Eddie Brown
Phone: 480-727-8690
AG 372 TEMPE, AZ 85287
Eddie F. Brown has a unique administrative background in that he has worked at the highest administrative levels with federal, state, and tribal governments. He is the former Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, United States Department of Interior, Washington, DC (1988-1993). Served as associate dean and the director of the Center for American Indian Studies at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri (1996- 2004); executive director of the Department of Human Services, Tohono O'odham Nation (1993-1996); director of Arizona Department of Economic Security (1987-1989); and chief of the Division of Social Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. (1984-1986). At Arizona State University, Brown directed American Indian Studies and was co-executive director of ASU's American Indian Policy Institute and was a senior sustainability scientist with the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability.
Brown has directed a variety of research and demonstration projects related to the impact of welfare reform on American Indian families and children, mental health assessment of American Indian youth, diabetes prevention in tribal communities, Title IV- E state/tribal agreements, and state ICWA compliance issues, and is nationally recognized for his knowledge and skills in working with tribal governments and community programs. He also served as a member of the U.S. President's Board of Advisors on Tribal Colleges and Universities.
Brown is an enrolled member of the Pascua Yaqui Indian Tribe and affiliated with the Tohono O’odham Nation.
- Ph.D. Social Work, University of Utah 1975
- M.A. Social Work, University of Utah 1972
- B.S. Social Work, Brigham Young University 1970
- Brown, E. et al . Ending Violence So Children Can Thrive. US Department of Justice (2014).
- . . Review of: Reservation"Capitalism": Economic Development in Indian Country (2013).
- Kulis, S., Hodge, D. R., Ayers, S. L., Brown, E. F., & Marsiglia, F. F. (2012). Spirituality and religion: Intertwined protective factors for substance use among urban American Indian youth. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (2012).
- Kulis, S., & Brown, E.F. Preferred drugresistance strategies of urban Amrican Indian youth of the southwest. Journal of Drug Education (2011).
- Lee, J., Dolan, W. & Brown, E. F. American Indian/Alaskan Native undergraduate retention at predominantly White institutions: An elaboration of Tinto's theory of college student departure. Jouarnal of College Student Retention (2010).
- P Mariella, E Brown, M Carter, V Verri. Tribally-Driven Participatory Research: State of the practice and potential strategies for the future. Joural of Health Disparities Research and Practice (2009).
- Limb, G., & Brown, E. An examination of the Indian Child Welfare Act section of state Title IV-B Child and Family Services Plans. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal (2008).
- L House, A Stiffman, Eddie Brown. Unraveling Cultural Threads: A Qualitative of Ethnic Identity among Urban Southwestern American Indian Youth and Parents, and Elders. Journal of Child and Family Studies (2006).
- A Stiffman, C Striley, Eddie Brown, G Limb, E Ostmann. Research solutions for cultural and human subjects issues concerning American Indian Youth. Ethics and Behavior (2005).
- A Stiffman, Eddie Brown, C Striley, El Ostmann, G Chowa. Cultural and ethical issues concerning research on American Indian youth. Ethics and Behavior (2005).
- G Limb, T Chance, Eddie Brown. An empirical examination of the Indian Child Welfare Act and its impact on cultural and familial preservation for American Indian Children. Child Abuse & Neglect (2004).
- A Stiffman, C Striley, Eddie Brown, G Limb, E Ostmann. American Indian youth: Southwestern urban and reservation youth's need for services and whom they turn to for help. Journal of Child and Family Studies (2003).
- Eddie Brown, G Limb, T Chance, R Munoz. The Indian child welfare act: An examination of state compliance in Arizona. National Indian Child Welfare Association/Casey Family Programs (2002).
- Auslander, W, Brown, Eddie Frank. The vision workbook: Preventing the cycle of diabetes. (2002).
- Brown, Eddie Frank. Capacity building and sustainability of tribal governments. (2002).
- Brown, Eddie Frank. Imagining a new future for American Indian human service systems. (2002).
- Eddie Brown, G Limb, R Munoz, C Clifford. Evaluation of title IV-B child and family services plans. National Indian Child Welfare Association/Casey Family Programs (2001).
- S Pandey, Eddie Brown, L Schueler-Whitaker. Welfare reform on American Indian reservations: Initial experience of service providers and recipients on reservations in Arizona. Journal of Social Policy (2001).
- Brown, Eddie Frank, Cornell, S. Welfare, work, and American Indians: The impact of welfare reform. (2001).
- Eddie Brown, L Scheuler-Whitaker, C Clifford, G Limb, R Munoz. Tribal/State title IV-E intergovernmental agreements: Facilitating tribal access to federal resources. National Indian Child Welfare Association/Casey Family Programs (2000).
