Shanondora Billiot
Phone: 602-543-1386
Mail code: 3920Campus: Dtphx
Dr. Billiot is an Early Career Fellow of the Gulf Research Program through the National Academies of Sciences Medicine and Engineering. She serves on boards that advance the mission of the Social Responses to a Changing Environment Grand Challenge. Prior to entering graduate school, Dr. Billiot had 10 years of experience working in the macro field from crisis intervention and post-disaster grassroots community development to analyzing federal and international health policies. Her current research uses mixed-methods to explore indigenous-specific factors, like connection to land, historical trauma, and discrimination, and their relationship to global environmental change exposure and health outcomes within Indigenous populations with the goal to co-develop adaptation activities. As a macro social worker and Indigenous woman who has experienced repeated disasters and loss of “home” through environmental changes, she is committed to ensuring community members have a voice in policies enacted and research conducted in their communities. Her long-term goal is contributing to the cultivation of a deeper ecological movement within macro social work practice that incorporates Indigenous and other knowledges to restore the balance between human and environmental health.
Indigenous Peoples Health Equity/Disparities, Global Environmental Changes, Environmental Justice, Social Welfare Policies, Indigenous Epistemologies, Mixed Methods, Community-Engaged Research
Peer Review Publications (*student author)
Powell, T., Billiot, S., Muller, J., Elzy, K., & Brandon, A. (Under Review). The Cost of Caring: Psychological Adjustment of Healthcare Volunteers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Traumatology.
Billiot, S., Powell, T., Kung, S. Wu, S., & Nadiemas, N. (under review). Adaptations to Global Environmental Changes among a Southeastern Indigenous Community.
Powell, T., Billiot, S., & Saltzman, L. (2020). Post-Disaster Trauma and Recovery.Encyclopedia of Social Work. Retrieved 21 Oct. 2020, from
Johnson Jennings, M., Billiot, S., & Walter, K. (2020). Returning to Our Roots. Tribal Health and Wellness through Land-Based Healing. Genealogy, 4(2), 51;
Mitchell, F., Billiot, S., & Lechuga-Peña, S. (2020). Utilizing Photovoice to Support IndigenousAccounts of Environmental Change and Injustice. Genealogy, 4(3), 91;
Tovar, M., Thomson, K., & Billiot, S. (2020). Training American Indian and Alaska NativeSocial Workers for Indian Country, Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 17:1, 75-89, DOI: 10.1080/26408066.2019.1629557
McKinley, C. E., Boel-Studt, S., Renner, L. M., Figley, C. R. & Billiot, S. (2020). The Historical Oppression Scale: Preliminary conceptualization and Measurement of Historical Oppression among Indigenous Peoples of the United States. Transcultural Psychiatry 57(2). Available at:
Billiot, S., Beltran, R., Brown, D., Fernandez, A., & Mitchell, F. (2019). Indigenous Perspectives for Strengthening Social Responses to Global Environmental Changes: A Response to the Social Work Grand Challenge on Environmental Changes. Journal of Community Practice. Available at:
Billiot, S., *Kwon, S., Burnette, C.E. (2019). Repeated Disasters through Generations Impede Transmission of Cultural Knowledge, Journal of Family Strengths 19(1). Available at: .
McKinley, C.E., Figley, C.R., Woodward, S., Liddell, J., Billiot, S., Comby, N., & Sanders, S. (2019). Community-engaged and Culturally Relevant Research to Develop Mental and Behavioral Health Interventions with American Indian and Alaska Natives. American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research. 26(3), 79-103.
Burnette, C.E., Miller Scarnato, J., Liddell, J., Knipp, H., & Billiot, S. (2019). Hurricanes and Indigenous Families: Understanding connections with discrimination, social support, and violence on PTSD. Journal of Family Strengths 19(1).
Billiot, S. & Mitchell, F. (2018). Conceptual Interdisciplinary Model of Environmental Change to Address Indigenous Health and Well-Being. Journal of Public Health: Special Issue Indigenous Health & Wellbeing. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2018.08.011.
Burnette, C. E., Boel-Studt, S., Renner, L. M., Figely, C. R., Theall, K. P., Miller Scarnato, J. & Billiot, S. (2018). The Family Resilience Inventory: A Culturally Grounded Measure of current and family-of-origin protective processes in Native American families Family Process, DOI:10.1111/famp.12423.
