David Berliner
Phone: 480-861-0484
EDA 134A TEMPE, AZ 85287-2411
Mail code: 1811Campus: Tempe
David Berliner is a Regents Professor Emeritus in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College in the division of educational leadership and policy studies. He has taught at the universities of Arizona and Massachusetts, and Stanford University, as well as at universities in Australia, the Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland. Professor Berliner is a member of the National Academy of Education, a fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and a past president of both the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the Division of Educational Psychology of the American Psychological Association (APA). He is the recipient of awards for distinguished contributions from APA, AERA, and the National Education Association (NEA). He received the AERA's Outstanding Public Communication of Education Research Award in 2016.
Professor Berliner has authored more than 200 published articles, technical reports, and book chapters. Among his well-recognized works is the best seller "The manufactured crisis," coauthored (with B. J. Biddle). He was also of the coauthor (with Ursula Casanova) of "Putting research to work," and coauthor (with N. L. Gage) of the textbook "Educational psychology," now in its 6th edition. He is coeditor of the first "Handbook of educational psychology" and the books "Talks to teachers, and Perspectives on instructional time." His book, "Collateral damage" (with Sharon Nichols) is about the corruption of professional educators through high-stakes testing. His most recent book, "50 Myths and Lies that Threaten American's Public Schools," was co-authored with Gene V. Glass and students in 2014.
Ph.D. College of Education, Stanford University 1968
- Powers, J. M., Fischman, G. E., & Berliner, D. C. (2016). Making the Visible Invisible: Willful Ignorance of Poverty and Social Inequalities in the Research-Policy Nexus. Review of Research in Education.
- Berliner, D. C. (2016). Poverty’s powerful effects on reading achievement and the achievement gap. In R. Horowitz and S. J. Samuels (Eds.), The Achievement Gap inReading: Complex causes, persistent issues, possible solutions. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
- Berliner, D. C. (2016, May 11). An unanticipated successful career and some lessons learned. In S. Tobias, J. D. Fletcher, & D. C. Berliner (Series Eds.), Acquired Wisdom Series. Education Review, 23. http://dx.doi.org/10.14507/er.v23.2078
- Berliner, D. C., Glass, G. V and Associates. (2014). Fifty myths and lies that threaten America’s public schools. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Berliner, D. C. (2014). Exogenous variables and value-added assessments: A fatal flaw. Teachers College Record, 116, (1). http://www.tcrecord.org/content.asp?contentid=17293
- Berliner, David Charles, Kupermintz, H. Fostering change in institutions, environments and people. (2008).
- . . Changing Institutions, Environments, and People (2008).
- Berliner, David Charles. Research, policy and practice: The great disconnect. Research Essentials (2008).
- Nichols, S N, Berliner, David Charles. Collateral Damage: The effects of high-stakes testing on America's schools. (2007).
- . . The Psychology of Academic Cheating (2007).
- Berliner, David Charles. Investing in student lives outside of school to increase student achievement inside of school. To what ends, by what ends: The social justice implications of contemporary school finance theory (2007).
- S Nichols, G Glass, David Berliner. High-stakes testing and student achievement: Does accountability pressure increase student learning? Education Policy. Analysis Archives (2006).
- . . Essays on the role and nature of research within the PhD program in education (2006).
- . . The Psychology of Academic Cheating (2006).
- Berliner, David Charles (Author) . Educational psychology: Searching for essence throughout a century of influence. Handbook of educational psychology (2006).
- Berliner, David Charles (Author) . The dangers of some new pathways to teacher certification. Competence Oriented Teacher Training: Old Research Demands and New Pathways (2006).
- Berliner, David Charles (Author) . Toward a future as rich as our past. Envisioning the future of doctoral education: preparing stewards of the discipline-Carnegie essays on the doctorate (2006).
- David Berliner. Szakértö tánarok viselkedésének leírása és teljesítményeik dokumentálása. Pedagógusképzes (2005).
- Berliner, David Charles (Author) . Increasing uncertainty and the collateral damage associated with high-stakes testing. Educational policy and reform in a global age: Cross-cultural perspectives (2005).
- Berliner, David Charles (Author) . The place of process-product research in developing the agenda for research on teacher thinking. Teacher thinking and professional action (2005).
- Bransford, J (Author) ,Derry, S (Author) ,Berliner, David Charles (Author) ,Hammerness, K (Author) ,Beckett, K L (Author) . Theories of learning and their role in teaching. Preparing teachers for a changing world: what teachers should learn and be able to do (2005).
