Gray Cavender
Phone: 480-965-7013
NOVUS Building ASU tempe, AZ 85287
Gray Cavender is an Emeritus Professor of Justice & Social Inquiry in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University. His teaching and research interests include the media, crime and punishment, and law and society. He has analyzed factual and fictional media depictions of crime and justice in books, journal articles and chapters. With Nancy Jurik, he is the author of "Justice Provocateur: Jane Tennison and Policing in Prime Suspect" (University of Illinois Press, 2012). With Mark Fishman, he edited "Entertaining Crime: Television Reality Programs" (Aldine, 1998). He is the co-author of "Corporate Crime Under Attack: The Fight to Criminalize Business Violence" (Taylor Francis, 2008). He is also the author of a forthcoming mystery novel, "Death of the Ayn Rand Scholar," amd a book of short stories, "The Pandemic Casebook of Jillian Warne."
- J.D. University of Tennessee
- Ph.D. Florida State University
- Gray Cavender and Nancy Jurik. Justice Provocateur: Jane Tennison and Policing in Prime Suspect. (2012).
- Gray Cavender and Nancy Jurik. Criminal Justice/Social Justice: The Co-Optation and Insulation of Organizational Wrongdoing. Borders and Crime: Pre-Crime, Mobility, and Serious Harm in an Age of Globalization (2012).
- Gray Cavender. Albert K. Cohen's Theory of Delinquency. Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory (2010).
- Gray Cavender, Kishonna Gray, and Kenneth Miller. Enron's Perp Walk: Status Degradation Ceremonies As Narrative. Crime Media Culture (2010).
- Cavender, Gray, and Nancy C. Jurik. Truth, Justice, and the Crime Genre: Implications for Criminological Inquiry and Pedagogy. International Handbook of Criminology (2010).
- Gray Cavender and Nancy C. Jurik. Truth, Reality, Justice and the Crime Genre: Implications for Criminological Inquiry and Pedagogy. International Handbook of Criminology (2010).
- Gray Cavender. Punishment, Politics, and Levels of Analysis: Review Essay. (2010).
- Nancy Jurik, Gray Cavender, Julie Cowgill. Resistance and Accomodation in a Post-Welfare Social Service Organization. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (2009).
- Adelman, Madelaine, Gray Cavender and Nancy Jurik. The Haunting of Jane Tennison: Investigating Violence Against Women in Prime Suspect. Women, Violence and the Media (2009).
- Adelman, Madelaine, Gray Cavender, and Nancy C. Jurik. The Life and Times of Jane Tennison of the London Metropolitan Police: Crusader for Justice or Post-Feminish Icon?. Women, Violence and the Media (2009).
- Cavender, Gray and Aogan Mulcahy. Trial By Fire: Media Constructions of Corporate Deviance. Crime and Media (2009).
- Gray Cavender, Sarah Deutsch. CSI and Forensic Realism. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture (2008).
- Sarah Deutsch, Gray Cavender. CSI and Forensic Realism. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture (2008).
- Cavender, Gray. Law and Corporate Regulation: Webs of Control. (2008).
- Gray Cavender, Nancy Jurik. Scene Composition and Justice for Women: An Analysis of the Portrayal of Detective Tennison in the British Television Program Prime Suspect. Feminist Criminology (2007).
- Gray Cavender, Sarah Deutsch. CSI and Moral Authority: The Police and Science. Crime, Media, Culture (2007).
- Nancy Jurik, Gray Cavender, Julie Cowgill. Searching for Social Capital in U.S. Microenterprise Development Programs. Sociology & Social Welfare (2006).
- Cullen, Francis, Cavender, Gray, Maaskestad, William, Benson, Michael. Corporate Crime Under Attack: The Fight To Criminalize Business Violence. (2006).
- Cavender, Gray (Author) ,Bond-Maupin, Lisa (Author) . Fear and Loathing on Reality Television: An Analysis of America's Most Wanted and Unsolved Mysteries (reprint). Constructing Crime: Perspectives on Making News and Social Problems (2006).
- Cavender, Gray (Author) ,Cullen, Francis (Author) ,Maakestad, William (Author) . The Ford Pinto Trial (1980). Famous American Criminal Trials (2006).
- Cullen, Francis,Maakestad, William,Cavender, Gray. The Ford Pinto Case and Beyond; Corporate Crime, Moral Boundaries and the Criminal Sanction (reprint). Justice, Crime and Ethics (2005).
