Jameson Wetmore
Phone: 480-727-0750
Interdisciplinary B, Room 278 1120 Cady Mall Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-5603
Mail code: 6002Campus: Tempe
Jameson Wetmore is an associate professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and co-director of the Center for Engagement and Training in Science and Society at Arizona State University. His work combines the fields of science and technology studies, ethics, and public policy in order to better understand both the interconnected relationships between technology and society and the forces that change those relationships over time. His research spans a broad array of topics and time periods, but most of it comes back to a recurring question: How do people design and create technological systems and, in turn, how do these technological systems help to define, reinforce and propagate specific values?
For instance, Professor Wetmore has studied how the Old Order Amish regulate the technologies they use in order to strengthen their communities. He has examined the complex systems in place in New Orleans to prevent disasters like Katrina. And he has explored how religious thinkers seek to influence the future of nanoscale research and policy. He is currently leading an NSF funded research project to study the developing community of computer scientists trained and working in East Africa. Much of this work is summed up in his co-edited book: "Technology and Society: Building our Sociotechnical Future" (MIT Press). He is chronicling daily life with an electric car at: https://techskepticgoeselectric.substack.com/
As co-director of the Center for Engagement & Training in Science and Society, Professor Wetmore works to develop ways for scientists, policymakers and others to think about the future of technology and society. As part of this center he is actively involved in training programs for graduate student scientists and engineers and works extensively with science museums and centers across the United States to find ways to integrate discussions about the social aspects of science and technology into their programming.
He is also the associate director for societal and ethical implications of the National Science Foundation's National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure Coordinating Office where he works to integrate the social studies of nanotechnology into the technical development of the field.
- Ph.D. Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University
- M.A. Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University
- B.A. Program of Liberal Studies/Concentration in Science, Technology and Values, University of Notre Dame
Field Specializations: Technology and Society; Ethics and Technology, Nanotechnology and Society, Scientific Engagement with Society, Science and Technology Studies
- Jameson M. Wetmore, Nalini Chhetri, and Mark Henderson, “Engineering in unfamiliar places: Two case studies for those who want to change the world,” IEEE Technology and Society (in press).
- Deborah G. Johnson and Jameson M. Wetmore, Technology & Society: Building our Sociotechnical Future, Second Edition, Inside Technology Series (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021).
- Jameson M. Wetmore, “Reflecting on the Dream of Automated Vehicles: Visions of Hands-Free Driving over the past 80 years/Überlegungen zum Traum vom automatisierten Fahrzeug. Visionen selbsttätigen Fahrens aus den letzten 80 Jahren,” in Stefan Esselborn (ed.) “Who’s Driving? Automation, Agency and Evidence in the History of (Automobile) Safety,” special issue of Technikgeschichte, 87(1), pp. 69-94 (2020).
- Thomas Woodson, Matthew Harsh, Michael Bernstein, Susan Cozzens, Jameson Wetmore, and Rafael Castillo, “Teaching Community Engagement to Engineers via a Workshop Approach, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice, 145(4) (2019).
- Matthew Harsh, Kerry Holden, Jameson Wetmore, G. Pascal Zachary, and Ravtosh Bal, “Situating Science in Africa: The Dynamics of Computing Research in Nairobi and Kampala,” Social Studies of Science, 49(1), February 2019, pp. 52-76.
- Jameson M. Wetmore, “Reconnecting Engineering with the Social and Political Sphere,” in Eswaran Subrahmanian, Toluwalogo Odumosu, and Jeffrey Y. Tsai (eds.), Engineering a Better Future: Interplay between Engineering, Social Sciences, and Innovation, New York: Springer, pp. 15-19 (2018).
- Matthew Harsh, Ravtosh Bal, Jameson Wetmore, G. Pascal Zachary, Kerry Holden, “The Rise of Computing Research in East Africa: The Relationship Between Funding, Capacity and Research Community in a Nascent Field,” Minerva, 56(1), 35-58 (2018).
