Nicole Herbots
Phone: 480-965-0581
Fax: 480-965-7954
Bateman Physical Sciences H-Wing 568 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1504
Professor Emeritus , Ph.D., University Catholique De Louvain, Condensed Matter, Materials and Solid State Physics
Office - PSH 351, Phone - (480) 965-0581
E-mail -
Classes taught at ASU: Undergraduate Classes: I developed "Studio Physics" for teaching calculus-based University Physics to non-majors in an interactive, highly engaging discussion format with large enrollment classes with 100 (2000-01), 200 (2003-04), and 300 (2004-05) students. This includes using both technology such as in-class personal response systems (PRS) with live display and low cost, small tech "desk experiments" during lectures. "Studio Physics" involvies for example having each student bend repeatedly a paper clip to physically experience the heat release under his/her fingers and experience physically the hardening from atomic bond breaking - to achieve an actual sensorial observation of the physical work as opposed to only remote computer simulations or demonstrations. Studio Physics consists also in having the whole class drop his/her pencil from varying heights (low, mid, heigh) above their desk to explore the relationship between potential energy and the role of spatial location/configuration in a potential such as the gravitational potential of the earth, and direct observation of energy conservation as the velocity and kinetic energy of the pens is seen to increase with drop height and increasing initial potential energy. "Studio Physics" is implemented for Calculus based University Physics for Engineers, Chemists and Majors, for first semester I (Mechanics) PHY 121, second semester II (Electricity & Magnetism), PHY 131, and third/fourth III (Modern Physics) PHY 361. It arose in part from the NSF-funded Foundation Coalition for A Better Engineering Education , which integrated Math, Physics, Engineeing 101, and English 101 for first year engineering students cohorts, I also taught Advanced Physics Laboratory PHY 334, Graduate Classes: Graduate Solid State Physics PHY 581, NSF funded Multidisciplinary course on Materials Synthesis & Processing PHY/MSE/CHM 391, Physics Laboratory Research for the gifted students PHY 499 (Individualized Instruction), PHY495 (Undergraduate Research Project) PHY 592 (Master Thesis Research) 4, PHY 794 (Graduate Research seminar),PHY 792 (Graduate Thesis Research) - Advanced Ion Beam Analysis Seminar: Combining MeV Ion Channeling and Nuclear Resonance Energy Profiling
Classes taught at MIT in Course III Department of Materials Science & Engineering: Graduate Classes: (1) Electronic Devices and Materials, (2) Electronic Materials Processing, (3) IAP "Growing Materials Atom-by-Atom" Advanced Molecular Techniques for Surface and Thin Film Synthesis and Processing, (Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Ion Implantation, Ion Beam Depostion, etc..) and "Looking at Materials Atom-by-Atom: Advanced Molecular Techniques for Surface and Thin Film Characterization. Undergraduate Classes: Electronic Materials Processing Laboratory in a teaching clean-room.
BIO-Narrative: Nicole Herbots, i.r., PhD UCL, doctor ingenieur, joined ASU's Department of Physics & Astronomy in 1991 ,after 4 years as a faculty at MIT (1987-1991), and 3.5 years as research scientist in the Solid State Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1984-1987). She is presently a professor emeritus in Physics at ASU. She is an inventor who holds multiple patents in semiconductors, medical electronics, molecular inorganic and organic nanophases and nanoscale technology. She is also a science educator who won a teaching award from engineering students for her development of interactive in-class and desktop experiments to teach fundamental and quantum physics concepts to undergraduates, and for her use of technology and whiteboards. She was an IBM Professor of Electronic Materials and a Carl Soderberg professor at MIT and a researcher in the Particle-Solid Interactions in the Solid State Division at Oak Ridge National Lab.
She founded and directs at ASU the Combined Ion & Molecular Deposition and SiO2 Laboratories. She earned her doctorate in Applied Physics at the Université Catholique de Louvain, where her work involved 3 departments – Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics (UCL Cyclotron facility), and Electrical Engineering (UCL clean-room WINFAB).
Her students research & model low temperature (T<480 K) synthesis of new semiconductor nanophases such as sub-nanometer ordered silicon dioxides (US Patent 6,613,677) & SiGeO2 (US patent 5,124,421).
Her methods, CIMD (US Patent 4,800,200) combines molecular beams, Ion Beam Deposition, Ion Beam Oxidation & Nitridation, & new low temperature (T ≤ 200° C) techniques such as the Herbots-Atluri Clean, the EpOX™ process, EpOxNOx™ and SilOxSi(S)™ to produce templates for (hetero) epitaxy in her clean-room laboratory, "nanostacks" of ultrathin films to create high performance gate oxides, peroskvites and photovoltaic surfaces and wafer bonding.
Her most recent technology disclosures are at the boundary of condensed matter physics, biology and medical electronics, with applications in medical devices implants such as integrated single device medical implants and InterOcular Lenses (IOL's) used in cataract surgery to replace clouded natural lenses and restore the ability to focus eye vision.
In physics instruction research,
N. Herbots implemented the Peer instruction method developped by Erik Mazur at Harvard University starting as early in 1993 in large enrollment physics classes (270 students) using recitations and hands-on experiments in Modern Physics. In 1997, engineering students awarded her a Physics instruction award for this innovation.
In 1998-1999, N. Herbots integrated further the Physics Modellng approach in her NSF-Foundation Coalition class, included whiteboarding during lectures, and added the Energy Conservation-thread and Materials/Atomc model-thread to build curriculum narratives. She also used on-line homework submission and class-room computers for real-time individualized discussions with students. She also systematically integrated outcomes instruments (FCI, MBT, CSEM) for students and instructors (RTOP) for each course.