- Hammerness, K (Author) ,Darling-Hammond, L (Author) ,Bransford, J (Author) ,Berliner, David Charles (Author) ,Cochran-Smith, M (Author) ,McDonald, M (Author) ,Zeichner, K (Author) . How teachers learn and develop. Preparing teachers for a changing world: what teachers should learn and be able to do (2005).
- David Berliner. Describing the behavior and documenting the accomplishments of expert teachers. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society (2004).
- David Berliner. Toiling in Pasteur's quadrant: The contributions of N. L. Gage to educational psychology. Teaching and Teacher Education (2004).
- L Vandevoort, Audrey Beardsley, David Berliner. National Board Certified Teachers and their students' achievement. Education Policy Analysis Archives (2004).
- Berliner, David Charles (Author) . Expert teachers: Their characteristics, development and accomplishments. De la teoria?.a l'aula: Formacio del professorat ensenyament de las ciències socials (2004).
- Berliner, David Charles (Author) . If the underlying premise for no child left behind is false, how can that act solve our problems?. Saving our schools: The case for public education in America (2004).
- A Amrein, David Berliner. The testing divide: New research on the intended and unintended impact of high-stakes testing. A brief summary. Peer Review (2003).
- Audrey Beardsley, David Berliner. Re-analysis of NAEP math and reading scores in states with and without high-stakes tests: Response to Rosenshine. Education Policy Analysis Archives (2003).
- Audrey Beardsley, David Berliner. The effects of high-stakes testing on student motivation and learning. Educational Leadership (2003).
- I Laczko-Kerr, David Berliner. In Harm's way: How Under-certified Teachers Hurt Their Students. Educational Leadership (2003).
- . . Educational psychology : A century of contributions (2003).
- Audrey Beardsley, David Berliner. High-stakes testing, uncertainty, and student learning. Education Policy Analysis Archives (2002).
- B Biddle, David Berliner. Research synthesis: Small class size and its effects. Educational Leadership (2002).
- B Biddle, David Berliner. Research synthesis: Unequal school funding in the United States. Educational Leadership (2002).
- B Biddle, David Berliner. Small classes and their effects. New York: Rockefeller Foundation (2002).
- B Biddle, David Berliner. Unequal funding for schools in America. New York: Rockefeller Foundation (2002).
- David Berliner. Educational research: The hardest science of them all. Educational Researcher (2002).
- I Laczko-Kerr, David Berliner. The effectiveness of "Teach for America" and other under-certified teachers on student academic achievement: A case of harmful public policy". Education Policy Analysis Archives (2002).
- . . The Mission of the Scholar: Essays in Honor of Nelson Haggerson (2002).
- David Berliner. Learning About and Learning From Expert Teachers. International Journal of Educational Research (2001).
- David Berliner. A personal response to those who bash teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education (2000).
- Berliner, David Charles (Author) ,Biddle, B J (Author) . Why Now?. The structure of schooling: Readings in the sociology of schooling (2000).
- Garcy,Anthony M*, Berliner,David Charles, Rimsza,Mary E, Rimsza,Mary E. Health Status Academic Achievement Study (HSA). AMER EDUCATION RESEARCH ASSN(8/1/2005 - 7/31/2008).
- Berliner,David Charles*, Glass,Gene V, Tobin,Joseph Jay. ASU/SPENCER DISCIPLINE-BASED SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION PROGRAM. SPENCER FDN(5/1/2002 - 7/31/2006).
- Berliner,David Charles*, Behrens,John Thomas. PHOENIX URBAN SYSTEMIC INITIATIVE (USI). MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGE(9/1/1998 - 10/31/1999).
- Berliner,David Charles*. SOUTH MOUNTAIN RESEARCH PROJECT. PHOENIX UNION HS DISTRICT(8/1/1989 - 11/14/1993).
2025 Summer
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EPA 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Summer
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EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 780 | Practicum |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 780 | Practicum |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 780 | Practicum |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 780 | Practicum |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 784 | Internship |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EPA 792 | Research |
EDA 792 | Research |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EDA 792 | Research |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EDA 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
DCI 780 | Practicum |
EPA 799 | Dissertation |
EPA 792 | Research |
EPA 784 | Internship |
- Berliner, David. Protecting the public interest: What research has to say to the next generation of policymakers. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA (Apr 2006).
- Berliner, David. Research in the public interest: Scholars as public intellectuals. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA (Apr 2006).
- Ganesh, A, Berliner, David. What do positive high correlations of teacher ranking with students actual standardized test scores mean?. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA (Apr 2006).
- Beardsly, A, Berliner, David. The Residual Effects of National Board Certified Teachers. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association (Apr 2006).
