John Hepburn
Phone: 602-496-2353
University Center Bldg. Suite 622F 411 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004-0685
John Hepburn was awarded the doctorate in sociology from the University of Iowa and held an apointment as associate professor and chair of the Department of Sociology at the University of Missouri at St. Louis before his move to Arizona State University in 1984. While a faculty member at ASU, he has held administrative appointments as director of the School of Justice Studies (1984-1990), dean of the College of Human Services (2005-2008), and vice provost for academic affairs (2008-2014). Currently, he is a professsor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at ASU.
Ph.D. Sociology, University of Iowa
Hepburn has extensive research experience on contemporary issues of corrections. One focus of his research is offender re-entry into the community, in which he studies the effects of individual risk factors and criminal justice organizational structures and processes on the offender’s future social and criminal outcomes. The other focus of his research is the sociology of the prison as a complex organization, with particular attention to the effects of the structure and culture of the prison on its inmates and staff. His current funded research includes an evaluation of a cognitive-behavior intervention program for high-risk adult probationers, a study of both the causes and the effects of occupational stress among correctional officers employed at state prisons, and a study of the effects of restricted housing on the mental health of inmates.
- Hepburn, John. Get Dirty: The Keynote Address presented at the 2013 Conference of the Western Society of Criminology. Western Criminology Review (2013).
- John Hepburn, A Harvey. The effect of the threat of legal sanction on program retention and completion: Is that why they stay in drug court?. Crime & Delinquency (2007).
- John Hepburn, Angela Harvey. The effect of the threat of legal sanction on program retention and completion: Is that why they stay in drug court?. Crime and Delinquency (2006).
- Marie Griffin, John Hepburn. The effect of gang affiliation on violent misconduct among inmates during the early years of confinement. Criminal Justice and Behavior (2006).
- Griffin and Hepburn. The effect of gang affiliation on violent misconduct among inmates during the early years of confinement (2006).
- John Hepburn. Recidivism Among Drug Offenders Following Exposure to Treatment. Criminal Justice Policy Review (2005).
- John Hepburn. Recidivism among drug offenders following exposure to treatment. Criminal Justice Policy Review (2005).
- M Griffin, G Armstrong, John Hepburn. Correctional officers' perceptions of equitable treatment in the 'masculinized' prison environment. Criminal Justice Review (2005).
- Marie Griffin, John Hepburn. Side bets and reciprocity as determinants of organizational commitment among correctional officers. Journal of Criminal Justice (2005).
- N Hogan, E Lambert, John Hepburn, V Burton, F Cullen. Is There a Difference? Exploring Male and Female Correctional Officer's Definition of and Response to Conflict Situations. Women and Criminal Justice (2005).
- . . Review of: Correctional officers' perceptions of equitable treatment in the 'masculinized' prison environment (2005).
- . .John Hepburn. Recidivism among drug offenders following exposure to treatment (2005).
- . . Griffin and Hepburn. Side bets and reciprocity as determinants of organizational commitment among correctional officers (2005).
- John Hepburn, M Griffin, V Webb. Combining Police and Probation Resources to Reduce Burglary: Testing a Crime Analysis Problem-Solving Approach. A final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice, U.S.Department of Justice (2004).
- John Hepburn, Marie Griffin. The effect of social bonds on successful adjustment to probation: An event history analysis. Criminal Justice Review (2004).
- M Griffin, John Hepburn. The Maricipa County Adult Probation Department's Women's Treatment, Services and Supervision Network: An Evaluation. A final report submitted to the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2004).
- Marie Griffin, John Hepburn. The utility of nonlethal weapons in a jail setting. American Jails (2004).
- .Hogan, Lambert and Hepburn. Is there a difference? Exploring male and female correctional officer's definition of and response to conflict situations (2004).
- .Hepburn and Griffin. The Effect of Social Bonds on Successful Adjustment to Probation: An Event History Analysis (2004).
Wright, Kevin and Hepbutrn, John. 2016-19 Altering Administrative Segregation for Inmates and Staff: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Effects of Living and Working in Restrictive Housing,” Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Kevin Wright) National Institute of Justice, Grant No. 2016-R2-CX-0115; $631,559.
- Hepburn,John Robert*, Griffin, Marie. Measuring the Effects of Correctional Officer Stress on the Well-Being of the Officer. DOJ-NIJ(1/1/2015 - 12/31/2017). 666.268.
- Katz,Charles*, Dale,Richard Eugene, Griffin,Marie Louise, Hepburn,John Robert, White,Michael D. Provision of TA for Law Enforcement and Corrections. RAND(1/1/2015 - 3/31/2018).
- Hepburn,John Robert*, Griffin,Marie Louise. Smart Thinking. SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA(10/1/2014 - 9/30/2017). $138,175.
- Griffin,Marie Louise*, Hepburn,John Robert. The Public Safety Performan Project the Pew Center on the States. PEW CTR(11/20/2010 - 5/31/2013). $107,330.