In 2000-2001, with support for ACEPT, N. Herbots introduced desk-stop experiments and Personal Response systems (individual clickers) to large lectures in physics while developping a new series of desk-stop experiments for electricity & magnetism.
In 2003-2004, she introduced for the first time the use of on-line homework tutorials, conceptual and quantitative physics problem-solving with Mastering Physics.
1) N. Herbots' Combined Ion and Molecular Deposition/SiO2 Class 100 Clean Room Laboratory has an area of 400 square feet. It includes among others
- a new 16" wafer compatible and recently upgraded class 10 Wet Chemical Processing Laminar Flow Hood, where RCA cleaning, Herbots-Atluri Cleaning (US patent 6,613,677) , Langmuir-Blodgett molecular film formation, wafer bonding between Si-based materials, and nano-phase & interphase synthesis can be conducted, including commensurate beta-crystobalite on (1x1) Si(100) at 300 K.
- an newly upgraded hazardous materials, HF compatible customized glove-box made exclusively of polyproylene and teflon, with an 8 cubic feet vented loadlock, and a 24 cubic feet work volume totally contained and vented to an acid hood, where a controlled atmosphere of nitrogen, oxygen, helium, argon or forming gas can be used for Langmuir-Blodgett molecular film formation, wafer bonding between Si-based materials, and nano-phase & interphase synthesis can be conducted, including commensurate beta-crystobalite on (1x1) Si(100) at 300 K
- a three-chambered UHV system with a loadlock, annealing chamber, controlled atmosphere loading, 6 simulatenous deposition sources (CIMD 40 cc Si and Ge, Boron K-cell, CIMD carbon, and a triple oven metal depostion source including Titanium,
The CIMD portion of the CIMD/SIO2 lab can be toured virtually at, thr SiO2/Bio-Medical Materials Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory can be toured at,, and
The IBeam User facility where the CIMD and some of the SiO2/Wafer Bonding/SiO2HydroAffinity facilities are located can be toured at
Synthesis and Processing instrumentation description is described in several US Patents including 6,613,677 (granted 9/2/03), 5,241,214, 4,800,100 and the 6 patents listed below.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology janvier 1987 à août 1991
IBM Professor of Electronic Materials, Course III, DMSE
Carl SodeBerg Professor of Materials Science & Engineering (Dpt of Mat Sci & Eng)
Research: Modelling, Computer Simulations, Experimentation and Surface Analysis via Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) of direct Ion Beam Deposition (IBD), Ion Beam Oxidation (IBO), Ion Beam Nitridation (IBN) and Combined Ion Molecular Deposition (CIMD, US Patent 4,800,100.
Design and Construction of a multi-chambered UHV Combined Ion and Molecular Deposition (CIMD) and class 100 clean-room including in-situ angular resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometry (XPS), a.k.a as ESCA.
Surface, Interface and Thin Film analysis via Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) combined with Ion Channeling and the 3.045±0.005 MeB alpha(016,O16)alpha Nuclear Resonance Analysis (NRA), 200 keV Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) in plane view and cross-section, X-ray rocking curve crystal and thin film strain analysis, Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) of IBD
Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Solid State Division, Particle-Solid Interaction Group/SMAC Facility
Research Scientist · septembre 1984 à janvier 1987 · Oak Ridge, Tennessee
RESEARCH: 5 eV -1 keV very low energy Direct Ion Beam Deposition (IBD) of thin isotopic semiconductors films, superlattices and ultra-thin room temperature oxides on Si(100), including amorphous, poylcrystalline and (hetero)epitaxial Si30 and Ge74.
Université catholique de Louvain PhD in Applied Physics, Microelectronic Science ·
I.R.S.I.A Doctoral Fellow · août 1981 à septembre 1984 ·Louvain-la-Neuve
3-year doctoral research in Applied Physics, in the Science of Microelectronics: Thin/Film IC processing in the Electrical Engineering Class 100 clean-room with Prof. Van de Wiele, Ion Beam Analysis on the RBS line at the UCL Van der Graaff accelerator in the Cyclotron with Prof. Grégoire, and Auger Electron Spectroscopy and Scanning Microscopy with Porf. Bertrand
Metal/Semiconductor interfaces, polysilicon, MOS structures, doping, Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry, Channeling, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Micscopy, IC fabrication of electrical testing structures for ohmic contact resistances
Université catholique de Louvain Engineer in Applied Physics, Senior Thesis:
"Design, Construction and Testing of Rutherford Backscattering Vacuum Chamber and beamlime and Testing with As-doped Si(100) via Ion Implantation and Au films on Si(100)
Prof. Herbots sample Class web pages can be seen at:
PHY 121
PHY 131
PHY 334
Comparative Study of Surface Energies of Native Oxides of Si(100) and Si(111) via Three Liquid Contact Angle Analysis S. R. Narayan, J. M. Day, H. L. Thinakaran, N. Herbots, M. E. Bertram, C. E. Cornejo, T. C. Diaz, K. L. Kavanagh, R. J. Culbertson, F. J. Ark, S. Ram, M. W. Mangus, R. Islam. (2018). MRS Advances 100, 1-12.
