Sandesh Dev
Phone: 480-965-4800
1475 N. Scottsdale Rd SkySong 1 Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Mail code: 9020Campus: Phoenix
I am a physician and health services researcher. I am currently a heart failure cardiologist and associate professor at Southern Arizona VA Health Care System and University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson. I am passionate about using implementation science and real-world data methods to improve quality of care for patients with heart disease. I am funded by VA Health Service Research and Development to study how physician-directed 'nudges' can improve heart failure prescribing behavior. I lead quality improvement and research projects to improve diagnosis of cardiac amyloid which is an increasingly identified cause of heart disease.
BS Duke University
MD Ohio State University College of Medicine Columbus, OH
MS University of Michigan, Clinical Research Design and Statistical Analysis
Publications (ORCID ID# 0000-0002-4140-0583)
Refereed manuscripts
- Dev S, Clare R, Fiuzat M, Felker GM, Stevenson LW, O’Connor C. Quality of Life vs. Extended Survival: Patients with Severe Heart Failure and Their Preferences for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Eur J Heart Fail. 2012 Jan; 14(1):45-53. PMID: 22037389
- Dev S, Shirolkar SC, Stevens SR, Shaw LK, Adams PA, Felker GM, Rogers JG, O'Connor CM. Reduction in Body Weight but Worsening Renal Function With Late Ultrafiltration for Treatment of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure. Cardiology. 2012; 123(3):145-53. PMID: 23108095
- Dev S, Abernethy AP, Rogers JG, O’Connor CM. Preferences of people with advanced heart failure—a structured narrative literature review to inform decision making in the palliative care setting. American Heart Journal. 2012 Sep; 164(3):313-319. PMID: 22980296
- Dev S, Peterson P, Varosy P, Curtis JP, Wang YF, Masoudi FM. Trends in Antiarrhythmic Prescription at Time of ICD Implant: A Report from the NCDR ICD Registry. American Journal of Cardiology. 2014 Jan 15; 113(2):314-20. PMID: 24216126
- Kavalieratos D, Kamal A, Dev S, Biddle AK, Carey T, Abernethy A, Weinberger M. Comparing the Unmet Needs of Community-based Palliative Care Patients with Heart Failure and Cancer. J Palliat Med. 2014 Apr;17(4):475-81. PMID: 24588568
- Kavalieratos D, Mitchell EM, Carey TS, Dev S, Biddle AK, Reeve BB, Abernethy AP, Weinberger M. "Not the 'grim reaper service'": an assessment of provider knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions regarding palliative care referral barriers in heart failure. J Am Heart Assoc; 2014 Jan 2; 3(1)3:e000544. PMID: 24385453
- Kutner JS, Blatchford PJ, Taylor DH Jr, Ritchie CS, Bull JH, Fairclough DL, Hanson LC, LeBlanc TW, Samsa GP, Wolf, S, Aziz NM, Currow DC, Ferrell B, Wagner-Johnston N, Zafar SY, Cleary JF, Dev S, Goode PS, Kamal AH, Kassner C, Kvale EA, McCallum JG, Ogunseitan AB, Pantilat SZ, Portenoy RK, Prince-Paul M, Sloan JA, Swetz KW, von Gunten CF, Abernethy AP. Safety and benefit of discontinuing statin medications in the setting of advanced life-limiting Illness. JAMA Int Med. Published online March 23, 2015. PMID: 25798575
- Chauhan V, Dev S, Pham M, Lin S, Heidenreich P. Facility Variation and Predictors of Serum Potassium Monitoring after Initiation of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in Patients with Heart Failure. Am Heart J. 2015 Sep;170(3):543-9. PMID: 26385038
- Dev S, Lacy ME, Masoudi F, Wu WC. Temporal Trends and Hospital Variation in Mineralocorticoid Use in Veterans Discharged with Heart Failure. J Am Heart Assoc. 2015 Dec 23;4(12) PMID: 26702082
- Dev S, Hoffman TK, Kavalieratos D, Heidenreich P, Wu WC, Schwenke DC, Tracy SJ. Barriers to Adoption of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in Patients With Heart Failure: A Mixed-Methods Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 Mar 31;4(3). PMID: 27032719
- Cohen LB, Parent M, Taveira TH, Dev S, Wu WC. A Description of Patient and Provider Experience and Clinical Outcomes After Heart Failure Shared Medical Appointment. J Patient Exp. 2017;4(4):169-176. PMID: 29276763
- Wu WC, Parent M, Dev S, Hearns R, Taveira TH, Cohen L, Shell-Boyd J, Jewett-Tennant J, Marshall V, Gee J, Schaub K, LaForest S, Ball S. Group medical visits after heart failure hospitalization: Study protocol for a randomized-controlled trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2018 Aug;71:140-145. PMID: 29940335
- Dev S, Fawcett J, Ahmad S, Wu WC, Schwenke D. Implementation of early follow-up care after heart failure hospitalization. Am J Manag Care. 2021;27(2):e42-e47. PMID: 33577160
- Marshall V, Jewett-Tennant J, Shell-Boyd J, Stevenson L, Hearns R, Gee J, Schaub K, LaForest S, Taveira T, Cohen L, Parent M, Dev S, Barrette A, Oliver K, Wu WC, Ball SL. Healthcare providers experiences with shared medical appointments for heart failure. PLoS One. 2022;17(2):e0263498. PMID: 35130320
Electronic publications (non-peer reviewed)
- Dev S. Highlights of the Physical Exam in Heart Failure. J. Geriatr Cardio 2006, 3(4):237-41.
