School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering 501 East Tyler Mall ECG Building
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Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
Marco Santello is the Fulton Professor of Neural Engineering at the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering in the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering at Arizona State University. Santello is the director of the Neural Control of Movement Laboratory. He served as the Harrington Endowed Chair and Director of the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering from 2012 to 2022. Santello currently serves as the ASU Site Director of the NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center BRAIN and Director of the Science and Technology Center in Human Performance. His main research interests are human performance, motor control and learning, haptics, and rehabilitation engineering.
His Neural Control of Movement laboratory uses complementary research approaches, ranging from non-invasive neuromodulation (TMS, tFUS) to motion tracking, electromyography, electroencephalography, and virtual reality environments. His work has been published in neuroscience and engineering journals, and he has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, DARPA, the Whitaker Foundation, The Mayo Clinic, and Google. He serves as grant reviewer for US and European funding agencies, Associate Editor for Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Assistive, Rehabilitative and Therapeutic Technologies. He is a member of the Society for Neuroscience, the Society of Neural Control of Movement, and IEEE.
B.Sc. Kinesiology, Universit of L'Aquila, Italy (1990)
Ph.D. Neurophysiology of Motor Control, University of Birmingham, U.K. 1995
Postdoctoral training, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1005-1999
Albert F, Santello M, Gordon AM. Sensorimotor memory of object weight distribution during multidigit grasping. Neuroscience Letters (2009).
Ciocarlie M, Dang H, Lukos J, Santello M, Allen P. Functional analysis of finger contact locations during grasping. Third Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (2009).
Lozano CA, Kaczmarek KA, Santello M. Electrotactile stimulation on the tongue: intensity perception, discrimination and cross-modality estimation. Somatosensory and Motor Research (2009).
McIsaac T, Santello M, Johnston JA, Zhang W, Gordon AM. Task-specific modulation of multi-digit forces to texture. Experimental Brain Research (2009).
Boccaletti C, Castrica F, Fabbri G, Santello M. A non-invasive biopotential electrode for the correct detection of bioelectrical currents. Biomedical Engineering, IASTED Proceedings, (2008).
L. Muratori, T. McIsaac, A. Gordon, Marco Santello. Impaired anticipatory control of force sharing patterns during whole-hand grasping in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Brain Research (2008).
Lukos J, Ansuini C, Santello M. Anticipatory control of grasping: independence of sensorimotor memories for kinematics and kinetics. Journal of Neuroscience (2008).
Sara Winges, Kurt Kornatz, Marco Santello. Common input to motor units of intrinsic and extrinsic hand muscles during two-digit object hold. Journal of Neurophysiology (2008).
Warren JP, Bobich LR, Santello M, Sweeney JD, Helms Tillery SI. Receptive field characteristics under electrotactile stimulation of the fingertip. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (2008).
Johnston JA, Winges SA, Santello M. Neural control of hand muscles during prehension. Progress in Motor Control V. A multidisciplinary perspective (2008).
Lukos J, Ansuini C, Castiello U, Santello M. Planning and control of object grasping: kinematics of hand pre-shaping, contact and manipulation. Routledge Handbook of Biomechanics and Human Movement Science (2008).
c Ansuini, Marco Santello, F Tubaldi, S Massacesi, U Castiello. Control of hand shaping in response to object shape perturbations. Experimental Brain Research (2007).
J Lukos, C Ansuini, Marco Santello. Choice of contact points during multi-digit grasping: effect of predictability of object center of mass location. Journal of Neuroscience (2007).
L. Bobich, J. Warren, J. Sweeney, S. Tillery, Marco Santello. Spatial localization of electrotactile stimuli on the fingertip in humans. Somatosensory and Motor Research (2007).
C Ansuini, Marco Santello, S Massaccesi, U Castiello. Effects of end-goal on hand shaping. Journal of Neurophysiology (2006).
S Winges, J Johnston, Marco Santello. Muscle-pair specific distribution and grip type modulation of neural common input to extrinsic digit flexors. Journal of Neurophysiology (2006).