Infrared spectroscopic analysis of an ordered Si/SiO2 interface K. T. Queeney N. Herbots, Justin M. Shaw, V. Atluri, Y. J. Chabal Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 493 (2004);
Ion Beam Analysis Of Silicon-Based Surfaces And Correlation With Surface Energy Measurements. Qian Xing, N. Herbots, M. Hart, J. D. Bradley, B. J. Wilkens, D. A. Sell, Clive H. Sell, Henry M. Kwong Jr, R. J. Culbertson, and S. D. Whaley, AIP Conference Proceeding of the International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI), Vol . 1336 pp. 201-207 (May 2011) DOI:10.1063/1.3586089
Particle-.Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) Of Silicate Coatings On High Impact Resistance Polycarbonates Qian Xing, M. A. Hart, R. J. Culbertson, J. D. Bradley, N. Herbots, Barry J. Wilkens, David A. Sell, Clarizza Fiel Watson: 06/2011; 1336. DOI:10.1063/1.3586109
IBMM of OH adsorbates and interphases on Si-based materials. N. Herbots, Qian Xing, M. Hart, J.D. Bradley, D.A. Sell, R.J. Culbertson, Barry J. Wilkens: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (2012); 272:330–333. DOI:10.1016/j.nimb.2011.01.09
New SiGe dielectrics grown at room temperature by low‐energy ion beam oxidation and nitridation O. Vancauwenberghe, O. C. Hellman, N. Herbots, and W. J. Tan Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 2031 (1991);
Ion Beam Deposition of Materials At 40– 200 Ev: Effect of Ion Energy And Substrate Temperature On Interface, Thin Film And Damage Formation. N. Herbots, B.R. Appleton, S.J. Pennycook, T.S. Noggle, R.A. Zuhr: MRS Online Proceeding Library 01/2011; 51. DOI:10.1557/PROC-51-369
Surface Characterization of Arsenic Implanted Silicon (100): A New Insight into the Inhibition of Aluminum/Silicon Interdiffusion.Nicole Herbots, D. Gloesener, E. J. Van Loenen, A. E. M. J. Fischer: MRS Online Proceeding Library 01/2011; 37. DOI:10.1557/PROC-37-613
Jul 1981 – Sep 1984
Université Catholique de Louvain
Doctor of Philosophy, Applied Physics & Engineering, In the Science of Microelectronics
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Sep 1976 – Sep 1981
Université Catholique de Louvain
Bachelor of Science & Engineering, Engineering And Applied Physics
Louvain-la-Neuve, Wallonia, Belgium
1) N. Herbots's facilities & Personal LABORATORIES at ASU:
Ion Beam Analysis of Materials (IBeAM), built
by Prof. J.W. Mayer (emeritus), Prof. R.J. Culbertson (former director) and Prof. N. Herbots in 1993,
maintained and upgraded by Academic Professional Barry Wilkens
(see the following link for a lab tour by Prof. Culbertson, Wilkens or myself, for applying for access, submitted request for samples analysis by one of our researchers or AP, or signing up for a research account and IBA training, or schedule user's time:,
Prof. Culbertson and Barry Wilkens offer with the LE-CSSS a yearly FREE Ion Beam Analysis workshop in May.
The 2400 square feet IBeAM facility and its 2.1 MeV Tandem Accelerator (requies radiation safety training for user access)
is located in
LeRoy Eyring Center for Solid State Science
which houses IBeAM in a three-bay laboratory specifically designed for supporting the weight and maintain the alignement of the beam-lines.
The GW B38-36-34 laboratory hall provides 2400 square feet of space, and the necessary utilities:
• 2 x 2400 Amps at 220 V,
• 2 MOhms DI water, dry Nitrogen, compressed air, positive pressure,
• 2 chemical hoods with individual exhausts for either corrosive or explosive chemicals,
• closed-loop heat exchanger for CIMD/MBE UHV 3-chambered system in the SiO2/CIMD facility
• 18 MOhms DI water system and access,
• Liquid Nitrogen storage, high purity dry nitrogen Liquid N2 exhaust (0.9999) in the basement of the Goldwater Research Center.
• THE ASU SiO2/CIMD Class 100 clean-room with 4,800 CFM HEPA filtered air flowing into the IBeAM is INTEGRATED to THE IBEAM,
Located inside room B38A, and B38A1 via a curtained, class 1000 stairwell access, the SiO2/Combined Ion and Molecular Deposition Laboratory benefits from direct interfacing between the analytical capabilities of the IBeAM facility (RBS, Ion Channeling, Nuclear Resonance Analysis, PIXE (Particle-Induced X-ray Emission), X-ray diffraction, sample preparation, cutting, annealing and pre-cleaning).
In other words, samples/wafers can be easily transferred from the clean-room, EpOxNox chemical laminar flow hood and CIMD system into the IBA UJV or controlled atmosphere chambers for analysis.
Also called the "SiO2/CIMD lab"
(Founder & Director: Prof. Nicole Herbots )
The SiO2/CIMD lab is contained in a raised floor 20'x20'x10' class 100 Research Clean Room,
with a 10'x5'x10' loadlocked entry with air curtain, tacky mats, complete Class 10 suiting, with in addition complete acid protective gear (Acid aprons with full lenght sleeves, boots, face shields, respirators and double gloving).
Between 2008 and 2010, the SiO2 CIMD lab received a $30,000k Strategic Initiative Award from the Arizona Board of Regents based on the IP output of CIMD research.
etween 2001 and 2011, the SiO2/CIMD lab has generated 10 technology disclosures, 7 provisional patent applications,
7 utility patents applications.
