de las damas en Calderón de la Barca.” In Nuevas sonoras aves: catorce estudios sobre Calderón de la Barca. Ed. Antonio Sanchez-Jimenez. Madrid: Iberoamerciana-Vervuert-Universidad de Navarra. 2015. 215-26.
13. “Escipión, la amistad y la masculinidad cristiano-musulmana en ‘El amante liberal’ de Cervantes.” In issue entitled “Novelar en lengua castellana: estudios sobre la novela corta del Siglo de Oro.” Lejana: Revista Crítica de Narrativa Breve 7 (2014): 1-11.
14.“Bernardo Atxaga: canon, plagio y euskera literario.” Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America 91 (2014): 869-87.
15.“La Edad de Hierro en La traición en la amistad de María de Zayas.” Neophilologus 98.2 (2014): 275-86.
16.“Viajando a Australia: la disputa de un patrimonio histórico on-line.” eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies 24 (2013): 526-37.
17.“Nations and Legacy: The Case of Saint Francis of Xavier.” eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies 23 (2013): 492-511.
18.“Chatty Paintings, Twisted Memories, and Other Oddities in Boccaccio’s Amorosa visione.” Studi sul Boccaccio 38 (2010): 89-104.
19.“El poema de Calíope de La Galatea y les bons auteurs de la lengua francesa.” Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies 5 (2009): 117-32.
21.“Early Modern Illusions of Perfect Male Friendship: The Case of Cervantes’s ‘El curioso impertinente.’” Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 29.1 (2009): 85-115.
22.“Emblemas y mecenazgo en los Cigarrales de Toledo: análisis de una portada”
23.“La amistad, el remedio de la Fortuna en la Celestina.” Celestinesca 29 (2005): 171-95.
24.“El duelo entre Don Quijote y el viscaino: écfrasis y narradores en el Orlando Innamorato y el Quijote.” Cahiers parisiens /Parisian Notebooks 1 (2005): 198-207.
25.“El Juicio de Rosaura en El conde Partinuplés de Ana Caro.” Didascalia 1 (Abril 2004 – Suplemento). http://www.didascalia.com.br.
26.“La cosmonogía maya en la lucha por el poder en Balún-Canán de Rosario Castellanos.” Alba de América 22 (2003): 297-304.
27.“Alabanza de Naturaleza y menosprecio de sociedad en Tormento de Galdós.” Alba de América 21 (2002): 231-46.
Non-refereed Journal Articles:
- “Hyperreality and Cervantine Cultural encounters in Beijing 2016 (Tang Xianzu, Shakespeare, Cervantes, and Borges).” Laberinto Journal 10 (2017).
- “Ensayo de la amicitia sobre Amistades imperfectas: de la tradición a la modernidad con Cervantes.” Maestros de la Filología-Revista del Grupo Las dos vidas de las palabras (2014).
1.¿Por qué España? Memorias del hispanismo estadounidense, in Laberinto Journal 8 (2017). Forthcoming.
2.La conquista del clasicismo 1500-1598
3.“De amor, de honor e de donas:” mujer e ideales corteses en la Castilla de Juan II (1406-1454), in Revista de Literatura (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). Forthcoming.
4.Letras liberadas: cautiverio, escritura y subjetividad en el Mediterráneo de la época imperial española
5. Objects of Culture in the Literature of Imperial Spain, in Renaissance Quarterly 67.1 (2014): 333-34.
6.Ese idioma raro y poderoso: once decisiones cruciales que un escritor vasco está obligado a tomar. in Hispania 97.3 (2014): 524-25.
7. Lope de Vega en la invención de España: El drama histórico y la formación de la conciencia nacional, in Hispanófila 168 (2013): 142-45.
8. Baroque Horrors: Roots of the Fantastic in the Ages of Curiosities, in Bulletin of the Comediantes 64.1 (2012): 169-71.
