Anshuman Razdan
Phone: 480-727-1672
PRLTA 230A ASU Poly MC 4890 MESA, AZ 85287-4890
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Department of Engineering
College of Technology and Innovation
Affiliate Professor
School of Computing and Informatics
Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
Dr. Anshuman Razdan is Professor in the Department of Engineering in College of Technology and Innovation (CTI) at the Polytechnic campus and an affiliate in the Computer Science and Engineering Program. He is also the Director of Advanced Technology Innovation Collaboratory (ATIC) , and the Image and 3D Data Exploitation and Analysis Lab (I3DEA), at Arizona State University at the Polytechnic campus. He has been a pioneer in computing based interdisciplinary collaboration and research at ASU. Anshuman joined ASU in 1996 when he co-founded PRISM and was the Director until 2005. PRISM is an interdisciplinary research center focused on spatial modeling and analysis.
1995, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Director of the Advanced Technology Innovation Center (ATIC ) and the Image and 3D Data Exploitation and Analysis (I3DEA ) Lab
Research Interests
For research projects please visit
- 3D feature extraction, segmentation, and pattern recognition
- Computer-aided geometric design (CAGD) and Computer Graphics, NURB curves and surfaces
- 3D Face biometrics and 3D Digital libraries
- Segmentation and feature extraction from volumetric data and images
- Digital documents, image processing, and handwriting analysis
- 3D Compression Techniques and Data reduction techniques (e.g., mesh decimation)
- Approximation techniques (for curves, surfaces, volumes, and scattered data)
- Geometric Modeling and processing (e.g., CAD/CAM and solid modeling)
- Scalar field/volume visualization (e.g., contouring, ray casting, and medical imaging)
- Use of high bandwidth networking for VRML and scientific visualization
Appointments: Co-Chair Tutorials, IEEE VR 2009, Lafayette, LA, March 14-18, 2009; Program Committee Chair, TheStudio @ SIGGRAPH 99, Los Angeles, CA. Awards: Innovator of the year, AzTE, Arizona State University, 2006. Honors: Top Ten Non Resident Indians Abroad, The Hindustan Times, 2005.
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*, Mayyas,Abdel Ra'Ouf Turki, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC (SRP) project: EV Battery Performance in the Desert Area. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016).
- Femiani,John C*, Razdan,Anshuman. SRP CREC- 3D LiDAR and Color Compression and Feature Extraction. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. Solar PV Competency Training for Barbados. BCC(1/1/2015 - 11/30/2016).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Johnson,Nathan Gregory. Verizon - Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Integration and Interconnection - Moving towards the Modernization of the US Power Grid and the Evolution. ASU FDN(11/3/2014 - 11/2/2015).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Tamizhmani,Govindasamy. Vocational Training and Education for Clean Energy (VOCTEC) Program. ADB(10/3/2014 - 10/2/2015).
- Tamizhmani,Govindasamy*, Razdan,Anshuman. Solar photovoltaic (PV) workshop at Arizona State University. UVI(8/1/2014 - 8/31/2014).
- Tamizhmani,Govindasamy*, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC Project: Thermal Soiling Shading Degradation Evaluation and Energy Prediction Models of Photovoltaic Systems. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*, Mayyas,Abdel Ra'Ouf Turki, Pollat,Scott Lewis, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC Project: Reliability and performance evaluation of batteries in HotDry Climates: Phase 3. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Johnson,Nathan Gregory*, Razdan,Anshuman, Ruddell,Benjamin Lyle. CREC Project: Residential Thermal Energy Control System with Storage. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Sommerfeld,Milton R*, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC Project: A Strategy and Technology to Manage Water Quality Discharged from SRP Power Plants. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Johnson,Nathan Gregory*, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC Project: Techno-Economic Optimization Toolkit for Hybrid Building Power Systems. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Rogers,Bradley Barney*, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar, Rajadas,John N, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC Project: Development of a Solar Assisted On-Demand Residential Hot Water System Utilizing Phase-Change Materials for Energy Storage Phase1. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Rogers,Bradley Barney*, Rajadas,John N, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC Project: Continued Operation of the Solar Assisted Residential Hot Water Testing and Evaluation Facility at ASU Polytechnic. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015).