This has resulted in 2 US/International Patents being granted, 2 utility patents filed, 2 provisional patents pending and 2 commercial licenses. The ABOR award has enabled an upgrade of our customized EpOxNox™ wet chemical lamimar food and controlled atmosphere glove box (Class 1) to handle wafers from 1" to 16" for research and technlogy in the following area's:
• Si-Silica Wafer bonding, Nano-Bonding, Epitaxial oxides on Si(100), Atomic smoothing of Si and Si oxides,
• Low Energy Ion Beam Oxidation/Nitridation,
• Combined Ion Molecular Deposition (CIMD), Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) of SiGe, SiGeC, Erbium and Titanium silicides.
A tour of the SIO2/CIMD laboratory:
2) N. Herbots Professional PROFILES
• Professional Profile & Activities, Companies I have founded, are listed ON LINKEDIN
• Academic Profile and Updates on WWW.ACADEMIA.EDU
3) M ost recent PhD Thesis Dissertation Defended in Prof. Herbots CIMD/SiO@/IBeAM/MEIS research group, with Prof. Culbertson as co-chair:
Qian Xing Bradley defended on 4/1/11
"Modeling Mechanisms of Water Affinity and Condensation on Si-based Surfaces via Experiments and Applications"
Based on the following five publications (as of May 2011):
(1) Ion beam analysis of silicon-based surface and correlation with surface energy measurements
Qian Xing, N. Herbots, M. Hart, J. D. Bradley, B. J. Wilkens, D. A. Sell, Clive H. Sell, Henry M. Kwong Jr, R. J. Culbertson, and S. D. Whaley,
AIP Conference Proceeding of the 21st
Conference on the Application of Accelerators in
Research and Industry (CAARI), Vol . 1336
pp. 201-207 (May 2011)
(2) Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) of silicate coatings on high impact resistance polycarbonates
Qian Xing, M. A. Hart, R. J. Culbertson, J. D. Bradley, N. Herbots, Barry J. Wilkens, David A. Sell, and Clarizza F. Watson,
AIP Conference Proceeding
on the 21st
Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industr y
(CAARI), Vol. 1336, pp. 303-309 (May 2011)
Water affinity and condensation on Si-based surfaces is investigated to address the problem of condensation and fogging on silicone InterOcular Lenses (IOL) used in cataract surgery, using Si(100), silica (SiO2) and PDMS silicone [(SiOCH3)n]. Condensation is described by 2-step nucleation and growth where roughness controls heterogeneous nucleation of droplets followed by Ostwald ripening.
Condensation with wetting on hydrophilic surfaces consists of continuous aqueous films while hydrophobic surfaces exhibit fogging with discrete droplets. Si-based surfaces with wavelength of 300 nm always exhibit condensation with fogging. Below 200 nm, surfaces are found to wet during condensation. Water affinity of Si-based surfaces is quantified via the surface free energy (SFE) using Sessile Drop contact angle analysis, the Young-Dupré equation, and Van Oss theory. Topography is analyzed using tapping mode atomic force microscopy (TMAFM).
Polymer adsorption and ion beam modification of materials (IBMM) can be used to modify surface topography, composition, and SFE, and to alter water affinity of Si-based surfaces
Polymer adsorption of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) cellulose C32H60O19 with areal densities ranging from 1018 atom/cm2 to 1019 atom/cm2 is characterized via Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), and allows for the substrate to adopt the topography of the polymer film and its hydrophilic properties.
Silica and silicone maintains bulk stoichiometry by 4.265 MeV 12C(α, α)12C and 3.045 MeV 16O(α, α)16O nuclear resonance scattering,and 2.8 MeV He elastic recoil detection (ERD) of hydrogen while He particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) enables for the arealdensity of polymer films to be measured on Si(100), silica and silicone.
The SFE and topography of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) silicone polymers used for IOL’s can also be modified by IBMM.
IBMM of HPMC cellulose occurs during IBA as well. Damage curves and ERD are shown to characterize surface desorption accurately during IBMM so that ion beam damage can be accounted for during analysis for polymer films areal density, and composition.
IBMM of Si(100)-SiO2 ordered interfaces also induces changes of SFE, as ions disorders surface atoms. The SFE converges for all surfaces, hydrophobic and hydrophilic as ions alter electrochemical properties of the surface via atomic and electronic displacements
CIMD/SIiO2/IBeAM/MEIS Research Group
Nicole Herbots and her students research and model low temperature methods of synthesis and characterization of new semiconductor nanofilms such as sub-nanometer thick ordered silicon dioxides (US Patent 6,613,677, Herbots et al.), SiGe oxides, GaAs oxides, nitrides, oxynitrides and nitrididized oxides (US patent 5,124,421, Herbots et al.), as well as SiGe, SiGeC, SiGeC nanophases. The synthesis methods used include CIMD (US Patent 4,800,200, N. Herbots et al.) which combines molecular beams, ion beam deposition, and IBO (Ion Beam Oxidation), and new low temperature surface processing techniques to produce templates for epitaxy in her clean-room laboratory.
Our three most recent research foci are
1) the synthesis of ultra-efficient, high durability, robust solar cells with extended carrier life-time, low surface recombination via direct bonding of Si(100)/glass encapsulation at T < 500 K using our patented EpONOx and QSimox process and nucleation of ordered NanOxides on OH(1x1)Si(100).