9. Between History and Fiction: The Early Modern Spanish Siege Play, in Renaissance Quarterly 64.2 (2011): 565-66.
10. Libro de las virtuosas e claras mugeres, in Dicenda: Cuadernos de Filología Hispánica 28 (2010): 329-30.
11. Exemplary Tales of Love and Tales of Desillusion, in Renaissance Quarterly 63.1 (2010): 292-93.
12. Loyola’s Greater Narrative: The Architecture of the Spiritual Exercises in Golden Age and Enlightenment Literature, in Hispania 93 (2010): 147-48.
13. Modernidad bajo sospecha: Salas Barbadillo y la cultura material del siglo XVII in Rilce 26.2 (2010): 482-83.
Juan Pablo Gil-Osle's recent publications focus on the representations of friendship in early modern culture, on the relationship between word and image, and on gender studies. In the book Amistades imperfectas: del Humanismo a la Ilustración, Gil-Osle explores similarities and divergences between pre-modern and modern social models of friendship. His emphasis on the connection between early modern transformations of the institution of friendship and the opposition between current, contrasting social models grounded in solidarity, on the one hand, and individualism, on the other, makes the book relevant to a deeper understanding of the history of intellectual debates on neo-liberal and welfare policies in the USA and Europe. In addition, Gil-Osle’s interest in visual and digital portrayals of the Golden Age has resulted in his presidency of the Early Modern Image and Text Society (Emit Society), and his co-editorship of the journal Laberinto. Upcoming projects include a book about gender and visual culture in the representation of early modern friendship, a monograph on patronage in Tirso de Molina’s Los Cigarrales de Toledo, and a number of publications on the matrix between new media commemorations of Spanish and Basque early modern culture, history, and nationhood.
En sus recientes publicaciones, Juan Pablo Gil-Osle se interesa por las representaciones de la amistad en la cultura de la temprana modernidad, al igual que las relaciones entre la imagen, la palabra y los nuevos medios de comunicación, además de incorporar los estudios de género a sus análisis. En su libro las Amistades imperfectas: del Humanismo a la Ilustración con Cervantes analiza las representaciones de la amicitia en Cervantes con las conexiones entre los discursos de amistad premodernos y con los modelos sociales tanto solidarios como individualistas de la modernidad. El énfasis en las conexiones entre los cambios en la noción de la amistad en la temprana modernidad y la oposición entre los modelos sociales solidarios e individualistas hacen de este libro una referencia necesaria para profundizar en el actual debate sobre las políticas neo-liberales y del estado del bienestar que inundan los discursos políticos de Estados Unidos y Europa. Además, su interés por la imagen y los nuevos medios de comunicación en conexión con la cultura del Siglo de Oro, le ha llevado a ser director del Early Modern Image and Text Society (Emit Society) y coeditor de la revista Laberinto. Sus próximos proyectos son un libro sobre el género y la visualidad en la amistad de la temprana modernidad, y otro sobre el mecenazgo en los Cigarrales de Toledo de Tirso de Molina, al igual que una serie de publicaciones sobre las imbricaciones entre conmemoraciones de la cultura e historia españolas de la temprana modernidad, new media y nacionalismo.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 325 | Intro to Hispanic Literature |
SPA 592 | Research |
SPA 484 | Internship |
SPA 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SPA 493 | Honors Thesis |
SPA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SPA 590 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 799 | Dissertation |
SPA 325 | Intro to Hispanic Literature |
SPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 325 | Intro to Hispanic Literature |
SPA 792 | Research |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 592 | Research |
SPA 493 | Honors Thesis |
SPA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SPA 590 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 784 | Internship |
SPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 799 | Dissertation |
SPA 484 | Internship |
SLC 194 | Special Topics |
SPA 194 | Special Topics |
SLC 194 | Special Topics |
SPA 194 | Special Topics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 325 | Intro to Hispanic Literature |
SPA 484 | Internship |
SPA 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SPA 493 | Honors Thesis |
SPA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SPA 590 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 799 | Dissertation |
SPA 325 | Intro to Hispanic Literature |
SPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 325 | Intro to Hispanic Literature |
SPA 194 | Special Topics |
