Daniel Frank
Mail code: 2180Campus: Poly
Dr. Daniel Frank is an Assistant Teaching Professor at Arizona State University's Polytechnic campus. He earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Florida. As a graduate student, he helped his university's robotics teams win two international autonomous boat competitions. Since 2012, he has been a mentor for high school FIRST Robotics teams. In addition to teaching high school students about robotics, he has also introduced these students to assistive technology projects. By showing students that learning engineering skills and concepts can help improve someone's life, he believes it is possible to encourage more students to become interested in engineering.
For over a decade he has been promoting engineering education in Native American communities such as the Navajo Nation. He currently volunteers with the Si Se Puede Foundation where he mentors a high school FIRST Robotics team as well as the all-women collegiate robotics team, Desert WAVE.
In the classroom, he is interested in how alternative reality games can be used to increase student engagement.
PhD in Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida 2018
MS in Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida 2012
BS in Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University 2009
Selected Journal Papers
Frank, D. Z., Douglas, E. P., Williams, D. N., & Crane, C. D. (2021). Investigating culturally contextualized making with the Navajo Nation. Journal of Engineering Education, 110( 4), 840– 860. https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20423
Frank, D. Z., Douglas, E. P., Williams, D. N., & Crane, C. D. (2020). Investigating culturally-contextualized making with the Navajo Nation: Broadening the normative making mentality. Engineering Studies, 12(3), 177–194. https://doi.org/10.1080/19378629.2020.1821694
Frank, D. (2018). Investigating Culturally-Contextualized Making with the Navajo Nation. [Ph.D. dissertation, University of Florida]. Retrieved from https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0052080/00001
Competition Papers
Desert WAVE's 2020 RoboSub Technical Design Report
Desert WAVE's 2019 RoboSub Technical Design Report
Team NaviGator AMS's 2016 Maritime RobotX Challenge Technical Design Report
Team PropaGator's 2015 RoboBoat Technical Design Report
Team PropaGator's 2014 RoboBoat Technical Design Report
Team PropaGator's 2013 RoboBoat Technical Design Report
Selected Conference Presentations
Lajvardi, F., Frank, D., Schoonover, A., Roty, L., Parikh, K. (2020, September 22). Why the World Needs More Women Engineers [Conference presentation]. ProSocial Values Community International Conference.
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
FSE 404 | EPICS Gold: EPICS in Action |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
FSE 404 | EPICS Gold: EPICS in Action |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
FSE 404 | EPICS Gold: EPICS in Action |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
EGR 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
FSE 404 | EPICS Gold: EPICS in Action |
EGR 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
FSE 404 | EPICS Gold: EPICS in Action |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
FSE 100 | Introduction to Engineering |
FSE 404 | EPICS Gold: EPICS in Action |
EGR 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 493 | Honors Thesis |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
FSE 404 | EPICS Gold: EPICS in Action |
FSE 104 | EPICS Gold I |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 492 | Honors Directed Study |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 102 | Found of Eng Design Proj II |
EGR 101 | Found of Eng Design Proj I |