2) A NEW PHYSICS TECHNOLOGY FOR ARTIFICIAL CORNEA & PANCREAS IMPLANTS Synthesis Of Bio-materials Molecule-by-molecule In Two-dimensional Nanophases And Interphases
3) A New Epitaxial Silicon Dioxide 2-D Nanophase nucleated on OH-(1x1) Silicon(100) for C-MOS technology and new epitaxial high-k/peroskovites: SilOxSik
3) Some of our recent patents and technology disclosures are:
ISSUED 12/14/2010: U.S. Application Patent GRANTED 11/9/2010 for U.S. Patent No. 11/741,563, Filed: April 27, 2007:
US Patent 7,851,365 B1 , (granted 12/14/2010) . Methods for Preparing Semiconductor Substrates and Interfacial OxidesThereon . Inventor(s): N. Herbots, J. D. Bradley, J. M. Shaw, R. J. Culbertson & V. Atluri
1) ASU98-11 (11/20/1998), "Long range ordered semiconductor interface phase and oxides." Herbots, N; Co-Inventors (Graduate Students of N. Herbots): Atluri, V. P.; Bradley J.D.; Swati, Banerjee; Hurst, Q.B.; Xiang, J.
2) M6-060 (12/20/2005), "Methods for Preparing Semiconductor Substrates and Interfacial Oxides Thereon" Inventor(s): N. Herbots, J. D. Bradley, J. M. Shaw, R.J Culbertson & V. Atluri MBHB Ref. No: 07-151-US ASU Ref. No.: M6-060.
3) M8-040 (10/28/2007), Single/Dual 12" Wafer Processing EPOX R&D Flexible Bench: A Single/Dual 1-16" Wafer Wet Processing Clean Room Bench for R&D and Epoxides (EPOX) Technology. " Inventor(s): N. Herbots, J. D. Bradley, J. M. Shaw, R.J Culbertson & V. Atluri
4) MP9-035 (10/1/2008) Low Temperature (below 470 K) Wafer Bonding Wet via a cross-bonding nano-interphase (SILOXSI) for biomedical and device applications (10/1/2008) " Inventor(s): N. Herbots, J. D. Bradley, M. Hart, D. A. Sell, J. M. Shaw, R.J Culbertson & V. Atluri
Our six most recent US Patents filed, of which one was granted in 9/2/2003 and the other in 11/9/2010 are
1) US Patent 6,613,677, Herbots et al (granted 9/2/03) "Long range ordered semiconductor interface phase and oxides." 6,613,677, Main Inventor: Herbots, N; Co-Inventors (Graduate Students of N. Herbots): Atluri, V. P.; Bradley J.D.; Swati, Banerjee; Hurst, Q.B.; Xiang, J.
2) U.S. Patent Application No. 11/741,563, Filed: April 27, 2007, pending "Methods for Preparing Semiconductor Substrates and Interfacial Oxides Thereon" Inventor(s): N. Herbots, J. D. Bradley, J. M. Shaw, R.J Culbertson & V. Atluri MBHB Ref. No: 07-151-US ASU Ref. No.: M6-060.
3) U.S. ApplicationPatent GRANTED 11/9/2010 for U.S. Patent Application No. 11/741,563, Filed: April 27, 2007: Title: Methods for Preparing Semiconductor Substrates and Interfacial Oxides Thereon
4) U. S. Patent Application Case No.: 09-971-PCT Serial No.: PCT/US10/56049 Inventors: Nicole Herbots, James Doug Bradley, Murdock Allen, Hart, David Sell, Shawn D. Whaley and Qian Xing Bradley
Date of Execution Filing Date: November 9, 2010 “Molecular Films for Hydrophobic Implant Surfaces”
5) Provisional patent Application (11/2009): Low Temperature (below 450 K) Wafer Bonding Wet via a cross-bonding nano-interphase (SILOXSI) for biomedical and device application, including an EpOxNox processing tools (10/1/2008) " Inventor(s): N. Herbots, J. D. Bradley, M. Hart, D. A. Sell, J. M. Shaw, R.J Culbertson & V. Atluri MP9-035 (10/1/2008), M8-040 (10/28/07),
6) ON 04/30/2010 Case No.: 08-1316-PCT Serial No.: PCT/US10/33301
“Methods for Wafer Bonding, and for Nucleating Bonding Nanophases”
Inventors: Nicole Herbots, Robert J. Culbertson, James Bradley, Murdock Allen Hart, David Alexander Sell and Shawn David Whaley Date of Execution Filing Date: April 30, 2010
- K Queeney, Nicole Herbots, Justin Shaw, V Atluri, Y Chabal. Infrared spectroscopic analysis of an ordered Si/SiO2 interface. Applied Physics Letters (2004).
- Nicole Herbots, V Atluri, P Vasudeva, James Swati, B Quinton, Jiong Xiang, Hurst Banerjee. Long range ordered semiconductor interface phase and oxides. US Patent office (2003).
- Sankey,Otto F*, Bennett,Peter A, Bird,Jonathan, Drucker,Jeffery S, Ferry,David K, Gust,John Devens, Herbots,Nicole, Lindsay,Stuart, Mahajan,Subhash, Marzke,Robert F, Moore,Ana L, Moore,Thomas Andrew, Petuskey,William T, Skromme,Brian John, Smith,David John, Tsong,Ignatius Siu Tung, Wolf,George H. MATERIALS RESEARCH SCIENCE & ENGINEERING CENTER (MRSEC). NSF-MPS(9/1/1996 - 2/28/2003).
- Herbots,Nicole*. SILICON OXIDATION. MOTOROLA, INC(3/28/1994 - 12/30/1994).
