Sanjeev Khagram
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Sanjeev Khagram is the Foundation Professor of Global Leadership and Global Political Economy. He is a world-renowned scholar and practitioner in the areas of globalization, transnationalism, leadership, strategic management, entrepreneurship, social enterprise, cross-sector innovation, public-private partnerships, inter-organizational networks, good governance, transparency, the global political economy, sustainable development, human security, and the data revolution. He holds a bachelor's in development studies and engineering, a master's degree and doctoral degree minor in economics and doctorate in political economy, all from Stanford University.
Professor Khagram led the establishment of the cross-sectoral Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and International Open Data Charter. He also previously founded and was the architect of the multi-stakeholder Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT). He was selected as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum and authored UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s Report on the Impacts of the Global Economic Crisis in 2009. He was dean of the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre, Foundation and Trust from 2003-2005, and he was Senior Policy and Strategy Director at the World Commission on Dams where he was the lead writer of the Commission’s widely acclaimed Final Report from 1998-2000. Prof. Khagram also founded and led Innovations for Scaling Impact – a global enterprise from 2007-2012. Most recently, he served as dean and director general of Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Professor Khagram was the John Parke Young Professor of Global Political Economy, Diplomacy and World Affairs at Occidental College from 2012–18. He was previously a professor and the Founding Director of the Center for International Development at the University of Washington. From 2008–10, he held the Wyss Visiting Professorship at the Harvard Business School. Khagram was an Associate (and Assistant) Professor at Harvard University’s JFK School of Government and Visiting Professor at Stanford University’s Institute of International Studies between 1998–2005. He has also taught in numerous universities around the world including the Monterrey Institute of Technology (Mexico), Tata Institute of Social Sciences (India), Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy (Singapore), University of Cape Town (South Africa), University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and Central European University (Hungary).
Professor Khagram has published widely including: "Dams and Development," (Cornell University Press); "Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks and Norms" (University of Minnesota Press); "The Transnational Studies Reader" (Routledge Press); "Open Budgets: The Political Economy of Transparency, Participation and Accountability" (Brookings Press). In addition, he's authored "Inequality and Corruption" in the American Journal of Sociology; "Future Architectures of Global Governance" in Global Governance, "Environment and Security" in the Annual Review of Environment and Resources, “Social Balance Sheets” in Harvard Business Review, “Evidence for Development Effectiveness” in the Journal of Development Effectiveness, and “Towards a Platinum Standard for Evidence-Based Assessment,” in Public Administration Review.
Professor Khagram has worked extensively with global start-ups, corporations, governments, civil society groups, multilateral organizations, cross-sectoral action networks, public-private partnerships, foundations, professional associations and universities all over the world from the local to the international levels. He has lived and worked for extended periods in Brazil, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa, Thailand, Germany and the United Kingdom. Khagram is of Asian Indian heritage, a Hindu, and a refugee from Idi Amin’s Uganda, which brought him to the United States in 1973 via refugee camps in Italy. He is the proud father of two sons.
- Ph.D. Global Political Economy, Stanford University 1999
- Ph.D. (Minor in) Economics, Food Research Institute, Stanford University 1998
- M.A. Economics and Policy, Food Research Institute, Stanford University 1993
- B.A. Development Studies and Engineering, Self-Designed Major, Stanford University 1990
Peer Reviewed Books, Edited Volumes and Monographs
In Progress
Cross-Sectoral Global Leadership in the 21st Century
In Progress
Future Architectures of Global Governance for Sustainable Development and Human Security,
Open Budgets: The Political Economy of Transparency, Participation and Accountability, edited volume project with Archon Fung and Paolo de Renzio, Brookings Press.
Voices of the Vulnerable: The First Global Report of the UN Secretary General on the Impacts of the Global Economic Crisis on the Poor and Vulnerable, New York: The United Nations.
The Transnational Studies Reader: Intersections and Innovations, co-edited volume with Peggy Levitt, New York: Routledge.
Dams and Development: Transnational Struggles for Water and Power, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press and Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks and Norms, co-edited volume with James V. Riker and Kathryn Sikkink, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Dams and Development: The Final Report of the World Commission on Dams, London: Oxford University Press.
Peer Reviewed Articles and Chapters
“The Private (Financial) Sector and Government Fiscal Openness,” Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency working paper.
Advancing Global Norms as Social Innovations for Social Change,” International Budget Partnership Working Paper.
Transnationalism”, in George Ritzer (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Globalization, New York: Routledge Press.
"Toward Democratic Governance for Sustainable Development,” in The Globalization Reader, 4th edition, ed. Frank J. Lechner and John Boli (Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons, November 2011).
“Towards a Platinum Standard for Evidence-Based Assessment by 2020,” with Craig Thomas, Public Administration Review.
“Thinking About Knowing: Conceptual Foundations for Interdisciplinary Environmental Research,” with Kimberly Cahill et al., in Environmental Conservation.
“Evidence for Development Effectiveness,” with Craig Thomas, Catrina Lucero and Subarna Mathes, in the Journal of Development Effectiveness, Vol. 1, No. 3, 247–270.
