Brandi K. Adams is an assistant professor in the Department of English, member of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies and co-founder of the Arizona Book History Group with Professor Jonathan Hope. Her interests include book history, history of reading, early modern English drama, and premodern critical race and gender studies. She is also interested in the early history of artificial intelligence, early modern automata and how studying literature can have a significant and positive impact on computing. In addition to articles published in Shakespeare Quarterly and Shakespeare and reviews published in ThePapers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Shakespeare Survey, Cahiers Élisabéthains, and Early Theatre, she has published essays involumes including Shakespeare/Text, The Oxford Handbook of the History of the Book in Early Modern England, The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Race, Atrocity and Early Modern Drama, and others. She is currently researching and writing her first monograph entitled Representations of Books and Readers in Early Modern English drama (1580-1640).