SLC 194 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 592 | Research |
SPA 493 | Honors Thesis |
SPA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SPA 590 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 784 | Internship |
SPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 799 | Dissertation |
SPA 484 | Internship |
SLC 194 | Special Topics |
SPA 194 | Special Topics |
CHI 598 | Special Topics |
SPA 598 | Special Topics |
SPA 494 | Special Topics |
CHI 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 494 | Special Topics |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 592 | Research |
SPA 484 | Internship |
SPA 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SPA 493 | Honors Thesis |
SPA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SPA 590 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 799 | Dissertation |
SPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 592 | Research |
SPA 493 | Honors Thesis |
SPA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SPA 590 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 599 | Thesis |
SPA 784 | Internship |
SPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 799 | Dissertation |
SPA 484 | Internship |
SPA 598 | Special Topics |
SPA 494 | Special Topics |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 592 | Research |
SPA 484 | Internship |
SPA 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SPA 590 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 799 | Dissertation |
SPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 194 | Special Topics |
SLC 194 | Special Topics |
ENG 194 | Special Topics |
SGS 194 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 592 | Research |
SPA 493 | Honors Thesis |
SPA 499 | Individualized Instruction |
SPA 590 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 599 | Thesis |
SPA 784 | Internship |
SPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 799 | Dissertation |
SPA 598 | Special Topics |
SPA 494 | Special Topics |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 595 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 492 | Honors Directed Study |
SPA 695 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 784 | Internship |
SPA 792 | Research |
SPA 795 | Continuing Registration |
SPA 799 | Dissertation |
SPA 599 | Thesis |
SPA 325 | Intro to Hispanic Literature |
SPA 790 | Reading and Conference |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SLC 598 | Special Topics |
SPA 598 | Special Topics |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SPA 325 | Intro to Hispanic Literature |
SPA 194 | Special Topics |
SLC 194 | Special Topics |
Teaching Bio
Arizona State University 2012-to present
Graduate Seminars:
- Global Connections: Spies, Pirates, & Travelers
- Global Spanish Drama
- Cervantes
- Pax Hispanica, Valimiento, and Globality (1598-1621)
- Renaissance Women and Friendship Theory
- Spanish Drama of Golden Age: Transatlantic Plays
- Visual Representations of Don Quixote
Undergraduate Courses:
- Don Quixote
- The Southwest before the U.S.
- Foundational Texts of Spain
- Pirates, Travelers and Renegados
- Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory
- Visual Representations of Don Quixote
- Survey on Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Literature
- CLAS Early Start 2015, Division of Humanities
Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, Summers 2015, 2016
Western History of the Notion and Practice of Friendship
Spanish Conversation
Arkansas State University 2008-2012
Graduate Seminar:
- National Commemorations
Undergraduate courses:
- Early Modern History of the Novel
- Visual Friendship in Don Quixote
- Great Books
- Survey Latino American Literature
- Reading and Composition
- Introduction to Hispanic Literature
- Conversation I, II
- Intermediate II
University of Michigan 2007-2008
- Religion and Culture in Jewish, Muslim and Christian Narratives: Survey of Spanish Literature I (Spanish 371)
- Traveling to Asia and the Gifts of Empire (Spanish 373)
- Visualizing Don Quijote (Spanish 456)
- The Picaresque Empire: Picaros, Renegados, Pirates, and Travelers (Spanish 458)
- Women’s Virtue and Male Friendship in Early Modern Culture (Spanish 468)
- Women Writers of Early Modern Spain (Spanish 488)
University of Chicago 2002-2007
- Language, History and Culture III (Spanish 203)
- Literatura Hispánica: Textos Españoles Contemporáneos (Spanish 208)
- Basque Language for Reading
- First-year and second-year Spanish courses
University of Scranton 2001-2002
- Writing Spanish (Spanish 311)
- Spanish Civilization and Culture (Spanish 313)
- History of Spanish Literature (Spanish 330)
- Themes in Hispanic Prose (Span 484)
- Culture and Civilization of Modern Spain through Literature (Spanish 396)
- Study-abroad program in Pamplona, Spain.