- Berliner, David. Lessons learned from an externally imposed high-stakes accountability system: The troubling case of the USA. German Association for Educational Science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, the DGfE) and the University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (Mar 2006).
- Berliner, David. The development of expertise. Invited address to V. Országos Neveléstodományi Konferencia, Magyar Tudományos Akadámia, Budapest, Hungary (Oct 2005).
- Berliner, David. The state versus the poor: Inequality in education and itsorigins. Paper presented at the international colloquium on liberal education, Liberal Institute, Freidrich Naumann Foundation, Potsdam, Germany (Sep 2005).
- Ganesh, A, Berliner, David. Investigating the meaning of positive high correlations: Teachers ranking with students actual standardized test scores. Paper presented at the meetings of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Nicosia, Cyprus (Aug 2005).
- Ganesh, T, Berliner, David. Practices of Computer Use in Elementary Education: Perceived and Missed Opportunities. Paper presented at the meetings of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Nicosia, Cyprus (Aug 2005).
- Berliner, David. AERA Distinguished Lecture. Presidential Invited Session. Ignoring the forest, blaming the trees: Our impoverished view of educational reform. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada (Apr 2005).
- Berliner, David. High-Stakes testing and Their Consequences. Invited speaker, James Cooper and University of Virginia Bicentennial Lecturer. Charlottesville, VA:Curry School, University of Virginia (Oct 2004).
- Berliner, David. High-stakes testing and academic achievement. conference on International Perspectives on School Accountability, Bodo University College, Bodo, Norway (Aug 2004).
- Ganesh, T, Berliner, David. Practices of computer use in elementary education: perceived and missed opportunities. Roundtable presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA (Apr 2004).
- Berliner, David. Increasing uncertainty and the collateral damage associated with high-stakes testing. Paper given at the conference on The Science and Politics of Accountability in Public Education, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada (Nov 2003).
- Berliner, David. Learning about learning from expert teachers. Paper presented to the Dutch Educational Research Association, Utrech, The Netherlands (Oct 2003).
- Berliner, David. The development of expertise and the validity of the concept. Paper presented at the Katholic University of Leuvan, Leuvan, Belgium (Oct 2003).
- Berliner, David. Anticipated and unanticipated effects of high-stakes testing. Paper presented at the Katholic University of Leuvan, Leuvan, Belgium (Oct 2003).
- Berliner, David. Some Consequences of High-Stakes Testing. Paper presented to the faculty of the Graduate School of Education, Leiden University, The Netherlands (Sep 2003).
- Berliner, David. The dangers of some alternative pathways to teacher certification. Paper presented at the European Association for Learning and Instruction, Padua, Italy (Aug 2003).
- Berliner, David. Professional development of teachers in the USA: How to do it wrong. Paper presented at the European Association for Learning and Instruction, Padua, Italy (Aug 2003).
- Amrein, A, Berliner, David. A state-by-state analysis of the impact of high-stakes accountability policies on academic performance. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL (Apr 2003).
- Amrein, A, Berliner, David. High school graduation exams-The dropout rate, the graduation rate, and the rate by which students take the general education diploma (GED). Paper presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL (Apr 2003).
- Berliner, David. Easy to do and hard to do research. Paper presented at the John Dewey Society Symposium, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL (Apr 2003).
- Berliner, David. Getting It Wrong: Business solutions to problems of educational equity. The William Self Equity Lecture, School of Education, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC (Apr 2003).
- Berliner, David. Heisenberg, high-stakes testing, and the honor of teachers. School of Education, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (Apr 2003).
- Berliner, David. How American business misunderstands the real problems of American education. Brock Prize Laureate Public Lecture, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK (Apr 2003).
- Amrein, A, Berliner, David. High Stakes States Burning at the High Stakes Stake: An Archival Time Series Study of the Effects of High Stakes Testing. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA (Apr 2002).
- Berliner, David. The business community and American education: Fundamental conflicts. National Association for Research on Science Teaching, New Orleans, LA (Apr 2002).
- Berliner, David. What business ought to be concerned about in American education. Paper presented in the Odyssey Lecture Series on The Citizen, California State University, Long Beach, CA (Mar 2002).
- Amrein, A, Berliner, David. The positive and negative consequences of high school graduation exams: An archival time series. Paper presented at the meetings of the Sociology of Education Conference, Monterey, CA (Feb 2002).
- Berliner, David. Democracy and education: Losing the battle. The John Dewey Lecture, American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA (Apr 2001).
- Laczko, I, Berliner, David. Does certification matter? An analysis of student achievement on the Stanford nine. Paper presented at the meetings of the American educational Research Association, Seattle, WA (Apr 2001).
