Elena Rocchi
1001 S Forest Mall Tempe, AZ 85287
Mail code: 1605Campus: Tempe
Dr. Elena Rocchi ((Cagliari, 1966) is an Italian Architect from Rome who has been teaching at ASU since 2013 as Clinical Associate Professor; Head of Space Architecture & Extreme Environments; Assistant Director for Strategic Initiatives at The Design School; Faculty Affiliate at both The Interplanetary Initiative and The Biomimicry Center; Former Fellow at Taliesin the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. She has been Miralles Tagliabue Associated Architects Senior Architect and Office Director (1995/2008). She was awarded the AIA 2020 Educator of the Year Award, Arizona Chapter.
She won an Honorable mention in Europan 8 Architectural Competition for Young Architects in 2006 and the second prize in the Young Architect's competition for Housings, Barcelona, in 2003. She gave lectures and Workshops in Spain, England, Germany, the USA, France, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Mexico, South Africa, and Argentina in different Universities and institutions such as ETH Zurich, Cornell University, Ithaca, IUAV of Venice, UNAM, University of Architecture of Mexico, Ecole d’Architecture de Nancy, Architectural Society of Casablanca, Morocco, Architectural School of Bordeaux, France, Children of Scotland Foundation, Scotland, Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town’s Schools of Architecture, South Africa, Fapyd in Rosario and Torcuato di Tella Schools of Architecture in Buenos Aires, Argentina, CCA Art School San Francisco.
Architecture from Body To Field; Architecture/Interior architecture as the interface between humans and nature, with a focus on writing (theory), drawing (design), and the History of Contemporary Architecture; the history of Roman Architecture; drawing on Origin; analog + Digital; urban Scenography; and the Post-production of ideas, Space Architecture.
- Ph.D. in Design, Environments, and the Arts, ASU, Tempe, United States
- Master of Theory and History of Architecture, ETSAB, Barcelona, Spain
- Bachelor of Architecture, Università degli Studi Di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia
- Ph.D., Design, Environment and the Arts, Arizona State University, 2022
- M.Arch Theory and History of Architecture, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya UPC, ETSAB, Escola Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura, Barcelona, 2013
- M.Arch. Architecture (Summa Cum Laude), University of Studies La Sapienza, Rome, 1994.
Environmental Design; Design from Body To Field; Architecture/interior architecture as the interface between humans and nature, and with a focus on writing (theory), drawing (design), and History of Architecture; Historic Preservation; History of Roman Architecture; Drawing on Origin; Analog + Digital; Urban Scenography; The Image of Rome; Post-production of ideas; Space Architecture.
Rocchi E. (2021) “Prima Materia,” preface in Omer Arbel. Phaidon Press: ISBN-13, 9781838662530
Rocchi E. (2019) “Paradox of Preference,” in Catherine Spellman: Conversations and allusions to Enric Miralles. BARCELONA: ACTAR, doi: 9783034607049
Rocchi E (2018). ENCUENTROS. Una idea de Elena Rocchi. con la colaboración de Julio Martínez Calzón. Fernando Villaverde Ediciones, 2018 ISBN: 9788493708375
Rocchi E (2018). “Paradox of Preference.” In: Catherine Spellman: Conversations and allusions to Enric Miralles. BARCELONA:ACTAR, doi: 9783034607049
Rocchi E (on process). Louis Kahn 1931: Il valore ed il Proposito del disegno. Trento: List Laboratorio Int. Editoriale, ISBN: 9788899854461
Rocchi E (2017). “Spaziare l’abitare”, In: Limaq Nº 3,architectural review University of Lima, ISSN 2410-6127,
Rocchi E (2016). “Geometría in situ: la fragmentación de los volúmenes del edificio de Gas Natural.” In: Gas Natural Fenosa: Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, Arturo Mc Clean, Josep M. Rovira, Edificio Marenostrum: Un imprescindible en el skyline de Barcelona. p. 160-177, Barcelona: Museo del Gas de la Fundación Gas Natural Fenosa, ISBN: 978-84-617-7326-8
Rocchi E (2014). “Conversación con Elena Rocchi” por Ana Valderrama. A&P, Continuidad. Publicación Técnica de Arquitectura FAPyD-UNR, vol. 1, p. 74-85, ISSN: 2362-6097
Rocchi E (2013). “The Geography of dust.” In: Laura Cantarella e Lucia Giuliano. (a cura di): Laura Cantarella e Lucia Giuliano, “Topografia del Trauma: Valle del Belice, Sicilia: un’indagine territoriale.” vol. 1, Torino: Centro Inter-dipartimentale Servizi Didattici Architettura, Politecnico di Torino, ISBN: 9788882020439
Rocchi E (2002). “Mille e uno pensieri.” In “EMBT, Opere e Progetti,” Marco De Michelis, Maddalena Scimemi. (a cura di), Venezia Vigo. MILANO:Skira Editore. ISBN 88-8491-182-6
Rocchi E. “Requiem for the model” In: Stoa, Anno I, 1/2 Summer 21. Thymos books.