Ohio University 2000-2001
First-year language series (Spanish 111-112-113)
2018 American Council of Learned Societies-ACLS Comparative Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange ($24,500)
2017 Understanding China Fellowship, Confucius Institute, Renmin University of China, Beijing ($10,000)
2017 Connected Academics Champion Mentor Award, SILC’s Travel Funds, CLAS Humanities Research Incentive ($2,375)
2016 Fundraising: Spanish Initiative in China, Summer 2016 (over $75,000)
2016 CLAS Humanities Research Incentive 2016, SILC’s Travel Funds, Arizona SU ($2,780)
2015 Provost’s Humanities Fellows Academy 2016, Arizona SU ($23,000)
2011 Faculty Development Fund, Arkansas SU ($4,000)
2010 Eleanor Lane Faculty Development, Arkansas SU ($1,000)
2009 Faculty Research Fund, Arkansas SU ($4,000)
2006 Overseas Dissertation Research Grant, U of Chicago ($2,500)
Edited Journals:
(Laberinto Journal, a publication sponsored by the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, http://laberintojournal.com/index.html )
Laberinto Journal. Volume 10, 2017. Special issue on Cervantes in China on his 400th Anniversary.
Laberinto Journal. Volume 9, 2016. Special issue on Global Early Modernity.
Laberinto Journal. Volume 8, 2015.
Laberinto Journal. Volume 7, 2014. Special issue on Nationalism.
Laberinto Journal, Volume 6, 2012.
Academic Websites:
Laberinto Journal: An Electronic Journal of Early Modern Hispanic Literatures and Culture. http://laberintojournal.com/index.html
Early Modern Image and Text Society. www.emitsociety.com
The Misplaced Image, The Revealed Clue. 2006. http://jomsy.com/misplaced/participants.html
2017 Referee for book manuscript, Iberoamericana-Vervuert
2016 Referee for Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS), published in China
2015 Editor for the Academia.edu Editor Program
2014: Referee for Bulletin of Hispanic Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America
2012: Referee for Letras femeninas
2012-14: Co-editor and webmaster for Laberinto: An Electronic Journal of Early Modern Hispanic Literatures and Culture
2011-12: Referee for Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America
2011: Referee for Laberinto: An Electronic Journal of Early Modern Hispanic Literatures and Culture
2008-11: Referee for Hispania: A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese
2010-12: Webmaster of the Early Modern Image and Text Society
2009: Referee for Heinle Cengage Learning
CSA, Cervantes Society of America
MLA, Modern Language Association of America
RSA, Renaissance Society of America
EMIT SOCIETY, Early Modern Image and Text Society.
Dissertation Director
2014-17 Dr. Daniel Holcombe.
Currently employed by Clemson University, Greenville, South Carolina. Dissertation defended April 2017: “Surreal Classicism: Salvador Dalí Illustrates Don Quixote.” Winner of Graduate College Graduate Completion Fellowship, Spring 2017.
2015-19 María José Domínguez.
Expected ABD in Spring 2018. Recipient of the 2017 CLAS Graduate Excellence Fellowship for First Generation Students.
2015-19 Alejandro López Villegas. Expected ABD in Spring 2018.
Dissertation Committee Member
2017- Rosita Scerbo
2017- Cindy Bonilla
2017- Beatriz-Carla Rodríguez
2016-17 José Flores, "Raza Especulativa: Reimaginando el Discurso Racial en la Narrativa Mexicoamericana, (1970-2010)"
2016- Jorge Gimeno
2014-17 Elena Cordan, “El esoterismo en la cultura europea: el tetraedro del conocimiento en las novelas de Javier Serra”
2014-16 Erika Bondi
Honors Thesis Committee Member
2016-17 Lawrence Baker. “Anti-Judaism and the Emerging Spanish State: 1391-1492.”
