David Ingram
Professor Emeritus,
College of Health Solutions
Other ASU affiliations
School of Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate faculty
Phone: 480-965-7525
COOR 3408 TEMPE, AZ 85287-0102
Long Bio
David Ingram is a professor of speech and hearing science in the College of Health Solutions. He directs the Child Language Research Laboratory and conducts research on how young children acquire language across linguistic contexts. This research examines a wide range of language areas (e.g. phonology, morphology, syntax) in a wide range of children (e.g. monolingual and bilingual development, typically developing children and children with language impairment). Data include the recording and transcription of language samples from children, and also the use of archival databases.
Ph.D. Stanford University
- Ingram, D. The holophrastic stage. 364-366. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences (2011).
- Ingram, David (Author) ,Welti, Ann (Author) ,Priem, Christine (Author) . The early stages of verb acquisition in Spanish, German, and English. The Acquisition of Verbs and Their Grammar (2006).
- Singh, Singh,Ingram, David. Distinctive Features for consonants and vowels. Phonetics: Principles and Practices (2006).
- Ingram, David. Two notes on Gheorghov (1911). (2006).
- Bunta Ferenc, Ingrid Davidovich, David Ingram. The relationship between the phonological complexity of a bilingual child's words and those of the target language. International Journal of Bilingualism (2005).
- David Ingram. The representation of voice contrasts in children's early phonological systems. Folia Linguistica (2004).
- K Ingram, F Bunta, David Ingram. Digital collection and analysis: Application for clinical practice. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 35, 112-121 (2004).
- Ingram, David. Speech Disorders in Children: Cross-Linguistic Data. MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders (MITECD) (2003).
- David Ingram. Speech Disorders in Children: Cross-Linguistic Data. MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders (MITECD (2003).
- David Ingram, H Kayser, D Durfee. Verb acquisition in Spanish children with language delay. Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders (2003).
- F Bunta, K Ingram, David Ingram. Bridging the digital gap: aspects of computerized data collection and analysis for language professionals. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics (2003).
- M Kesharvarz, David Ingram. The early phonological development of a Farsi-English bilingual child. International Journal of Bilingualism (2003).
- W Wong, David Ingram. Question acquisition by Cantonese-speaking children. Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders (2003).
- David Ingram. The measurement of whole word productions. Journal of Child Language. Journal of Child Language (2002).
- David Ingram, D Morehead. The development of base syntax revisited. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Science, 45, 559-563 (2002).
- . . Review of: Commentary on "Evaluating articulation and phonological disorders when the clock is running" (2002).
- Ingram, David, McCartney, P, Bunta, F. Phonological representations in children with cochlear implants. Portuguese Linguistics Association (2002).
- Ingram, David, McCartney, P, Bunta, F, Costa, J, Freitas, M. Phonological representations in children with cochlear implants. Portuguese Linguistics Association (2002).
- David Ingram, K Ingram. A whole word approach to phonological intervention. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools (2001).
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 792 | Research |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
SHS 792 | Research |
- Ingram, D. & Dubasik, V. Multidimensional assessment of phonological similarity within and between children. Seminar, . Annual meeting of the Americian Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, November (Nov 2010).
- Ingram, D. The story of two Ruths: A pilot study on archiving phonological data from diary studies. International Child Phonology Conference, Memphis, April (Apr 2010).
- David Ingram & Virgnia Dubasik. The acquisition of the English past participle. Annual meeting if the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association, New Orleans (Nov 2009).
- Sojung Kim & David Ingram. A User's Guide to Computer Programs for Language Transcripts. Annual meeting of the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association, New Orleans (Nov 2009).
- David Ingram. Acquisition of the English past participle. ASU Language and Cognition Collaborative (Nov 2009).
- David Ingram & Virginia Dubasik Arizona State University, Juana Liceras University of Ottawa, Raquel Fernández Fuertes, University of Valladolid. Early Phonological Acquisition in Identical Spanish-English Bilingual Twins. International Symposium on Bilingualism 7, Utrecht, Holland, July (Jul 2009).
- David Ingram & Virginia Dubasik. Sibling Rivalry: Comparing phonological similarity between twin and non-twin siblings. Child Phonology 2009, University of Texas, June (Jun 2009).
- David Ingram. The acquisition of the English dental fricatives. Child Phonology 2009, Austin, Texas (Jun 2009).
- David Ingram &Virginia Dubasik Arizona State University, Juana Liceras University of Ottawa, Raquel Fernández Fuertes, University of Valladolid. Early language separation in Spanish-English bilingual twins. Georgetown University Round Table, Washingon, D.C., March 2009 (Mar 2009).
- Ingram, D. The rate of early word learning. Annual Meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Nov 2008).
- Ingram, D. The rate of early word learning. ASU Applied Linguistics Colloquium (Oct 2008).
- Ingram, D. Phonological Acquisition Before, During, and After the Word Spurt in Eight French-speaking Children. Child Phonology 2008 (Jun 2008).
- Ingram, D. and Ingram, K. Frame Content Theory as an Account of Early Phonological Acquisition: Two case studies. Child Phonology 2008 (Jun 2008).