Jerde TE, Santello M, Flanders M, Soechting JF. Hand movements and musical performance. Music, Motor Control and the Brain (2006).
C Ansuini, Marco Santello, S Massaccesi, U Castiello. Effects of end-goal on hand shaping. Journal of Neurophysiology (2005).
J Johnston, S Winges, Marco Santello. Neuromuscular determinants of force coordination during multidigit grasping. IEEE/Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 26th Annual International Conference (2005).
J Johnston, S Winges, Marco Santello. Periodic modulation of motor unit activity in extrinsic hand muscles during multidigit grasping. Journal of Neurophysiology (2005).
J Johnston, S Winges, Marco Santello. Periodic modulation of motor unit activity in extrinsic hand muscles during multidigit grasping. 94:206-218. Journal of Neurophysiology (2005).
Marco Santello. Review of motor control mechanisms underlying impact absorption from falls. Gait and Posture (2005).
S Winges, Marco Santello. From single motor unit activity to multiple grip forces: Mini-review of multi-digit grasping. Integrative and Comparative Biology (2005).
Santello, Marco. Review of motor control mechanisms underlying impact absorption from falls. (2005).
Winges, S, Santello, Marco. From single motor unit activity to multiple grip forces: Mini-review of multi-digit grasping. (2005).
J Johnston, S Winges, Marco Santello. Neuromuscular determinants of force coordination during multidigit grasping. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2004).
M Schieber, Marco Santello. Hand function: Neural control and peripheral limits to performance. Journal of Applied Physiology (2004).
Marco Santello, A Fuglevand. Role of across-muscle motor unit synchrony for the coordination of forces. Experimental Brain Research (2004).
Marco Santello, L Muratori, A Gordon. Control of multi-digit grasping in Parkinson's Disease: effect of predictability of object center of mass. Experimental Neurology (2004).
S Winges, Marco Santello. Common input to motor units of digit flexors during multi-digit grasping. Journal of Neurophysiology (2004).
K Csavina, J He, Marco Santello. Postural response to slow perturbations: a preliminary study of young vs. elderly subjects. IEEE/Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 25th Annual Meeting (2003).
M Rearick, A Casares, Marco Santello. Task-dependent modulation of multi-digit force coordination patterns. Journal of Neurophysiology (2003).
S Winges, D Weber, Marco Santello. The role of vision on hand pre-shaping during reach to grasp. Experimental Brain Research (2003).
M Rearick, George Stelmach, B Leis, Marco Santello. Coordination and control of forces during multifingered grasping in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Neurology (2002).
M Rearick, Marco Santello. Force synergies for multifingered grasping. Effect of predictability in object center of mass and handedness. Experimental Brain Research (2002).
Marco Santello. Kinematic synergies for the control of hand shape. Archives Italiennes de Biologie (2002).
Marco Santello, M Flanders, J Soechting. Patterns of hand motion during grasping and the influence of sensory guidance. Journal of Neuroscience (2002).
Marco Santello, MJ McDonagh, J Challis. Visual and non visual control of landing movements in humans. Journal of Physiology (2001).
Rearick, M P,Santello, Marco. Effect of predictability of object center of mass and handedness on the control of multifingered grasping. From basic motor control to functional recovery II (2001).
Research Activity
Santello,Marco*, Frakes,David, Frakes,David, Greger,Bradley, Helms Tillery,Stephen I, Honeycutt,Claire, Kleim,Jeffrey Allan, Lockhart,Thurmon Eddy. Planning Grant: Collaborative Research: IUCRC for Building Reliable Advances and Innovation in Neurotechnology (BRAIN). NSF(9/15/2015 - 8/31/2016).
Santello,Marco*. Collaborative Research: Sensorimotor control of hand-object interactions. NSF-ENG-BCS(9/1/2015 - 8/31/2018).
Santello,Marco*. Optimization of Design of Gastrointestinal Endoscopes and Accessories Based on Quantitative Assessment of Arm-Hand Coordination. MAYO CLINIC SCOTTSDALE(12/30/2008 - 3/31/2011).
