Michelle Blagg-Catone is a Program Manager with Arizona State University’s Design Studio for Community Solutions (DSCS), an initiative dedicated to fostering partnerships between ASU and community organizations in Maryvale and beyond. DSCS aims to build on existing community strengths and support growth through capacity-building. Central to DSCS’s approach is a commitment to observing, participating in, and listening to community-driven initiatives to co-create meaningful solutions.
In alignment with this mission, Michelle has collaborated with Watts College’s Youth Justice Lab and the Maricopa County Office of the Public Advocate on Project Restore to raise awareness about the importance of juvenile record destruction and its role in removing barriers for youth. She has also partnered with the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department to expand access to affordable youth extracurricular activities and worked with the Isaac Elementary School District to bring Parent University to ASU’s West Valley Campus, creating an opportunity for parents to share and learn in a supportive environment. Additionally, Michelle has teamed up with other community organizations to develop financial literacy programs tailored to local needs.
Prior to joining ASU, Michelle supported individuals and families from diverse backgrounds, with much of her career focused on teaching not only preschool but also life and employment skills to teens and adults with disabilities. Her dual role involved coaching individuals to excel as employees and training mentors to be effective supervisors. Her experience at ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College University Service-Learning program further enriched her perspective, providing insights into a wide array of Valley non-profits and community organizations.