Patterson, D.A., VanZile-Tamsen, C., Black, J., Billiot, S., & Tovar, M. (2015). The Impact of Disability and Other Physical Health Issues on Academic Outcomes among American Indian and Alaskan Native College Students: An Exploratory Analysis, Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation, 14 (3-4), 208-221. DOI: 10.1080/1536710X.2015.1068254
Burnette, C. E. & Billiot, S. (2015). Reaching Harmony across Indigenous and Mainstream Research Paradigms: An Emergent Narrative. Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 4 (1), 1-15. DOI:
Patterson-Silver Wolf, D., Hertel, A., & Billiot, S. (2014). Native Americans, Suicide among. In L. Cousins (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Services and Diversity. (Vol. 7, pp. 948-950). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Patterson-Silver Wolf, D., VanZile-Tamsen, C., Black, J., Billiot, S. & Tovar, M. (2013). A Comparison of Self-Reported Physical Health and Health Conditions of American Indian/Alaskan Natives to Other College Students. Journal for Community Health, 38 (6), 1090-1097.
Books, Book Chapters, Dissertation
Kemp, S., Palinkas, L., Mason, L., Billiot, S., Mitchell, F., & Krings, A. (in press). Grand Challenge to Create Social Responses to a Changing Environment. In Fong, R., In Lubben, J. E., In Barth, R. P., & American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, Grand challenges for social work and society.
Powers, M., Nesmith, A., Forbes, R., Billiot, S., Lawrence, L., Buckhoy, N., Machado Escudero, Y., & Schmitz, C. (2021). Intersecting Environmental Justice, Climate Change, and Sustainability in Social Work. Springer
Billiot, S., Duran, B., & Jolivette, A. (2021). Take Me To The Water: Wi hokišak kuš in Louisiana Kinship Models of Healing and Thrivance. In L. Pihama & L. Tuhiwai Smith (Eds.) ORA: Healing Ourselves Indigenous Knowledge, Healing and Wellness.
Billiot, S. & Parfait, J. (2019). Reclaiming Land: Adaptation Activities and Challenges To Global Environmental Changes within Indigenous Communities: Indigenous. In M. Sherraden, J. Riggs, & L. Mason (Eds.), People and Climate Change: Vulnerability, Adaptation, Social Justice.
Billiot, S. (2017). How do Environmental Changes and Shared Cultural Experiences Impact The Health of Indigenous Peoples in South Louisiana? ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis (order 12214).
Organizational Reports
Billiot, S., Donatuto, J., Ettawageshik, F., Hardison, P. Shew, E., & Wagner, G. (2020). Pillar 7: Improve Public Health and Manage Climate Risks to Health Infrastructure. Tribal Review of the 2020 Congressional Action Plan on the Climate Crisis. Eds. Steen-Adams, M., Sampson, D., Jones, C., Lynn, K., & Mankowski, J. Found at:
Billiot, S., Chisholm Hatfield, S., Gephart, L., Hardison, P., Maldonado, J., Petrie, M, Shew, E., & Wagner, G. (2020). Pillar 9: Make US Communities More Resilient to the Impacts of Climate Change. Tribal Review of the 2020 Congressional Action Plan on the Climate Crisis. Eds. Steen-Adams, M., Sampson, D., Jones, C., Lynn, K., & Mankowski, J. Found at:
Whyte, K., Chisholm Hatfield, S., Maldonado, J., & Billiot, S. (2020). Pillar 6: Invest in Disproportionately Exposed Communities to Cut Pollution and Advance Environmental Justice. Tribal Review of the 2020 Congressional Action Plan on the Climate Crisis. Eds. Steen-Adams, M., Sampson, D., Jones, C., Lynn, K., & Mankowski, J. Found at:
2021 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Southwest Borderlands COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Project, Submitted December 2021, PI: Mary-Ellen Brown, PhD; Co-I: Shanondora Billiot, PhD
2019 Early Career Research Fellowship, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Gulf Research Program, Award: $75,000, PI: Shanondora Billiot, PhD
2019 Thriving Communities Grants 5, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Gulf Research Program, Climate, Culture, Movement: Navigating Decision-Making in a Shifting Landscape for a Resilient United Houma Nation, Award: $2,000,000; PI: Maureen Litchveld, PhD; Site PI: Shanondora Billiot, PhD
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 632 | Policy Practice |
SWU 493 | Honors Thesis |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWU 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 632 | Policy Practice |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
SWG 531 | Social Policy and Services |
Special Issue Editor: genealogy Special Issue "Community-engaged Indigenous Research Across the Globe"
2022-2027 Board Member, Association for Community Organizing and Social Action
2021-2024 Board Member, Board on Gulf Education and Engagement, Gulf Research Program, National Academy of Sciences, Medicine, and Engineering
2020-2022 Advisory Council, Social Work Grand Challenges, Social Responses to Global Environmental Changes
2020-2022 Track Co-Chair, Indigenous Studies, Society for Social Work Education
2019-2022 Doctoral Advisory Committee Member, Minority Fellowship Program, Council on Social Work Education
2019-2022 Technical Advisor, National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Climate Change Action Task Force
2017-2021 Governance Council Member, Indigenous and Tribal Social Work Educators Association