- Dempster,Thomas A*, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC Project: Assessment of Biomass Quality and the Feasibility of Using Hydrothermal Liquefaction to Produce Energy from Carbon Dioxide Emission-. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2014 - 6/30/2016).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar. Guidance on Renewable Energy Curriculum Development through the IRENA Community. IRENA(6/1/2014 - 3/31/2015).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Razdan,Anshuman*, Johnson,Nathan Gregory, Johnson,Nathan Gregory. BRIDGE in Sustainable Energy and Information and Communication Technologies. TNO(5/12/2014 - 5/12/2017).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Johnson,Nathan Gregory, Madakannan,Arunachalanadar. Implementation of a Regional Programme for Certification of Technicians in Renewable Energy Systems in Selected Regions. IRENA(1/6/2014 - 12/10/2015).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Chomina-Chavez,Aram, Dalrymple,Odesma Onika. Pacific Islands Delivery of Entrepreneurship Training and Supporting Certification Programme for the Pacific Islands. IRENA(7/17/2013 - 2/28/2014).
- Tamizhmani,Govindasamy*, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC: Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Power Systems for determining Annual Performance Degradation Rate. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Razdan,Anshuman*, Danielson,Scott George, Roberts,Chell Andelin. Supplement 3: TFM Urban Infrastructure Development Plan. TFM(3/1/2013 - 12/31/2013).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Femiani,John C, Wonka,Peter. ATIC: Geo-specific Displacement Maps for Real Time Stereoscopic Training Simulation. (1/22/2013 - 4/6/2015).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. TO 12-004: GD EDGE - Leverage Human Factors to Understand the Border Security Mission to Ensure the Seamless Transitions of New Technological Border S. GENERAL DYNAMICS C4 SYSTEMS(1/1/2013 - 6/30/2014).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Femiani,John C, Hsu,Keng Hao. CTI: iProjects for Manufacturing Sustainability Collaboration. (12/5/2012 - 5/15/2014).
- Oneill,Gerald Daniel*, Oneill,Gerald Daniel*, Basile,George Matthew, Basile,George Matthew, Razdan,Anshuman, Roberts,Chell Andelin. iProjects for Manufacturing Sustainability Collaboration. (12/5/2012 - 5/15/2014).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Razdan,Anshuman*. Supplement 1-2: ASU Planning Grant Proposal TFM Fungurume Development Management Plan. TFM(9/1/2012 - 12/31/2013).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. TO 12-003: GD EDGE - Investigate Optimal Power Solutions to Accompany the Technologies Capabilities Being Deployed Along the Southwest Arizona Desert. GENERAL DYNAMICS C4 SYSTEMS(8/20/2012 - 6/30/2014).
- Montoya,Mitzi*, Dalrymple,Odesma Onika, Razdan,Anshuman, Saenz,Delia S, Tamizhmani,Govindasamy. Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project. DOS - USAID(8/10/2012 - 1/31/2015).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. Aruba Fall PV Training Program 2012. TNO(8/1/2012 - 12/31/2012).
- Madakannan,Arunachalanadar*, Peng,Xihong, Peng,Xihong, Pollat,Scott Lewis, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC: Reliability and performance Evaluation of batteries in hotdry climate. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(6/15/2012 - 6/30/2013).
- Rogers,Bradley Barney*, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC: Solar Hot Water System Testing and Evaluation Program at ASU Polytechnic. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(6/15/2012 - 6/30/2013).