- Mayer,James Walter*, Alford,Terry Lynn, Bennett,Peter A, Burrows,Veronica Ann, Cale,Timothy S, Carpenter,Ray W, Culbertson,Robert John, Ferry,David K, Glaunsinger,William, Herbots,Nicole, Kouvetakis,John, Kozicki,Michael N, Krause,Stephen, Mckelvy,Michael J, Menendez,Jose, Pizziconi,Vincent B, Ramakrishna,B L, Reed,Helen Louise, Sieradzki,Karl, Smith,David John, Tsong,Ignatius Siu Tung. UNDERGRAD MATERIALS EDUCATION INITIATIVE. NSF-MPS(10/15/1992 - 3/31/1997).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
MSE 593 | Applied Project |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
MSE 593 | Applied Project |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
MSE 593 | Applied Project |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
MSE 593 | Applied Project |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 592 | Research |
PHY 592 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
MSE 593 | Applied Project |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
MSE 593 | Applied Project |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 592 | Research |
PHY 592 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
MSE 593 | Applied Project |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 492 | Honors Directed Study |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 592 | Research |
PHY 592 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 495 | Project Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
MSE 598 | Special Topics |
- Herbots, Nicole. Foundation Concepts in Physics: Initial Model Building in Mechanics & (2) Electro-magnetism for science majors. First STEM Knowledge Sharing and Consensus Building Workshop, June 22-29, 2004, ASU (Jun 2005).
- Bradley, J, Herbots, Nicole, Shaw, J, Atluri, V, Queeney, K, Chabal, Y. Ordered SiO2 phase grown on (1x1) OH-Si(100): Infrared spectroscopy, ion beam analysis and modeling. 32nd Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, Jan 23-27,2005, Bozeman
2018 Member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), founded to recognize and encourage academic inventors who have a patent issued from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
2017 US PTO Patent ISSUED: # 9,589,801 -(ASU) 'Methods for wafer bonding and for nucleating bonding nanophases using wet and steam pressurization; Filed: October 31, 2012 Date of Patent: March 7, 2017 Inventors: Nicole Herbots, Shawn Whaley, Robert Culbertson, Ross Bennett-Kennett, Ashlee Murphy, Matthew Bade, Sam Farmer, Brance Hudzietz
Feb 2016 SiO2 NanoTech Innovation selected for Materials Research Society iMatSci, with CEO Clarizza Watson
2015 US PTO Patent ISSUE: #9,018,077 (ASU)' Methods for wafer bonding, and for nucleating bonding nanophases Filed: April 30, 2010 Date of Patent: April 28, 2015 Inventors: Nicole Herbots, Robert J. Culbertson, James Bradley, Murdock Allen Hart, David Alexander Sell, Shawn David Whaley
Jan 2015 Flinn Foundation Bioscience Entrepreneurship for SiO2 NanoTech, with Clarizza Watson - $30k
Sep 2014 Elected Member-At-Large of the American Physical Society - Four Corners Section
Aug 2014 Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) for Small Scale Manufacturing - $20k
Nov 2013 ASU College for Liberal Arts and Science - Seed Grant for NanoBondingTM & VitreOxTM Innovation for pilot data ($50k)
Nov 2013 TIE Pitch Award for SiO2 NanoTech LLC, by CEO C.F. Watson, ChE, MBA - $1k
Jun 2013 Edson Student Entrepreneurship Competition for SiO2 NanoTech - $20k
2012 SiO2 NanoTech wins AZ Furnace ($25k) (ASU)
2011 USPTO Patent ISSUED # 7,851,365 (ASU) 'Methods for preparing semiconductor substrates and interfacial oxides thereon Filed: April 27, 2007 Date of Patent: December 14, 2010 Inventors: Nicole Herbots, James Bradley, Justin Maurice Shaw, Robert J. Culbertson, Vasudeva Atluri
2010 Nominated ASU Professor of the Year (ASU)
2009 $12.5k Award, Bausch & Lomb – SiO2 Associates (ASU)
2007 $30k ARBOR Catalytics Award (ASU)
2005 $250k Royalties, Intel License, for US Patent 661377 (ASU)
2003 USPTO Patent ISSUED 6,613,677, (ASU) Long range ordered semiconductor interface phase and oxides Filed: October 19, 2000 Date of Patent: September 2, 2003 Inventors: Nicole Herbots, Vasudeva P. Atluri, James D. Bradley, Banerjee Swati, Quinton B. Hurst, Jiong Xiang
1998 Outstanding Teacher award for “Modern Physics” (ASU)
1998 $50k Research Corporation Award, for “Ordered SiO2 on Si (“ASU)
1997 $30k Intel Award for Research on oxides (ASU)
1994 $25k Eureka Award, Motorola. "Ion Beam Oxidation of SiGe" (ASU)
1993 USPTO Patent ISSUED # 5,124,421, for SiGe-GaAs Oxides (MIT) 'Oxides and nitrides of metastable group IV alloys and nitrides of Group IV elements and semiconductor devices formed thereof iled: April 29, 1991 Date of Patent: August 31, 1993 Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Inventors: Nicole Herbots, Olof C. Hellman, Olivier P. J. Vancauwenberghe
1993 Nominated for Maria Goepert-Mayer Award (ASU)
1989 USPTO Patent ISSUED 4,800,100, CIMD (MIT) Combined ion and molecular beam apparatus and method for depsiting materials Filed: October 27, 1987 Date of Patent: January 24, 1989 Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Inventors: Nicole Herbots, Olof C. Hellman
1989 $60k Cal Soderberg Chair (MIT)
1988 $40k AT&T Faculty Award "Atomic Transport Mechanisms At SC Surfaces & Interfaces (MIT)"
1987 $400k IBM Chair of Electronic Materials (MIT)
1986 $1k Martin Marietta Award for Significant Event – Ion Beam Depostion
1981-1984 Three 1-year IRSIA Doctoral Fellowships, $50k per year
MRS Online Proceedings LibraryVolume 279, issue 1, December 1992 Symposium A — Beam-Solid Interactions-Fundamentals and Applications
Issue Editors: Robert S. Averback, Lloyd R. Harriott, Nicole Herbots, Michael Nastasi
138 articles in this issue
American Association for the Advancment of Science (AAAS, since 2011)
American Vaccum Society (AVS, since 1983)
Materuals Research Society (MRS, since 1984)
American Physical Society (APS, since 200)
Thesis Supervised 10 PhD Thesis completed, 1 PhD Thesis in Progress, 11 M.Sc Thesis Completed, 1 M.Sc Thesis in Progress, 5 B. Sc Thesis Completed
Name Title Completion date
Mohammed Sahal Role of Atomic and Electronic Structure of LiTaO and LiNbO Piezoelectric December 2019, MSc i in Mat. Sci. & Eng.