- Parkin, William (Author) ,Cavender, Gray (Author) ,Kupchik, Aaron (Author) ,Altheide, David (Author) ,Hanson, Randel (Author) . Timothy McVeigh: The Social Construction of an American Terrorist. Copy Terrorism, Israel and the International Community: Israel Studies in Criminology (2005).
- Gray Cavender. Media and Crime Policy: A Reconsideration of David Garland's The Culture of Control. Punishment and Society (2004).
- Gray Cavender, Nancy Jurik. Policing Race and Gender: An Analysis of Prime Suspect 2. Women's Studies Quarterly (2004).
- Cavender, Gray (Author) . In Search of Community on Reality TV. Understanding Reality Television (2004).
- Jurik, Nancy (Author) ,Cavender, Gray (Author) . Feminism, Multiculturalism and the Justice Studies Movement. The Criminal Justice System and Women (2004).
- Cavender, Gray (Author) . In the Shadow of Shadows: Television Reality Crime Programs. Social Problems: Constructionist Readings (2003).
- Gray Cavender, Wes Shipley. Murder and Mayhem at the Movies. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture (2001).
- Gray Cavender, Morgan Doran. Legitimating Murder? An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Violence at Abortion Clinics. Sociology of Law, Crime and Deviance (2000).
- Cavender, Gray (Author) ,Jurik, Nancy C (Author) . Policewomen on Television. Encyclopedia of Women and Crime (2000).
- Cavender, Gray and Aogan Mulcahy. Trial By Fire: Media Constructions of Corporate Deviance. Deviant Behavior: A Text-Reader in the Sociology of Deviance (0).
- Nancy Jurik and Gray Cavender. Dilemmas in the Regulation of Research Ethics: U.S.A. University Institutional Review Boards. Invited Lecture (Oct 2012).
- Gray Cavender and Nancy Jurik. Justice and the Television Crime Genre. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2011).
- Nancy Jurik and Gray Cavender. Can Women Make a Difference? Heroes and Villians in the US Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Colloquium Seminar (Oct 2011).
- Nancy Jurik and Gray Cavender. Work-Life Balance and the Fictional Policewoman. Society for the Study of Social Problems (Aug 2011).
- Gray Cavender and Nancy C. Jurik. Doing Justice in the Crime Genre. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2010).
- Nancy C. Jurik and Gray Cavender. Work-Life Balance and the Fictional Policewoman: Jane Tennison in the British TV Series Prime Suspect. Colloquium in the Gender & Sociology Department, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic (Jun 2010).
- Nancy C. Jurik and Gray Cavender. Ramped-Up: Doing Gender in the Corporate University. Pacific Sociological Association (Mar 2010).
- Cavender, Gray and Nancy Jurik. Criminal Justice/Social Justice? Challenging the Individualization of Wrongdoing. Transnational Criminology Workshop, Monash University Prato, Italy (Jun 2009).
- Jurik, Nancy and Gray Cavender. U.S. University Changes in a Time of Economic Crisis. Czech Academy of Sciences (May 2009).
- Cavender, Gray, Miller, Ken. Corporate Crime as Trouble: Reporting on Corporate Scandals. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meetings (Aug 2007).
- Jurik, Nancy, Cavender, Gray. Doing Gender in the 21st Century: The Case of the Corporate University. Sociologists for Women in Society (Aug 2007).
- Cavender, Gray, Miller, Ken. Corporate Crime as Trouble: Reporting on Corporate Scandals. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meetings (Aug 2007).
- Jurik, Nancy, Cavender, Gray. Doing Gender in the 21st Century: The Case of the Corporate University. Sociologists for Women in Society (Aug 2007).
- Cavender, Gray, Jurik, Nancy, Adelman, Madelaine. Media Sensitivity to Marginalized victims of Violence: Visuals and Mise-en-Scend in the Prime Suspect Series. Society for the Study of Social Problems (Aug 2006).
- Jurik, Nancy, Cavender, Gray, Cowgill, Julie. Searching for Social Capital in U.S. Microenterprise Development Programs. American Sociological Association (Aug 2006).
- Cavender, Gray, Jurik, Nancy. Visuals and Mise-en-Scene: Jane Tennison, Prime Suspect, and Police Procedurals. Dept of Law, University of Manchester (UK) (Nov 2005).