Santello,Marco*, Santello,Marco*. Sensorimotor Integration Underlying Hand Control in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. HHS-NIH-NICHD(9/30/2008 - 7/31/2015).
Santello,Marco*. Collaborative Research: Dextrous Control of Multi-Digit Grasping. NSF-SBE(9/1/2008 - 8/31/2012).
Jung,Ranu*, Abbas,James, Bakkaloglu,Bertan, Horch,Kenneth W., Kiaei,Sayfe, Phillips,Stephen M, Santello,Marco, Santello,Marco. Neural-Enabled Prostheses with Sensorimotor Integration. HHS-NIH-NIBIB(9/30/2007 - 12/31/2010).
Santello,Marco*, Santello,Marco*. Neural Control of Grasping. HHS-NIH-NIAMS(9/5/2007 - 6/30/2014).
Crews,Debra Jean*, Santello,Marco. The YIPS:A Focal, Task-Specific Dystonia-Support Hypothesis-Driven Research at the Genetic, Molecular, Cellular, Systems or Behavioral Levels. MAYO CLINIC SCOTTSDALE(12/22/2006 - 9/30/2009).
Helms Tillery,Stephen I*, Santello,Marco, Santello,Marco. Cortical Control of a Dextros Prosthetic Hand. UNIV OF PITTSBURGH(9/18/2006 - 11/30/2011).
Santello,Marco*. Collaborative Research: Coordination of Multi-Digit Forces During Grasping. NSF-SBE(6/15/2006 - 5/31/2011).
Marco Santello. Coordination of multiple hand muscles during grasping: effect of task, force and fatigue. Action Club, Department of Kinesiology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA (Nov 2009).
Fu Q, Zhang W, Santello M. Learning of the anticipatory mapping between digit positions and forces in two-digit object manipulation. 39th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Oct 2009).
Danna-dos-Santos A, Poston B, Bobich L, Santello M. Effect of force direction on the modulation of EMG amplitudes of hand muscles during the execution of three-digit grasping and single digit force production. 39th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL (Oct 2009).
Bobich LR, Poston B, Helms Tillery SI, Santello M. Cutaneous reflexes of hand muscles during multi-digit force production. 39th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL (Oct 2009).
Zhang W, Gordon AM, Fu Q, Santello M. Learning transfer of mapping between digit position and force in two-digit object manipulation. 39th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL (Oct 2009).
Lukos JR, Fu Q, Zhang W, Santello M. Effect of previous trial bias on anticipatory force control and grasp performance. 39th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL (Oct 2009).
Poston B, Danna-dos-Santos A, Bobich LR, Santello M. The influence of fatigue on hand muscle coordination and EMG-EMG coherence during three-digit grasping. 39th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Oct 2009).
Warren JP, Santello M, Helms Tillery SI. The impact of hand posture on the cutaneous rabbit effect (CRE) induced across the fingertips with electrotactile stimulation. 39th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Oct 2009).
Santello M, Lukos JR. Sensorimotor integration for learning object manipulation: effect of vision of grasp performance on digit placement and forces. Progress in Motor Control VII, Marseille, France (Jul 2009).
Marco Santello. Learning Object Manipulation: Sensorimotor Bias, Anticipatory Control and Feedback Mechanisms. Invited seminar, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany (Jul 2009).
Marco Santello. Synergistic Control of Hand Muscles through Common Neural Input. Understanding the Human Hand Workshop, Robotics: Science and Systems 2009 Conference, Seattle, WA (Jun 2009).
Fu Q, Zhang W, Santello M. Learning of the anticipatory mapping between digit positions and forces in two-digit object manipulation. Robotics: Science and Systems 2009 Conference, Seattle, WA (Jun 2009).
Warren JP, Santello M, Helms Tillery SI. Electrotactile inducement of the cutaneous rabbit effect (CRE) across human fingertips. 10th Annual University of California Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium (Jun 2009).
