Mark Schmeeckle, professor of geography, focuses his work and research on landscape mechanisms, specifically his interests are in the transport of sediments.
Schmeeckle is currently developing a set of LES and hybrid techniques for turbulence in environmental flows. Sediment transport is then calculated using the LES results either by bedload calculations from the temporally- and spatially- varying bed stress, or by 3D advection-diffusion modeling of suspended sediment.
He is also building a suite of environmental morphodynamic models involving 3D steady RANS calculations for environmental flows. At each time step sediment continuity is solved and the 3D structured or unstructured grid is adjusted accordingly. This modeling system is being developed for simulation of bar growth in rivers and large-scale erosion and deposition of eolian landscapes.
Ph.D. Geography, University of Colorado-Boulder 1998
M.S. Geophysics, University of Washington-Seattle 1992
B.S. Geology, University of Washington-Seattle 1988
Furbish, D. J., E. M. Childs, P. K. Haff, and M. W. Schmeeckle. Rain splash of soil grains as a stochastic advection-dispersion process, with implications for desert plant-soil interactions and land-surface evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research (2009).
Mark Schmeeckle, Ryosuke Akahori, Q. Brent Travis, Laura Alvarez. Sandbars in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, USA downstream of Glen Canyon Dam. Water Resources University's 50th Anniversary Workshop (2009).
Akahori, R., M.W. Schmeeckle, D.J. Topping, and T.S. Melis. Erosion properties of cohesive sediments in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. River Research and Applications (2008).
David Furbish, Mark Schmeeckle, Joshua Roering. Thermal and force-chain effects in an experimental, sloping granular shear flow. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (2008).
D Furbish, K Hamner, Mark Schmeeckle, M Borosund, S Mudd. Rainsplash of dry sand revealed by high-speed imaging and sticky-paper splash targets. Journal of Geophysical Research- Earth Surface (2007).
J Douglass, Mark Schmeeckle. Analogue modeling of transverse drainage mechanisms. Geomorphology (2007).
Mark Schmeeckle, J Nelson, R Shreve. Forces on stationary particles in near-bed turbulent flows. Journal of Geophysical Research (2007).
A Mango, Mark Schmeeckle, D Furbish. Tidally-induced groundwater circulation in an unconfined coastal aquifer modeled with a Hele-Shaw cell. Geology (2004).
Mark Schmeeckle, J Nelson. Direct numerical simulation of bedload transport using a local, dynamic boundary condition. Sedimentology (2003).
Mark Schmeeckle, J Nelson, J Pitlick, J Bennett. Interparticle collision of natural sediment grains in water. Water Resources Research (2001).
S Nakayama, Y Shimizu, Mark Schmeeckle, R Akahori. Numerical calculation of suspended sediments over sand waves. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2000).
Y Shimizu, Mark Schmeeckle, J Nelson. Three-dimensional calculation of flow over two-dimensional dunes. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2000).
Research Activity
Schmeeckle,Mark*. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: The statistical mechanics of bed load sediment transport: Meshing theory experiments and advanced computations of coupled flu. NSF-GEO-EAR(9/1/2012 - 8/31/2016).
Schmeeckle,Mark*. Flow Sediment Transport and Morphological Evolution of Lateral Separation Eddies in the Grand Canyon. DOI-USGS(8/2/2011 - 9/30/2016).
Schmeeckle,Mark*. Suspended Sediment Research for Siliciclastics Reservoir Characterization. Exxon(1/1/2007 - 12/31/2011).
Schmeeckle,Mark*. Flow, Deposition, and Erosion of Fine-Grained, Recirculation Eddy Bars Resulting From Beach Habitat Building Flows. DOI-USGS - FLAGSTAFF(9/19/2005 - 6/30/2011).
Fernando,H J S*, Schmeeckle,Mark, Voropayev,Sergey I. Ripple Dynamics and Benthic Transformation under Variable Wave Forcing. DOD-NAVY-ONR(5/15/2004 - 2/28/2009).
Schmeeckle,Mark*. Collaborative Research: Role of Turbulence Structure in Bedload Transport. NSF-GEO(8/26/2003 - 3/31/2007).
Schmeeckle,Mark*. CAREER: Interaction Between Turbulence Structures and Suspended Sediment in Rivers. NSF-GEO(8/11/2003 - 1/31/2009).
MW Schmeeckle. Sedimentation and Flooding in the Face of Climate Change and Development in Vietnam. Fulbright Southeast Asia Mid-Year Conference, Manila, Philippines (Apr 2010).
MW Schmeeckle. Environmental effects of dams: examples from the southwestern United States. Workshop on "Water Resources and Sustainable Development", Hanoi, Vietnam (Jan 2010).