Duane DeVecchio
Mail code: 6004Campus: Tempe
Duane DeVecchio is a broad field-based geologist with a background in structural geology and geomorphology. His research involves integrating a suite of Quaternary geochronological techniques, geologic mapping, and GIS-based topographic analysis to quantify the timing and rates of change of Earth’s surface due to depositional, denudational, and incisional processes that result from active tectonics and climate variability. Professor DeVecchio is currently conducting research focused on the spatiotemporal tectonic and geomorphic evolution of the Western Transverse Ranges in Southern California. He is also coauthors a Natural Hazards textbook and is actively involved in teaching.
- Ph.D. University of California-Santa Barbara 2009
- M.S. Idaho State University 2002
- B.A. San Francisco State University 2000
DeVecchio is a broad field-based geologist with a background in tectonic geomorphology, sedimentology, and structural geology. His research involves integrating a suite of Quaternary geochronological techniques, geologic mapping, and GIS-based topographic analysis to quantify the timing and rates of change of Earth’s surface due to depositional, denudational, and incisional processes that result from active tectonics and climate variability. DeVecchio is currently conducting research focused on the spatiotemporal tectonic and geomorphic evolution of the Western Transverse Ranges in Southern California. He is also coauthors a Natural Hazards textbook and is actively involved in teaching.
Refereed Publications
7. *Hughes, A., Rood, D. H., DeVecchio, D. E., A. C. Whittaker, R. E. Bell, Y. Levy, K. M. Wilcken, L. B. Corbett, P. R. Bierman, T. K. Rockwell, 2022, Transient Quaternary landscape evolution of the Ventura basin, southern California, quantified using cosmogenic isotopes and topographic analyses, Geological Society of America Bulletin
6. * Kleber, E.J., DeVecchio, D.E., Arrowsmith, J.R., and Rittenour, T.M., 2021, Spatiotemporal Rates of Tectonic Deformation and Landscape Evolution above a Laterally Propagating Thrust Fault: Wheeler Ridge Anticline, California, USA: Lithosphere, (Special 2): 3395719, doi: https://doi.org/10.2113/2021/3395719
5. *Hughes, A., Bell, R.E., Mildon, Z.K., Rood, D.H., Whittaker, A.C., Rockwell, T.K., Levy, Y., DeVecchio, D.E., Marshall, S.T. and Nicholson, C., 2020, Three‐dimensional structure, ground rupture hazards, and static stress models for complex nonplanar thrust faults in the Ventura basin, southern California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(7), p.e.2020JB019539.
4. * Hughes, A., Rood, D. H., Whittaker, A. C., Bell, R. E., Rockwell, T. K., DeVecchio, D. E., Marshall, S. T, Gurrola, L. D., Nicholson, C., 2018, Late Quaternary slip rates and seismic hazards for the Southern San Cayetano Fault, California USA, from lidar topographic data and 10Be geochronology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) vol. 504, ISSN:0012-821X, p. 198-210
3. DeVecchio, D.E., Heermance, R.V., Fuchs, M. and Owen, L.A., 2012. Climate-controlled landscape evolution in the Western Transverse Ranges, California: Insights from Quaternary geochronology of the Saugus Formation and strath terrace flights. Lithosphere, 4(2), pp.110-130.
2. DeVecchio, D. E., Keller, E. A., Fuchs, M., & Owen, L. A., 2012. Late Pleistocene structural evolution of the Camarillo fold belt: Implications for lateral fault growth and seismic hazard in Southern California. Lithosphere, 4(2), 91-109.
1. Gurrola, L.D., DeVecchio, D.E. and Keller, E.A., 2010. Rincon Mountain Megaslide: La Conchita, Ventura County, California. Geomorphology, 114(3), pp.311-318.
3. Keller, E.A and DeVecchio, D. E., 2019, Natural Hazards; Earth Processes as Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes (5th edition), Taylor and Francis Group, Abingdon, United Kingdom. 642p.
2. Keller, E.A and DeVecchio, D. E., 2015, Natural Hazards; Earth Processes as Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes (4th edition), Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ. 554p.
1. Keller, E.A and DeVecchio, D. E., 2012, Natural Hazards; Earth Processes as Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes (3rd edition), Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ. 554p.
Book Chapters
2. Keller, E.A. and DeVecchio, D.E., 2022, Tectonic geomorphology of active folding and development of transverse drainages, In Treatise on Geomorphology, ed: Schubert, G. (Editor in Chief), Owen, L.A. (Ed.), (pp.). Elsevier Inc.
1. Keller, E.A. and DeVecchio, D.E., 2013. Tectonic Geomorphology of Active Folding and Development of Transverse Drainages, Treatise on Geomorphology, Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Owen, L.A. (Ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol.5, Tectonic Geomorphology, pp.129–147.
Geologic Maps
1. DeVecchio, D.E., Oriel, S.S. and Link, P.K., 2003. Geologic map of the Downey East quadrangle and regions of the Swan Lake. Oxford, and Cottonwood Peak Quadrangles, Bannock County, Idaho: Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report T-03-2, scale, 1(24,000), p.1.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 452 | Field Geology II |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
GLG 101 | Intro to Geology I (Physical) |
GLG 103 | Introduction to Geology I: Lab |
GLG 101 | Intro to Geology I (Physical) |
GLG 103 | Introduction to Geology I: Lab |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 305 | Dynamic Earth |
GLG 435 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 452 | Field Geology II |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
GLG 101 | Intro to Geology I (Physical) |
GLG 103 | Introduction to Geology I: Lab |
GLG 101 | Intro to Geology I (Physical) |
GLG 103 | Introduction to Geology I: Lab |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 305 | Dynamic Earth |
GLG 435 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
GLG 598 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
GLG 455 | Advanced Field Geology |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 452 | Field Geology II |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 101 | Intro to Geology I (Physical) |
GLG 305 | Dynamic Earth |
GLG 435 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
GLG 435 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
GLG 598 | Special Topics |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 452 | Field Geology II |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 305 | Dynamic Earth |
GLG 435 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
GLG 435 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
GLG 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 310 | Structural Geology |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 305 | Dynamic Earth |
GLG 435 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
GLG 435 | Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 101 | Intro to Geology I (Physical) |
SES 592 | Research |
GLG 110 | Dangerous World |
GLG 111 | Dangerous World Laboratory |
SES 598 | Special Topics |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SES 692 | Research |
SES 692 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 792 | Research |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
SES 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
GLG 101 | Intro to Geology I (Physical) |
GLG 435 | Sedimentology |
GLG 305 | Dynamic Earth |