- Matthew Harsh, Thomas Woodson, Susan Cozzens, Jameson Wetmore, Diran Soumonni, and Rodrigo Cortes, “The Role of Emerging Technologies in Inclusive Innovation: The Case of Nanotechnology in South Africa,” Science and Public Policy, 45(5), pp. 597-607 (2018).
- Jameson Wetmore, “What we can learn about vacuum cleaners from vampires?” IEEE Consumer Electronics, 7(2), March 2018, pp. 103-105.
- Matthew Harsh, Michael J. Bernstein, Jameson Wetmore, Susan Cozzens, Thomas Woodson, Rafael Castillo, “Preparing Engineers for the Challenges of Community Engagement,” European Journal of Engineering Education, 42(6), pp. 1154-1173 (2017).
- Michael J. Bernstein, Kiera Reifschneider, Ira Bennett, and Jameson M. Wetmore, “Science Outside the Lab: Helping Graduate Students in Science and Engineering Understand the Complexities of Science Policy,” Science and Engineering Ethics, 23(3), pp. 861-882 (2017).
- Carolyn Mattick, Jameson M. Wetmore, and Braden R. Allenby, “An Anticipatory Social Assessment of Factory-Grown Meat,” IEEE Technology and Society 34(1), Spring 2015, 56-64.
- Jameson M. Wetmore, “Delegating to the Automobile: Experimenting with Automotive Restraints in the 1970s,” Technology & Culture 56(2), April 2015.
- Heather E. Canary, Julie L. Taylor, Joseph R. Herkert, Karin Ellison, Jameson M. Wetmore, Carlos A. Tarin, “Engaging Students in Integrated Ethics Education: A Communication in the Disciplines Study of Pedagogy and Students Roles in Society,” Communication Education, 63, 2014, 83-104.
- Rae Ostman, Brad Herring, Ali Jackson, Ira Bennett, and Jameson Wetmore, “Making Meaning Through Conversations about Science and Society,” Exhibitionist, Spring 2013, pp. 42-47.
- Rider Foley, Ira Bennett, and Jameson M. Wetmore, “Practitioners’ Views on Responsibility: Applying Nanoethics,” in NanoEthics, December 6(3) 2012: 231-241.
- Susan E. Cozzens and Jameson M. Wetmore, Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Vol. II: Nanotechnology and the Challenges of Equity, Equality, and Development (New York, NY: Springer, 2011).
- Deborah G. Johnson and Jameson M. Wetmore, Technology & Society: Building our Sociotechnical Future, Inside Technology Series (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009).
- Joan McGregor and Jameson M. Wetmore, “Researching and teaching the ethics and social implications of emerging technologies in the laboratory,” NanoEthics 3(1), 2009, pp. 17-30.
- Jameson M. Wetmore and Jonathan D. Posner. “Should Corporations Contribute to Nano-Regulation?” Nano Today 4(3), June 2009, pp. 217-219.
- Jameson M. Wetmore, “Implementing Restraint: Automobile Safety and the U.S. Debate over Technological and Social Fixes,” in Jim Conley and Arlene Tigar McLaren (eds.), Car Troubles: Critical Studies of Automobility and Auto-Mobility (Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2009), pp. 111-126.
- Erik Fisher, Cynthia Selin, and Jameson M. Wetmore, Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Vol I: Presenting Futures (New York, NY: Springer, 2008).
- Jameson M. Wetmore, “Engineering with Uncertainty: Monitoring Air Bag Performance,” Science and Engineering Ethics, 14(2), June 2008, pp. 201-218.
- Jameson M. Wetmore, “Amish Technology: Reinforcing Values, Building Community,” IEEE Technology & Society 26(2), June 2007, pp. 10-21.
- Jameson M. Wetmore, “Distributing Risks and Responsibilities: Flood Hazard Mitigation in New Orleans,” Social Studies of Science 37(1), February 2007, pp. 119-126.
