Peter Goggin
Phone: 480-965-3168
Ross-Blakley Hall 343 PO Box 871401 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1401
Mail code: 1401Campus: Tempe
Peter Goggin is associate professor of English (Rhetoric) at Arizona State University where he studies and teaches theories of literacy, environmental rhetoric, and sustainability. He is the editor of Environmental Rhetoric and Ecologies of Place (2013), Rhetorics, Literacies, and Narratives of Sustainability (2009), co-editor of Serendipity in Rhetoric, Writing,and Literacy Research (2018), and author of Professing Literacy in Composition Studies (2008). His articles on literacies of sustainability, environmental rhetoric, and environmental discourse, rhetoric, and writing include publication in Composition Studies, Community Literacy Journal, and Computers and Composition. He is a senior sustainability scholar with ASU’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, and his current research includes the study of rhetorics and discourses of sustainability and globalization in oceanic islands. In addition to Arizona he has taught graduate and undergraduate courses and seminars in Romania, China, Bermuda, Boston, Pittsburgh, and Austria. He is founder and codirector of the annual Western States Rhetoric and Literacy conference, which features themes on sustainability, culture, transnationality, and place.
- Ph.D. Rhetoric and Linguistics, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- MA. English, Northeastern University
- BS. Drama-Technical Design, Northeastern University
- Goggin, Peter, & Maureen Daly Goggin, eds. Serendipity in Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy Research. University of Utah Press, 2018
- Goggin, Peter, ed. Environmental Rhetoric and Ecologies of Place. New York: Routledge/Taylor Francis, Rhetoric & Communication Series. 2013
- Goggin, Peter, ed. Rhetorics, Literacies, and Narratives of Sustainability. New York: Routledge, 2009
- Goggin, Peter N. Professing Literacy in Composition Studies. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2008
Refereed Articles/Chapters
Lockard, Joe., Goggin, Peter. Teaching Mars Literature. Science & Education (2022).
Goggin, Peter. Are Mermaids Real? Rhetorical Boundaries and the Science of Merfolk. Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures 12:1 (2018) 12-23
Goggin, Peter. "The Art of the ‘Accident’: Serendipity in Field Research." In Goggin, Peter, & Maureen Daly Goggin, eds. Serendipity in Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy Research. University of Utah Press, 2018: 129-137.
Goggin, Maureen and Peter Goggin. “Stumbling into Wisdom in Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy Research: An Introduction.” In Goggin, Peter, & Maureen Daly Goggin, eds. Serendipity in Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy Research. University of Utah Press, 2018: 3-14
Goggin, Peter. “‘Exclaveness’ and Liminality: Materialities and Rhetorics of Place at the Canadian Border.” In Brandt, Stefan L., ed. Liminal Spaces in Canadian Literature and Culture. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Canadiana Series (20), 2017: 61-71
- Goggin, Peter. “Rhetorical and Material Boundaries: Animal Agency and Presence in Small Oceanic Islands.” Rhetoric Across Borders, ed. Anne Teresa Demo. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2015. 23-34
- Goggin, Peter. “Introduction.” Environmental Rhetoric and Ecologies of Place, ed. Peter Goggin. New York: Routledge/Taylor Francis, Rhetoric & Communication Series, 2013. 1-12.
- Springer, Michael, and Peter Goggin. “Digital Cities: Rhetorics of Place in Environmental Video Games.” Environmental Rhetoric and Ecologies of Place, ed., Peter Goggin. New York: Routledge/Taylor Francis, Rhetoric & Communication Series, 2013. 111-124.
- Goggin, Peter, and Ryan Shepherd. “Reclaiming ‘Old’ Literacies in the New Literacy Information Age: The Functional Literacies of the Mediated Workstation”. Composition Studies 40.2 (2012). 66-91.