2013 Rachel Kultala. “El cine de E.T.A.”
Faculty Supervisor
2016 Visiting Researcher Dr. Tan Ling. Central South University, Changsha.
2017 Visiting Researcher Dr. Shi Wei (Marisol). Sichuan University, Chengdu.
Job search mentor
Dr. Francisco Serratos, hired in Sichuan University, 2015
Dr. Erika Bondi, hired in Sichuan University, 2017
Dr. Nelson Suarez, hired in Northeastern University, 2017
Norma Lopez, hired in Northeastern University, 2017
2016-present Point person in SILC for the Spanish in China Initiative 2016 Summer Immersion Program, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China 2015-present Associate Professor of Spanish, Arizona State University, Tempe 2015 Summer Immersion Program, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China 2014-present Research Partner at the Australian Research Council Centre for Excellence in the History of Emotions (CHE), and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (ACMRS). 2012-15 Assistant Professor of Spanish, Arizona State University, Tempe 2010-12 Associated Faculty, Heritage Studies Ph.D. program, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR 2008-12 Assistant Professor of Spanish and French, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR 2007-08 Visiting Faculty, University of Michigan, Anne Arbor, MI 2002-07 Lecturer, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 2001-02 Lecturer, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA 2000-01 Language Instructor, Ohio University, Athens, OH
1. SPANISH IN CHINA INITIATIVE Spanish Initiative in China
Our Spanish Faculty has been cultivating a relationship with various institutions to strengthen the Spanish-Chinese ties. Their efforts are growing across the world and are making an impact on the Spanish-Chinese political, economical, communal, and educational relationships.
ASU, The school of International Letters and Cultures more specifically, Have brought together a variety of Institutions around the world and have created 3 key Conferences:
Sichuan University
- Our partnership began in 2014
- SILC goes to Sichuan University with faculty and Graduate Students to teach courses in Spanish, through this our students landed a job with them.
The Chair of Spanish in Sichuan University, Dr. Shi Wei (Marisol) will expend 6 months as a Visiting Scholar at Arizona State.
- Through this program, students from Sichuan University relocate to Arizona to attend Arizona State University in the School of International Letters and Cultures
University of Chicago Center, Renmin University
We celebrated this symposium successfully at the University of Chicago Beijng Center as a way to further relations between Spanish departments at Renmin University, Beijing University, The University of Chicago, and Arizona State in both sides of the Pacific.
Center for Argentinian Studies, Beijing
- We celebrated this symposium as a way to further relations between our Spanish program and the Center for Argentinian Studies.
2016-17 Foster Latin American Research Fellowship committee
2016-17 SILC point person for Spanish Initiative in China
2016-17 Search Committee for targeted hire, SILC
2016-17 Fulbright U.S. Student Program, Evaluator in the Southern Europe Committee, Barrett Honors College
2013-17 Spanish Initiative in China: relations building with Renmin University, Northwestern University, Sichuan University, South Central University
2015 Outreach to the organization Flight 33 for internships
2015-17 Undergraduate Committee, Spanish, SILC
2015 Panel “Becoming a Colleague,” CLASS
2015 General Studies Council representative for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for the Fall 2015 semester.
2015 Visit of General Consul of Spain, Javier Vallaure, ASU campus, Tempe
2014-17 Senator in the University Senate
2014-17 Senator in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Senate
2012-17 Graduate Committee, Spanish, SILC
2014 Ad-hoc Undergraduate Committee, Spanish
2014 Organization of the participation of the School of International Letters and Cultures in the Sichuan University Immersion Program 2014, Chengdu, China
2014 Teresa Valdivieso Award Committee
2013-14 Master’s Thesis Committee, Susana Zaragoza
2013 Manager of the Facebook for the Spanish and Portuguese Section, facebook.com/ASUSpanish
2013-17 Quino-Martinez Scholarship Committee
2012-13 Spanish Graduate Curriculum Committee