- Jurik, Nancy, Cavender, Gray, Cowgill, Julie. Microenterprise Development Programs and Social Capital. International Social Capital Foundation (Sep 2005).
- Cavender, Gray, Jurik, Nancy. Visuals and Mise-en-scene: Jane Tennison and Other Women. International Visual Sociology Association (Aug 2005).
- Cavender, Gray. The Life and Times of Jane Tennison of the London Metropolitan Police: Crusader for Justice or Post-Feminist Icon?. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2004).
- Cavender, Gray. Women, Violence, and the Media II. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2004).
- Cavender, Gray, Jurik, Nancy. The Life and Times of Jane Tennison of the London Metropolitan Police: Crusader for Justice or Post-Feminist Icon?. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2004).
- Miller, Ken, Cavender, Gray. Law, Culture, and the Politics of Corporate Regulation: Rethinking Sarbanes-Oxley. Soceity for the Study of Social Problems (Aug 2004).
- Cavender, Gray. Law, Culture, and the Politics of Corporate Regulation: Rethinking Sarbanes-Oxley. Soceity for the Study of Social Problems (Aug 2004).
- Cavender, Gray. Student Award Winning Papers I. Society for the Study of Social Problems (Aug 2004).
- Cavender, Gray. The Social Movement Against White Collar Crime. Society for the Study of Social Problems (Nov 2003).
- Cavender, Gray. Women, Violence, and the Media. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2003).
- Cavender, Gray, Cowgill, Julie. Town Hall Discussion of the Iraq War. Society for the Study of Social Problems (Nov 2003).
- Jurik, Nancy, Cavender, Gray. Feminism, Public Sociology and Justice Studies. Sociology for Women and Society (Feb 2003).
- Cavender, Gray. Feminism, Public Sociology and Justice Studies. Sociology for Women and Society (Feb 2003).
- Cavender, Gray. The Academy of the Future: A Senior Rank Perspective. Society for the Study of Social Problems (Aug 2002).
- Cavender, Gray, Jurik, Nancy. Visuals and Mise-en-scene: Jane Tennison, Prime Suspect, and Police Procedurals. Invited Lecture
- Maricopa County Adult Probation, Use of Force Review Board (Civilian Member) (2012 - Present)
- European Journal of Criminology, Referee (2011 - Present)
- Crime Law and Social Change, Referee (2010 - Present)
- Crime Media Culture, Referee (2010 - Present)
- Crime Media Culture (journal), Referee (2010 - Present)
- Tempe Police Department, Unpaid consultant: Intelligence-Led Policing (2010 - Present)
- Social Problems, Referee (2010 - Present)
- Philadelphia Enquired Newspaper, Interviewed about Reality Television (2010 - Present)
- Kyrene Del Milenio Elementry School, Guest Speaker on College for Fifth Grade Class (2010 - Present)
- Arizona State University "Sneak Preview", recruitment of high school seniors (2009 - Present)
- Thetorical Criminology, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Crime Media Culture, Feminist Criminology, Gender & Society, Reviewer (2007 - Present)
- Journal of Criminal Justice; POLAR; Social Problems, Reviewer (2007 - Present)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canadan, Grant Referee (2007 - Present)
- University of Toronto Press, Manuscript Review (2007 - Present)
- University of Toronto Press, Manuscript Review (2007 - Present)
- Colloquium: Race, Gender and Mystery Justice, Co-organizer (with Nancy Jurik) (2005 - Present)
- Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Justice Studies, Participating Faculty (1985 - Present)
- Crime Media Culture, International Advisory Editorial Board, member (2009 - 2013)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems, Committee member: Joseph Gilter Award Committee (2010 - 2012)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems, Committee member: Permanent Organization and Strategic Planning (2010 - 2012)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems, Member, Joseph Gittler Award Committee (2010 - 2012)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems, Member, Permanent Organization and Strategic Planning Committee (2010 - 2012)
- Crime Media Culture (journal), International Advisior Board (2009 - 2012)
- Use of Force Review Board, Maricopa County Adult Probation, Civilian Member (2008 - 2012)
- Crime Media Culture, International Advisory Board (2009 - 2012)
- Justice & Social Inquiry, Thesis Substitute Defenses, member (2012 - 2012)
- Justice & Social Inquiry, Member, Graduate Committee (2011 - 2012)
- Justice & Social Inquiry, Member, Personnel Committee (2011 - 2012)