- Goggin, Peter. “Argumentation on Sustainability in Small Island Communities.” In F. H. van Eemeren, & A. F. Snoeck Henkemans (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation Amsterdam: Sic Sat International Center for the Study of Argumentation, (2011):615-627. [7,077 words] [Refereed and Peer Reviewed]
- Goggin, Peter N., and Elenore Long. “The Co-Construction of a Local Public Environmental Discourse: Letters to the Editor, Bermuda’s Royal Gazette, and the Southlands Hotel Development Controversy”. Community Literacy Journal 4(1) (2009): 5-29 [published Fall 2010]
- Goggin, Peter. “‘Enjoy Illusions, Lad, and Let the Rocks be Rocks’: Le Guin’s A Wizard of Earthsea.” The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings by Richard Bullock and Maureen Daly Goggin. New York: W. W. Norton, 2010. 754-760.
- Goggin, Peter N. “Introduction”. Rhetorics, Literacies, and Narratives of Sustainability. Ed. Peter Goggin. New York: Routledge, 2009. 1-12
- Goggin, Peter N., and Zachary Waggoner. “Sustainable Development: Thinking Globally and Acting Locally in the Writing Classroom”. Composition Studies 33 (2005): 45-67
- Goggin, Peter N., and Maureen Daly Goggin. “Presence in Absence: Discourses and Teaching (In, On, and About) Trauma.” Trauma and the Teaching of Writing. Ed. Shane Borrowman. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2005. 29-51.
- Goggin, Peter N. “When Governments Collide: The Rhetoric of Competing National Arguments and Public Space.” Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. Eds. Frans H. van Eemeren, J. Anthony Blair, Charles A. Willard, and A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans. Sic Sat International Center for the Study of Argumentation: Amsterdam, (2003): 393-396. [3,582 words] [Refereed]
Edited Journal Issues
- Goggin, Peter N. and Patricia Webb Boyd, eds. The Future of Graduate Education in the New University: Intersections between Technologies and Literacies. Special issue of Computers and Composition 26(1) (2009)
Book Reviews
- Goggin, Peter N. Review of: Frank Miller’s Sin City Volume 1: The Hard Goodbye by Frank Miller. Frank Miller’s Sin City Volume 3: The Big Fat Kill by Frank Miller. Frank Miller’s Sin City Volume 4: That Yellow Bastard by Frank Miller. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 49(5) (2006): 446-448. [Invited]\
- Goggin, Peter. "Getting the 'Big Picture' on Activity and Genre Theory." Rev. of Writing Selves/Writing Societies, eds. D Russell and C. Bazerman. Enculturation 5.2 (2004): [Refereed]
- Goggin, Peter N. “Rev. of Cyberliteracy: Navigating the Internet with Awareness by Laura J. Gurak.” Rhetoric Review 21 (2002): 294-297. [Invited]
- Goggin, Peter N. “Rev. of Contrastive Rhetoric: Cross Cultural Aspects of Second-Language Writing by Ulla Connor.” Rhetoric Review 15 (1997): 429-432. [Invited]
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 393 | Theories of Literacy |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 371 | Rhetoric of Environmental Mvmt |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 556 | Theories of Literacy |
ENG 369 | Science Fiction Studies |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 371 | Rhetoric of Environmental Mvmt |
ENG 392 | History of Rhetorical Theory |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 556 | Theories of Literacy |
ENG 371 | Rhetoric of Environmental Mvmt |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 393 | Theories of Literacy |
ENG 369 | Science Fiction Studies |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 556 | Theories of Literacy |
ENG 371 | Rhetoric of Environmental Mvmt |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 369 | Science Fiction Studies |
ENG 556 | Theories of Literacy |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 556 | Theories of Literacy |
ENG 369 | Science Fiction Studies |
ENG 371 | Rhetoric of Environmental Mvmt |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ENG 393 | Theories of Literacy |
ENG 369 | Science Fiction Studies |
International and National
- 2016 Redefining the Picturesque in Urban Archipelagos. Island Dynamics Conference: Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos, University of Hong Kong. March 11, 2016
- 2015 Constructing the Future: Expert Discourse on the Yet to Be. Rhetoric In Society Conference (RIS 5). Warsaw, Poland. June 24, 2015
- 2015 “Dear Future Generations”: A Model for Sustainability Pedagogy. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL. March 18, 2015.
- 2014 Contradictory Cartographies and Glocal Framing in Urban Archipelagos – Bermuda. Island Dynamics Conference: Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos, Copenhagen, Denmark. October 21, 2014
- 2014 Rhetorical and Material Boundaries: Animal Agency and Presence in Small Oceanic Islands. 16th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America conference. San Antonio TX, May 23, 2014.
- 2014 Environmental Rhetoric, Ecologies of Place, and Futures of Writing Studies. College Conference on Composition and Communication. Indanapolis, IN. March 21, 2014.
- 2014 Geographies, Writing, and “Offshore” Literacies. Writing Research Across Borders III. International Society for the Advancement of Writing Research, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France, February 20, 2014.
- 2013 Material Places: Cow and Chicken Agency in Small Oceanic Islands. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. University of Utah, Salt Lake City. October 26, 2013
- 2013 Incongruous Perspective: Reframing the Picturesque in Island Identities, and Rhetorics of Presence. Rhetoric as Equipment for Living. Kenneth Burke, Culture and Education. Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. May 25, 2013.
- 2013 Going “Glocal”: Considering Literacies in Isolation. College Conference on Composition and Communication. Las Vegas, NV. March 15, 2013.
- 2013 Small Citizens—Big World: Rhetorics of Power and Sustainability for Oceanic Islands in Global Contexts. Rhetoric in Society 4 Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. January 16, 2013.
- 2012 Glocalization and Literacy Sponsorship in Islands (and other Geographical Oddities): A Case Approach to Inter, Intra, and Trans-National Rhetorics and Literacies. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba. October 20, 2012.
- 2012 Reframing the Picturesque: Island Identities, Ecologies, and Rhetorics of Presence. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Philadelphia. PA. May 27, 2012.
- 2012 Ecological Literacy: Writing the Future. College Composition and Communication Conference. St Louis, MO. March 23, 2012.
- 2010 The New American University, the Humanities, and Environmental Sustainability. Panel presentation. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Las Cruces, NM. October 22-23, 2010.
- 2010 Argumentation on Sustainability in Small Island Communities. 7th Conference on Argumentation of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Amsterdam, July 2, 2010.
- 2010 Voices from the Islands: Rhetorics of Place and Sustainability in Oceanic Island Communities. College English Association Annual Conference, San Antonio TX, March 27, 2010.
- 2009 “Rhetorics of Place and the Quest for Sustainable Socio-Environmental Management in Oceanic Communities. Paper presentation. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. October 23, 2009.
- 2008 Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship Across Island Cultures. Paper presentation. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Bozeman, MT. October 25, 2008
- 2008 Shifting Literacies: New Media Studies, Science Fiction and Gaming in the High School Classroom. Panel presentation. National Council of Teachers of English. San Antonio, TX. November 20, 2008
- 2008 Islands of Sustainability: Rhetorical Constructions of Environmental Stewardship. Individual presentation. Rhetoric Society of America. Seattle, WA. May 25, 2008
- 2008 Landscapes and Literacies: Writing Realities of Sustainability in a Learning Community. Individual Presentation. College Composition and Communication Conference. New Orleans, LA. April 3, 2008
- 2007 Professional Development: Sharing With Others. College/University Roundtable Leader. National Council of Teachers of English. New York, NY. November 16, 2007
- 2007 Landscapes and Literacies: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Literacies of Sustainability in the Learning Community. Panel Presentation. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Tempe, AZ. October 16, 2007
- 2007 Teaching Sustainability in a Learning Community Writing Course. Teaching and Learning Conference. Flagstaff, AZ. August 16, 2007.
- 2006 “You May Already be Infected and Not Even Know it”: Composition’s Need for Technological Literacy in a Transdisciplinary Future. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. 21 October, 2006.
- 2005 “Enjoy Illusions, Lad, and Let the Rocks be Rocks”: LeGuin’s A Wizard of Earthsea as a Spirit of Place Parable for a Rhetoric of Sustainability and Environmental Literacy. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference, San Francisco, CA. 22, October, 2005.
- 2005 Ham, Spam, and Gramophone Records: The Cost of Composition Technology Peripherals. Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, CA. March 18, 2005.
- 2004 Sustainable Development and Social Activism: Thinking Globally and Acting Locally in the Writing Classroom. Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. 24 March 2004.
- 2003 Rhetorics and Literacies of Sustainable Societies. Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. 25 October, 2003. (Co-authored and co-presented with Zachary Waggoner.)
- 2002 Disciplining Computers and Writing. Western States Composition Conference. Seattle, WA. 25 October, 2002. (Co-authored and co-presented with Maureen Daly Goggin.)
- 2002 Social Literacies, Social Identities: (Re)Conceiving the Teaching of Writing Through a Multiliteracy Pedagogy. Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, KY. 11 October, 2002.
- 2002 When Governments Collide: The Rhetoric of Competing National Arguments and Public Space. International Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference. Amsterdam. 26 June, 2002.
- 2002 When Arguments Collide: The Environmental Impacts of Interpretation Between the Bermuda Government Landlord/Beneficiary and the United States Government Tennant/Steward of Abandoned Navy Baselands. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Las Vegas, NV. 24 May, 2002.
- 2002 Gee, Nice Street: (Re)Conceiving the Teaching of Writing through Social Literacies. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. 22 March, 2002.
- 2001 Constructing a Community: Literacy, Technology, and the Shaping of the Field of Computers and Writing. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Denver, CO. 16 March 2001.
- 2000 Social Literacies and Knowledge Construction: Can There be Such a "Thing" as Multicultural Invention? Western States Composition Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. 19 October, 2000.
- 2000 What Do We Mean By Writing Technologies? Literacy, Technology, and the Shaping of the Field of Computers and Writing. Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, KY. 6 October 2000.
- 2000 Inventing Multi-Cultural Invention: The Promises and Perils of Professing Another’s Knowledge. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Washington, DC. 25 May, 2000.
- 2000 Beyond the Bean: Exploring Spatial Dynamics of Starbucks as Literate Practice. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Minneapolis, MN. 14 April, 2000. (Co-authored and co-presented with Patricia Webb Peterson.)
- 1999 The Invisible Continuum of Literate Practices in Text and Hypertext: “Seeing” the Constraints of Linear and Nonlinear Terminology. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA. 27 March, 1999.
- 1998 The Dichotomy Trap of Linearity and Non-Linearity: Reconceiving Print Text and Digital Text in Terms of Multiple Literate Practices. Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, KY. 9 October, 1998.
- 1998 Smile When You Write That Partner: Flaming as a Sociolinguistic/Rhetorical Lens on Literate Practices. Western States Composition Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. 23 October, 1998.
- 1998 Building a Better Mouse: Will CAI Be the Next Panacea for College Composition Instruction in the 'New' Digital Literacy? Writing Program Administration Conference. Tucson, AZ. 17 July, 1998.
- 1998 Linearity, and Non-Linearity in Text and Hypertext: Challenging the Dichotomy of Terms. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. 6 June, 1998.
- 1997 Ask Not What the Internet Can Do for You... Conference on College Composition and Communication. Phoenix, AZ. 14 March 1997.
- 1996 Lost in (Cyber)Space: Coping with Plagiarism and Technology . Conference on College Composition and Communication. Milwaukee, WI. 30 March 1996.
- 1995 Plagiarism: The Next Generation. ASU Composition Conference. Tempe, AZ. February 1995.