Santello M, Lukos JR. Sensorimotor integration for learning object manipulation: effect of vision of grasp performance on digit placement and forces. 19th Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement, Kona, Hawaii (Apr 2009).
Lukos JR, Lee D, Poizner H, Santello M. Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Fail to Appropriately Use Sensorimotor Memories During Multi-Digit Grasping. 19th Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement, Kona, Hawaii (Apr 2009).
Marco Santello. The Effect of Vision on the Learning of Object Manipulation. ASU-BNI 3rd Annual Neuroscience Symposium, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ (Feb 2009).
Lukos JR, Santello M. Effect of vision of grasp performance on anticipatory control of multidigit kinematics and kinetics. 38th Meeting of the Society of the Society for Neuroscience (Nov 2008).
Rincon L, Diaz DA, Santello M, Helms Tillery SI. The effect of tactile stimulation on the estimate of hand location is different in right and left hands. 38th Meeting of the Society of the Society for Neuroscience (Nov 2008).
Marco Santello. "Biological Strategies for Object Manipulation and Applications". Invited seminar, Univ of Pisa, Italy (Nov 2008).
Marco Santello. "Grasping Uncertainty: Planning and Learning Contact Points for Multi-Digit Grasping". Invited seminar, Soechting symposium, Vienna, Austria (Oct 2008).
Marco Santello. "Neuromuscular Control of the Hand: Basic Research and Clinical Applications". Invited seminar, Univ of Pisa, Italy (Jun 2008).
Marco Santello. "Effect of Explicit vs. Implicit Knowledge of Object Properties on Anticipatory Grasp Control". Invited seminar, Speech and Hearing Sciences, ASU (Apr 2008).
Marco Santello. "Grasping Uncertainty: Effects of Procedural and Declarative Knowledge of Object Properties on manipulation". Invited seminar, University of Louvain, Belgium (Jan 2008).
Johnston, J, Santello, Marco. Corrective force responses to perturbations to a three-digit grasp. Soc. Neurosci. 36th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA (Oct 2006).
Lozano, C, Santello, Marco. Psychophysical measures for tongue's electrotactile stimulation: dynamic ranges, intensity differentiation and estimation. Soc. Neurosci. 36th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA (Oct 2006).
Lukos, J, Ansuini, C, Ingalss, T, James, J, Santello, Marco. Effect of object center of mass location and its predictability on the control of fingertip position during whole-hand grasping. Soc. Neurosci. 36th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA (Oct 2006).
Raghavan, P, Santello, Marco, Krakauer, J, Gordon, A. Shaping the hand to object contours after stroke. Soc. Neurosci. 36th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA (Oct 2006).
Raleigh, L, Johnston, J, Santello, Marco. Relations between EMG activity of intrinsic and extrinsic hand muscles as a function of wrist posture during two-digit grasping. Soc. Neurosci. 36th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA (Oct 2006).
Warren, J, Raleigh, L, Helms Tillery, S, Santello, Marco, Sweeney, J. Effect of electrotactile stimulus parameters on tactile sensation and spatial discrimination. Soc. Neurosci. 36th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA (Oct 2006).
Ansuini, C, Santello, Marco, Massaccesi, S, Castiello, U. Intended use of object affects the modulation of hand shaping. 35th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA (Nov 2005).
Johnston, J, Winges, S, Santello, Marco. Periodic common input to extrinsic flexors in 2- and 5-digit grasping. 35th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA (Nov 2005).
Kiggins, J, Ingalls, T, James, J, Santello, Marco, Helms Tillery, S. Bow-arm kinematics in trained and untrained violing playing. The Neurosciences and Music II Conference, Leipzig, Germany: May 2005 (Nov 2005).
Raleigh, L, Warren, J, Helms Tillery, S, Santello, Marco, Sweeney, J. Comparison of discriminability in electrotactile and mechanical stimulation of the fingertip. 35th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA (Nov 2005).
Santello, Marco, Formicone, G, Johnston, J, Hamm, T. Assessment of across-muscle coherence using multi- vs. single-unit signals. 35th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA (Nov 2005).