- Webb,Vincent J*, Griffin,Marie Louise, Haarr,Robin N, Hepburn,John Robert. PHOENIX POLICE DEPARTMENT-MARICOPA COUNTY PROBATION PROBLEM SOLVING DEMONSTRATION PROJECT. DOJ-NIJ(1/1/1999 - 12/31/2001).
- Hepburn,John Robert. THE USE OF FORCE BY AND AGAINST THE POLICE. JOINT CTR JUST STD(1/1/1996 - 12/31/1997).
- Hepburn,John Robert. USER ACCOUNTABILITY & LONGTERM RECIDIVISM. DOJ(10/1/1994 - 12/31/1995).
- Hepburn,John Robert. PHOENIX POLICE USE OF FORCE. CITY OF PHOENIX(6/1/1993 - 11/30/1994).
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CRJ 100 | Intro to Criminal Justice |
CRJ 514 | Seminar in Corrections |
- Vickovic, S., Griffin, M. & Hepburn, J. The Effects of Perceived Occupational Prestige on Stress Among Correctional Officers. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2014).
- Griffin, M.L., Hepburn, J.R., & Ginsburg, K. Probationers Making Rational Choices? The Effect of an Earned Release Program on Improved Probationer Outcomes. American Society of Criminology annual conference (Nov 2013).
- Ginsburg, K., Griffin, ML, & Hepburn, J. Does early release from probation pose an increased risk to public safety?. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2013).
- Griffin, Marie, Hepburn, John. The Politics and Payoffs of Unusual Conditions of Confinement. International Perspectives on Crime, Justice and Public Order (Jun 2004).
- Hepburn, John. From Cessation to Desistance: The Importance of Social Bonds to the Successful Adjustment of Sex Offenders to Probation Supervision. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2003).
- Hepburn, John. A Network Approach to Supervising Female Substance Abusing Offenders. Annual meetings of the American Probation and Parole Association (Aug 2003).
- Hepburn, John. The Effects of Gang Membership on Inmate Misconduct. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2002).
- Hepburn, John. Predicting Retention in Drug Court: The Effects of Formal and Informal Controls on Program Completion. American Society of Criminology (Nov 2002).
- Hepburn, John. Risk Factors Contributing to Recidivism Among Sex Offenders on Probation. American Probation and Parole Association (Aug 2002).
- Hepburn, John, Griffin, M. Politics and Payoffs of Unusual Conditions of Confinement. 7th Biennial Conference: International Perspectives on Crime, Justice and Public Order
- Hepburn, John, Griffin, M. Using Shared Data and Geo-Mapping in Collaborative Police-Probation Problem-Solving Practices. 5th Biennial Conference: International Perspectives on Crime, Justice and Public Order
- Hepburn, John, Griffin, M, Haarr, R, Webb, V. Designing and Mapping a Combined Police-Probation Data Base: A Preliminary Assessment of the Development Process, Applications and Use. Annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology
- Hepburn, John, Palumbo, D, Griffin, M, Fischer, D. The Management of Gangs in Prison: The Effectiveness of Efforts to Identify and Validate Membership in Strategic Threat Groups. Annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology
- Hepburn, John, Webb, V. GIS-Based Joint Police-Probation Problem-Solving. 4th Annual International Crime Mapping Research Conference
- Maricopa County Adult Probation Department, Expert Consultant (2014 - Present)
- Justice Research and Policy, Associate Editor (2004 - 2012)
- JSI Policy Work Group, Member (2003 - Present)
- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Advisory Editor (2000 - 2006)
- Editorial Advisory Board, Carolina Academic Press, Member (1999 - 2004
- American Criminological Society's Division of Corrections and Sentencing (DCS), Co-Editor of a Monograph Series sponsored by DCS, Contemporary Issues in Corrections and Sentencing (2014 - 2019)
- Tenure and Promotion Committee, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Chair (2016 - 2017)
- Graduate Committee, member (2015 - 2015)
- SCCJ Tenure and Promotion Committee, member (2015 - 2015)
- US Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, external consultant (2015 - 2015)
- Treatment Assessment Screening Center, Executive Board Member (2014 - 2017)
- Arizona Department of Corrections, Featured Speaker, Symposium on Community Corrections for Correctional Supervisors (2014 - 2014)
- CCCJ Executive Board, Member/Chair (2014 - 2014, 20117-2018)
- Western Society of Criminology, Board member (2013 - 2014)
- Office of Administration, Arizona Supreme Court, research (2010 - 2013)
- Division on Corrections and Sentencing, American Society of Criminology, Associate Chair (2004 - 2006)
- Division on Corrections and Sentencing, American Society of Criminology, Executive Counselor (2003 - 2003)
- Awards Committee, Division on Corrections and Sentencing, American Society of Criminology, Co-Chair (2001 - 2001)
- Scientific Oversight Committee, National Institute of Justice, Member (2001 - 2001)
- Graduate Student Affairs Committee, American Society of Criminology, Member (2000 - 2000)