Victor Pambuccian
Phone: 602-543-3021
CLCC 272 Phoenix, AZ 85069-2352
Mail code: 2352Campus: West
Victor Pambuccian completed his doctorate in 1993 at the University of Michigan, with a thesis focusing on the axiomatics of Euclidean geometry, under the guidance of advisor Andreas Blass. He came to Arizona State University in 1994.
Pambuccian’s wide-ranging research interests include the axiomatics of a variety of geometries, such as affine, projective, Euclidean, ordered, equiaffine, hyperbolic and the geometry of metric planes. He also examines definability questions in several geometries, including Minkowski space. Another interest focuses on reverse geometry, which is the search for the most austere axiom systems inside which a certain theorem can be proved.
He has also translated poetry from Romanian, German, and French into English, and, supported by an NEA Literature Translation Fellowship, has edited and translated a bilingual anthology of avant-garde Romanian poetry in 2018.
A prolific author, Pambuccian has written 130 journal publications and 7 book chapters. Recent examples include (with Rolf Struve) “Axiom systems implying infinity in the foundations of geometry,“ in Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, and “Brouwer’s intuitionism. Mathematics in the being mode of existence" in Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice.
Ph.D. University of Michigan 1993
- Alexander Hulpke, Victor Pambuccian. Aristotle’s problem. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry (2015).
- Victor Pambuccian. Schatunowsky’s theorem, Bonse’s inequality, and Chebyshev’s theorem in weak fragments of Peano arithmetic. Mathematical Logic Quarterly (2015).
- . . Review of: Euclid vindicated from every blemish. Edited and annotated by Vincenzo De Risi. Translated from the Italian by G. B. Halsted and L. Allegri (2015).
- . . Review of: Les mathématiques de l’Égypte ancienne. Numération, métrologie, arithmétique, géométrie et autres problèmes (2015).
- . . Review of: Pythagoras and the early Pythagoreans. Translated from the Russian by Kevin Windle and Rosh Ireland (2015).
- Victor Pambuccian. An axiomatic look at a windmill. Indagationes Mathematicae (2014).
- Victor Pambuccian. The Green-Tao theorem on primes in arithmetical progressions in the positive cone of Z[X]. Elemente der Mathematik (2014).
- . . Review of: Archimedes-Mathematik in bewegten Zeiten (2014).
- . . Review of: Count like an Egyptian. A hands-on introduction to ancient mathematics (2014).
- . . Review of: Emil Artin’s Iceland journal 1925. Edited and annotated by Tom Artin. Dual English-German text. Translated from the German by Karin Tate (2014).
- . . Review of: Geometry of continued fractions (2014).
- . . Review of: Islamic astronomical tables. Mathematical analysis and historical investigation (2014).
- . . Review of: Methods of solving complex geometry problems, Birkhaeuser, 2013 (2014).
- . . Review of: Peirce’s logic of continuity. Docent Press (2012) (2014).
- . . Review of: Plato’s problem. An introduction to mathematical Platonism (2014).
- . . Review of: Relations between logic and mathematics in the work of Benjamin and Charles S. Peirce (2014).
- . . Review of: The Liber mahameleth. A 12th century mathematical treatise. 3 volume set (2014).
- . . Review of: The outer limits of reason. What science, mathematics, and logic cannot tell us. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 2013 (2014).
- . . Review of: The Palgrave centenary companion to Principia mathematica. Palgrave Macmillan (2013) (2014).
- Victor Pambuccian. Impossible Beginnings. Canyon Voices (2014).
- Victor Pambuccian. On the simplicity of ordered geometry. Journal of Geometry (2013).
- . . Review of: Archimedes' modern works (2012) (2013).
- . . Review of: Beautybeast, translated by Claudia Serea. Port Alsworth, Alaska: NorthShore Press, 2012 (2013).
- . . Review of: David Hilbert’s lectures on the foundations of arithmetic and logic, 1917–1933 (2013).
- . . Review of: David Hilbert’s lectures on the foundations of geometry, 1891–1902. Michael Hallett and Ulrich Majer, eds. . Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2004. Pp. xxviii + 661 (2013).
- . . Review of: Euklids Erbe. Ein Streifzug durch die Geometrie und ihre Geschichte (2013).
- . . Review of: Iamblichos von Chalkis in Koilesyrien. Ueber die Einfuehrung des Nikomachos in die Arithmetik (2013).
- . . Review of: Logical thinking in the pyramidal schema of concepts: the logical and mathematical elements (2013).
- . . Review of: Longtemps avant l’algebre. La fausse position ou comment on a pose le faux pour connaitre le vrai, des Pharaons aux temps modernes (2013).
- . . Review of: Memorii din biblioteca ideala (2013).
- . . Review of: Nascita di un'idea matematica. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale (2013) (2013).
- . . Review of: Reading Frege's Grundgesetze (2013).
- . . Review of: Selecta Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer (2013).
- Victor Pambuccian. The weight of silence past. Canyon Voices (2013).
- Victor Pambuccian. The non-planarity of K5 and K3,3 as axioms for plane ordered geometry. Journal of Geometry (2012).
- . . Review of: Conics (2012).
- . . Review of: Edmond Halley's reconstruction of the lost book of Apollonius's Conics (2012).
- . . Review of: Euclide vendicato da ogni neo (2012).
- . . Review of: Frege's conception of logic (2012).
- . . Review of: Geometries (2012).
- . . Review of: Inconsistent geometry (2012).
- . . Review of: Introduction to mathematical logic (2012).
- . . Review of: Kalkül und Sprache. Freges und Wittgensteins Überlegungen zur Bedeutung formaler Sprachen im Verhältnis zur modelltheoretischen Tradition (2012).
- . . Review of: La section des droites selon des rapports. Commentaire historique et mathématique, (2012).
- . . Review of: Metamathematische Methoden in der Geometrie (2012).
- . . Review of: Passed over in silence. On Wittgenstein’s ‘Tractatus’ and its system (2012).
- . . Review of: Platon et l'irrationnel mathématique (2012).
- . . Review of: The first six books of the Elements of Euclid with coloured diagrams and symbols. With booklet: Essay by Werner Oechslin. Facsimile of the 1847 original published by Pickering, London (2012).
- . . Review of: The selected correspondence of L. E. J. Brouwer (2012).
- Victor Pambuccian. Nirgends. Asphaltspuren (2012).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation from Armenian to German of Hermine Navasardyan's "Schwarm". Zeitgenoessische armenische Lyrik (2012).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation from Armenian to German of Hermine Navasardyan's "Sie sehen und sehen doch nicht, hoeren und hoeren doch nicht". Zeitgenoessische armenische Lyrik (2012).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Constantin Abaluta's The Small Rain. TWO LINES Online (2012).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Constantin Abaulta's On Rain's Street. TWO LINES, Passageways (2012).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Vahe Godel's "Dear friend this morning". International Poetry Review (2012).
- Victor Pambucian. Translation of Tristan Tzara's "Sunday". International Poetry Review (2012).
- Franz Kalhoff, Victor Pambuccian. Positive existential definability of parallelism in terms of betweenness in Archimedean ordered affine geometry. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (2011).
- Ioana Hociota and Victor Pambuccian. Acute triangulation of a triangle in a general setting revisited. Journal of Geometry (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Another Splitting of the Pasch Axiom. Results in Mathematics (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. The axiomatics of ordered geometry: I. Ordered incidence spaces. Expositiones Mathematicae (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. The Simplest Axiom System for Plane Hyperbolic Geometry Revisited. Studia Logica (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian, Tudor Zamfirescu. Paolo Pizzetti: The forgotten originator of triangle comparison geometry. Historia Mathematica (2011).
- . . Review of: A gyrovector space approach to hyperbolic geometry (2011).
- . . Review of: Die Erfindung der Messkunst. Angewandte Mathematik im antiken Griechenland (2011).
- . . Review of: Du zéro à la virgule. Les chiffres arabes à la conquête de l'Europe (2011).
- . . Review of: Fragmente und Spuren nichteuklidischer Geometrie bei Aristoteles (2011).
- . . Review of: Geometry. Our cultural heritage (2011).
- . . Review of: Grenzen der Mathematik. Eine Reise durch die Kerngebiete der mathematischen Logik (2011).
- . . Review of: Guglielmo Libri, matematico e storico della matematica (2011).
- . . Review of: I paradossi di Zenone nel Parmenide di Platone (2011).
- . . Review of: Il silenzio delle sirene. La matematica greca antica (2011).
- . . Review of: Liberté et vérité. Pensée mathématique et spéculation philosophique (2011).
- . . Review of: Pangeometry. Edited and translated by Athanase Papadopoulos (2011).
- . . Review of: Pappus of Alexandria: book 4 of the Collection. Translation edited and with commentary by Heike Sefrin-Weis (2011).
- . . Review of: Plato's philosophy of mathematics. 2nd ed (2011).
- . . Review of: Questiones super geometriam Euclidis. With a preface by Menso Folkerts (2011).
- . . Review of: The development of modern logic (2011).
- . . Review of: The Pythagorean theorem (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Nirgends (Nowhere). International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Poetry's historical dimension: Contemporary voices from Romania. International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Vahé Godel, "Keep the void open". TWO LINES Online (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Anemone Latzina's "Idyl". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Anemone Latzina's "Paul Celan – A biography". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Anemone Latzina's "Sometimes". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Anemone Latzina's "To a year gone by". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Cezar Ivanescu's "Memorial". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Cezar Ivanescu's "Rimaya". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Cezar Ivanescu's "The Walk". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Cezar Ivanescu's "Tower". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Gellu Naum's "Like Two Bells". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Gellu Naum's "Nobody Knew Her". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Gellu Naum's "That House". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Gellu Naum's "The Field of Stars". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Gellu Naum's "The Part that Got Wet". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Gellu Naum's "The Total Number of Numbers". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Geo Dumitrescu's "All the Way to Yellow". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Geo Dumitrescu's "Romanticism". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Geo Dumitrescu's "The Africa under the Brow". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of George Almosnino's "From Childhood". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of George Almosnino's "if you had come there where the sea and the birds". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of George Almosnino's "it was a saturday night when the library of alexandria burned down". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of George Almosnino's "names numbers names". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of George Almosnino's "Path I". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of George Almosnino's "sweet lady with little habits of the Balkans". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Ion Caraion's "Fear Doesn't Mean a Thing". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Ion Caraion's "Postponed Birth". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Ion Caraion's "The cave trickster". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Ion Caraion's "The gravediggers are out to strip". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Ion Caraion's "Unspringing with Cold Weather". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Ion Caraion's "We Live in the Crushing of Words". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Mariana Marin's "Elegy VI". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Mariana Marin's "Fighting with Utopia". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Mariana Marin's "Full Stop". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Mariana Marin's "L'apparition". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Mariana Marin's "Nachtlied". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Mariana Marin's "Poem on not being here". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Mariana Marin's "The House". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Mariana Marin's "The language written behind eyelids". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Mariana Marin's "The Red and the Black". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Nichita Stanescu's "Autumn emotion". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Nichita Stanescu's "Sentimental story". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Nora Iuga's "I no longer know". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Nora Iuga's "Now and Then it Was Tuesday". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Nora Iuga's "Pause". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Nora Iuga's "Time and Again Nothing". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Nora Iuga's "what do we read poetry with". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Richard Wagner's "For you" and "Elegy". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Richard Wagner's "Hotel California". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Stanescu's "Rain in the month of Mars". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of three poems by Elisabeth Axmann. International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Vahé Godel's "Identity Check". Two Lines (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translations of Rolf Bossert's "Obituary for the last kitchen match", "The Way Home", "The Morning After". International Poetry Review (2011).
- Victor Pambuccian. Acute triangulation of a triangle in a general setting. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (2010).
- Victor Pambuccian. Forms of the Pasch axiom in ordered geometry. Mathematical Logic Quarterly (2010).
- Victor Pambuccian. Mappings preserving the area equality of hyperbolic triangles are motions. Archiv der Mathematik (2010).
- Victor Pambuccian. Weakly ordered plane geometry. Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara (2010).
- . . Review of: Explorations in geometry (2010).
- . . Review of: Foundations of geometry based on betweenness and flag-movements (2010).
- . . Review of: Grammar, geometry and brain (2010).
- . . Review of: Logic from Russell to Church. Handbook of the History of Logic 5 (2010).
- . . Review of: Ludic proof. Greek mathematics and the Alexandrian aesthetic (2010).
- . . Review of: Mathematische Logik (2010).
- . . Review of: Projektive Geometrie und Cayley-Klein Geometrien der Ebene (2010).
- . . Review of: Souvenirs sur Sofia Kovalevskaya (2010).
- Hermine Navasardjan, Victor Pambuccian. Milchstrasse, Geheimnis. Oda. Ort der Augen 3/2010 (2010).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Barbu Fundoianu, Hertza. International Poetry Review (2010).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Elisabeth Axmann, prague, 1968. International Poetry Review (2010).
- Victor Pambuccian. Translation of Oskar Pastior, always. International Poetry Review (2010).
- Victor Pambuccian. A Reverse Analysis of the Sylvester-Gallai Theorem. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (2009).
- Victor Pambuccian. An Inequality for Triangles. The American Mathematical Monthly (2009).
- Victor Pambuccian. Can One Recover a (Spherical) Triangle from Its Medial Triangle?. American Mathematical Monthly (2009).
- Victor Pambuccian. Universal-existential axiom systems for geometries expressed with Pieri's isosceles triangle as single primitive notion. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Università e Politecnico di Torino (2009).
- Victor Pambuccian, Rolf Struve. On M. T. Calapso’s Characterization of the Metric of an Absolute Plane. Journal of Geometry (2009).
- . . Review of: A gateway to modern geometry. The Poincaré half-plane (2009).
- . . Review of: Formen der Anschauung. Eine Philosophie der Mathematik (2009).
- . . Review of: How does one cut a triangle? (2009).
- . . Review of: New essays on Tarski and philosophy (2009).
- . . Review of: Poncelet's theorem (2009).
- . . Review of: Space, geometry and aesthetics. Through Kant and towards Deleuze (2009).
- . . Review of: The philosophy of mathematical practice (2009).
- . . Review of: The unimaginable mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel (2009).
- Victor Pambuccian. Elementary versions of the Sylvester-Gallai theorem. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie/Contributions to Algebra and Geometry (2008).
- Victor Pambuccian. Lambert or Saccheri quadrilaterals as single primitive notions for plane hyperbolic geometry. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2008).
- Victor Pambuccian. On a paper of Dan Barbilian. Note di Matematica (2008).
- Victor Pambuccian. The Sum of Irreducible Fractions with Consecutive Denominators Is Never an Integer in PA-. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (2008).
- . . Review of: Completeness theory for propositional logics (2008).
- . . Review of: Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Development and history. 4th ed (2008).
- Pambuccian, Victor. Pastoral. Words Without Borders (2008).
- Victor Pambuccian. Alexandrov–Zeeman type theorems expressed in terms of definability. Aequationes Mathematicae (2007).
- Victor Pambuccian. Orthogonality as single primitive notion for metric planes. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie/ Contributions to Algebra and Geometry (2007).
- Victor Pambuccian. Point-reflections in metric plane. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie. Contributions to Algebra and Geometry (2007).
- . . Review of: Archytas of Tarentum. Pythagorean, philosopher and mathematician king (2007).
- . . Review of: Brouwer meets Husserl. On the phenomenology of choice sequences (2007).
- . . Review of: Einführung in die Logik (2007).
- . . Review of: Foundations of hyperbolic manifolds. 2nd ed (2007).
- . . Review of: Le menzogne di Ulisse. L'avventura della logica da Parmenide ad Amartya Sen (2007).
- . . Review of: Projective and Cayley-Klein geometries (2007).
- . . Review of: Projective geometry. An introduction (2007).
- Pambuccian, Victor. Inscription on a tomb. Words Without Borders (2007).
- Victor Pambuccian. Logical asides on the maximality of a subgroup. Note di Matematica (2006).
- Victor Pambuccian. Positive definitions of segment congruence in terms of segment inequality. Aequationes Matematicae (2006).
- . . Review of: Analytic hyperbolic geometry. Mathematical foundations and applications (2006).
- . . Review of: Classical geometries in modern contexts. Geometry of real inner product spaces (2006).
- . . Review of: Construction and properties of integral point sets (German) (2006).
- . . Review of: L'archivio di Guglielmo Libri dalla sua dispersione ai fondi della Biblioteca Moreniana/The archive of Guglielmo Libri from its dispersal to the collections at the Biblioteca Moreniana (2006).
- . . Review of: Landmark writings in western mathematics 1640--1940 (2006).
- . . Review of: Renaissance de la géométrie non euclidienne entre 1860 et 1900 (2006).
- . . Review of: Solving mathematical problems. A personal perspective. 2nd ed (2006).
- Pambuccian, Victor (Author) . Axiomatizations of hyperbolic and absolute geometries. Non-Euclidean geometries (2006).
- Pambuccian, Victor. I. Words Without Borders (2006).
- Pambuccian, Victor. Old Song. Words Without Borders (2006).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 371 | Advanced Calculus I |
MAT 310 | Introduction to Geometry |
MAT 590 | Reading and Conference |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 411 | History and Philosophy of Math |
MAT 590 | Reading and Conference |
MAT 310 | Introduction to Geometry |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 371 | Advanced Calculus I |
MAT 310 | Introduction to Geometry |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 590 | Reading and Conference |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 243 | Discrete Math Structures |
MAT 411 | History and Philosophy of Math |
MAT 590 | Reading and Conference |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 371 | Advanced Calculus I |
MAT 310 | Introduction to Geometry |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 243 | Discrete Math Structures |
MAT 411 | History and Philosophy of Math |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 371 | Advanced Calculus I |
MAT 445 | Theory of Numbers |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 472 | Intermediate Real Analysis I |
MAT 411 | History and Philosophy of Math |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MAT 499 | Individualized Instruction |
MAT 371 | Advanced Calculus I |
MAT 243 | Discrete Math Structures |
MAT 443 | Intro to Abstract Algebra |
- Victor Pambuccian. Aspects of proof in weak axiom systems for arithmetic and geometry. AMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting June 10-13, Porto (Jun 2015).
- Victor Pambuccian. Minimal axiom systems for number theoretical and geometric results. Logic and Theory Group, Berne (Apr 2015).
- Victor Pambuccian. Provability in axiom systems for weak arithmetic and geometry without actual proofs. REPRESENTATION AND AXIOMATIZATION: POWER AND LIMITS, Paris (Mar 2015).
- Victor Pambuccian. Zur Axiomatik der angeordneten Geometrie [On the axiomatics of ordered geometry]. Oberseminar über Algebra und Geometrie - TU Dortmund (Jul 2013).
- Victor Pambuccian. The birth of algebra and its consequences on the relations between geometry and logic. Geometry and Logic. The Shape of Mathematical Proof from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age (Jun 2013).
- Victor Pambuccian. Point-reflections in various metric planes. Talk at the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, Italy (Jun 2013).
- Victor Pambuccian. Forms of indirect proof in elementary geometries. PhilMath Intersem 2013 (Jun 2013).
- Logic Journal of the IGPL, Editorial Board Member (2010 - Present)
- Journal of Applied Logic, Editorial Board Member (2004 - Present)
- Emil Artin Junior Prize in Mathematics Committee, Member (2001 - Present)
- Mathematical Reviews, Reviewer (1992 - Present)
- Zentrablatt MATH, Reviewer (1989 - Present)
- University P&T Committee, Member (2012 - 2014)
- MNS Curriculum Committee, Member (2012 - 2014)
- NCUIRE Awards Committee, Member (2012 - 2014)
- Library Liaison Committee, Chair (2011 - 2014)
- University P&T Committee, Member (2012 - 2013)
- Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee, Member (2010 - 2012)
- Committee to Audit Post-Tenure Reviews for SBS, Member (2012 - 2012)
- Senate, Past-President (2010 - 2011)
- Universite Senate, Past President of the West Campus Academic Assembly (2010 - 2011)
- Universite Senate, President of the West Campus Senate (2009 - 2010)
- Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member (2008 - 2009)
- Curriculum Committee, Chair (1994 - 2008)