Leon van Paassen
Phone: 480-479-7116
Mail code: 3005Campus: Tempe
Leon van Paassen is Associate Professor at Arizona State University (ASU) and Senior Investigator at the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Centre for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG). He has more than 15 years research experience and expertise in the biological, chemical, and physical characterization of soils, biochemical reactive transport and multiphase flow in porous media. Past and current research projects include, bio-based ground improvement through microbially induced carbonate precipitation, liquefaction mitigation through desaturation by stimulating nitrate-reducing bacteria to produce nitrogen gas, using bio mineralization for dust suppression, bio-mediated iron precipitation for permeability reduction and bio-inspired scour protection for submerged foundation systems. His affiliation to CBBG and collaboration with industrial partners allowed him to develop and transfer several of these technologies from a proof-of-concept in the laboratory to field scale demonstration projects for a variety of geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering applications. He teaches courses on Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology, Bio-based Geotechnical Engineering and Advanced Geotechnical Testing. Since May 2020 he acts as Co-Principal Investigator for CBBG at ASU and leads the research thrust on Environmental Protection and Restoration, which includes projects on restoring surface crusts of disturbed soil sites, groundwater remediation of chlorinated solvents or heavy metals, nutrient removal from surface water and the development of microbial enhanced permeable reactive barriers. His mission is to integrate the fields of environmental biotechnology and geotechnical engineering, aiming to develop sustainable solutions, which improve resource efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of civil and mining engineering industry.
- Ph.D. Applied Sciences, Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology 2009
- M.Sc. Applied Earth Sciences (Engineering Geology), Delft University of Technology 2002
Engineering Geology, Environmental Biotechnology, Geotechnical Engineering, Resource Engineering, Soil physics, Geochemistry
Stallings Young, E.G., Mahabadi, N., Zapata, C.E. & Van Paassen, L.A. (2021) Microbial-Induced Desaturation in Stratified Soil Conditions. Int. J. of Geosynth. and Ground Eng. 7, 37, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40891-021-00276-9
Wang, L., Gao Y., He, J, Gao, Y. & van Paassen, L.A. (2021) Effect of Biogenic Gas Formation through Microbial Induced Desaturation and Precipitation (MIDP) on the Static Response of Sands with Varied Relative density, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, accepted
Zeng, C., Veenis, Y., Hall, C.A., Stallings Young, E., Van der Star, W.R.L., Zheng, J. & Van Paassen, L.A. (2021) Experimental and numerical analysis of a field trial application on microbially induced calcite precipitation for ground stabilization. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002545)
Wang, L., Gao, Y., He, J., Gao, Y., & van Paassen, L. A. (2021). Effect of Biogenic Gas Formation through Microbial Induced Desaturation and Precipitation on the Static Response of Sands with Varied Relative Density. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(8), 04021071.
Krishnan, V., Khodadadi Tirkolaei, H., Martin, K., Hamdan, N., Van Paassen, L.A., & Kavazanjian Jr, E. (2021). Variability in the Unconfined Compressive Strength of EICP-Treated “Standard” Sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(4), 06021001.
Gao, Y., Hang, L., He, J., Zhang, F., & Van Paassen, L. (2020). Pullout behavior of geosynthetic reinforcement in biocemented soils. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geotexmem.2020.10.028
Xiao, Y., Stuedlein, A. W., Pan, Z., Liu, H., Matthew Evans, T., He, X., Lin, H., Chu, J. & van Paassen, L.A. (2020). Toe-Bearing Capacity of Precast Concrete Piles through Biogrouting Improvement. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(12), 06020026. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002404
Shakeel, A., Safar, Z., Ibanez, M., van Paassen, L., & Chassagne, C. (2020). Flocculation of clay suspensions by anionic and cationic polyelectrolytes: A systematic analysis. Minerals, 10(11), 999. https://doi.org/10.3390/min10110999
Mahabadi, N. , van Paassen, L.A., Battiato, I. Yun, T.S. , Choo, H. & Jang, J. (2020) Impact of Pore-Scale Characteristics on Immiscible Fluid Displacement, GeoFluids, Article ID 5759023 https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5759023
Spencer, C. A., van Paassen, L., & Sass, H. (2020). Effect of Jute Fibres on the Process of MICP and Properties of Biocemented Sand. Materials, 13(23), 5429. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13235429
Wang, L., van Paassen, L.A., Gao, Y., He, J , Gao, Y. & Kim, D. (2020) Laboratory Tests on Mitigation of Soil Liquefaction with Microbial Induced Desaturation and Precipitation (MIDP), Geotechnical Testing Journal. 44 (2): 520-534. https://doi.org/10.1520/GTJ20190432
Barciela-Rial, M., Van Paassen, L.A., Griffioen, J., Van Kessel, T. & Winterwerp, J.C.(2020) The Effect of Solid Phase Composition on the Drying Behaviour of Markermeer Sediment, Vadose Zone Journal, https://doi.org/10.1002/vzj2.20028
Edgar, M., Ray, H., Grubb, D.G., van Paassen, L.A., Hamdan, N., & Boyer, T.H., (2020) Removal of Phosphate and Nitrate from Impacted Waters via Slag-Driven Precipitation and Microbial Transformation, Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6 (2), 04020007, https://doi.org/10.1061/JSWBAY.0000914
Kim, D., Mahabadi, N., Jang, J., & van Paassen, L.A. ( 2020). Assessing the kinetics and pore‐scale characteristics of biological calcium carbonate precipitation in porous media using a microfluidic chip experiment. Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR025420. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR025420
Xiao, Y., Stuedlein, A. W., Ran, J., Evans, T. M., Cheng, L., Liu, H., Van Paassen, L.A. & Chu, J. (2019). Effect of Particle Shape on Strength and Stiffness of Biocemented Glass Beads. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145(11), 06019016.