- Deborah G. Johnson and Jameson M. Wetmore, “STS and Ethics: Implications for Engineering Ethics,” New Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, edited by Ed Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael Lynch, and Judy Wajcman (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2007), pp. 567-582.
- Jameson M. Wetmore, “Redefining Risks and Redistributing Responsibilities: Building Networks to Increase Automobile Safety,” Science Technology, and Human Values, 28(3), Summer 2004, pp. 377-405.
- Jameson M. Wetmore, “Driving the Dream: The History and Motivations Behind Sixty Years of Automated Highway Systems in America,” Automotive History Review, Summer 2003, pp. 4-19.
- PI, “NNCI Coordinating Office at Georgia Tech sub award on SEI,” NSF-ECCS (2020-2025)
- Co-PI, “NNCI: Nanotechnology Collaborative Infrastructure Southwest (NCI-SW),” NSF-ECCS (2020-2025)
- Co-PI, “Research Initiation: Understanding engineering career fairs as informal professionalization learning spaces,” NSF-PFE (2022-2025)
- Senior Personnel, “IGERT: Person-centered Technologies and Practices for Individuals with disabilities” NSF-EHR (2011-2018)
- Senior Investigator of “NSEC / Center for Nanotechnology in Society” NSF-SES (2010-2016)
- PI, “Capacity Building in Computer Science as a Driver of Innovation,” NSF-SES (2013-2016)
- Co-PI of CCE STEM grant “Collaborative Research: Foundations of Social and Ethical Responsibility Among Undergraduate Engineering Students: Comparing Across Time, Institutions, and Interventions” NSF-SES (2015-2016)
- PI, Coordinator, SEI program of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, NSF-ECCS (2013-2015)
- PI, “Doctoral Dissertation Research: A Comparative Study of Community Engagement with Renewable Electricity Technology,” NSF-SES (2014-2015)
- Senior Personnel, “Partnership for Education on Climate Change, Engineered Systems, and Society,” National Academy of Engineering (2011-2014)
- Co-PI, “Science Master’s Program: Solar Energy Engineering & Commercialization” NSF-EHR (2010-2014)
- Co-leader (with Michelle Hegmon, Bob Bolin, and Abby York) of “Change is Hard: The Challenges of Path Dependence,” a SHESC Transdisciplinary Research Program (2009-2014)
- Co-PI, “Introductions to the Conduct of Socially Responsible Research: Developing and Assessing Macroethics Modules for the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Courses” NSF-SES (2010-2013)
- Co-PI, “Integrating Microethics and Macroethics in Graduate Science and Engineering Education: Development and Assessment of Instructional Models” NSF-SES (2008-2012)
- Senior Personnel, “Interaction of Engineered Nanomaterials with Artificial Cell Membranes” NSF-CBET (2009-2012)
- Senior Personnel, “Collaborative Research: Rationale Design of Enhanced Catalytic Nanomotors” NSF-CBET (2009-2012)
- Co-PI, “The Involvement of Social Scientists in Nanotechnology and Synthetic Biology,” UK Economic & Social Research Council-SSRC Collaborative Visiting Scholars (2010-2011)
- Senior Investigator of “NSEC / Center for Nanotechnology in Society” NSF-SBE (2005-2010)
- Recipient, Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, US Department of Transportation (2001-2003)
- Co- PI, Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, Science & Technology Studies Program, NSF (2001-2003)
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
HSD 593 | Applied Project |
HSD 593 | Applied Project |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
FIS 494 | Special Topics |
GTD 598 | Special Topics |
GTD 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
HSD 601 | HSD I:Human Dimension Sci Tech |
HSD 610 | Colloquium |
ASB 792 | Research |
FIS 111 | Welcome to the Future |
FIS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
HSD 601 | HSD I:Human Dimension Sci Tech |
ASB 792 | Research |
FIS 111 | Welcome to the Future |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 792 | Research |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 484 | Internship |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
FIS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
FIS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FIS 484 | Internship |
FIS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
FIS 111 | Welcome to the Future |
FIS 394 | Special Topics |
FIS 394 | Special Topics |
GTD 598 | Special Topics |
GTD 598 | Special Topics |
FIS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
FIS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
FIS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FIS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 792 | Research |
FIS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
FIS 484 | Internship |
FIS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
FIS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FIS 111 | Welcome to the Future |
FIS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 484 | Internship |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
ASB 590 | Reading and Conference |
FIS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
FIS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
FIS 484 | Internship |
FIS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 792 | Research |
GTD 501 | Global Tech and Development |
FIS 111 | Welcome to the Future |
FIS 492 | Honors Directed Study |
FIS 493 | Honors Thesis |
FIS 484 | Internship |
FIS 498 | Pro-Seminar |
FIS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
GTD 501 | Global Tech and Development |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
FIS 484 | Internship |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
ASB 799 | Dissertation |
ASB 792 | Research |
CHM 501 | Current Topics in Chemistry |
Science Outside the Lab – What was Learned,” NNCI annual meeting, University of Louisville, October 29, 2024.
“The Future of Life Extension is Here – Nanobot decision making,” Societal and Ethical Implications Workshop, University of Louisville, October 28, 2024.
“Research, Public Values, and Money,” NNCI REU/RET Webinar, July 16, 2024.
“Accelerating the Social & Scholarly Impacts of STS Scholars: The Arizona State University Winter School Experience,” with Vasiliki Rahimzadeh, Martin Perez Comisso, Rider Foley, and Nicholas Weller Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, November 9, 2023.
“Responsible Development” panel member, Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, March 5, 2024.
“Societal and Ethical Implications across the Infrastructure,” NNCI annual meeting, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, October 26, 2023.
“Science Policy: Where Values meet the Laboratory!” NNCI REU/RET Webinar, June 14, 2023.
“Women Drive Cars Too,” Science Technology and Innovation Studies Seminar, University of Edinburgh, April 24, 2023.
“Societal and Ethical Implications Training Programs in the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure,” NSF Nano Grantees Conference: Nanotechnology for Sustainable Society, Washington, DC, December 8, 2022.
“Policy and Science,” Graduate Student Association Live Webinar, North Carolina A&T State University, November 22, 2022.
“Societal and Ethical Implications in Nanotechnology,” NNCI annual meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 20, 2022.
“Science Policy: Where Values meet the Laboratory,” NCI-Southwest REU/RET Webinar, Arizona State University, June 15, 2022.
“Societal and Ethical Implications across the NNCI,” NNCI annual meeting, hosted by Northwestern University, November 2, 2021.
“Promising a Future / Building a Present through automated vehicle advertisements,” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, October 8, 2021.
“Science Policy: Where Values meet the Laboratory,” Nanotechnology Collaborative Infrastructure Southwest REU/RET Webinar, June 30, 2021.
“Enabling Societal Deliberation: Lessons from efforts in nano and society,” 13th Meeting of OECD Working Party on Bio-, Nano- & Converging Technologies, Paris, May 7, 2020.
Moderator of “Graduate Student-Led PIT,” with speakers Toby Shulruff, Farah Najar Arevalo, Salah Hamdoun, Elma Hajric, Martin Perez Comisso, IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society, November 13, 2020.
“Back to the Future: The History and Future of Autonomous Vehicles,” with Jan Becker, CEO of Apex.AI, Silicon Valley Autoware Meetup, August 27, 2020. https://www.apex.ai/meetups
“Introduction to You Decide and teaching the social side of nanotechnology,” Nanoscience Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers, online professional development program hosted by Stanford University, July 2, 2020.
“Users of Technology in the Developing World,” online hosted seminar for the TEDI London Summer School, June 22, 2020.