“Global Health Governance: Towards Systemic Coherence to Scale Impact,” with Devi Shridhar and Tikki Pang, in Global Health Governance, Autumn.
Seeding the Forest: The Role of Transnational Action in the Development of Meaningful International Cooperation and Leadership to Prevent Genocide,” with Horacio Trujillo, in Politorbis Special Volume on Genocide Prevention.
“Transnational Transformations: From Government-Centric International Regimes to Multi-Actor, Multi-Level Global Governance?,” with Saleem Ali, in Ken Conca et al (eds.), Sustainable Global Governance, New York: Routledge Press.
“Towards A Interdisciplinary Field of Transnational Studies,” with Peggy Levitt, in Ludger Pries (ed.), Transnational Communities, New York: Routledge Press.
"Multi-Stakeholder Global Networks: Emerging Systems for the Global Common Good," with Steve Waddell, in Partnerships, Governance and Sustainable Development. Reflections on Theory and Practice, edited by P. Glasbergen, F. Biermann, and A. Mol: Edward Elgar Press
“South Africa’s Mining and Finance Charters: Collaborative Governance or Hardball Bargaining?,” with Ralph Hamann and others, in Journal of Southern African Studies.
“Is Corporate Citizenship Making a Difference?,” co-editor with Ralph Hamann and Maggie Opondo of a special volume of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship.
“Possible Architectures of Global Governance,” Global Governance.
“Environment and Security,” with Saleem Ali, Annual Review of Environment and Resources.
“Dynamics of Corporate Responsibility,” with Suzanne Shanahan, in Gili Drori and John Meyer (eds.), Globalization and Organizations, Oxford: Oxford University Press
“The Uses of GIS for Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development,” with Randall Kemp and Glenn Brooks in Innovations in Technology and Governance.
“Inequality and Corruption,” with You Jong-Sung in American Sociological Review.
“An Innovative Experiment in Global Governance: The World Commission on Dams,” in Ramesh Thakur, Andrew F. Cooper and John English (eds.); International Commissions and the Power of Ideas, Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
“On Creating Public Value: What Business Might Learn from Government about Strategic Management,” with Mark Moore, Harvard Kennedy School of Government Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative Working Paper.
“For A Clearer Picture: Focus on the Brazilian Social Balance Sheet,” with Christin Hokenstad and Cecelia Arruda in Harvard Business School Review (Latin America Edition).
“From Human Security and the Environment to Sustainable Security and Development,” with Dana Raad and William Clark in Journal of Human Development. Also published in Lincoln Chen et al (eds.), Human Insecurity in a Global World, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004.
“Neither Temples Nor Tombs – Global Experience and Evidence on the Performance of Large Dams.” Environment.
“Introduction: From Santiago to Seattle,” with James V. Riker and Kathryn Sikkink, in Sanjeev Khagram, James V. Riker and Kathryn Sikkink, (eds.), Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks and Norms, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
“Restructuring the Global Politics of Development: The Case of India’s Narmada Valley Dams,” in Sanjeev Khagram, et. al. (eds.), Restructuring World Politics: Transnational Social Movements, Networks and Norms, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
“Seen, Rich, But Unheard: The Politics of Asian Indians in the United States,” with Manish Desai and Jason Varughese, in Gordon H. Chang, (ed.), Asian Americans and Politics: Perspectives, Experiences, Prospects, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
“Globalization, NGOs, and Multisectoral Relations,” with L. David Brown, Mark H. Moore, and Peter Frumkin, in Joseph S. Nye and John D. Donahue, (eds.), Governance in a Globalizing World, Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press.
“Toward Democratic Governance for Sustainable Development: Transnational Civil Society Organizing Around Big Dams,” in Ann M. Florini (ed.), The Third Force: The Rise of Transnational Civil Society, Tokyo: Japan Center for International Exchange and Washington DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
“Ethnic Identities and Conflict: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics,” Stanford University Center for International Security working paper.
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TGM 730 | Systems Change & Anthropocene |
TGM 575 | Global Affairs |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TGM 705 | Philosophy, Thry & Method Rsch |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TAM 542 | Global Ldrshp & Personal Devlp |
TGM 730 | Systems Change & Anthropocene |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TGM 549 | Global Leadership |
TGM 594 | Conference and Workshop |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TGM 594 | Conference and Workshop |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TGM 584 | Internship |
TGM 598 | Special Topics |
TGM 584 | Internship |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
TGM 584 | Internship |
TGM 584 | Internship |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
TGM 584 | Internship |
TGM 584 | Internship |
TGM 584 | Internship |
TGM 584 | Internship |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
TGM 549 | Global Leadership |
Dean and Director-General, Thunderbird School of Global Management - July 2018
- Foundation Professor of Global Leadership
- Chair – ASU Global Leadership Council
- Board Member – Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability
John Parke Young Professor of Global Political Economy, Occidental College - 2012 – 2018
Inaugural holder of this prestigious endowed chair with the goal of establishing Occidental College as the premier liberal arts college for interdisciplinary global affairs teaching, research, and programming. Director of major initiatives on the future of the global economy and development, entrepreneurship and innovation. Faculty Director of the Young Initiative on the Global Economy and Entrepreneurship.
