International boundaries, heritage tourism and conservation, religious tourism, politics of heritage, global tourism
Moufakkir, O. and Timothy, D.J. Eyes on casino gaming in China: Resident attitudes towards pre-casino development in Sanya. UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal (2014).
Poria, Y. and Timothy, D.J. Where are the children in tourism research?. Annals of Tourism Research (2014).
Timothy, D.J. Contemporary cultural heritage and tourism: development issues and emerging trends. Public Archaeology (2014).
Timothy, D.J., Guia, J. and Berthet, N. Tourism as a catalyst for changing boundaries and territorial sovereignty at an international border. Current Issues in Tourism (2014).
. . Review of: Creating the American West: boundaries and borderlands (2014).
Timothy, D.J. Trends in tourism, shopping, and retailing. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism (2014).
Timothy, D.J. Views of the vernacular: tourism and heritage of the ordinary. Contemporary Issues in Cultural Heritage Tourism (2014).
Timothy, D.J. and Emmett, C.F. Jerusalem, tourism, and the politics of heritage. Jerusalem: Conflict & Cooperation in a Contested City (2014).
Kaftanoglu, B. and Timothy, D.J. Return travel, assimilation and cultural maintenance: an example of Turkish-Americans in Arizona. Tourism Analysis (2013).
Luo, W.B., Zhang, T., Xu, F.X., Timothy, D.J. and Huang, Y.N. An analysis of factors influencing urban visitors' satisfaction: city features, personal characteristics and tourist motives. Tourism Tribune (2013).
Poudel, S., Nyaupane, G.P. and Timothy, D.J. Assessing visitors' preference of various roles of tour guides in the Himalayas. Tourism Analysis (2013).
Ron, A.S. and Timothy, D.J. The land of milk and honey: Biblical foods, heritage and Holy Land tourism. Journal of Heritage Tourism (2013).
Timothy, D.J. and Ron, A.S. Understanding heritage cuisines and tourism: identity, image, authenticity and change. Journal of Heritage Tourism (2013).
Timothy, D.J. Religious views of the environment: sanctification of nature and implications for tourism. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and the Environment (2013).
Timothy, D.J. Tourism, war, and political instability: territorial and religious perspectives. Tourism and War (2013).
Timothy, D.J. and Ron, A.S. Heritage cuisines, regional identity and sustainable tourism. Sustainable Culinary Systems: Local Foods, Innovation, and Tourism & Hospitality (2013).
Timothy, D.J. and Saarinen, J. Cross-border co-operation and tourism in Europe. Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation (2013).
Swanson, K.K. and Timothy, D.J. Souvenirs: icons of meaning, commercialization, and commoditization. Tourism Management (2012).
Timothy, D.J. and Martens, T.F. Tourists in transfrontier protected areas: a case of La Amistad International Park. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism (2012).
Timothy, D.J. Destination communities and responsible tourism. Responsible Tourism: Concepts, Theory and Practice (2012).
Timothy, D.J. Historical geographies of tourism. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Geographies (2012).
Gelbman, A. and Timothy, D.J. Border complexity, tourism and international exclaves: a case study. Annals of Tourism Research (2011).
Kim, S.S., Timothy, D.J. and Huang, J. Understanding Japanese tourists' shopping preferences using the Decision Tree Analysis method. Tourism Management (2011).
Timothy, D.J. and Schmidt, K. Personal heritage and return visits to American colonies in Mexico. Tourism Review International (2011).
Lew, A.A., Hall, C.M. and Timothy, D.J. World Regional Geography: Human Mobilities, Tourism Destinations, Sustainable Environments. (2011).
Timothy, D.J. Cultural Heritage and Tourism: An Introduction. (2011).
Prideaux, B. and Timothy, D.J. From mining boom towns to tourist haunts: the ghost town life cycle. Mining Heritage and Tourism: A Global Synthesis (2011).
Timothy, D.J. Cross-border regions and sustainable tourism development. Nachhaltigkeit, Regionalentwicklung, Tourismus (2011).
Timothy, D.J. Foreword. Sacredscapes and Pilgrimage Landscapes (2011).
Timothy, D.J. Highways and byways: car-based tourism in the US. Drive Tourism: Trends and Emerging Markets (2011).
Timothy, D.J. Tourism and cultural heritage: opportunities for Arizona. Capitalizing on Arizona's Arts and Culture (2011).
Research Activity
Chhabra,Deepak*, Lacher,Richard Geoffrey, Larsen,Dale L, Timothy,Dallen J. Marketing Profile and Economic Impact of Visitors to Wickenburg. WICKENBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE(11/15/2013 - 10/14/2015).
Nyaupane,Gyan P*, Timothy,Dallen J. BLM UT GSENM Tourism and Rural Community Appreciative Inquiry Cooperative Plan. DOI-BLM(9/1/2012 - 12/31/2013).
Ron, A.S. and Timothy, D.J. The Land of Milk and Honey: Biblical culinaria as a tourism product in the Holy Land. Annual Conference of the Israeli Geographical Association (Dec 2014).
Timothy, D.J. Rethinking the future of the past: Tourism, cultural heritage and new research directions. Tourism Tribune Annual Conference on China Tourism Research, Beijing, China (Oct 2014).
Timothy, D.J. Tourism at the Crossroads: Tourism Types, Trends and Innovations. Second International Hospitality and Tourism Conference (IHTC) Theory and Practice in Hospitality an (Sep 2014).