Winges, S, Kornatz, K, Santello, Marco. Common input strength as a function of synergistic action of hand muscles during grasping. 35th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA (Nov 2005).
Santello, Marco, Winges, Sara. Principles of grasping. Summer School on Neur. Net. Models of Perception, Action and Embodied Knowledge, Univ Bologna, Italy (Jul 2005).
Winges, Sara, Santello, Marco. Effect of grip type on the strength of common input to extrinsic finger flexors. 34th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA (Nov 2004).
Johnston, Jamie, Winges, Sara, Santello, Marco. Coherence of motor unit activity from hand muscles during multi-digit grasping. 34th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA (Nov 2004).
Santello, Marco. Neural and anatomical determinants of force coordination during multidigit grasping. 26th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Francisco, CA (Sep 2004).
Santello, Marco. Motor unit synchrony between compartments of finger flexors and force coordination during multi-digit grasping. 20th Congress of the International Primatological Society, Turin, Italy (Aug 2004).
Santello, Marco. Coordination of hand muscle activity for multi-digit grasping. Motor Control: Trends and Perspectives, Tempe, AZ (May 2004).
Johnston, Jamie, Winges, Sara, Santello, Marco. Oscillatory modulation of motor unit activity of extrinsic hand muscles during multi-digit grasping. 13th Meeting of the Society for Neural Control of Movement, Sitges, Spain (Apr 2004).
Fuglevand, A, Santello, Marco. Role of motor unit synchronization in the coordination of grip forces. 32nd Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Nov 2002).
Rearick, M, Casares, A, Santello, Marco. Task-dependent modulation of multi-digit force coordination patterns. 32nd Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Nov 2002).
Rearick, M, Stelmach, G, Leis, B, Santello, Marco. 5-digit grasping in Parkinson's disease: Disruption of force coupling at tremor frequency. 11th Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (Apr 2002).
Rearick, M, Santello, Marco. Force synergies for multifingered grasping: effect of handedness and predictability of object center of mass. 31th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Nov 2001).
Winges, S, Weber, D, Santello, Marco. The role of vision in the gradual molding of the hand to object contours. 31st Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Nov 2001).
Santello, Marco, McDonagh, MJ, Challis, J. Control of landing movement with and without vision. 10th Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (Mar 2001).
Santello, Marco, Soechting, J. Hand shaping during reach to grasp remembered, virtual and real objects. 10th Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (Mar 2001).
Santello, Marco. Control of complex motor system: expermental evidence from hand kinematics, kinetics and EMG studies. Departmental seminar, Department of Physiology, University of Parma, Italy
Santello, Marco. Control of the hand: coordination of multiple variables in the kinematic, kinetic and EMG domain. Recent Developments in Neurobiology, Soc Integr Comp Biol, New Orleans, LA
Santello, Marco. Control of the hand: biomechanical and neural factors. Department of Psychology, UNAM
Santello, Marco. Neural strategies for the control of multi-digit grasping.