- Ingram, D. The rate of early word learning. ASU Department of Speech and Hearing Science Colloquium (Mar 2008).
- Ingram, David. Phonological determinants of the vocabulary spurt in children. annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (Jan 2007).
- Bunta, F, Ingram, David. The acquisition of speech rhythm by bilingual Spanish- and English-speaking four- and five-year-old children. Acoustic Society of America (Nov 2006).
- Hase, M, Ingram, David, Bunta, F. A comparison of two phonological assessments for monolingual Spanish-speaking children. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (Nov 2006).
- Ingram, David, Ingram, K. Frame/content theory as an account of early phonological acquisition. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (Nov 2006).
- Ingram, David. Recent advances in measuring phonological skills. Annual Meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Nov 2005).
- Carias, S, Ingram, David. Language and disfluency: Four case studies on Spanish-English bilingual children. 2004 Child Phonology Conference, May, Arizona State University (May 2004).
- Ingram, David. Phonological acquisition from a crosslinguistic perspective. Tenth Meeting of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (Feb 2004).
- Orie, O, Ingram, David. The acquisition of Yoruba vowel assimilation. International Association for the Study of Child Language (Jul 2002).
- Davidovich, I, Bunta, F, Ingram, David. Evaluation of a bilingual child's phonology: holistic approach. annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Nov 2001).
- Ingram, David. Phonological MLU: New measurement techniques in phonological development. Annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Nov 2000).
- Ingram, David. The measurement of whole-word productions. Child Phonology Conference, University of Northern Iowa (Jun 2000).
- Canadian Social Science Research Council, Grant reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Journal of Child Language, article reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, article reviewer (2010 - Present)
- International Journal of Speech Language Pathology, Article reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Research Grant Council of Hong Kong, Grant reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, article reviewer (2010 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science/Academic advisor, advisor (2010 - Present)
- Dutch Research Council, grant reviewer (2010 - Present)
- American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Boston University Conference on Language Development, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Early Childhood Services, Reviewer (2009 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science/Personnel, Budget and Policy, member (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science/Personnel, Budget and Policy, member (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science/Promotion and Tenure Committee, Chair (2008 - Present)
- Applied Linguistics PhD Program Oversight Committee, Member (2008 - Present)
- Applied Linguistics PhD program Oversight Committee, Member (2008 - Present)
- Boston University Conference on Language Development, Abstract reviewer (2008 - Present)
- Child Development, Reviewer (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Search Committee, Chair (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science, SLP Admissions and Policy Committee, Member (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Personnel and Tenure Committee, Chair (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Personnel, Budget & Policy Committee, Member (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Academic Advisor, M.S, Students (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science/ SLP Admissions and Policy Committee, member (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science/ SLP Admissions and Policy Committee, Member (2008 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science/Promotion and Tenure Committee, Chair (2008 - Present)
- Early Childhood Services, Reviewer (2008 - Present)
- Graduate College, Member, Applied Linguistics Oversight Committee (2008 - Present)
- Journal of Child Language, Reviewer (2008 - Present)
- Language Speech and Hearing Services in the Schools, Reviewer (2008 - Present)
- Topics in Language Disorders, Editorial Board (2008 - Present)
- Cognitive Science, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Hong Kong Research Council, reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Journal of Child Language, reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools, Reviewer (2006 - Present)
- Senate, College of Liberal Arts and Science, Department Senator (2006 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Chair, Self Study Committee (2005 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science, CLAS College Senator (2005 - Present)
- Catalan Journal of Linguistics, reviewer (2005 - Present)
- Committee on Linguistics, ASU College of Graduate Studies, Member (2005 - Present)
- Committee on the Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Applied Linguistics, ASU College of Graduate Studies, Member (2005 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Member, Admissions Committee (2005 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science/Academic advisor, Advisor (2005 - Present)
- Dutch Research Council, reviewer (2005 - Present)
- Folia Phoniatrica and Logopaedia, reviewer (2005 - Present)
- Journal of Mulitcultural Communication Disorders, reviewer (2005 - Present)
- Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, reviewer (2005 - Present)
- National Institute of Health, reviewer (2005 - Present)
- Topics in Language Disorders, Editorial Board (2005 - Present)
- Topics in Language Disorders, Editorial Board (2005 - Present)
- Topics in Language Disorders, Editiorial Board (2005 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Member, Masters in Speech-Language Pathology admissions committee (2004 - Present)
- Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Chair, Self Study Committee (2005 - 2006)
- ASU Committee on Linguistics, Committee member (2004 - 2004)
- American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, reviewer (2003 - 2004)
- Bilingual Research Journal, reviewer (2004)
- Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Reviewed research grant (2004)
- Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, reviewer (2004)
- National Science Foundation, reviewed research grant (2004)
- University of Alberta, tenure review (2004)
- ASU Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Chair (1998 - 2004)
- Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics (Journal), Reviewer (2003)
- Committee on Linguistics, Member (2003)
- International Journal of Multilingualism, Reviewer (2003)
- Journal of Child Language, Reviewer (2003)
- Oxford University Press, Book reviewer (2003)
- Speech and Hearing Science, Chair (2003)