Timothy, D.J. and Gelbman, A. Internationalization of domestic borders in the former Yugoslavia: Contemporary implications for tourism. International Geographical Union, pre-Congress conference, Tourism and Transition in a Time of Chang (Aug 2014).
Timothy, D.J. and Wieckowski, M. Tourism and international borders: Globalization processes in the modern world. International Geographical Union Congress (Aug 2014).
Nyaupane, G., Poudel, S. and Timothy, D.J. Placing tourism in the conservation-development and local-global nexus. 45th annual international TTRA conference, Tourism and the New Global Economy, Bruges, Belgium (Jun 2014).
Timothy, D.J. Current trends in community-based tourism development. International Workshop on Tourism Planning: Responding to Globalization in Communities (May 2014).
Timothy, D.J. Tourism planning in destination communities: socially, economically and environmentally sustainable approaches. International Workshop on Tourism Planning: Responding to Globalization in Communities (May 2014).
Timothy, D.J. and Gelbman, A. Dealing with darkness: Tourism and geopolitics in the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. annual conference of the Association of American Geographers (Apr 2014).
Timothy, D.J. Tourism, the state, and the geopolitical heritage of boundaries. conference Contemporary Research in Tourism and Hospitality: Theory, Practice and Pitfalls (Feb 2014).
Timothy, D.J. Rethinking the future of the past: Cultural heritage, tourism and the new research agenda. Conference on Contemporary Research in Tourism and Hospitality: Theory, Practice and Pitfalls (Feb 2014).
Timothy, D.J. When the brand is in jeopardy: authenticity and the branding of cultural heritage destinations. International Geographical Union, Pre-Congress: Tourism Between Tradition and Modernity-Beppu, Japan (Aug 2013).
Timothy, D.J. and Gelbman, A. Geopolitics, security and spatial differentiation on the 49th Parallel: tourism and the US-Canada border. Fifth International Critical Tourism Studies Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina (Jun 2013).
Timothy, D.J. Islands and microstates: tourism opportunities and challenges to sustainable growth. Conference on Tourism Trends, Impacts and Policies on Sustainable Tourism-Limassol, Cyprus (Jun 2013).
Timothy, D.J. Island tourism challenges: global perspectives and lessons. Second Coastal, Island and Tropical Tourism Conference: Global Impacts, Local Resilience-Malaysia (Apr 2013).
Gelbman, A. and Timothy, D.J. Tourism and the US-Canada border: closedness and openness along the 49th Parallel. Annual Israeli Academic Tourism Forum-Tiberius, Israel (Feb 2013).
Timothy, D.J. Authenticity and place: preserving a destination image in Tombstone, USA. Conference: Winning Tourism Destination Images: Fantasy or Reality?-Tiberius, Israel (Nov 2012).
Timothy, D.J. Religious tourism: benevolent benefactor or problem child?. International conference on Sustainable Religious Tourism: Obstacles and Challenges-Lecce, Italy (Oct 2012).
Timothy, D.J. Heritage tourism in the postmodern world: issues and directions. Conference: Archaeology and Economic Development-University of London, England (Sep 2012).
Timothy, D.J. Vernacular landscape and heritage tourism: ordinary past and destination identity. Melaka International Heritage and Tourism Outlook Conference-Melaka, Malaysia (Jun 2012).
Zhao, S. and Timothy, D.J. How red is communist heritage tourism in China?. Travel and Tourism Research Association annual conference-Virginia Beach, Virginia (Jun 2012).
Ron, A.S. and Timothy, D.J. Geopolitical instability and the Mediterraneanization and globalization of contemporary Christian travel. International Conference on Tourism: the Agenda for Special Interest Tourism-Crete, Greece (May 2012).
Ron, A.S. and Timothy, D.J. The land of milk and honey: Biblical culinaria as a tourism product in the Holy Land. Conference: The Future of the Past: Heritage and Cultural Tourism in the 21st Century-Israel (May 2012).
Timothy, D.J. Dark tourism, thanatourism and dissonance in heritage tourism management. Association of American Geographers, annual conference-New York City (Feb 2012).
Timothy, D.J. and Gelbman, A. Borders, geopolitics and the development of tourism landscapes. ATLAS annual conference: Landscape and Tourism, the Dualistic Relationship-Valmiera, Latvia (Sep 2011).
Timothy, D.J. The best tourism places: where tourists don't go. Association of American Geographers, annual conference-Seattle, Washington (Apr 2011).
Timothy, D.J. Tourism theory and practice: authenticity and nostalgia. Association of American Geographers, annual conference-Seattle, Washington (Apr 2011).
Timothy, D.J. Tourism, sovereignty and supranationalism in a changing world: experiences from islands and coastal areas. Conference: teh Changing World of Coastal, Island and Tropical Tourism--Fort-de-France, Martinique (Jan 2011).
Lifeskills High School of Arizona, Member, Board of Directors (2014 - Present)
International Conference on Creative Organisations and Management, Valletta, Malta, Scientific Committee Member (2014 - Present)
International Antalya Hospitality and Tourism Research conference, Scientific Committee Member (2013 - Present)
Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, Editorial board member (2012 - Present)
International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, Editorial board member (2012 - Present)
PASOS-Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Editorial board member (2011 - Present)
Tourism Management Perspectives, Editorial board member (2010 - Present)