Dr. Pituch is Research Professor (Methodologist/Statistician) in the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation. With co-author James P. Stevens, he has authored a textbook in statistics, Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences: Analyses with SAS and IBM’s SPSS (6th ed.), published by Routledge in 2015. He has also published several methodological articles on the topics of mediation and missing data in leading statistical journals, including Multivariate Behavioral Research and Sociological Methods and Research.
In his current role, Dr. Pituch focuses on assisting applied researchers submit proposals for external funding, publish academic papers, and deliver conference presentations. Since his arrival at ASU in 2019, Dr. Pituch has helped faculty earn external grant awards totaling over $30 million. Dr. Pituch also has significant instructional responsibilities, teaching courses in the statistics sequence for the Ph.D. nursing program. Previously, when serving as faculty at the University of Texas at Austin, he regularly delivered annual workshops in multilevel modeling and missing data at the UT Summer Statistics Institute.
• Ph.D. Research Design and Statistics, Florida State University
• M.S. Research Design and Statistics, Florida State University
• M.A. Modern European History, University of South Florida
• B.A. Philosophy, Bowling Green State University