Wu, C., Chu, J., Wu, S., Cheng, L., & van Paassen, L.A. (2019). Microbially induced calcite precipitation along a circular flow channel under a constant flow condition. Acta Geotechnica, 14(3), 673-683.
Pham, V.P. , van Paassen, L.A., van der Star, W.R.L., & Heimovaara, T.J. (2018). Evaluating Strategies to Improve Process Efficiency of Denitrification-Based MICP. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 144(8), 04018049.
Mahabadi, N., Zheng, X., Yun, T.S., van Paassen, L., & Jang, J. (2018). Gas Bubble Migration and Trapping in Porous Media: Pore‐Scale Simulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(2), 1060-1071.
Oliveira, B. R., Smit, M.P., Veld, H., van Paassen, L.A., Rijnaarts, H. H., & Grotenhuis, T. (2018). Subsidence of organic dredged sediments in an upland deposit in Wormer-en Jisperveld: North Holland, the Netherlands. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77(4), 131.
Kulshreshtha, Y., Schlangen, E., Jonkers, H.M., Vardon, P.J., van Paassen, L.A. CoRncrete: A corn starch based building material (2017) Construction and Building Materials, 154, pp. 411-423. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.07.184
Tollenaar, R.N., van Paassen, L.A., Jommi, C. Experimental evaluation of the effects of pull rate on the tensile behavior of a clay (2017) Applied Clay Science, 144, pp. 131-140. DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2017.04.026
Hamed Khodadadi, T., Kavazanjian, E., Van Paassen, L., Dejong, J. Bio-Grout Materials: A Review (2017) Geotechnical Special Publication, (288 GSP), pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.1061/9780784480793.001
Oliveira, B.R.F., Smit, M.P.J., van Paassen, L.A., Grotenhuis, T.C., Rijnaarts, H.H.M. Functional properties of soils formed from biochemical ripening of dredged sediments—subsidence mitigation in delta areas (2017) Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17 (1), pp. 286-298. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1570-7
Jommi, C., Valimberti, N., Tollenaar, R.N., Della Vecchia, G., Van Paassen, L.A. Modelling desiccation cracking in a homogenous soil clay layer: Comparison between different hypotheses on constitutive behaviour (2016) E3S Web of Conferences, 9, art. no. 08006,. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20160908006
van Wijngaarden, W.K., van Paassen, L.A., Vermolen, F.J., van Meurs, G.A.M., Vuik, C. Simulation of Front Instabilities in Density-Driven Flow, Using a Reactive Transport Model for Biogrout Combined with a Randomly Distributed Permeability Field (2016) Transport in Porous Media, 112 (2), pp. 333-359. DOI: 10.1007/s11242-016-0649-3
van Wijngaarden, W.K., van Paassen, L.A., Vermolen, F.J., van Meurs, G.A.M., Vuik, C. A Reactive Transport Model for Biogrout Compared to Experimental Data (2016) Transport in Porous Media, 111 (3), pp. 627-648. DOI: 10.1007/s11242-015-0615-5
Kanayama, M., Rohe, A., van Paassen, L.A. Using and Improving Neural Network Models for Ground Settlement Prediction (2014) Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 32 (3), pp. 687-697. DOI: 10.1007/s10706-014-9745-8
Kanayama, M., Okamura, Y., Rohe, A., Van Paassen, L.A. Examination for predicting ground settlement based on measurement records by using a neural network model (2014) ISRM International Symposium - 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMS 2014, pp. 2337-2345.