Architect and Coordinator, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data - 2015 – 2016
Envisioned, created and coordinated a major global multi-stakeholder initiative to harness the data revolution for sustainable development and particular support the achievement of the 2030 Global Sustainable Development Goals. Led the development and implementation of the overall strategy; facilitated interactions among governments, international organizations, civil society groups, statistics and data communities, and other stakeholders; and mobilized millions of dollars in contributions. Simultaneously led the effort to develop and advance an International Open Data Charter Initiative.
Architect and Coordinator, Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT) - 2010 – 2013
Envisioned, created and coordinated a major global multi-stakeholder initiative to advance more transparent and inclusive public financial management/government budgeting around the world. Developed and implemented the overall strategy; facilitated interactions among governments, international organizations, civil society groups and other stakeholders; mobilized millions of dollars in contributions; presented to the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group; led the adoption of a UN General Assembly Resolution; and formed a joint working group on fiscal openness with the Open Government Partnership.
Professor of Public Affairs and International Studies, University of Washington - 2005 – 2012
(on leave 2008-2010 as the Wyss Professor at the Harvard Business School and Founder/CEO of I-Scale)
Faculty member in the Evans School of Public Affairs and Jackson School of International Studies with Adjunct appointments in the Foster School of Business, Departments of Political Science and Sociology. Led several major university-wide research, teaching and training initiatives as well as degree and certificate programs at the divisional and departmental levels.
- Founding Director, Marc Lindenberg Center for Humanitarian Action, International Development, and Global Citizenship (2005 – 2008)
- Faculty Chair of the Hubert Humphrey Leaders Program (2005 – 2008)
- Faculty Chair of the International Development Certificate Program (2005 – 2008)Faculty Chair of the Executive Program for Afghan Leaders (2006 – 2008)
- Organized applied research projects on business in global development, social network mapping, disaster risk reduction, transparency and accountability, advocacy innovations, monitoring and evaluation of complicated and complex social change efforts, among others.
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Innovations for Scaling Impact (iScale) - 2008 – 2012
Initiated and led Innovations for Scaling Impact (iScale) - a global social enterprise network of individuals and organizations committed to developing, implementing and promoting innovations to scale the impact of efforts to address the world’s most pressing challenges. Innovation areas included cross-sectoral collaborations and multi-stakeholder partnerships, networks and networking, communities of practice, monitoring and evaluation methods for complicated and complex social change efforts, transnational policy advocacy, information, communication and social media technologies, among others.
Wyss Visiting Professor, Harvard Business School - 2008 – 2010
Focused on facilitating knowledge sharing and innovation in communities of practice composed of global social entrepreneurs, leaders in the field of corporate citizenship and new forms of market regulation, and global cross-sectoral problem solving. Launched Innovations for Scaling Impact (iScale) as a social enterprise during this time.
Director, Transnational Studies Initiative, Harvard University - 1998 – 2005
(on leave 1998-2000 at the World Commission on Dams and 2003-05 at the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre)
A major initiative to build the interdisciplinary field of transnational studies. Lead responsibilities for conceptualizing the initiative and promoting its institutionalization across various organizational and geographical contexts.
- Assistant to Associate Professor of Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government
- Faculty Fellow at Centers on: Government and International Affairs, International Development, Innovations in Government, Non-Profit Organizations, Business and Government
- Co-founder of the International Advocacy NGO InitiativeCo-founder of the Collaborative Governance Program
- Co-founder of the Corporate Social Responsibility Program
- Co-organized major academic workshops and teaching/training programs on topics such as transparency and good governance, corporate citizenship, democratic innovations, and transnational studies.
Dean, Desmond Tutu Peace Center, Trust, and Foundation - 2003 – 2005
An organization committed to creating a world of peace by promoting good governance, human security and sustainable development.
- Lead responsibilities for a massive organizational turnaround and establishing the foundations for future success
- Crafted new institutional relationships among the Tutu Center, Trust and Foundation
- Developed an programmatic strategy consisting of public engagement, training and research
- Facilitated the acquiring of land and designing the Center’s new building
- Initiated a multi-million dollar capital campaign targeting diversified sources of revenues
- Established partnerships with key stakeholders in the public, private and non-profit sectors
- Executed a major overhaul in financial and human resource systems, management, personnel
Co-Founder and Senior Strategy Director, World Commission on Dams - 1998 – 2000
An innovative, independent, multi-stakeholder global initiative mandated to conduct the first ever worldwide review of the development effectiveness of large dams; to formulate international guidelines and criteria for sustainable water and energy resource management; and to identify good practices for governance, options assessment and decision-making in these areas.
- Team leader in developing the $7 million dollar work program of the Commission
- Team leader of the largest ever cross-country survey research on the performance of large dams
- Team leader and primary author of the Commission’s internationally acclaimed Final Report
- Co-led overall strategy, stakeholder engagement, policy research and international advocacy