for Direct NanoBonding™ with Si And SiO2:
Comparison of Measured Surface Energies with Computed G and Infra-Red Absorption
Brian R. Baker Surface energy engineering for LiTaO3 and α-quartz SiO2 April 2019, MSc in Mat. Sci. & Eng.
for low temperature (<220 °c) wafer bonding…
Ross B. Kennett-Kennett April 2013, Barrett Honors Thesis Physics
Qian Xing Modeling Mechanisms of Water Affinity and April 2011 , PhD in Physics
Condensation on Si-Based Surfaces
Via Experiments And Applications
Justin M. Shaw May 2007, Materials Science e Engineering
James D. Bradley , Modeling of Phase formation in ultra-thin
(1-4 nm) SiO2 grown on ordered December 2004, PhD on Physics
Sii(100): Electrical Properties)
• J. Shaw “Ultra-thin (1-4 nm) SiO2 grown on ordered ASU 00,
Si(100): Electrical Properties) May 04 (MS)
Supported by Intel, ARPA,
Q. Hurst (CO-ADVISOR)“Structure of ltra-thin (1-4 nm) sio2 grown
on ordered on si(100): IOn Scattering Analysis
and Simulations may00 (MSc)
Supported by Research Corporation Completed
• Xiang Jiong A comparative Study of Oxidation of Si, SiGe Dec 99 (Ph.D.)
and SiGeC: Kinetics and Electrical Properties
Supported by AFSOR (employed by SGS Thompson, Intel)
• V. Atluri Hydrogen passivation of Si(100) used as May 98 (Ph.D.)
ASU98 for Low Temperature Epitaxy & oxidation Completed
Supported by SEMATECH (now employed by Intel Corporation)
• S. Banerjee Long Term Stability and Reproducibility ( July 98 (MS.)
ASU98 of H-passivated Si(100) Surfaces: Completed
(now employed byIntel)
• B. Jin A Design of Experiment (DOE) Study June 96 (MS.)
ASU96 of Ion Beam Induced Oxidation of Si(100) Completed
(now employed by Cypress Semiconductor)
• P. Ye Synthesis and Chartacterization of heteroepitaxial Aug.95 (PhD)
ASU95 ternary solid solutions of SiGeC on Si Completed
Supported by FGIA, AFSOR (now employed by National Semiconductor)
• S Whaley Quantitative Analysis of Atomic Force Dec 95 (MSc)
ASU95 Microscopy Images of Si(100) and SiGeC Completed.
Supported by Sematech (now employed by Applied Materials)
• S. Baghvat Oxygen Incorporation during Synthesis by Ion Beam Dec 95 (M.Sc)
ASU95 Oxidation & Ion Beam Induced Oxidation of Si Completed.
Suppported by Motorola, Sematech (now employed by Cypress Semiconductor)
• S. Sekaran Ion Beam Oxidation of Si(100) at room temperature June 95 (M.Sc)
ASU 95 Completed.
Suppported by Motorola, Sematech (now employed by Integrated Device Technology)
• O.P.J. Vancauwenberghe On the growth of Semiconductor-based Feb. 1992 (Ph.D.)
MIT'92 Epitaxial and Oxide Films from Low Energy Completed
Ion Beams
Supported by IBM,NSF (employed by IESEE -Ecole Superierure pour Ingenieur, Schlumberger)
• J. Olson Electron Microscopy Study of Damage June 1991 (B.Sc.)
MIT '91 Formation by Low Energy Ions Completed
(now employed by the Motorola)
• S. Motakef Stability of C49 and C54 Titanium Silicides June 1991 (M.Sc.)
MIT'91 Phases under Low Energy Ion Bombardment Completed
Supported by IBM (now employed by the Material Reearch Corporation),
• D.C. Eng Atomic Transport across Al/Doped Si Interfaces Sep. 1991 (Ph.D.)
MIT'91 Completed
Supported by IBM,NSF (now employed by TRW)
• O.C. Hellman Kinetics of Formation and Properties of Silicon and Sep 1991 (Ph.D.)