Rocchi E. (2021) “Maybe Yes. Maybe Not” In: AIAS Architectural Review, number 7, Discipline, Publication of ASU The Design School. AIAS, Research and discovery. vol. 7: AIAS, ISBN: 9781366119087.
Rocchi E. (2020) “Zerkalo— My Dear Professor Vittoria” In: AIAS Architectural Review, number 6, Discipline, Publication of ASU The Design School. AIAS, Research and discovery. vol. 6: AIAS, ISBN: 9781366119087.
Rocchi E. Group Show “Power Of Site” – Group Show, NIROX Sculpture Park, Krugersdorp, South Africa, 04 May 2019 - 31 Jul 2019 contemporaryand.com, retrieved at https://www.contemporaryand.com/exhibition/power-of-site-group-show/
Rocchi E. “Power of Site: an exhibition of sculptures, installations, and performances” in Art Times, April Edition 2019, pp 10-21, retrieved at https://issuu.com/arttimes/docs/sa_art_times_april_2019_/10
Rocchi E. Collective Exhibition “Power Of Site” – Group Show, NIROX Sculpture Park, Krugersdorp, South Africa, 04 May 2019 - 31 Jul 2019, retrieved at https://nirox.howler.co.za/events/preview-power-of-site-sculpture-exhibition-winter-2019-1125
Rocchi E. “How To Disappear Completely,” In Discipline, Architecture Journal at ASU, Issue 5, p. 46-49, ISBN: 9781366119087
Rocchi E. “Interview with Bundy, Shekerjian, Rocchi,” In Discipline, Architecture Journal at ASU, Issue 5, p. 42-45, AIAS, ISBN: 9781366119087
Rocchi E. “Homo Rodans, 2018” In Discipline, Architecture Journal at ASU, Issue 5, p. 36-37, AIAS, ISBN: 9781366119087
Rocchi E. (2018) “Et quid amabo nisi quod rerum metaphysica est? What shall I love if not the enigma?” In: AIAS Architectural Review, number 4, Discipline, Publication of ASU The Design School. (a cura di): AIAS, Research and discovery. vol. 4: AIAS, ISBN: 9781366119087.
Rocchi E. “Enric Miralles: espaciar el habitar. Multiplicación, fragmentación y diversificación del espacio medido a partir del ámbito,” in: Limaq Nº 3, architectural review University of Lima, pp 43-60, ISSN 2410-6127.
Rocchi E. Pragmatic Poets. In: AIAS Architectural Review, number 3, Discipline, Publication of ASU The Design School. (a cura di): AIAS, Research and discovery. vol. 3, p. 57-62, ROMA:AIAS, ISBN: 9781366119087
Rocchi E (2017). Students Projects. In: AIAS Architectural Review, number 3, Research and discovery, Publication of ASU The Design School. vol. 3, ISBN: 9781366119087
Rocchi E (2016). “Prima Materia” Exhibition. In: AIAS Architectural Review, number 2, Discipline, Publication of ASU The Design School.. vol. 2, p. 52-53, ISBN 978-1-36-611908-7
Rocchi E (2016). La Cosa: ThPhCH. In: AIAS Architectural Review, number 2, Discipline, Publication of ASU The Design School.. vol. 2, p. 46-47, ISBN 978-1-36-611908-7
Rocchi E (2015). Interview. In: AIAS Architectural Review, number 1, Discipline, Publication of ASU The Design School. vol. 1, p. 40-49, ISBN 978-1-36-611908-7
Rocchi E (2014). “Conversación con Elena Rocchi” por Ana Valderrama. A&P, Continuidad. Publicación Técnica de Arquitectura FAPyD-UNR, vol. 1, p. 74-85, ISSN: 2362-6097
Rocchi E (2012). Back to the beginning, By Lisa Johnston. In: Mail & Guardian: Africa's best read.
LA VANGUARDIA, December the 10th, 2011. In “Cultura”, pag , article by Joan Bufill, “Elena Rocchi Expone en Fidel Balaguer “Figure in Fuga”,
Rocchi e (2011). arte y parte. vol. 96, p. 80
ART BARCELONA, Galeries d’Art Contemporani. “Elena Rocchi, Figure in Fuga a la Galeria Fidel Balaguer 11/11/11 - 14/01/12” September, October, November, December 2011).
Rocchi E (2011). "Figure in Fuga", Galeria Fidel Balaguer, Barcelona. In: Bonart. vol. Novembre 2011
Rocchi E (2011). Drawings of origin. In: Designindaba.com a better world through creativity.
Rocchi E (2011). “Drawing On Origins” – A Seminal Exhibition Celebrates A Seminal Anthropological Find!. In: Plascon Trends, Designed for Life .
