Dr. Iosefina Blazsani-Batto is a Visiting Teaching Professor within Faculty of International Languages and cultures, Arizona State University, Tempe-Phoenix, US, and the head of Romanian Language and Cultural Center within Azerbaijan University of Languages in Baku which she established in 2018, as a natural outcome of the cultural and educational bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Romania in the framework of the Strategic Partnership signed in 2009.
She has a rich experience in developing programs in cultural diplomacy with a focus on tangible and intangible cultural heritage in collaboration with institutions from Europe and Middle East.
She is keen to long life education programs and she developed herself covering a range of various fields such as cultural anthropology, multiculturalism, cultural heritage, management, communication, hospitality, project management, and human resources. Her Ph.D. thesis is a comparative perspective that has drawn the attention on the emergent cultural aspects of a temporal celebration, Mid-Summer Solstice, covering altogether the fields of mythology, ethnography and comparative literature.
The CEO position within IdeART EDU Ltd. and the president position of an NGO, Pro Literacy Association, Romania, together with the membership in various professional associations, gave her the opportunity to implement and develop pilot projects in the field of literacy, research or action-research projects focused on cultural heritage, financed by national or European stakeholders, numerous participations in international and national conferences and symposia (America, Europe, Middle East) as speaker or key-speaker. She was also part of the EUNIC AZ Cluster, implicated in writing and implementation of several projects.
Her participation in literacy and social and cultural awareness projects developed by ANPRO, ALSDGC, International Literacy Association, Pro Literacy Association, and International Association for Peace and Democracy Development had aimed to support the growth of people interested in enhancing their personal competences in academic environment or on the labor market.
Selected volumes:
(2020) Simbolismul solstițiului de vară https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342611780_Iosefina_Blazsani- Batto_Simbolismul_solstitiului_de_vara_Lecturi_comparative_Reading_about_Summer_Sols tice_Symbols_in_Various_Content_Areas
(2020) Sânzienele. Crestomație https://www.academia.edu/43506942/Iosefina_Blazsani- Batto_S%C3%A2nzienele._Crestoma%C5%A3ie
Selected edited volumes:
(2020) Jalə İsmail, România-Azerbaidjan. Două culturi – infinite oportunități (Romania – Azerbaijan. Two cultures – boundless opportunities) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342597920_Cuvant_inainte_Jale_…
2021 – PhD candidate in the field of International Relations – Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca: DIPLOMAȚIA CULTURALĂ CA INSTRUMENT AL STRATEGIEI DE POLITICĂ EXTERNĂ. Studiu de caz: diplomația culturală a României în Republica Azerbaidjan/ CULTURAL DIPLOMACY AS AN INSTRUMENT OF FOREIGN POLICY STRATEGY. Case study: Romania’s cultural diplomacy in the Republic of Azerbaijan https://sites.euro.ubbcluj.ro/paradigmaeuropeana/teme-de-cercetare-doctoranzi/
2011 - PhD in the field of Philology - Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca: Reading about Summer Solstice Symbols in Various Content Area, http://doctorat.ubbcluj.ro/sustinerea_publica/rezumate/2011/filologie/batto_iosefina_en.pdf
2010-2011 - Postgraduate Specialized Studies Diploma. Valorization of cultural heritage, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
2005–2007 - M. Ed. - Master in Education and Communication within College of Communication and Public Relations within State University of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucuresti
2000-2001 – Postgraduate Specialized Studies Diploma. Multicultural Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
1997-1998 – University Advanced Studies Degree. European Cultural Anthropology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
1998 - B.F.A. European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
1996 - B.F.A. Language Arts Education, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romanian-English specialization
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ROM 202 | Intermed Romanian Lang Cltr II |
ROM 314 | Romanian Comp/Conversation |