Santello, Marco. The Hand: How to Control Many Muscles through a Few Strategies. Departmental Seminar, Department of Psychology, University of Padova, Italy
Gordon, A., Muratori, L., McIsaac, T., Santello, Marco. Impaired anticipatory control of force sharing patterns during multi-digit grasping in Parkinson disease. 37th meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Johnston, Jamie, Winges, Sara, Santello, Marco. Muscle-pair specificity of periodic common neural input to hand muscles during precision grip. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Lozano, Cecil, Santello, Marco. Effects of electrotactile stimulation on the tongue on voluntary force production. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Lukos, Jamie, Ansuini, Caterina, Santello, Marco. Effect of cue about object center of mass location on fingertip contact point selection for multi-digit grasping. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
McIsaac, Tara, Santello, Marco, Gordon, Andrew. Multi-digit control of grasp with changes in object texture and constraints on task accuracy. 37th meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Raleigh, Lisa, Johnston, Jamie, Santello, Marco. Sensorimotor integration during multi-digit grasping in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Rincon, L., Warren, J., Diaz, D., Bodeen, G., Santello, Marco, Helms Tillery, S. The effect of tactile and electrotactile stimulation on the estimate of hand location in dominant and non-dominant hands. 37th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Santello, Marco. Choice of Contact Points in Multi-Digit Object Manipulation. Invited Talk University of Rio de Janeiro
Santello, Marco. Control Mechanisms for Multi-Digit Grasping: From Hand Shaping to Choice of Contact Points. Invited Seminar Universite' de la Mediterranee, Marseille, France
Santello, Marco. Grasping Uncertainty: Choice of Contact Points in Multi-Digit Object Manipulation. Invited Seminar Barrow Neurological Institute
Santello, Marco. Grasping Uncertainty: Planning Contact Points and Forces in Multi-Digit Object Manipulation. Mathematics and Cognition Seminar
Santello, Marco. Hand Motor Control Strategies: Research Approaches to a Complex System. Invited Presentation by University of Catania, Italy
Santello, Marco. Neural Control of the Hand: ASU-Mayo Collaborations. Grand Rounds, The Mayo Clinic
National Institutes of Health, Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer (NIH MRS Study Section, Challenge Grant) (2010 - Present)
National Institutes of Health, Ad Hoc Grant reviewer (NIH MRS Study Section) (2009 - Present)
Illinois Institute of Technology, Tenure external reviewer (2008 - Present)
Journal of Neuroscience, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2008 - Present)
Journal of Neuroscience, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2008 - Present)
Advanced Robotics, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Journal of Neuroscience, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Neuroscience Letters, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Journal of Neurophysiology, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Experimental Brain Research, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Pediatric Research, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Cerebral Cortex, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2006 - Present)
Journal of Applied Physiology, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2005 - Present)
Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2005 - Present)
Current Biology, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2005 - Present)
Psychonomic Bulletin adn Review, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2005 - Present)
ICORR Conference, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2005 - Present)
SIGGRAPH Conference, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2005 - Present)
Brain, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2005 - Present)
39th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chair of Nanosymposium "Getting a grip: neural control of grasping" (2009 - 2009)
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Kinesiology, Director (2006 - 2007)
Acta Psychologica, Ad Hor Reviewer (2007)
Experimental Brain Research, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2007)
Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2007)
Journal of Neurophysiology, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2007)
Journal of Neuroscience, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2007)
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2007)
National Institutes of Health, Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer (2007)
National Science Foundation, Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer (2007)
1st ASU-BNI Neuroscience Symposium, Chair of the Systems Neuroscience Symposium (2006 - 2006)
ESRI, Dept. of Kinesiology, Director (2005 - 2006)
PhD Dissertation Committee (Tania Flink), Committee Member (2003 - 2006)
PhD Dissertation Committee (Y-K Kim), Committee Member (2003 - 2006)
Motor Control Search Committee, Chair (2006 - 2006)
Biomechanics and Motor Control Search Committee (Dept of Bioengineering), Committee Member (2003 - 2005)
Behavioral and Biobehavioral Processes Internal Review Group, National Institutes of Health, Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer (2004 - 2004)
Brain, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2004)
Experimental Brain Research, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2004)
Journal of Applied Physiology, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2004)
Movement Disorders, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2004)
NSF-IGERT Seminar Series, Chair of seminar series committee (2004)
Neuroscience Letters, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2004)
Department Chair Search Committee, Committee member (2003 - 2004)
Bioengineering, committee member (2003)
Biological Cybernetics, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2003)
Brain Research, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2003)
Journal of Motor Behavior, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2003)
Journal of Neurophysiology, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2003)
Kinesiology, Chair of Master's program (2003)
Kinesiology, Chair Search Committee (2003)
Motor Control, Ad Hoc Reviewer (2003)
NSF-IGERT Steering Committee, Committee Member (2003)
Neuroscience webpage, Webmaster (2003)
Statewide Training Program in Motor Neuroscience, Training faculty (2003)