Letters to Editor
- Dev S, Galanos AN; Duke Supportive Cardiology Group. Complexities of defibrillator deactivation. Ann Intern Med. 2010 Jul 20;153(2):133-4. PMID: 20644001
- Dev S, Lloyd-Jones D. Problems associated with screening for asymptomatic cardiac transplant rejection. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2007 Nov;26(11):1219. PMID: 18022094
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
- Dick TB, Watson MH, Milano CA, Felker GM, Hernandez AF, Dev S, Rosenberg P, Rogers JG. Comparison of Early and Late Calcineurin Inhibitor Initiation after Basiliximab Induction in Heart Transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 1/2009; 28(2).
- Dev S, Fiuzat M, O’Connor C, Tassisa G, Rogers JG. "Baseline Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Who Do Not Desire Resuscitation: An Analysis of the ESCAPE Trial." J Card Fail 15(6): S90-S91.
- Dev S, R. Clare, et al. "The Association of Do-Not-Resuscitate Preference With Quality of Life Preference and Mortality in Patients in the ESCAPE Trial." J Card Fail 16(8): S103.
- Shirolkar SC, Felker GM, Stevens SR, Blackwell MP, Thompson SL, Rogers JG, O’Connor CM, Dev S. Ultrafiltration is Associated with Worsening Renal Function, and Electrolyte Abnormalities in Patients with Diuretic Refractory Heart Failure and Renal Dysfunction. J Card Fail;17:S96.
- Parrington DJ, Saremi A, Girotra SV, Dev S, Oh C, Scott CL, Migrino RQ. Quantification of LVEF≤35% misclassification by 2D-echocardiography as compared to cardiac magnetic resonance in coronary artery disease: implications for AICD therapy. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 02/2012; 14 Suppl 1:P212.
- Dev S, Wang Y, Varosy PD, Curtis JP, Masoudi FA. Prevalence and Temporal Trends of Antiarrhythmic Use among ICD Recipients: Findings from the NCDR. Circulation 2012; 126:A13650.
- Urbine, TF, Schwenke DC, Wu W, Dev S. ICD9 Coding of Hyperkalemia Greatly Underestimates Incidence of Lab-Defined Hyperkalemia in Veterans with Heart Failure. J Card Fail 2013;19(8): S32.
- Dev S, Lacy ME, Masoudi F, Wu WC. Patient Characteristics Associated with Appropriate Use of Aldosterone Antagonists in a National Cohort of Veterans Hospitalized with Heart Failure. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2014;7:A158.
- Urbine TF, Schwenke DC, Wu W-C, Dev S. Patient Characteristics Associated with Serious Hyperkalemia in Veterans after Hospital Discharge with Heart Failure. Journal of Cardiac Failure. 2014/08/27;20(8):S101.
- Chauhan VR, Dev S, Pham M, Lin S, Heidenreich P. Abstract 13079: Variation in Laboratory Monitoring After Initiation of a Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonist in Patients With Heart Failure. Circulation. 2014.;130 (Suppl 2):A13079.
- Dev S, Hoffman T, Kavalieratos D, Schwenke D, Heidenreich P, Wu WC, Tracy S. Barriers to Adoption and Monitoring of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in a VA Medical Center. J of Amer Coll Cardiology. 2015; 65(10_S)
- Dev S, Williams KE, Hatseras HM, Weyer M, Hepfinger SS, Biehl-Judge NY, Wu WC. Abstract 131: Shared Medical Appointments for Heart Failure Patients Improve Cardiac Health Status. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 2015;8:A131.
- Dev S, Taveira TH, Allen SM, Cohen LB, Urbine TF, Rumsfeld JS, Heidenreich PA , Grady KL, Wu WC. Group Medical Visits versus Usual Care in Heart Failure: Clinical Trial Design & Rationale. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2016;9:A104
- Marshall V, Stevenson L, Shell-Boyd J, Hearns R, Gee J, Schaub K, LaForest S, Dev S, Ball S. A Triadic Approach to Managing Heart Failure Using Group Medical Visits: Qualitative Analysis. Circulation. 2018. Volume 138, Issue Suppl_1
- Dev, S, Fawcett J, Wu WC, Schwenke DC. Impact of an Early HF Discharge Follow-up Intervention on 30-Day Outcomes in a Veterans Hospital. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 2019;8:A131.
Works In Progress: Scoping Review of Machine Learning in Cardiac Amyloidosis
Media: N/A
Conferences / Scholarly Presentations
Data blitz, University of Arizona College of Medicine Research Day, ‘Nudges to Improve Heart Failure Prescribing’ March 29. 2023
Banner University Medical Center Cardiology, Valley of the Sun CME Symposium, ‘Cardiac amyloidosis.’ March 11, 2023
ASU Updates in Cardiac Amyloidosis, ‘Epidemiology of Cardiac Amyloid’ January 14, 2023
Southern Arizona VA Health Care System, ‘Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction,’ Clinical Management Conference, January 26, 2021
VA Heart Failure Network, ‘Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonist Use in Veterans with Heart Failure,’ national webcast, November 19, 2015
VA Heart Failure Network, ‘Implementing Shared Medical Appointments: Lessons Learned from Treating Heart Failure,’ national webcast, August 6, 2015
BGSMC Cardiology Fellows Talk, ‘Kidney and Heart Interactions in Heart Failure,’ July 29, 2015
Phoenix VA Primary Care Conference, ‘Shared Medical Appointments for Heart Failure,’ May 7, 2015
BGSMC Cardiology Fellowship, Heart Failure / Transplant Topics, February 22, 2014
BGSMC Residency, ‘Overview HF Management’, February 25, 2014
Tucson VA Grand Rounds, ‘Innovative Care Models for Veterans with HF,’ January 22, 2014