MIT'91 and Silicon-Germanium AlloyBased Insulators Completed
Grown Using Low Energy Ion Beam Nitridation
Supported by IBM,NSF (now employed by Northwestern University)
• P.A. Cullen Enhancement Of Initial Stages Feb.1990 (Ph.D.)
MIT '90 Of Silicon Oxidation With Implanted Completed
Supported by IBM,NSF ( employed by Hewlett-Packard, then Seagate)
• M.T. Ahrens Rutherford Backscattering Spec- June 1990 (B.S)
MIT '90 Trometry Of Gaas Oxides Completed
Supported by US Army (now employed by US Army)
• Ryoichi Shiono Chemical Vapor Deposition Of June 1989 (M.Sc.)
MIT'89 Tungsten Thin Films Completed
Supported by IBM (now employed by Sematech)
• L.C. Rubin Shallow Junction Diodes Formed June 1988 (M. Sc.)
MIT '88 By Implanting Arsenic And Boron Completed
Through Titanium Silicide Films."
Supported by Microdevice (now employed by Eaton) Corporation)
MicroDrop Diagnostics LLC August 2018 - Present Company Development & R&D Management
Location: Tempe, AZ, USA
Position: coFounder, Manager, CSO
Description Comprehensive, Fast, Accurate, Hand-Held Small Blood Volume Diagnostics to Evaluate Patient Status at triage, ER, ICU.
AccuAngle Analytics LLC July 2018 - Present Management and R&D planning
Location Tempe, AZ, USA
Position co-Founder, Manager, CEO
Description AccuAngle Analytics provide Surface Analytical Services, Training and Software for Image Analysis used in Accurate Contact Angles and Surface Energy Analysis, and Surface Energy Engineering for Wafer bonding.
SiO2 Innovates LLC July 2016 - Present
Location Tempe, AZ, USA
Position: Founder, Manager, CEO 2016 - Present
Description "Innovation with Imagination, From Lab to Fab" is our motto. As founder & CEO, I develop medical devices such as Hand-held, Fast , Accurate, Small-Volume Whole Blood Diagnostics (HemaDrop™), and Water Analysis (InnovaDrop™).
SiO2 NanoTech LLC March 2010 - November 2018 R&D, Prototyping, Commercialization of Innovation
Location Phoenix, AZ, United States
Position Founder, Chief Science Officer 2010-2018
Description "From Lab to Fab" is the motto of SiO2 NanoTech LLC and what SiO2 NanoTech is about. Founder & CSO, I lead R&D in prototyping for end users, for products as VitreOx™, FogKnox™, AVNE™ for Medical Electronics, Surgical Lenses, and endoscopes
Arizona State University August 1991 - Present Department of Physics
Location Tempe, AZ, USA
Position Prof. of Physics (1991-2006) , Emerita (2007-Present)
Description: Leads her research teams, students to learn and develop new scientific and proof-of- concepts in green technology solutions using semiconductor, bio-compatible nano-phases and bio-medical devices. The ocus on thin film synthesis and functionality, and coatings surface affinity modifications at ASU while at her companies , SiO2 Innovates LLC, AccuAngle Analytics LL and MicroDrop Diagnostics LLC, her focus is prototyping devices and technology in direct collaboration with end users.
Director & Founder of ASU CIMD- SiO2, iSiO2-3LCAA and MEIS BSLII Sterile laboratories , Prof. Emerita,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology January 1987 - August 1991
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Location: Cambridge, MA, United States
Position: IBM Professor of Electronic Materials, Carl Soderbergh Chair of Complex Engineering Systems
Description: RESEARCH - Materials, Thin Films & Surface Characterization, Semiconductor Devices Semiconductor Processing, Introduction to Materials Science, Semiconductor Processing Laboratory TEACHING: Electronic Materials & Devices, Semiconductor Processing Research: Combined Ion & Molecular Deposition (CIMD) , artificially structured materials, modeling & growth of metastable oxides on GaAs and SiGe.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory September 1984 - January 1987, Solid State Division
Location : Oak Ridge, TN, United States
Position Visiting Scientist (1984-85), Member of the Technical Staff/Researcher in the Solid State Division (1985-1987)
Description: Design and construction of an Ion Beam Deposition UHV system, theoretical and computer modeling of IBD, experimental demonstration of IBD epitaxy, isotopic superlattice
Université Catholique de Louvain - UCLouvain September 1981 - September 1984 Department of Electrical Engineering
Location: Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Position: Graduate Student In Applied Physics, in the Science of Microelectronics, IRSIA Doctoral Fellow
Description: Class 10 clean-room processing, deposition (CVD, e-beam), Ion Beam Analysis, electrical characterization, electron microscopy & spectroscopy. Visiting Graduate Fellow, Salford U., UK, FOM-Instituut Amsterdam, CNS-CNET of Grenoble
- Delta Upsilon Fraternity at Arizona State University, Faculty Advisor (2004 - 2006)
- Tempe Campus Academic Standards Committee, Chair (2004 - 2006)
- Physics Education Research Search Committee, Member (2004 - 2005)
- Tri-City JCC Day School, Art Masterpiece Presenter - The connection between Art & Science (2004 - 2005)
- APS Four Corner Meeting, October 2003, Session Chair (2003)
- On leave, On leave (2003)
- Physcial Review Letters; Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Vaccum Science and Technollogy, Reviewer (2003)
- Tri-City JCC Day School, Art Masterpiece Presenter - The connection between Art & Science (2003)
- Tri-City JCC Day-School, Physics Outreach: Presenter and Interviewee as a Career Scientist (2003)