- Tamizhmani,Govindasamy*, Razdan,Anshuman. CREC: Performance Degradation and Reliability Evaluation of SRPs Solar Photovoltaic Systems. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(6/15/2012 - 6/30/2013).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. TO 12-001: GD EDGE - Provide Support of EDGE Projects and Operations and Joint Pursuits. GENERAL DYNAMICS C4 SYSTEMS(4/18/2012 - 8/15/2013).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Razdan,Anshuman*. Master Collaboration Agreement: EDGE Business Opportunities for Border Security Emergency Management and Defense Solutions. GENERAL DYNAMICS C4 SYSTEMS(4/16/2012 - 4/26/2015).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Tamizhmani,Govindasamy. Aruba Summer School PV Training Program 2012. TNO(3/26/2012 - 9/30/2012).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Razdan,Anshuman*, Montoya,Mitzi, Montoya,Mitzi. CREC Agreement. SRP-SALT RIVER PROJECT(3/2/2012 - 6/30/2017).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. NET Zero at the Tactical Edge Symposium. WYLE LABS(12/22/2011 - 2/15/2012).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Peterson,Danny Matthew. Border Security Demo Project. GENERAL DYNAMICS C4 SYSTEMS(12/1/2011 - 12/31/2012).
- Montoya,Mitzi*, Amresh,Ashish, Branaghan,Russell Joseph, Chattopadhyay,Aditi, Clavijo,Sergio A, Cooke,Nancy Jaworski, Dahm,Werner J., Diaz,Rodolfo Enrique, Femiani,John C, Humble,Jane E, Razdan,Anshuman, Redkar,Sangram S, Shunk,Dan Louis, Waissi,Gary R, Wonka,Peter. C/S: Aerospace & Defense Initiative - Partnerships in Innovation. GENERAL ATOMICS(8/1/2011 - 12/29/2011).
- Tamizhmani,Govindasamy*, Tamizhmani,Govindasamy*, Tamizhmani,Govindasamy*, Dalrymple,Odesma Onika, Digangi,Samuel, Karady,George G, Karady,George G, Montoya,Mitzi, Pasqualetti,Martin J, Razdan,Anshuman, Razdan,Anshuman, Saenz,Delia S, Tridane,Abdessamad. Sustainable Energy Education Consortium (SEEC). DOS - USAID(4/28/2011 - 4/26/2016).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Femiani,John C, Wonka,Peter, Montoya,Mitzi*, Amresh,Ashish, Branaghan,Russell Joseph, Chattopadhyay,Aditi, Clavijo,Sergio A, Cooke,Nancy Jaworski, Dahm,Werner J., Diaz,Rodolfo Enrique, Femiani,John C, Humble,Jane E, Rajadas,John N, Razdan,Anshuman, Redkar,Sangram S, Shunk,Dan Louis, Waissi,Gary R, Wonka,Peter. ATIC: Geospecific Displacement Maps for Real Time, Steroscopic Training Similuation. (11/10/2010 - 6/30/2012).
- Femiani,John C*, Razdan,Anshuman. ATIC: ASU LEAP sdk. (8/15/2010 - 12/31/2011).
- Ye,Jieping*, Razdan,Anshuman, Wonka,Peter. Multi-Source Visual Analytics. NSF-CISE-CCF(8/1/2010 - 7/31/2014).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. ATIC - Three Dimensional Whole Body Scan Evaluation Support and Head Scan Post Processing. BATTELLE COLUMBUS DIV(3/1/2010 - 6/30/2011).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. New York Air Brake. (6/15/2009 - 10/19/2009).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. ATIC-Extraction of Landmarks and Other Features from 3D Human Body Data. TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS EXPERTS(10/1/2008 - 11/30/2009).
- Ye,Jieping*, Razdan,Anshuman, Wonka,Peter. Integrated Spectral Dimensionality Reduction. DOD-NGA(8/5/2008 - 9/30/2011).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Wonka,Peter. ATIC-ASU component of Kutta Consulting, Inc's submission to Dept. Homeland Security STTR, Phase II. KUTTA CONSULTING(5/15/2008 - 8/15/2010).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. ATIC-SME: Malinasky Prototype. MALINASKY, PAUL(1/10/2008 - 3/9/2008).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. ATIC- Development of Automated Scan Quality Software for Human 3D Surface Scans. BATTELLE(11/20/2007 - 5/15/2010).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Hu,Jiuxiang. ATIC - Observations and Modeling of Orographic Cumulus Development Using Data Collected During CuPIDO 2006. CREIGHTON UNIV(10/1/2007 - 1/1/2010).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. ATIC - Imaging of Surfaces Using Structured Light: Applications to Future Landed Missions. JPL(9/26/2007 - 6/30/2010).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Wonka,Peter. SBIR: ASU Component of Kutta Consulting, Inc's submission to Dept of Homeland Security. KUTTA CONSULTING(5/1/2007 - 10/19/2007).