- , L. R., Dustman, P. A., Harthun, M. L., Kulis, S., & Brown, E. F. American Indians’ cultures: How CBPR illuminated inter-tribal cultural elements fundamental to an adaptation effort. Prevention Science. online publication (0).
- Kulis, S., Dustman, P.A., Brown, E. F., & Martinez, M. Expanding urban American Indian youths’ repertoire of drug resistance skills: Pilot results from a culturally adapted prevention program. American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 20, 35-54 (0).
- Kulis, S., Wagaman, M. A., Tso, C., & Brown, E. F. (2013). . Exploring indigenous identities of urban American Indian youth of the southwest. Journal of Adolescent Research, 28, 271–298 (0).
- Marsiglia,Flavio*, Marsiglia,Flavio*, Brown,Eddie Frank, Gillmore,Mary Louise Rogers, Kulis,Stephen Stanley, Shaibi,Gabriel, Yabiku,Scott Thomas. SIRC Health Disparities Research: Cultural Processes in Risk and Resiliency. HHS-NIH-NCMHD(6/1/2012 - 1/31/2017).
- Kulis,Stephen Stanley*, Kulis,Stephen Stanley*, Brown,Eddie Frank, Parsai,Monica. Using CBPR to Adapt a Culturally-grounded Prevention Curriculum for Urban American Indian Parents. HHS-NIH-NCMHD(9/30/2010 - 7/31/2016).
- Marsiglia,Flavio*, Brown,Eddie Frank, Castro,Felipe G, Chen,Angela Chia-Chen, Davis,Olga Idriss, Gillmore,Mary Louise Rogers, Kulis,Stephen Stanley. SIRC Health Disparities Research: Cultural Processes in Risk and Resiliency. HHS-NIH-NCMHD(6/1/2010 - 5/31/2012).
- Marsiglia,Flavio*, Brown,Eddie Frank, Castro,Felipe G, Chen,Angela Chia-Chen, Davis,Olga Idriss, Gillmore,Mary Louise Rogers, Kulis,Stephen Stanley. YR3: SIRC Health Disparities Research: Cultural Processes in Risk and Resiliency. HHS-NIH-NCMHD(6/2/2009 - 5/31/2010).
- Marsiglia,Flavio*, Brown,Eddie Frank, Castro,Felipe G, Chen,Angela Chia-Chen, Davis,Olga Idriss, Gillmore,Mary Louise Rogers, Kulis,Stephen Stanley. YR2: SIRC Health Disparities Research: Cultural Processes in Risk and Resiliency. HHS-NIH-NCMHD(6/2/2008 - 5/31/2009).
- Marsiglia,Flavio*, Brown,Eddie Frank, Castro,Felipe G, Chen,Angela Chia-Chen, Davis,Olga Idriss, Gillmore,Mary Louise Rogers, Kulis,Stephen Stanley. YR1: SIRC Health Disparities Research: Cultural Processes in Risk and Resiliency. HHS-NIH-NCMHD(9/30/2007 - 5/31/2008).
- Mariella,Patricia Sue*, Brown,Eddie Frank, Gover,Kevin. Organizational Review & Assessment. GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY(2/1/2007 - 9/30/2008).
- Eddie F. Brown. Addressing Tribal Health Priorities through a Community-Based Translational Research Framework. American Indian Research Center for Health Conference (Aug 2013).
- Eddie F. Brown, Norm DeWeaver. Who Counts as Indian in the U.S. Census. National Congress of American Indians (May 2013).
- Eddie F. Brown, Catherine Eden. Policy Advocacy For Advancing Health Equity. SIRC 11th Annual Researh Conference, Advancing Health Equity (Apr 2013).
- Martinez, M., Ayers, S. L., Kulis, S., & Brown, E. F. American Indian Youth: Ethnic identity, permissive drug perceptions, and the use of drug resistance strategies. American Public Health Association (Oct 2012).
- Kulis, S., Hodge, D. R., Ayers, S., Brown, E. F. & Marsiglia, F. Spirituality and religion: intertwined protective factors for substance use among urban American Indian youth. American Sociological Association, (Aug 2012).
- Martinez, M., Ayers, S. L., Kulis, S. & Brown. The relationship between ethnic identity, permissive drug norms, and drug use intentions among American Indian youth. SIRC 10th Annual Research Conference (Apr 2012).
- Kulis, S. Hodge, D., Wagaman, M. A., Ayers, S. L., & Brown, E.F. Spirituality, religiosity, and cultural practices among urban American Indian youth: Risk and protective factors for substance use. Paper presentation at the Society for Prevention Research annual meeting, Washington, DC (Jun 2011).