Journal essay by Elena Rocchi, “Fiaschi”, in “UNDER 40 Otto progetti in parallelo”, Issue 4-5-6, May 2005, Pp.78, Ordine degli Architetti Planificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Salerno, Italy.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARC 494 | Special Topics |
ARC 402 | Architecture Studio II |
APH 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARC 112 | Architecture of Architectr II |
ARC 111 | Architecture of Architecture I |
ADE 592 | Research |
APH 494 | Special Topics |
APH 598 | Special Topics |
APH 494 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ARC 431 | Contemporary Architecture |
ARC 601 | Adv Architecture Studio III |
ARC 111 | Architecture of Architecture I |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARC 494 | Special Topics |
APH 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ADE 421 | Architectural Studio III |
ARC 431 | Contemporary Architecture |
APH 499 | Individualized Instruction |
APH 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARC 201 | Architecture Project III |
ARC 301 | Architecture Project V |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ARC 494 | Special Topics |
ARC 201 | Architecture Project III |
ARC 301 | Architecture Project V |
ADE 622 | Adv Architectural Studio IV |
APH 592 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
APH 405 | Contemporary Architecture |
DSC 592 | Research |
ARC 531 | Advanced Architecture History |
APH 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ADE 592 | Research |
APH 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ADE 422 | Architectural Studio IV |
ADE 622 | Adv Architectural Studio IV |
ARC 494 | Special Topics |
ADE 622 | Adv Architectural Studio IV |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
APH 405 | Contemporary Architecture |
DSC 592 | Research |
APH 494 | Special Topics |
APH 598 | Special Topics |
ARC 101 | Architecture Project I |
ARC 101 | Architecture Project I |
ARC 101 | Architecture Project I |
ALA 394 | Special Topics |
ALA 394 | Special Topics |
ALA 394 | Special Topics |
DSC 590 | Reading and Conference |
ADE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ARC 101 | Architecture Project I |
ALA 394 | Special Topics |
ADE 592 | Research |
ADE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ADE 592 | Research |
2021 Spring
2020 Fall
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
APH 494 | Special Topics |
APH 598 | Special Topics |
DSC 592 | Research |
2020 Spring
- AIA AZ 2020 Educator of the Year Award, recipient, Phoenix, USA, Fall 2020
- ASU The Design School Faculty Excellence Award, Category “Humanity”, recipient, Tempe, USA, Spring 2020.
- ASU The Design School Teaching Excellence for Innovative and Impactful Values, recipient, Tempe, USA, Spring 2019
- ASU Teaching Excellence and Student Success Grant, recipient, Tempe, USA, February 2019
- First Prize, AIA Phoenix Metro INFILL Phoenix Design Competition, Phoenix, USA, 2017
- Fellowship, Taliesin The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, Scottsdale, Arizona August 2014/May 2015.
- Selected work for a Group Exhibition at Biennal of Venice at the Italian Pavilion in Turin, Sala Nervi, Turin, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Italy 2012.
- Fellowship Resident Artist, NIROX Foundation, Johannesburg 2012.
- First Prize in Open competition, “Opera Al muro”, Saronno, Italy, 2011.
- Several First and Second prices and honorable mentions in open competitions and competitions by invitation, while Office Design Director of EMBT Enric Miralles Benedetta Tagliabue, from 1995 to 2008.
- Honorable mention in Europan 8, Architectural competition for young architects, Madrid, Spain, 2006.
- Second prize in the young architects competition for Housings, Barcelona, Spain, 2003.
- Comett European Scholarship for 1 Year Working Abroad, February 1995.
- Ministry of Foreigner Affairs of Italy Scholarship for a 6 months Research Program, Budapest, Hungary, December 1994.
- 1995/2008. Architect, Miralles Tagliabue EMBT Associated Architects, Barcelona, Spain. Office Design Director, Senior Architect of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Interior Design. Editorial Activity Assistant. Photographic and Drawing Archive. Exhibition Designer. PR. Lecturer.
- 1994/1995. Architectural Designer at Ricci &Spaini, Rome, Italy.
- 1985/1994. Draftsman, Sati Consulting Engineering, Rome, Italy.
Senator, Academic Senate, Arizona State University
Member of the Design Justice Initiative, ASU The Design School
Member of the HIDA Personnel Sub-Committee, HIDA
Member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Re-Design Committee, ASU The Design School
Barrett Honors College Faculty Advisor, Arizona State University
End of the Year Exhibition, Architecture, ASU The Design School
Faculty Advisor, Latino Architecture Students Organization (LASO), ASU The Design School
Faculty Advisor, AIAS Students Organization, ASU the Design School
Graduate Supervisor and other academic advising, ASU The Design School
Member of the Human Skillsets, ASU The Design School
BSED Program Coordinator, ASU The Design School
Chair of the BSED Re-Design Committee, ASU The Design School
Member of The Guidebook: How to Design the Future; Arizona State University
Member of the HIDA Equity and Inclusion Committee, HIDA
Member of the TDS Equity and Inclusion Re-Design Committee, ASU The Design School
Member of the Architecture Committee for Assistant Professor Search, ASU The Design School
Coordinator Exhibition NAAB Accreditation 2018, ASU The Design School
HIDA Day, Meal in the Mall. #CreaTable activity, HIDA
Co-organizer of academic Spring Lecture Series “Conversation Alluding Miralles” (Organized by Associate Prof. Catherine Spellman), ASU The Design School