Van Paassen, L.A., Vardon, P.J., Mulder, A., Van De Weg, G., Jeffrey, P. Investigating the susceptibility of iron ore to liquefaction (2013) Poromechanics V - Proceedings of the 5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, pp. 1478-1487. DOI: 10.1061/9780784412992.176
Dejong, J.T., Soga, K., Kavazanjian, E., Burns, S., Van Paassen, L.A., AL Qabany, A., Aydilek, A., Bang, S.S., Burbank, M., Caslake, L.F., Chen, C.Y., Cheng, X., Chu, J., Ciurli, S., Esnault-Filet, A., Fauriel, S., Hamdan, N., Hata, T., Inagaki, Y., Jefferis, S., Kuo, M., Laloui, L., Larrahondo, J., Manning, D.A.C., Martinez, B., Montoya, B.M., Nelson, D.C., Palomino, A., Renforth, P., Santamarina, J.C., Seagren, E.A., Tanyu, B., Tsesarsky, M., Weaver, T. Biogeochemical processes and geotechnical applications: Progress, opportunities and challenges (2013) Geotechnique, 63 (4), pp. 287-301. DOI: 10.1680/geot.SIP13.P.017
Dejong, J.T., Soga, K., Kavazanjian, E., Burns, S., Van Paassen, L.A., Al Qabany, A., Aydilek, A., Bang, S.S., Burbank, M., Caslake, L.F., Chen, C.Y., Cheng, X., Chu, J., Ciurli, S., Esnault-Filet, A., Fauriel, S., Hamdan, N., Hata, T., Inagaki, Y., Jefferis, S., Kuo, M., Laloui, L., Larrahondo, J., Manning, D.A.C., Martinez, B., Montoya, B.M., Nelson, D.C., Palomino, A., Renforth, P., Santamarina, J.C., Seagren, E.A., Tanyu, B., Tsesarsky, M., Weaver, T. Biogeochemical processes and geotechnical applications: Progress, opportunities and challenges (2013) Bio- and Chemo- Mechanical Processes in Geotechnical Engineering - Geotechnique Symposium in Print 2013, pp. 143-157.
Van Paassen, L.A., Van Hemert, W.J., Van Der Star, W.R.L., Van Zwieten, G., Van Baalen, L. Direct shear strength of biologically cemented gravel (2012) Geotechnical Special Publication, (225 GSP), pp. 968-977. DOI: 10.1061/9780784412121.100
Van Paassen, L.A. Bio-mediated ground improvement: From laboratory experiment to pilot applications (2011) Geotechnical Special Publication, (211 GSP), pp. 4099-4108. DOI: 10.1061/41165(397)419
Ngan-Tillard, D.J.M., Verwaal, W., Maurenbrecher, P.M., Van Paassen, L.A. Microstructural degradation of Maastrichtian limestones (2010) Rock Engineering in Difficult Ground Conditions - Soft Rocks and Karst - Proceedings of the Regional Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, EUROCK 2009, pp. 321-326.
Van Paassen, L.A., Van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Pieron, M., Mulder, A., Ngan-Tillard, D.J.M., Van Der Linden, T.J.M. Strength and deformation of biologically cemented sandstone (2010) Rock Engineering in Difficult Ground Conditions - Soft Rocks and Karst - Proceedings of the Regional Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, EUROCK 2009, pp. 405-410.
Van Der Star, W.R.L., Taher, E., Harkes, M.P., Blauw, M., Van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Van Paassen, L.A. Use of waste streams and microbes for in situ transformation of sand into sandstone (2010) Geotechnical Society of Singapore - International Symposium on Ground Improvement Technologies and Case Histories, ISGI'09, pp. 177-182. DOI: 10.3850/GI126
van Paassen, L.A., Ghose, R., van der Linden, T.J.M., van der Star, W.R.L., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. Quantifying biomediated ground improvement by ureolysis: Large-scale biogrout experiment (2010) Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 136 (12), pp. 1721-1728. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000382
Harkes, M.P., van Paassen, L.A., Booster, J.L., Whiffin, V.S., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. Fixation and distribution of bacterial activity in sand to induce carbonate precipitation for ground reinforcement (2010) Ecological Engineering, 36 (2), pp. 112-117. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.01.004
van Paassen, L.A., Daza, C.M., Staal, M., Sorokin, D.Y., van der Zon, W., van Loosdrecht, Mark.C.M. Potential soil reinforcement by biological denitrification (2010) Ecological Engineering, 36 (2), pp. 168-175. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.03.026
Van Paassen, L.A., Harkes, M.P., Van Zwieten, G.A., Van Der Zon, W.H., Van Der Star, W.R.L., Van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. Scale up of BioGrout: A biological ground reinforcement method (2009) Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: The Academia and Practice of Geotechnical Engineering, 3, pp. 2328-2333. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-031-5-2328
Ghose, R., Van Paassen, L., Van Der Star, W., Van Der Linden, T., Van Zwieten, G. Monitoring progressive cementation of sand by biogrouting through time-lapse shear-wave seismics (2009) Near Surface 2009 - 15th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Whiffin, V.S., van Paassen, L.A., Harkes, M.P. Microbial carbonate precipitation as a soil improvement technique (2007) Geomicrobiology Journal, 24 (5), pp. 417-423. DOI: 10.1080/01490450701436505
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CNE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CNE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CNE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CNE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 598 | Special Topics |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 598 | Special Topics |
CEE 494 | Special Topics |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CNE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CNE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CNE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 593 | Applied Project |
CEE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CNE 351 | Geotechnical Engineering |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEE 551 | Advanced Geotechnical Testing |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CEE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 799 | Dissertation |
CEE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEE 592 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 792 | Research |
CEE 599 | Thesis |
CEE 598 | Special Topics |
CEE 494 | Special Topics |