SDOC College of Law 111 E. Taylor Street Room 482
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Mail code: 9520
Campus: Dtphx
Long Bio
Linda Demaine is the Roslyn O. Silver Professor of Law at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. She is also a faculty fellow with the Center for Law, Science and Innovation and affiliated professor of Psychology.
Professor Demaine's research interests include the empirical analysis of law, legal procedure, and legal decision making, the application of legal and psychological perspectives to social issues, ethical, legal, and social issues deriving from advances in technology, and information campaigns and persuasion. Professor Demaine teaches a Torts course and seminars in Law and Psychology and Cults and Alternative Religions. In 2005, she founded the Law and Psychology J.D./Ph.D. program, a joint venture of the college and ASU’s Department of Psychology that focuses on the analysis and improvement of law and public policy.
Before joining the ASU in 2004, Professor Demaine was a behavioral scientist and policy analyst at RAND, where she led and participated in diverse projects, including an analysis of biotechnology patents and the strategic use of deception and other psychological principles in defense of critical computer networks. She has held an American Psychological Association Congressional Fellowship, through which she worked with the Senate Judiciary Committee on FBI and Department of Justice oversight, judicial nominations and legislation. Professor Demaine also has held an American Psychological Association Science Policy Fellowship, working with the Central Intelligence Agency's Behavioral Sciences Unit on issues involving cross-cultural persuasion.
In Search of an Anti-Elephant: Confronting the Human Inability to Forget Inadmissible Evidence, 16 Geo. Mason L. Rev 99 (2008).
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‘Playing Doctor’ with the Patient’s Spouse: Alternative Conceptions of Health Professional Liability, 14 Va. J. Soc. Pol’y & L. 308 (2006).
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Process Dangers of Military Involvement in Civil Law Enforcement: Rectifying the Posse Comitatus Act, 9 N.Y.U J. Legis. & Pub. Pol’y 167 (2005) with Brian Rosen.