- Eddie F. Brown. 2011 NCAI Mid-Year Conference (Wednesday, ) Milwaukee, WI June 13-16, 2011 "The Future of Data that Supports Indian Country in Shaping Its Own Future"- General Session. NCAI’s 6th Annual Tribal Leader/Scholar Forum (Jun 2011).
- Eddie F. Brown. Building Strong, Effective, Sustainable Trival Family and Children Welfare Systems. AFDC Fostering Connections Tribal Gatherings (Jun 2011).
- Kulis, S., Dustman, P.A.,Brown, E.F. Examining urban American Indian Youth's drug resistance skills: Pilot results from a culturally adapted prevention program. American Public Health Association (Nov 2010).
- Brown, E. F., Pata, J. Forty Years of Tribal Self-Determination: Taking Federal Indian Policy to the Next Level. National Congress of American Indians Annual Plenary Session (Nov 2010).
- Kulis, S., Dustman, P.A., Brown, E.F. Expanding urban American Indian Youths' repertoire of drug resistance skills:aaPilot results from a culturally adapted prevention program. Society for Prevetion Research Annual Meeting (Jun 2010).
- Kulis, S., Brown, E. F., Dustman, P. A. Unpacking American Indian intracultural elements to assure authenticity in a substance abus prevention curriculum adaptation. Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting (Apr 2010).
- Brown, E. F. Tribally-Driven Participatory Research. American Indian Association Annual Conference (Feb 2010).
- E Brown, S Hicks, P Morris. Research that Matters to Tribal Communities: A Tribally-Driven Research Agenda. American Indian and Indigenous Studies Conference (May 2009).
- E Brown. Serving a Unique Population into 2020. 21st Annual Arizona Indian Council on Aging Conference (Apr 2009).
- Panel Session. Applying the Science of Adaptation to Community Based Research. SIRC 7th Annual Research Conference (Mar 2009).
- Brown, Eddie. TANF Implementation and It's Effects on American Indian Tribes. Administration for Children and Families, National Welfare Reform Evaluation Conference (May 2003).
- Brown, Eddie. Administration for Children and Families. National Indian Child Welfare Conference, Planning Committee Meeting (Jan 2003).
- Brown, Eddie. Statistical Trends of Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Indian Country. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, 19th Annual Indian Child and Family Conference (Dec 2002).
- Brown, Eddie. Fostering Tribal, State and Federal Relationships: Early Findings in Assessing American Indian Adolescents' Mental Health Needs, Service Pathways and Coordination Considerations. National Indian Health Board's 19th Annual Consumer Conference (Apr 2002).
- Brown, Eddie. Welfare Reform in Indian Country: Issues for Tribal Communities and Indian Families. Boise State University, Idaho Indian Child Welfare Conference (Oct 2001).
- Brown, Eddie. Changing the Conversation: Reframing the Challenges and Opportunities in the Delivery of Family and Children Services. National Tribal Title IV-E Foster Care Conference (Sep 2001).
- Brown, Eddie. Devolution - How Far Have We Come in the Past 10 Years?. Administration for Children and Families, Region Ten Tenth Annual Tribal Grantee Conference (Dec 2000).
- Brown, Eddie. Strengthening Tribal Systems: Building a Web of Support for Indian Families. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. 16th Annual Indian Child & Family Conference (Dec 2000).
- Brown, Eddie. A Path Toward Developing Solutions that Utilize the Strengths of American Indian Families and Communities. National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics 40th Annual Workshop (Jul 2000).
- Brown, Eddie. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Welfare Reform. W.K. Kellogg Foundation/University of Maryland Devolution Initiative Meeting (Jul 2000).
- Brown, Eddie. Empowering American Indian Families: New Perspectives on Welfare Reform. George Warren Brown School of Social Work/Kathryn M. Buder Center for American Indian Studies (May 2000).
- Brown, Eddie. Working with Tribal Human Service Providers for the Development of Coordinated, Community-based Family Centered Services. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (Apr 2000).
- Brown, Eddie. Testimony on the President's budget request for Fiscal Year 2001. United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (Feb 2000).
- Brown, Eddie. Impact of TANF on American Indian Reservations: Early Evidence. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), 46th Annual Program Meeting (Feb 2000).
- Brown, Eddie. Making Welfare Work: A New Path for Empowering First Nations' Families. British Columbia First Nations Employment Society, "Making Welfare Work Conference" (Jan 2000).
- Brown, Eddie. A Framework for the Development of Research Projects with Tribal Communities. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 4th Annual Conference (Jan 2000).
- Arizona American Indian State of the Field Report Committee, Committee Member and contributor (2012 - Present)
- ITCA Annual American Indian Aging Conference, Committee Member (2012 - Present)
- Provost's American Indian Academic Council, Council member (2011 - Present)
- AIS Personnel Committee, Chair (2010 - Present)
- American Indian Policy Institute, Chairman (2010 - Present)
- American Indian Policy Institute, Executive Director (2008 - Present)
- National Congress of American Indians Policy Research Center, Co-Chair Advisory Board (2008 - Present)
- National Congress of American Indians Policy Research Center, Co-Chair Advisory Board (2008 - Present)
- National Congress of American Indians Policy Research Center, Co-Chair Advisory Board (2008 - Present)
- American Indian Policy Institute, Executive Director (2007 - Present)
- Tohono O'odham Gaming Board of Directors, Board member (2006 - Present)
- Tohono O'odham Gaming Board of Directors, Member (2006 - Present)
- ASU Internal Review Board - Alternate, Board Member (2005 - Present)
- ASU Internal Review Board - Social Sciences, Board Member (2005 - Present)
- Excuetive Committee, Center for American Indian Policy and Leadership Development, CLAS, Co-Executive Director (2005 - Present)
- Excuetive Committee, Center for American Indian Policy and Leadership Development, CLAS, Co-Executive Director (2005 - Present)
- NCAI Policy Research Center, Co-Chair (2005 - Present)
- NCAI Policy Research Center, Co-Chair (2005 - Present)
- NCAI Policy Research Center, Co-Chair (2005 - Present)
- NCAI Policy Research Center, Advisory Council (2005 - Present)
- Pathways to Sucess Council, Member (2005 - Present)
- ASU American Indian Discussion Group - Policy Initiative, Chair (2004 - Present)
- Arizona Tri-Universities for Indian Education, Member (2004 - Present)
- Heard Museum, Board member (2004 - Present)
- Heard Museum Board of Directors, Member (2004 - Present)
- United States President's Board of Advisors on Tribal Colleges and Universities, Member (2002 - Present)
- National Indian Child Welfare Tribal Child Welfare Worker Certification Council, Member (2000 - Present)
- Tohono O'odham Gaming Board of Directors, Board member (2006 - 2016)
- ASU Internal Review Board -, Alternate (2011 - 2014)
- NCAI Policy Research Center, Co-Chair (2005 - 2014)
- Advisory Council to Advisor to the Present on Indian Affairs, Coucil Member (2011 - 2014)
- Provost's American Indian Academic Council, Coucil Member (2011 - 2014)
- Advisory Council to Advisor to the Present on Indian Affairs, Coucil Member (2011 - 2013)
- Provost's American Indian Academic Council, Coucil Member (2011 - 2013)
- Arizona American Indian State of the Field Report Committee, Committee Member (2012 - 2013)
- ASU Internal Review Board -, Alternate (2011 - 2013)
- Scientific Community Advisory Council for the "Research for Improved Health" NARCH V Project, Council Member (2010 - 2013)
- Tohono O'odham Gaming Board of Directors, Member (2006 - 2013)
- NCAI Policy Research Center, Co-Chair (2005 - 2013)
- NCAI - Scientific Community Advisory Committee, Advisory Board Member (2009 - 2012)
- ASU Internal Review Board -, Alternate (2011 - 2012)
- American Indian Policy Institute, Executive Director (2007 - 2012)
- Advisory Council to Advisor to the Present on Indian Affairs, Member (2011 - 2012)
- Provost's American Indian Academic Council, Council member (2011 - 2012)
- NCAI Policy Research Center, Advisory Council (2005 - 2012)
- Tohono O'odham Gaming Board of Directors, Member (2006 - 2011)
- American Indian Studies, Director (2004 - 2010)
- Tohono O'odham Gaming Board of Directors, Member (2006 - 2009)
- Presidents Advisory Board for Tribal Colleges and Universities, Board member (2000 - 2008)
- American Indian Nursing Program, Scholarship Committee, Member (2006 - 2008)
- National American Indian Research Center Advisory Board - National Congress of American Indians, Co-Chair of Advisory Board (2005 - 2008)
- Council on Social Work Education, Member (2007 - 2008)
- Tohono O'odham Nation, Tribal Community College, Capital Campaign Fund, Member (2006 - 2008)
- Policy Core committee, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona Southwest American Indian Collaborative Network, Member (2005 - 2007)
- KAET American Indian Advisory Committe, Member (2005 - 2006)
- Task Force on the Future of George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Member (2003 - 2004)
- Governor's Unmarked Human Burial Consultation Committee, Member (1998 - 2003)
- Arizona State University Advisory Committee Training Curriculum, Member (1999 - 2002)
- National Academy of Public Administration and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Central Office, Member (1999 - 2000)
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation and University of Maryland, Scholar-Practitioner Program, Member (1999 - 2000)