Elizabeth Segal
Emeritus Professor,
School of Social Work (SSW)
Other ASU affiliations
Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions
Long Bio
Elizabeth Segal is a social policy analyst with a background in professional social work. Her current research centers on social empathy and how greater empathic insight can lead to the creation of more effective social welfare policies and programs. She has published 12 books and numerous book chapters and peer-reviewed articles on social welfare issues, with recent emphasis on interpersonal and social empathy.
Segal is a professor in the School of Social Work at Arizona State University.
- Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago 1987
- M.S.W. Boston University 1982
- B.A. Brandeis University 1979
Research Interests
- Social empathy
- Social inequality
- Social welfare policy
- Impact of policies and programs on disenfranchised populations
- Segal, E.A. (2020). Updated 4 th Edition. Social welfare policies and social programs: A values perspective. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. (First edition published in 2007).
- Segal, E.A. (2018). Social empathy: The art of understanding others. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Segal, E.A., Gerdes, K. E., & Steiner, S. (2018). 6 th Edition. An introduction to the profession of social work: Becoming a change agent. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. (First edition published in 2004).
- Segal, E.A., Gerdes, K.E., Lietz C.A., Wagaman, M.A. & Geiger, J.M. (2017). Assessing empathy. New York: Columbia University Press. [Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award 2018, American Library Association]
- Kilty, K.M & Segal, E.A., Eds. (2006). The promise of welfare reform: Rhetoric and the reality of poverty in the 21st century. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
- Kilty, K.M. & Segal, E.A., Eds. (2004). Poverty and inequality in the Latin American – U.S. borderlands. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
- Kilty, K.M. & Segal, E.A., Eds. (2003). Rediscovering the other America: The continuing crisis of poverty and inequality in the United States. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press. 5
- Vidal de Haymes, M., Kilty, K.M., & Segal, E.A., Eds. (2000). Latino poverty in the new century: Inequalities, challenges and barriers. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
- Segal, E.A. & Brzuzy, S. (1998). Social welfare policy. programs, and practice. Itasca, IL: Peacock Publishers.
- Segal, E.A. & Kilty, K.M., Eds. (1998). Pressing issues of inequality and American Indian communities. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
- Kilty, K.M., Richardson, V.E., & Segal, E.A., Eds. (1997). Income security and public assistance for women and children. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
- Gustavsson, N.S. & Segal, E.A. (1994). Critical issues in child welfare. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Book Chapters
- Segal, E.A. (2017). Social empathy. In The encyclopedia of social work online. New York: Oxford University Press and the National Association of Social Workers. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.1152. (First version published in 2014).
- Becerra, D., Ayón, C., Gurrola, M., Androff, D.K. & Segal, E.A. (2014). Immigrants and poverty. In Giffords, E. & Garber, K. Eds. The new reality of poverty, pp. 388-435. Chicago: Lyceum Press.
- Gerdes, K.E., Segal, E.A. & Harmon, J.K. (2014). Your brain on empathy: Implications for social work practice. In H. C. Matto, J. Strolin-Goltzman, & M. S. Ballan (Eds). Neuroscience for social work: Current research and practice, pp. 9-36. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Segal, E.A. & Niles, M. (2009). Family poverty, welfare reform, and child development. In Broussard, C. A. & Joseph, A. L. Eds. Family poverty in diverse contexts, pp. 95-107. New York: Routledge.
- Segal, E.A. (2008). Poverty: The valley’s economic divide. In Greater Phoenix forward: Sustaining and enhancing the human service infrastructure, pp. 88-91. Phoenix, AZ: Morrison Institute for Public Policy.