- Wonka,Peter*, Razdan,Anshuman, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann. SEI(GEO): Visual Geo-Analystics. NSF-CISE(2/14/2007 - 7/31/2010).
- Zehnder,Joseph A*, Hu,Jiuxiang, Razdan,Anshuman. Observations and Modeling of Orographic Cumulus Development Using Data Collected During CuPIDO 2006. NSF-GEO-AGS(1/1/2007 - 9/30/2007).
- Wonka,Peter*, Razdan,Anshuman, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann. SEI(GEO): Visual Geo-Analystics. NSF-CISE(8/1/2006 - 2/13/2007).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Gary,Kevin A. Crossover Resolution over Complex Images and Development of Corpus. MISC FEDERAL(7/26/2006 - 7/27/2007).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. Hand Versus Machine II. In-Q-Tel, Inc(5/5/2006 - 1/9/2009).
- Shangraw Jr,Ralph Frederick*, Balling,Robert C, Castillo-Chavez,Carlos, Razdan,Anshuman. West Nile Virus Transmission Model. AZ DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES(3/1/2006 - 2/28/2007).
- Razdan,Anshuman*. Handwritten Annotation Extraction from Map Images. In-Q-Tel, Inc(12/15/2005 - 4/30/2007).
- Jung,Ranu*, Abbas,James, Razdan,Anshuman, Razdan,Anshuman, Razdan,Anshuman. CRCNS: Modeling Neuromusculoskeletal Alterations after Spinal Cord Injury. HHS-NIH-NINDS(8/15/2005 - 5/31/2010).
- Jung,Ranu*, Abbas,James, Castillo-Chavez,Carlos, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie, Garcia,Antonio Agustin, Joshi,Lokesh, Kuang,Yang, Phillips,Stephen M, Razdan,Anshuman, Santello,Marco, Wang,Joseph, Wang,Joseph. Catalyst: Center for Excellence in Adaptive Neuro-Biomechatronic Systems (CEANS). NSF-SBE(8/15/2005 - 1/31/2009).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Wonka,Peter. Geometry Based Feature Extraction and Analysis of Geo Data. DOD-NGA(7/29/2005 - 7/28/2009).
- Jung,Ranu*, Alexander,Gene Evans, He,Jiping, Helms Tillery,Stephen I, Hu,Jiuxiang, Marzke,Robert F, Massia,Stephen Paul, Matt,Kathleen Sharon, Moore,Michael Charles, Muthuswamy,Jitendran, Myhajlenko,Stefan, Neisewander,Janet Leigh, Nieman,Ronald A, Pauken,Christine Marie, Razdan,Anshuman, Vernon,Brent. PharmaScan 7016 In-Vivo SpectroscopyImaging System. HHS-NIH-NCRR(6/1/2005 - 5/31/2009).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Razdan,Anshuman*, Arrowsmith,Ramon, Johnson,Paul Carr, Rowe,Jeremy. East Valley Water Forum. CITY OF MESA(1/11/2005 - 4/30/2006).
- Gober,Patricia*, Balling,Robert C, Bolin,Robert, Bolin,Robert, Corley,Elizabeth, Corley,Elizabeth, Elser,Monica Mueller, Gries,Corinna, Griffin,William Albert, Kinzig,Ann, Mccartney,Peter H, Nelson,Margaret C, Razdan,Anshuman, Razdan,Anshuman, Redman,Charles L, Redman,Charles L, Rowe,Jeremy, Rowe,Jeremy, Saltz,Charlene, Taylor,Thomas J, Wentz,Elizabeth Ann, White,Dave Douglas, White,Dave Douglas, Zehnder,Joseph A. Decision Center for a Desert City (DCDC): Science and Policy of Climate Uncertainty. NSF-SBE(9/15/2004 - 8/31/2011).