- Justice & Social Inquiry Graduate Admissions Committee, member (2011 - 2012)
- Justice & Social Inquiry Personnel Committee, member (2011 - 2012)
- POLAR, Referee (2010 - 2010)
- Feminist Criminology, Referee (2010 - 2010)
- Justice & Social Inquiry, Member of Graduate Committee (2010 - 2010)
- Recruitment Committee, School of Social Transformation, Member (2009 - 2010)
- Graduate Committee, Member (2009 - 2010)
- School of Social Transformation Recruitment Committee, Committee Member (2009 - 2010)
- National Science Foundation, Grant review (2009 - 2009)
- Graduate Committee, Member and Director of MS Program (2008 - 2009)
- Graduate Committee, Member and Director of MS Program (2008 - 2008)
- Policy Work Group, Member (2008 - 2008)
- School of Social Transformation, Participant at Two Town Hall Meetings (2008 - 2008)
- Student Association Panel: Becoming a Lawyer, Member (2008 - 2008)
- Student Association Panel: Graduate and Law School, Member (2008 - 2008)
- Undergraduate Committee, Member (2008 - 2008)
- University of Texas, El Paso, Interviewed (2008 - 2008)
- Use of Force Review Board, Maricopa County Adult Probation, Civilian Member (2008 - 2008)
- Communication Monographs; Journal of Criminal Justice; Justice Quarterly, Sociological Compas, Reviewer (2008 - 2008)
- Justice & Social Inquiry, Chair, Borderlands Search Committee (2007 - 2008)
- Justice & Social Inquiry, Member, Director Search Committee (2007 - 2008)
- Justice & Social Inquiry Class, Guest Lecture (2008 - 2008)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chair, Budget, Finance and Audit Committee (2007 - 2008)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems, Ex Officio Member (2007 - 2008)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems, Member, Budget and Finance Committee (elected) (2005 - 2008)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems, Member, Budget, Finance and Audit Committee (elected) (2005 - 2008)
- Justice & Social Inquiry, Present Research Paper (2008 - 2008)
- Social Problems; Sociological Focus; Crime, Media, Culture, Journal reviews (2004 - 2007)
- American Sociological Review; Criminology; Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, Journal reviews (2003 - 2007)
- Spirit of the Senses Salon, Featured Speaker (2007 - 2007)
- Graduate Progams in Justice Studies, Workshop Presenter - Job Market Workshop (2007)
- Spirit of the Senses Salon, Featured Speaker (2007)
- Student Film Documentary, Interviewee (2007 - 2007)
- Personnel Committee, Member (2006 - 2007)
- Director Recruitment Search Committee, Member (2006 - 2007)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canadan, Grant Referee (2007 - 2007)
- Justice & Social Inquiry, Present lecture (2007 - 2007)
- Community Seminar, Participant (2006 - 2006)
- Social Problems; Studies in Law & Society; Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal reviews (2003 - 2005)
- Planning Committee: Joint MS/MA Degree (Justice & Social Inquiry and Antrhopology), Coordinated with colleagues in Anthropology and Graduate Division (2005 - 2005)
- Recruitment Committee, Member (2004 - 2005)
- Honors College Representative, Chair (2001 - 2005)
- ASU "Courtwatch", Interview (2004)
- ASU Parent's Association Professor of the Year, Member, Award Selection Committee (2004)
- ASU President's Community Enrichment Program, Invited Lecture (2004)
- Arizona Justice Educators, Presentation (2004)
- Cambridge University Press; Rutgers University Press, Book Manuscript Reviews (2004)
- College Times, Interview (2004)
- Colloquium, Organizer (2004)
- Criminology; Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture; Journal of Free Inquiry in Sociology, Referee (2004)
- Dean's Community Resource Council, Invited Lecture (2004)
- Journalism students, Interview (2004)
- Membership Committee, American Society of Criminology, Member (2004)
- New York Times, Interview (2004)
- Outstanding Book Award Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chair (2004)
- Program Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Member (2004)
- Sisters in Crime, Invited lecture (2004)
- Social Problems; Sociological Perspectives; Studies in Law & Society; Theoretical Criminology, Referee (2004)
- State Press, Interview (2004)
- Women & Criminal Justice; Journal of Criminal Justice, Referee (2004)
- Faculty Evaluation Committee, Member (2002 - 2003)
- Personnel Committee, Chair (2002 - 2003)
- Policy Workgroup, Member (2002 - 2003)
- ASU, University Faculty Fellow (2001 - 2002)