- Segal, E.A. (2008). Welfare reform: The need for social empathy. In Colby, I. Ed. Comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare, volume 4: Social policy and social practice, pp. 371-384. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
- Segal, E.A. (2006). Homelessness. In Odekon, M. Ed. Encyclopedia of world poverty, pp. 495- 501. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 6
- Segal, E.A. (2006). Welfare as we should know it: Social empathy and welfare reform. In Kilty, K.M & Segal, E.A., Eds. The promise of welfare reform: Rhetoric or reality? pp. 265-274. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
- Gerdes, K. & Segal, E.A. (2003). Should faith-based social work programs be required to comply with nondiscrimination standards if they violate the beliefs of those institutions? In Controversial Issues in Social Work, 2nd edition. Edited by H. J. Karger, J. Midgley, & C. B. Brown, pp. 263-269. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
- Segal, E.A., & Stromwall, L. (2000). Social work practice issues related to poverty and homelessness. In Handbook of Direct Practice in Social Work. Edited by C. Garvin & P. Allen-Meares, pp. 519-532. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Segal, E.A., & Brzuzy, S. (1997). Legislation affecting parenting. In Background report to the 1997 Black Town Hall, pp. 109-122. Edited by K. Kyle & A.L. Schneider. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University.
- Segal, E.A. (1995). An overview and critique of public policies and practices. In Social work with children and adolescents, pp. 63-83. Edited by P. Allen-Meares. New York: Longman Publishers.
- Segal, E.A. & Allen-Meares, P. (1995). Case management and coordination of child and youth services. In Social work with children and adolescents, pp. 203-212. Edited by P. AllenMeares. New York: Longman Publishers.
- Segal, E.A. & Brzuzy, S. (1995). Women actors for women's issues: A new political agenda. In Feminist practice in the 21st century, pp. 143-157. Edited by N. Van Den Bergh. Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Wagaman, M.A., Compton, K., & Segal, E.A. (2018). Social empathy and attitudes about dependence of people living in poverty on government assistance programs. Journal of Poverty: Innovations on Social, Political & Economic Inequalities, 22 (6), 471-485.
- Wald, D. M., Segal, E. A., Johnston, E. W., and Vinze, A. (2017). Understanding the influence of power and empathic perspective-taking on collaborative natural resource management. Journal of Environmental Management, 199, 201-210.
- Segal, E.A. & Wagaman, M.A. (2017). Social empathy as a framework for teaching social justice. Journal of Social Work Education, 53 (2), 201-211.
- Wagaman, M.A., Geiger, J.M., Shockley, C., & Segal, E.A. (2015). The role of empathy in burnout, compassion satisfaction, and secondary traumatic stress among social workers. Social Work, 60 (3), 201-209.
- Wagaman, M.A. & Segal, E.A. The relationship between empathy and attitudes towards government intervention. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare (2014).
- Segal, E.A. Social empathy. The encyclopedia of social work online (2014).
- Segal, E.A., Cimino, A., Gerdes, K.E., Harmon, J.K. & Wagaman, M.A. A confirmatory factor analysis of the Interpersonal and Social Empathy Index. Journal of the Society for Social Work Research (2013).
- Elizabeth A. Segal. Social welfare policies and social programs: A values perspective. (2013).
- Segal, E.A., Gerdes, K. E., & Steiner, S. An introduction to the profession of social work: Becoming a change agent. (2013).
- Becerra, D., Ayón, C., Gurrola, M., Androff, D.K. & Segal, E.A. Immigrants and poverty. The new reality of poverty (2013).
- Gerdes, K.E., Segal, E.A. & Harmon, J.K. Your brain on empathy: Implications for social work practice. Neuroscience for social work: Current research and practice (2013).
- Gerdes, K.E., Lietz, C.A., Geiger, J.M., Wagaman, M.A. & Segal, E.A. Examination of known-groups validity for the Empathy Assessment Index (EAI): Differences in EAI scores between social service providers and service recipients. Journal of the Society for Social Work Research (2012).
- Groch, K., Gerdes, K.E., Segal, E.A. & Groch, M. The grassroots Londolozi model of African development: Social empathy in action. Journal of Community Practice (2012).
- Segal, E.A., Wagaman, M.A., & Gerdes, K.E. Developing the Social Empathy Index: An exploratory factor analysis. Advances in Social Work (2012).
- Androff, D., Ayón, C., Becerra, D., Gurrola, M. Moya-Salas, L., Krysik, J., Gerdes, K., & Segal, E.A. US immigration policy and immigrant children’s well-being: The impact of policy shifts. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare (2011).
- Ayón, C., Krysik, J., Gerdes, K., Androff, D., Becerra, D., Gurrola, M. Moya-Salas, L., & Segal, E.A. The mental health status of Latino children in the public child welfare system: A look at the role of generation and origin. Child & Family Social Work (2011).
- Gerdes, K.E. & Segal, E.A. The importance of empathy for social work practice: Integrating new science. Social Work (2011).
- Gerdes, K.E., Lietz, C.A., & Segal, E.A. Measuring empathy in the 21st century: The development of an empathy index rooted in social cognitive neuroscience and social justice. Social Work Research (2011).
- Gerdes, K.E., Segal, E.A., Jackson, K. & Mullins, J. Teaching empathy: A model rooted in social cognitive neuroscience and social justice. Journal of Social Work Education (2011).
- Lietz, C.A., Gerdes, K.E., Sun, F., Geiger, J.M., Wagaman, M.A. & Segal, E.A. The Empathy Assessment Index (EAI): A confirmatory factor analysis of a multidimensional model of empathy. Journal of the Society for Social Work Research (2011).
- Segal, E.A. Social empathy: A model built on empathy, contextual understanding, and social responsibility that promotes social justice. Journal of Social Service Research (2011).
- Segal, E.A., Gerdes, K.E., Mullins, J., Wagaman, M.A., & Androff, D. Social empathy attitudes: Do Latino students have more?. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment (2011).
- Segal, Elizabeth. Social Welfare Policies and Social Programs: A Values Perspective. (2007).
- Segal, Elizabeth, Gerdes, K. E., Steiner, S. Social Work: An Introduction to the Profession. (2007).
- Elizabeth Segal, L. Peck. The Latent and Sequential Costs of Being Poor: Exploration of a Potential Paradigm Shift. Journal of Poverty: Innovations on Social, Political & Economic Inequalities (2006).
- Segal, Elizabeth, Kitty, K. M. The Promise of Welfare Reform: Rhetoric and the Reality of Poverty in the 21st Century. (2006).
- . . The Promise of Welfare Reform: Rhetoric or Reality? (2006).
- Peck, Laura R,Gershon, Sarah Roberts Allen. Welfare Reform and the American Dream. The Promise of Welfare Reform: Rhetoric or Reality? (2006).
- Segal, Elizabeth. Welfare as We Should Know It: Social Empathy and Welfare Reform. The Promise of Welfare Reform: Rhetoric or Reality? (2006).
- Elizabeth Segal, L. Holley. Incorporating LGBTQ Content into Foundation Social Work Courses: Addressing Students’ Perceived Gaps. Arete (2005).
- Segal, Elizabeth, KItty, K. M. Poverty and Inequality in the Latin American – U.S. Borderlands. (2004).
- Elizabeth Segal, K. Kitty. Political Promises for Welfare Reform. Journal of Poverty: Innovations on Social, Political & Economic Inequalities (2003).
- Segal, Elizabeth, Kitty, K. M. Rediscovering the Other America: The Continuing Crisis of Poverty and Inequality in the United States. (2003).
- . . (2003).
- Segal, Elizabeth,Gerdes, K. Should Faith-Based Social Work Programs be Required to Comply with Nondiscrimination Standards if They Violate the Beliefs of Those Institutions?. Controversial Issues in Social Work (2003).
- Elizabeth Segal, K. Kitty, R. Kim. Social and Economic Inequality and Asian Americans in the United States. Journal of Poverty: Innovations on Social, Political & Economic Inequalities (2002).
- Elizabeth Segal, S. Brzuzy, L. Stromwall, P. Sharp. The Vulnerability of American Indian Women in the New Welfare State. Journal of Women and Social Work (2000).
- Segal, Elizabeth, Vidal de Haymes, M. Latino Poverty in the New Century: Inequalities, Challenges and Barriers. (2000).
- Segal, Elizabeth,Stromwall, L. Social Work Practice Issues Related to Poverty and Homelessness. Handbook of Direct Practice in Social Work (2000).
- Segal, Elizabeth,Vidal de Haymes, M.,Kitty, K. M. Preface. Latino Poverty in the New Century: Inequalities, Challenges and Barriers (2000).
Research Activity
- Johnston,Erik W*, Segal,Elizabeth, Segal,Elizabeth, Vinze,Ajay Shreekrishna, Wellman,Edward M. Promoting Empathy and Collaborative Decision Making for Natural Resource Management using a Computer Mediated Scenario. NSF-SES(7/15/2015 - 6/30/2018).
- Gerdes,Karen E*, Segal,Elizabeth. Measuring Empathy in the 21st Century: The Development of a Social Work Empathy Index Rooted in Social Cognitive Neuroscience and Social. SILBERMAN, LOIS & SAMUEL FUND(6/1/2010 - 5/31/2012).
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWU 488 | Advocacy Strategies |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
- E.A Segal & C. Lietz. Building Empathy through Technology. ASU Project for Humanities Hacks for Humanity (Sep 2014).
- E.A. Segal. Measuring Social Empathy: Tool for Researchers to Effect Social Change. Society for Social Work and Research (Jan 2014).
- E.A. Segal. Enhancing Empathy in Social Work Practice: Tools for Helping Professionals. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting (Nov 2013).
- E.A. Segal. Social Empathy: Using Interpersonal Skills to Effect Change. 25th National Symposium on Doctoral Research in Social Work (Apr 2013).
- E.A. Segal. The Impact of Immigration Policies within Latinos Communities. Society for Social Work and Research (Jan 2013).
- Elizabeth Segal. Promoting Social Justice for Latinos in an Anti-Immigrant Climate. Society for Social Work and Research (Jan 2012).
- E.A. Segal, A.M. Wagaman, J. M. Geiger K. E. Gerdes, C. A. Lietz. Testing a Model for Social Empathy and Social Justice: Implications for Immigration Policy. Society for Social Work and Research (Jan 2012).
- Segal, Elizabeth. An Examination of Poverty in the U.S.: A Values Perspective.
- Segal, Elizabeth, Gerdes, K., Steiner, S. Meet the Authors - Book Presentation. ouncil on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting
- Segal, Elizabeth. Social Empathy: A New Paradigm to Address Poverty.
- Segal, Elizabeth. Social Welfare Policy in the United States: The Impact of Values.
- Segal, Elizabeth, Kitty, K. Political Discourse on Poverty. Society for the Study of Social Problems Poverty Forum
Honors / Awards
- Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award 2018 For book "Assessing Empathy," Association of College and Research Libraries American Library Association, Chicago, Illinois
- Outstanding Doctoral Mentor Award 2013, Graduate College, Arizona State University
- Arizona Outstanding Faculty Mentor 2011, Faculty Women’s Association, Arizona State University
- Mentor Recognition Program Honoree 2010, Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education, Council on Social Work Education, Alexandria, Virginia
- Faculty Affiliate Award 2007, School of Social Inquiry and Justice Studies, Arizona State University
- Outstanding Doctoral Mentor Award Nominee 2003, Graduate College, Arizona State University
- Outstanding Supervisor Award Nominee 2000, Classified Staff Council, Arizona State University
- Student Life Recognition Award 1999, Student Affairs, Arizona State University
- Distinguished Mentor of Women Award Nominee 1997 and 1998, Faculty Women’s Association, Arizona State University
- Outstanding Graduate Faculty Member 1993-1994 and 1990-1991, The Ohio State University College of Social Work
- Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award 1991, The Ohio State University
- Outstanding Graduate Faculty Member 1989-1990, The Ohio State University College of Social Work
- Outstanding Undergraduate Faculty Member 1989-1990 Ohio State University College of Social Work
- Excellence in Teaching 1986-1988, University of Illinois School of Social Work
- Congressional Science Fellow 1988-1989, American Association for the Advancement of Science Sponsored by the Society for Research in Child Development Washington, D.C.
- Lilly Endowment Teaching Fellow 1987-1988, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign