Dijiang Huang received his bachelor's degree in telecommunications from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 1995. He received his master's and doctoral degrees in computer science and telecommunications from University of Missouri-Kansas City in 2001 and 2004, respectively. He joined the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Arizona State University in 2005. He is currently an associate professor in the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence at ASU.
Huang's research is supported by National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research (ONR), ARO, HP, and Consortium of Embedded System (CES). He is a recipient of ONR Young Investigator Award and HP Innovative Research Award.
- Ph.D. Telecommunications and Computer Networking, University of Missouri- Kansas City 2004
- M.S. Computer Science, University of Missouri-Kansas City 2001
- B.E. Telecommunications, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China 1995
Research interests are in computer network security, mobile computing and cloud computing.
- Mayank Verma and Dijiang Huang. SeGCom: Secure Group Communication in VANETs. IEEE Intelligent Vehicular Communications System (ICVS) (2009).
- Dijiang Huang. Unlinkability Measure for IEEE 802.11 based MANETs. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2008).
- Dijiang Huang, Deep Medhi. A Secure Group Key Management Scheme for Hierarchical Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Ad Hoc Networks (2008).
- Hao Li, Jian Huang, Philip Sweany, and Dijiang Huang. FPGA Implementations of Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Tate Pairing over a Binary Field. Journal of Systems Architecture (2008).
- Zhibin Zhou and Dijiang Huang. Computing Cryptographic Pairing in Sensors. ACM SIGBED Review, Special Issue on the RTSS Forum on Deeply Embedded Real-Time Computing (2008).
- Huang, Dijiang and Qin, Yang. An Information Theoretic Approach for MANET Unlinkability Measure. The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU) (2008).
- Huang, Dijiang, Kandiah, Vinayak, Verma, Mayank. Privacy Preservation Services: Challenges and Solutions. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Computer Security Track (2008).
- Huang, Dijiang, Kandiah, Vinayak, Verma, Mayank. Privacy Preservation Services: Challenges and Solutions. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Computer Security Track (2008).
- Kandiah, Vinayak and Huang, Dijiang and Kapoor, Harsh. C-Mix: A lightweight Anonymous Routing Approach. Information Hiding (IH) 2008, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg (2008).
- Qin, Yang, Huang, Dijiang, Kandiah, Vinayak. OLAR: On-demand Lightweight Anonymous Routing in MANETs. The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU) (2008).
- Xiaoyan Hong, Dijiang Huang, Mario Gerla, Zhen Cao. SAT: Building New Trust Architecture for Vehicular Networks. the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (ACM MobiArch in conjunction with Sigcomm 2008) (2008).
- Yang Qin, Yin Yin, Dijiang Huang, and Nirav Shah. A Comparative Study of Anonymous 802.11 Protocols. Milcom, 2008 (2008).
- Zhou, Zhibin, Huang, Dijiang. SRK: A Distributed RFID Data Access Control Mechanism. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (2008).
- Dijiang Huang. Pseudonym-Based Cryptography for Anonymous Communications in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN) (2007).
- Dijiang Huang, Deep Medhi. On Secure Pairwise Key Establishment in Large-scale Sensor Networks. ACM Transaction on Sensor Networks (2007).
- Dijiang Huang, Manish Mehta, Appie van de Liefvoort, Deep Medhi. Modeling Pairwise Key Establishment for Random Key Predistribution in Large-scale Sensor Networks. IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking (2007).
- . . Information Assurance: Survivability and Security in Networked Systems (2007).
- N/A - record moved from Non-Refereed Articles. Automated Situation-aware Service Composition in Service-Oriented Computing. Int'l Journal on Web Services Research (IJWSR) (2007).
- Huang, Dijiang, Verma, Mayank, Ramachandran, Archana, Zhou, Zhibin. A Distributed ePedigree Architecture. (2007).
- Ramachandran, Archana, Zhou, Zhibin, Huang, Dijiang. Computing Cryptographic Algorithms in Portable and Embedded Devices. (2007).
- Zhou, Zhibin, Huang, Dijiang. RFID Keeper: An RFID Data Access Control Mechanism. (2007).
- Huang, Dijiang. On Measuring Anonymity For Wireless Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. (2006).
- Huang, Dijiang. Traffic Analysis-based Unlinkability Measure for IEEE 802.11b-based Communication Systems. (2006).
- Huang, Dijiang, Hao, Li. Admissibility and Anonymity Based Cryptography and Its Implementation in Embedded Devices. (2006).
- Huang, Dijiang, Sinha, Amit, Medhi, Deep. On Providing Confidentiality in Link State Routing Protocol. (2006).
- Williams, Sean, Huang, Dijiang. A group force mobility model. (2006).
- Williams, Sean, Huang, Dijiang. Group Force Mobility Models and Their Obstacle Avoidance Capability. (2006).
- Agrawal, Gaurav, Huang, Dijiang, Medhi, Deep. Network Protection Design for Reliable MPLS Networks. (2005).
- Huang, Dijiang. An Identity-Based Blind Key Generation and Signature Scheme. (2005).
- Huang, Dijiang. Using Delaunay Triangulation to Construct Obstacle Detour Mobility Model. (2005).
- Huang, Dijiang, Medhi, Deep. A Byzantine Resilient Multi-path Key Establishment Scheme and Its Robustness Analysis for Sensor Networks. (2005).
- Huang, Dijiang, Mehta, Manish, Medhi, Deep. Source Routing Based Pairwise Key Establishment Protocol for Sensor Networks. (2005).
- Huang, Dijiang, Sinha, Amit, Medhi, Deep. A Key Distribution Scheme for Double Authentication in Link State Routing Protocol. (2005).
- Mehta, Manish, Huang, Dijiang, Harn, Lein. RINK-RKP: A Scheme for Key Predistribution and Shared-Key Discovery in Sensor Networks. (2005).
- Huang, Dijiang, Cao, Qing. Constructing Realistic Mobility Model: A New Framework. (2004).
- Huang, Dijiang, Mehta, Manish, Medhi, Deep, Harn, Lein. Location-aware Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. (2004).
- Huang, Dijiang. Secure Link State Routing Protocol: A Framework. International Conference on Distributed Computing System (ICDCS), Doctoral Symposium (2003).
- Huang, Dijiang, Medhi, Deep, Beard, Cory, Harn, Lein. Trust Analysis of Link State Network Routing. (2003).
- Huang, Dijiang, Sinha, Amit, Medhi, Deep. A Double Authentication Scheme To Detect Impersonation Attack In Link State Routing Protocols. (2003).
- Huang,Dijiang*. Attribute-Based Cryptography for Attribute-Based Access Control. DOD-NAVY-NRL(10/1/2015 - 9/30/2018).
- Huang,Dijiang*. TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: SRN: On Establishing Secure and Resilient Networking Services. NSF-CISE-CCR(9/1/2015 - 8/31/2018).
- Huang,Dijiang*. I-Corps: (VLab): Enhancing Cyber Security Education Through A Hands-on Virtual Laboratory Approach. NSF-ENG(3/15/2015 - 9/30/2015).
- Huang,Dijiang*. OHReST: Open Human-Robotic Mobile Networking and Security Testbed. DOD-ARMY-ARO(8/1/2014 - 7/31/2016).
- Huang,Dijiang*. STE: Secure Traffic Engineering for SDN Data Center Networking. CMUSARI(12/30/2013 - 6/30/2014).
- Huang,Dijiang*. Establishing Research and Education Capacity for Mobile Cloud Computing. DOD-NAVY-ONR(6/6/2013 - 6/5/2014).
- Huang,Dijiang*. Cyber Security Analysis and Assurance using Cloud-Based Security Measurement System. DUKE UNIV(5/16/2013 - 5/15/2016).
- Mirchandani,Pitu B.*, Huang,Dijiang, Li,Baoxin. CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: A Cyber Physical System for Proactive Traffic Management to Enhance Mobility and Sustainability. NSF-CISE(10/1/2012 - 9/30/2016).
- Huang,Dijiang*. YR 2: A Secure Mobile Cloud Networking Infrastructure To Support Enterprise Mobile Applications. HEWLETT PACKARD(8/1/2012 - 7/31/2013).
- Yau,Sik-Sang*, Yau,Sik-Sang*, Ahn,Gail-Joon, Huang,Dijiang. SFS: An Information and Systems Assurance Scholarship Program. NSF-EHR-DUE(9/15/2011 - 8/31/2016).
- Huang,Dijiang*. YR 1: A Secure Mobile Cloud Networking Infrastructure to Support Enterprise Mobile Applications. HEWLETT PACKARD(8/1/2011 - 7/31/2012).
- Huang,Dijiang*, Huang,Dijiang*. Traffic Analysis Models for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Devices. DOD-ARMY-ARO(7/1/2011 - 6/30/2015).
- Huang,Dijiang*. Fortifying Data-at-Rest Encryption with a Credential/Functional-Based Encryption Layer. ATC(6/25/2011 - 1/21/2013).
- Yau,Sik-Sang*, Ahn,Gail-Joon, Huang,Dijiang. ASU Application for DoD Information Assurance Scholarship Program. DOD(9/24/2010 - 12/23/2011).
- Huang,Dijiang*, Tsai,Wei-Tek. A Cloud-based Resource and Service Sharing Platform for Computer and Network Security Education. NSF-EHR-DUE(7/15/2010 - 6/30/2013).
- Huang,Dijiang*, Huang,Dijiang*. EAGER: Collaborative Research: A Secure and resilient virtual trust routing framework for future Internet. NSF-CISE(5/1/2010 - 12/31/2013).
- Huang,Dijiang*, Huang,Dijiang*. MobiCloud: A Secure Mobile Cloud Framework for Mobile Computing And Communication. DOD-NAVY-ONR(5/1/2010 - 8/31/2014).
- Yau,Sik-Sang*, Candan,Kasim Selcuk, Dasgupta,Partha, Huang,Dijiang, Xue,Guoliang. DoD Information Assurance Scholarship (IASP) Program: Building Information Assurance forces at Arizona State University. NSA(9/11/2008 - 9/10/2009).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 584 | Internship |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 599 | Thesis |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 599 | Thesis |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 590 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 468 | Computer Network Security |
CSE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 599 | Thesis |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 792 | Research |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 548 | Adv Computer Network Security |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 468 | Computer Network Security |
CSE 499 | Individualized Instruction |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 599 | Thesis |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 792 | Research |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 792 | Research |
CSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
CSE 799 | Dissertation |
CSE 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 584 | Internship |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
CEN 790 | Reading and Conference |
CEN 580 | Practicum |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CSE 599 | Thesis |
CSE 790 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 580 | Practicum |
CEN 792 | Research |
CEN 799 | Dissertation |
CEN 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
CEN 590 | Reading and Conference |
CSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
- Qin, Yang, Yin, Yin, Huang, Dijiang. A Comparative Study of Anonymous 802.11 Protocols. MilCom 2008 (Nov 2008).
- Xiaoyan Hong and Dijiang Huang and Mario Gerla and Zhen Cao. SAT: Situation-Aware Trust Architecture for Vehicular Networks. 3rd ACM International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (ACM MobiArch 2008) (Aug 2008).
- Huang, Dijiang, Qin, Yang. An Information Theoretic Approach for MANET Unlinkability Measure. The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU) (Jun 2008).
- Qin, Yang, Huang, Dijiang, Kandiah, Vinayak. OLAR: On-demand Lightweight Anonymous Routing in MANETs. The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU) (Jun 2008).
- Huang, Dijiang, Zhou, Zhibin. SRK: A Distributed RFID Data Access Control Mechanism. The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (May 2008).
- Kandiah, Vinayak, Huang, Dijiang, Kapoor, Harsh. C-Mix: A lightweight Anonymous Routing Approach. Information Hiding 2008 (May 2008).
- Zhou, Zhibin, Huang, Dijiang. SRK: A Distributed RFID Data Access Control Mechanism. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (May 2008).
- Huang, Dijiang, Kandiah, Vinayak, Verma, Mayank. Privacy Preservation Services: Challenges and Solutions. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) (Mar 2008).
- Huang, Dijiang, Zhou, Zhibin. RFID Keeper: An RFID Data Access Control Mechanism. IEEE GlobeCom 2007 (Nov 2007).
- Huang, Dijiang. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Pairing Based Cryptography (PBC) and Applications. Communication, Network, and Information Security (CNIS) (Sep 2007).
- Huang, Dijiang, Ramachandran, Archana, Zhou, Zhibin. Computing Cryptographic Algorithms in Portable and Embedded Devices. IEEE International Conference on Portable Information Devices (PORTABLE) (Mar 2007).
- Huang, Dijiang, Verma, Mayank, Ramachandran, Archana, Zhou, Zhibin. A Distributed ePedigree Architecture. 11th International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS ) (Mar 2007).
- Undergraduate Program Committee, (2008 - 2010)
- IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC Adhoc and Sensor Networking Symposium 09), TPC member (2008 - 2009)
- Wiley Security and Communication Networks, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC Information and Network Security Symposium 2008), Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- IEEE International Workshop on Security for Mobile Wireless Communications (SeMIC08), TPC member (2007 - 2007)
- IEEE WCNC 2008, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- 12th International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS08), Finance Chair (2006 - 2007)
- IEEE Communications Letters, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- Elsevier International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- 7th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication (ADCOM), TPC member (2007 - 2007)
- 11th International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS07), Finance Chair (2006 - 2007)
- 2nd International Workshop on Ad Hoc, Sensor and P2P Networks (AHSP), Finance Chair (2006 - 2007)
- 8th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS07), Finance Chair (2006 - 2007)
- Journal of Systems and Software, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE07), TPC member (2007 - 2007)
- International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN07), TPC member (2007 - 2007)
- 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN Network security Track 2007), Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC WAS), TPC member (2007 - 2007)
- 3rd International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2007), TPC member (2007 - 2007)
- IEEE Communication Magzine, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- Elsvier Ad Hoc Networks, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- 2007 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Reviewer (2007 - 2007)
- Workshop on Information Assurance (WIA07), TPC member (2006 - 2007)
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Reviewer (2006 - 2007)
- University of Missouri Research Board (UMRB), Proposal reviewer (2006 - 2006)
- IEEE Communication Magzine, Reviewer (2006 - 2006)
- Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Reviewer (2006 - 2006)
- Journal of Computer Security, Reviewer (2006 - 2006)
- JOURNAL OF HIGH SPEED NETWORK (JHSN), Reviewer (2006 - 2006)
- IEEE Globecom06-IWS, Reviewer (2006 - 2006)
- Computer Networks, Reviewer (2006 - 2006)
- Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE), TPC member (2006 - 2006)
- IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC06), TPC member (2005 - 2006)
- International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN), Reviewer (2005 - 2006)
- Workshop on Information Assurance (WIA06), Technical Program Committee (2005 - 2006)
- 5th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations & Management 2005, Reviewer (2005 - 2005)
- Army Research Office (ARO) proposal, Proposal reviewer (2005 - 2005)
- Computer Networks, Reviewer (2005 - 2005)
- IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Reviewer (2005 - 2005)
- Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM), Reviewer (2005 - 2005)
- University of Missouri Research Board (UMRB), Proposal reviewer (2005 - 2005)
- ACM Workshop on Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (SASN), TPC member (2005 - 2005)
- International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), TPC member (2005 - 2005)