- Zehnder,Joseph A*, Nielson,Gregory M, Razdan,Anshuman, Rowe,Jeremy. Observations and Modeling of Orographic cumulus Development Using Digital Imaging and Data Cataloguing. NSF-GEO(6/1/2004 - 5/31/2007).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Collins,Daniel Lee, Farin,Gerald E. George Washington Project. George Washington's Mt. Vernon(5/25/2004 - 2/28/2006).
- Greeley,Ronald*, Razdan,Anshuman. Quantitative Studies of Rock Abrasion on Earth and Mars. JPL(4/1/2004 - 12/31/2006).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Rowe,Jeremy. 3D Handwriting Program. In-Q-Tel, Inc(3/29/2004 - 11/30/2005).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Razdan,Anshuman*, Farin,Gerald E, Lockwood,Charles Abram. 3D FACE AUTHENTICATION FOR BIOMETRIC ACCESS CONTROL. NSF-CISE(8/15/2003 - 7/31/2007).
- He,Jiping*, Capco,David George, Farin,Gerald E, Hoppensteadt,Frank, Jassemidis,Leonidas Dimitrios, Kim,Bruce Chang-Shik, Lai,Ying-Cheng, Massia,Stephen Paul, Muthuswamy,Jitendran, Nielson,Gregory M, Panitch,Alyssa, Raupp,Gregory Bruce, Razdan,Anshuman, Si,Jennie. ADVANCED NEURAL IMPLANTS AND CONTROLS. DOD-DARPA(7/13/2000 - 5/31/2004).
- He,Jiping*, Abbas,James, Gerritsen,Karin G, Hoppensteadt,Frank, Jung,Ranu, Marzke,Mary, Marzke,Robert F, Razdan,Anshuman, Razdan,Anshuman, Reed,Kaye E, Santello,Marco, Satterlie,Richard A, Stelmach,George Edward, Sweeney,James David, Willis,Wayne Tyrus, Yamaguchi,Gary Tad, Young,Dennis L. IGERT: MUSCULOSKELETAL & NEURAL ADAPTATIONS IN FORM & FUNCTION. NSF-EHR(6/30/2000 - 7/31/2008).
- Ramakrishna,B L*, Glaunsinger,William, Pizziconi,Vincent B, Razdan,Anshuman. ADAPTIONS USING REMOTE REALTIME AND INTERACTIVE NANO-VISUALIZATION FOR EDUCATION (ARIVE). NSF-EHR(6/1/2000 - 2/29/2004).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Behrens,John Thomas, Capco,David George, Collins,Daniel Lee, Farin,Gerald E, Henderson,Mark Richard, Marzke,Mary, Mccartney,Peter H, Nielson,Gregory M, Panchanathan,Sethuraman, Ramakrishna,B L, Rowe,Jeremy, Simon,Arleyn W. 3D KNOWLEDGE: ACQUISITION REPRESENTATION & ANALYSIS IN A DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT. NSF-CISE(9/1/1999 - 2/29/2004).
- Lewis,William E*, Digangi,Samuel, Jannasch-Pennell,Angel, Mccartney,Peter H, Ramakrishna,B L, Razdan,Anshuman. ENABLING & EXTENDING THE ARIZONA INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ADVANCED NETWORKING & APPLICATIONS RESEARCH VIA THE VBNS. NSF-CISE(9/15/1998 - 6/30/2002).
- Razdan,Anshuman*, Burrows,Veronica Ann, Jones,Richard Roy, Mayer,James Walter, Ramakrishna,B L. SCIENTIFIC VISUALIZATION USING TACTILE FEEDBACK FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED STUDENTS. NSF-EHR(3/20/1997 - 3/31/2000).
- Ramakrishna,B L*, Garcia,Antonio Agustin, Glaunsinger,William, Pizziconi,Vincent B, Razdan,Anshuman. VISUALIZATION FOR SCIENCE & ENGINEERING EDUCATION (INVSEE). NSF-EHR(3/1/1997 - 2/28/2002).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |