Julie Amparano Garcia
Phone: 602-543-6160
Mail code: 2151Campus: West
Julie Amparano is a Teaching Professor, Canyon Voices literary magazine publisher and the coordinator for the Writing Certificate. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University in Los Angeles and began teaching at Arizona State University in 2005 as a faculty associate. Serving in the School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies, Amparano teaches scriptwriting, cross-cultural writing, fiction, persuasive writing, and other writing courses. She also is the publisher of Canyon Voices online literary magazine on the West campus.
In teaching writing courses, Amparano seeks to apply interdisciplinary and interactive techniques to help bring her students' words to life. Recently, she aligned her scriptwriting class with a directing course, allowing student directors to stage the work of the student writers in a two-night festival. Whether the writing is staged, read or printed, she pushes students to use their writing to engage and interact with their community. She has guided many students with their internships, independent studies and writing projects.
Her current writing projects include short stories, plays and nonfiction articles that explore issues of biculturalism and assimilation, in particular in the Mexican-American culture. Her most recent play, "A Mother's Will", was nominated for an ariZoni for best original script and overall production. The play also was a winner at the Arizona Women's Theater Co.'s Pandora Festival.
In addition to teaching, Amparano serves on the ASU’s Commission on the Status of Women. She is the chair-elect of the Hispanic Heritage Committee at the ASU West campus and she serves on several campus groups, including the Online Education Group Task Force, the Events Committee, the Oral History Research Cluster, and the Documentary Studies Organizing Committee. Off campus, she is a board member of New Carpa Theater and a member of the Association of Writers & Writing Programs, to name a few.
M.F.A. Creative Writing, Antioch University, Los Angeles 2006
- Julie Amparano. Canyon Voices literary magazine. (2014).
- Julie Amparano. Lost Boys Found. (2014).
- Julie Amparano. Lost Boys Found, a staged reading. (2014).
- Julie Amparano and Charles St. Clair. Writers and Directors Shorts. (2014).
- . Feminisms. (2014).
- Julie Amparano. Canyon Voices literary magazine. (2013).
- . Emerging Voices. (2013).
- . Emerging Voices. (2013).
- Julie Amparano. Canyon Voices: An Evening of Literary Voices. (2012).
- Julie Amparano and Charles St. Clair. Writers and Directors Shorts. (2012).
- Julie Amparano and Monica Casper, co-editors. Trivia: Voices of Feminism. (2012).
- National and local playwrights. Performing Justice, a short-play festival. (2012).
- Ruth Lara Vichules. She Knows From Nothing. (2012).
- Jay Dunn. Bats, Rats and Marriage. (2011).
- Julie Amparano. Canyon Voices. (2011).
- Julie Amparano and Charles St. Clair. Writers and Directors Shorts. (2011).
- Julie Amparano and Monica Casper. Trivia: Voices of Feminism. (2011).
- Local and national playwrights/Arizona Based Directors. Performing SB1070: A collection of short plays. (2011).
- Charles St. Clair. Food: A Play with Music. (2010).
- Charles St. Clair and Julie Amparano. Writers' and Directors Shorts. (2010).
- Jaimi Garcia. Waiting for Snow. (2010).
- James Rivas and James Garcia. The Manic Hispanic. (2010).
- Julie Amparano. A Mother's Will. (2010).
- Julie Amparano. Canyon Voices. (2010).
- Julie Amparano. Canyon Voices literary magazine. (2010).
- Julie Amparano. Latino Literary Series. (2010).
- Julie Amparano. Lost Boys Found. (2010).
- Julie Amparano and ASU West students. ASU West Literary Magazine (title still being determined). (2010).
- Julie Amparano and First Draft and Canyon Voices staff. Canyon Voices: An Evening of Literary Voices. (2010).
- Julie Amparano. A Mother's Will. (2009).
- Julie Amparano and James Garcia. A Boy Named Cesar. (2009).
- Julie Amparano and James Garcia. A Boy Named Cesar. (2009).
- Julie Amparano. Financial Health Begins with Solid Insurance Options. (2009).
- Julie Amparano. Get organized! It’s all in your head. (2009).
- Julie Amparano. New Year, New Faces, New Concerns. (2009).
- Julie Amparano. Sign of the Times: Latinos Take Interracial Relationships to Heart. (2009).
- Julie Amparano. The Power of Thanks: When it comes to words of thanks, some people just don’t get it. (2009).
- Julie Amparano. Worried Sick: When "Sana Sana Colita de Rana" Isn't Enough. (2009).
- Julie Amparano. Yes, You Can Say No: Assertiveness Can Lead to Happier, Healthier Life. (2009).
- Julie Amparano/James Garcia. A Boy Named Cesar. (2008).
- Amparano,Julie A*. Lost Boys Found. (6/25/2012 - 8/30/2013).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 433 | LiteraryMagazine: CanyonVoices |
ENG 598 | Special Topics |
ENG 495 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
ENG 361 | Scriptwriting |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
MAS 585 | Capstone Course |
ENG 288 | Beginning Workshop Fiction |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 433 | LiteraryMagazine: CanyonVoices |
ENG 495 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 410 | Writing for Publication |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 433 | LiteraryMagazine: CanyonVoices |
ENG 598 | Special Topics |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 388 | Intermediate Workshop Fiction |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 493 | Honors Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 288 | Beginning Workshop Fiction |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 339 | Creating Drama:PageStageScreen |
IAP 339 | Creating Drama:PageStageScreen |
ENG 433 | LiteraryMagazine: CanyonVoices |
COM 339 | Creating Drama:PageStageScreen |
ENG 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
ENG 598 | Special Topics |
ENG 410 | Writing for Publication |
ENG 433 | LiteraryMagazine: CanyonVoices |
IAP 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 288 | Beginning Workshop Fiction |
ENG 317 | Cross-Cultural Writing |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 590 | Reading and Conference |
ENG 101 | First-Year Composition |
ENG 101 | First-Year Composition |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 388 | Intermediate Workshop Fiction |
ENG 598 | Special Topics |
ENG 493 | Honors Thesis |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 288 | Beginning Workshop Fiction |
ENG 339 | Creating Drama:PageStageScreen |
IAP 339 | Creating Drama:PageStageScreen |
COM 339 | Creating Drama:PageStageScreen |
ENG 394 | Special Topics |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
ENG 311 | Persuasive Writing |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 410 | Writing for Publication |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 361 | Scriptwriting |
ENG 598 | Special Topics |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 493 | Honors Thesis |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
MAS 584 | Internship |
ENG 394 | Special Topics |
ENG 394 | Special Topics |
ENG 388 | Intermediate Workshop Fiction |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ENG 493 | Honors Thesis |
ENG 210 | Intro to Creative Writing |
ENG 210 | Intro to Creative Writing |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
AMS 490 | Writing Certificate Portfolio |
ENG 301 | Writing for the Professions |
ENG 217 | Writing Reflective Essays |
ENG 410 | Writing for Publication |
ENG 494 | Special Topics |
ENG 394 | Special Topics |
ETH 394 | Special Topics |
IAP 394 | Special Topics |
IAS 394 | Special Topics |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 493 | Honors Thesis |
ENG 492 | Honors Directed Study |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
ENG 499 | Individualized Instruction |
- Julie Amparano. The Lost Boys/Girls: Past, Present and Future. Amnesty International Student Club at ASU (Oct 2013).
- Julie Amparano and Julie Pearson. Process to Product: Creating Performances from Oral Histories. Southwest Oral History Conference: "Courage to Ask, Courage to Tell (Apr 2013).
- Nalo Hopkinson and Caitlin Burns. The Future of Play: Communal Songs and Children’s Games. Emerge 2013 (Feb 2013).
- Monica Casper. New approaches to trauma: Bridging theory and practice. Trauma Conference (Oct 2010).
- KATHERINE NIGH, ASU Theatre and Performance of the Americas; AKUA DUKU ANOKYE, ASU Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies. Documenting/Performing Trauma. Trauma Conference - New approaches to trauma: Bridging theory and practice (Oct 2010).
- Gloria Cuadraz and C. Alejandra Elenes, co-chairs. Derechos Humanos: (Re)claiming Our Dreams Across Contested Terrains. Arizona MALCS Institute 2010 (Jul 2010).
- Delia Salvatierra, Immigration Attorney; Isabel G. Garcia, Pima County Legal Defender; Dr. Luis Plascencia, Assistant Professor, ASU; Silvia Rodriguez, Artist. Human Rights, Education, and the Dream Act: Navigating the Shifting Terrains. Arizona MALCS Institute 2010 (Jul 2010).
- The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social, ASU Colectiva/Collective (2014 - Present)
- Emerging Voices Student Club, Faculty Advisor (2013 - Present)
- Summer Writers Workshop, Program director and instructor (2013 - Present)
- Social Media Group at the West Campus, member (2013 - Present)
- Summer Writers Workshop, Coordinator/Instructor (2012 - Present)
- Summer Writers Workshop, Coordinator/Instructor (2012 - Present)
- Commission on the Status of Women, Volunteer member (2011 - Present)
- Commission on the Status of Women, Volunteer member (2011 - Present)
- Commission on the Status of Women, Volunteer member (2011 - Present)
- Oral History and Ethnography Collaborative, committee member (2011 - Present)
- ASU's Articulation Task Force, member representing English (2010 - Present)
- Monte Vista Elementary School, Writing Coach (2010 - Present)
- First Draft Student Club, Faculty Advisor (2010 - Present)
- Arizona Association for Chicanos in Higher Education, Member (2010 - Present)
- Arizona Association for Chicanos in Higher Education, Member (2010 - Present)
- Oral History Research Cluster, member (2010 - Present)
- Oral History Research Cluster, member (2010 - Present)
- Oral History Research Cluster, Committee Member (2010 - Present)
- Oral History Research Cluster, Committee Member (2010 - Present)
- ASU Commission on the Status of Women, member (2009 - Present)
- Documentary Studies Organizing Committee, Member (2009 - Present)
- Hispanic Heritage Committee, member (2009 - Present)
- Hispanic Heritage Committee, member (2009 - Present)
- Hispanic Heritage Committee, member (2009 - Present)
- Oral History Certificate Faculty Committee, Member (2009 - Present)
- Oral History Certificate Program, Faculty Committee member (2009 - Present)
- Oral History Certificate Program, Faculty Committee member (2009 - Present)
- Oral History Certificate Program, Faculty Committee member (2009 - Present)
- Trauma Conference 2010 - New Approaches to Trauma: Bridging Theory and Practice, Committee Member (2009 - Present)
- West Cultural Festival Planning Committee, Committee Member (2009 - Present)
- Writing Certificate Program, Director (2009 - Present)
- Writing Certificate Program, Director (2009 - Present)
- Writing Certificate Program, Director/Coordinator (2009 - Present)
- Writing Certificate Program, Coordinator (2009 - Present)
- Writing Certificate Program, Coordinator (2009 - Present)
- Writing Certificate Program, Coordinator (2009 - Present)
- Hispanic Heritage Committee, member (2008 - Present)
- Online Education Group, member (2008 - Present)
- National Association of Latino Independent Producers, board member (2006 - Present)
- National Association of Latino Independent Producers, board member (2006 - Present)
- New Carpa Theater, Board Member (2002 - Present)
- Southwest Oral History Association, member (2014 - 2016)
- New Carpa Theater, Board member (2002 - 2016)
- Association of Writers and Writing Programs, member (2009 - 2015)
- Monte Vista Elementary School, Writing Coach (2010 - 2014)
- Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (Women Active in Letters and Social Change), member (2009 - 2014)
- Association of Writers and Writing Programs, member (2009 - 2014)
- National Association of Latino Independent Producers, board member (2006 - 2014)
- New Carpa Theater, Board member (2002 - 2014)
- Associated Writers Program, Member (2009 - 2011)
- Oral History Research Cluster, Committee Member (2010 - 2011)
- ASU Commission on the Status of Women, Committee Member (2009 - 2011)
- Documentary Studies Organizing Committee, Member (2009 - 2011)
- Hispanic Heritage Committee, Chair (2009 - 2011)
- Hispanic Heritage Committee, member (2009 - 2011)
- Oral History Certificate Faculty Committee, Member (2009 - 2011)
- West Cultural Festival Planning Committee, Committee Member (2009 - 2011)
- Monte Vista Elementary School, Writing Coach (2010 - 2011)
- 4th Annual Pandora Festival, Committee Member (2009 - 2010)
- Associated Writers Program, Member (2009 - 2010)
- Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (Women Active in Letters and Social Change) Summer Institu, Committee Member (2009 - 2010)
- ASU Commission on the Status of Women, Committee Member (2009 - 2010)
- HArCS Events Committee, Committee Member (2009 - 2010)
- Hispanic Heritage Committee, Chair Elect (2009 - 2010)
- Online Education Group Task Force, Member (2009 - 2010)
- Oral History Certificate Faculty Committee, Member (2009 - 2010)
- West Cultural Festival Planning Committee, Committee Member (2009 - 2010)
- HARCS Search Committee, Member (2009 - 2009)