- Berliner, David. What business ought to be concerned about in American education. The John Dewey Society Lecturer, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Boston, MA (Mar 2001).
- Berliner, David. Business and education: A Problematic relationship. The Horace Mann Lecturer, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (Mar 2001).
- Berliner, David. Bashing teacher education-A response to the critics. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA (Apr 2000).
- Berliner, David. Educational research and the next millennium. American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA (Apr 2000).
- Berliner, David. The silence of the lambs: What business is doing to our schools. Charles De Garmo Invited Address, American Educational Research Association, New Orlans, LA (Apr 2000).
- Berliner, David. The tension between business and education over the public schools. James P. Curtis Lecturer, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (Apr 2000).
- Berliner, David. Knowledge is power: A talk to teachers about the scientific basis of teaching practice. meetings of the American School Federation, Caracas, Venezuela (Jan 2000).
- Berliner, David. Business and education: differing views of the world. Invited speaker at the conference RACE 2000, College of Education, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ (Jan 2000).
- Berliner, David. Collateral Damage: How high-stakes testing corrupts America's schools.
- Berliner, David. Collateral damage: How high-stakes testing corrupts America's schools. Book-signing and presentation
- Berliner, David. Do high-stakes tests limit economic development? The beginning of a long-term natural longitudinal study. Int'l conference onf Research on Vocational Education and Training for Int'l Comparison and as Int'l Comparison
- Berliner, David. High-stakes testing and teachers: A study of state policy on teacher morale and job satisfaction. American Educational Research Association
- Berliner, David. How high-stakes testing hurts our education system. Nevada Association of School Administrators
- Berliner, David. How high-stakes testing inevitably corrupts our indicators and our educators. National Reading Conference
- Berliner, David. John Dewey Society Symposium: The way out of educational confusion. American Educational Research Association
- Berliner, David. Schooling and poverty in America. American Association of School Administrators
- Berliner, David. The changes brought about by high-stakes testing.
- Berliner, David. The development of pedagogical expertise. Simon Fraser Facutly of Education Summer Institute
- Berliner, David. The effects of high-stakes testing on schools. National Academy of Education
- Berliner, David. The effects of high-stakes testing on teachers and teacher education. Association of Teacher Educators
- Berliner, David. The Effects of High-Stakes Testing on the Economy, Teachers in Impoverished Schools, and Children of Poverty. Conference on Critical Pedagogy
- Berliner, David. The great unequalizer and demoralizer: Dealing with the negative effects of high-stakes testing for America's youth. American Educational Research Association
- Berliner, David. The problems with high-stakes test. California Association of School Administrators
- Berliner, David. Unimaginative curriculum, instruction, and assessments: The consequences of America's No Child Left Behind act. Imagination in Education
- Berliner, David. Why high-stakes testing cannot improve public education. EVER!. The NCLB Act: Blessing or Curse for English Language Learners
- Berliner, David. Burdur, Turkey.
- Berliner, David. Crossing the research-practice divide: Breaking barriers, building bridges. American Educational Research Association
- Berliner, David. Empirically determining a test item's instructional sensitivity. American Educational Research Association
- Berliner, David. Expert teachers: Their development, characteristics, and effects on students.
- Berliner, David. How high-stakes testing narrows curriculum and reduces the chances for successful competition in the 21st century economy: A USA clamity in the making. International Sociological Association
- Berliner, David. How the federal government moves us from worrying about inputs to worrying about outputs and taught us to ignore poverty's effects on education.
- Berliner, David. Strategies for countering the accountability agenda. Britiish Columbia Teachers Federation
- Berliner, David. The effects of high-stakes testing on educators and indicators: A warning for Canada.
- Berliner, David. The effects of high-stakes testing on the economy and the education system. Wicked policy for Massachusetts and the nation
- Berliner, David. The effects of high-stakes testing on the US economy, its educators, students, and culture.
- Berliner, David. The quality and power of educational research.
- Berliner, David. The quality and the power of educational research.
- Berliner, David. The unintended consequences of high-stakes testing.
- Berliner, David. The unintended consequences of high-stakes testing.
- Berliner, David. The unintended effects of high-stakes testing and accountability.
- Berliner, David. What we know about expert teachers.
- National Academy of Education, Board of Directors (2006 - Present)
- Arizona Arts, Science, and Technology Academy, Board of Governors (2005 - Present)
- WestEd, Board Member (1999 - Present)
- Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Board of Trustees (1997 - Present)
- National Academy of Science/ National Research Council Board on International Comparative Studies in Education, (BICSE), Board Member (1998 - 2002)