“Beyond the Trolley Problem: The Ethical Implications of Autonomous Vehicles,” with Jack Stilgoe, hosted online by the Ethics, Values, and Technology Project at the School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, Indiana University, June 18, 2020.
“Teaching the Social Implications of Nanotechnology to High School Students,” Teaching Nano & Emerging Technologies Webinar Series,” National Nanotechnology Initiative, March 23, 2020 can be found at www.nano.gov/TeacherNetwork; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFVUWPD5mRk&list=PLy4wjGabGUTYVQtbvHnU1G6NrdZUGZIT5&index=1
“Nanotechnology at the Start of the Millennium: A look back at the excitement and fear,” Department of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Seminar series, Oregon State University, January 27, 2020.
“Introduction to Science Outside the Lab,” College of Engineering, Oregon State University, January 27, 2020.
“SEI Societal and Ethical Implications,” Annual Meeting of the NNCI, Harvard University, October 24, 2019.
“Why do we find the Amish Fascinating?” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, New Orleans, September 7, 2019.
“Advances in Tech: The promise, potentials and pitfalls,” (with Stephanie Dinkins and Ruth Reader), C2 Montreal, Montreal Canada, May 24, 2019.
“Accepting responsibility: Why are litigation adverse car companies embracing automation?” Who’s Driving? Agency and Evidence in the History of Technical Safety, Deutsches Museum, Munich, December 6th, 2018.
“What can we learn about Technology from the Amish? Bizfeed, breakfast presentation as part of the bi-annual board meeting, US Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC., November 8, 2018.
“Re-Configuring Responsibility: Fifty years of rethinking our relationship with the automobile,” part of a panel celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Federally mandated Automobile Safety, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, sponsored by the Standing Committee on Transportation History and the Standing Committee on Occupant Protection Washington, DC, January 8, 2018.
“The Highway of Tomorrow is only 20 years away: Looking back at 80 years of automated Vehicles in the United States,” Society for the Study of New and Emerging Technologies, Phoenix, AZ, October 11, 2017.
“NSF Workshop: Publication Strategies for Junior Scholars,” (with Di Bowman), Society for the Study of New and Emerging Technologies, Phoenix, AZ, October 10, 2017.
“The Highway of Tomorrow is Always Twenty Years Away: Looking back at 80 years of automated vehicles in the United States.” History and Policy Seminar Series, Department for Transport, London, UK, July 28, 2017.
“Societal and Ethical Implications Activities in the NNCI,” First Annual NNCI Conference, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, January 18, 2017.
“Social Sciences and Nanotechnology,” NSF Nanoscale Science & Engineering Grantees Conference, Arlington, VA, December 13, 2016.
“Reconnecting Engineering with the Social and Political Sphere,” Engineering a Better Future Workshop, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, April 15, 2016.
Engaging the Public in STS: Exploring values, relationships, and systems with museum visitors, Making and Doing Session, Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, November 12, 2015 (with Rae Ostman and Ira Bennett).
“Social and Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology, NNIN REU Convocation, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, August 11, 2015.
“Tools for Sustainable Development of Impoverished Areas, Materials Research Society Annual Meeting, Boston, December 1, 2014.
“Engaging the Public in Constructive Conversation about the Future of Technology,” Materials Research Society Annual Meeting, Boston, December 1, 2014.
“Social and Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology, NNIN Research Experience for Undergraduates Convocation, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, August 12, 2014.
“Designing the Driver Out of the Equation: America’s Response to Traffic Fatalities,” Science, Technology & Innovation Studies Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, November 11, 2013.
ASU Enterprise Technology’s Responsible Innovation Guild Responsible Innovator Award (with Chris Deaton, Eusebio Scornavacca, and Lauren Withycombe-Keeler) for the creation of ASU’s Responsible Innovation Lab, 2023.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Science, Technology & Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 2022-2023
SFIS Excellence in Education Award, 2022
SFIS Director’s Service Award (for contributions as Associate Director for Academic Programs), 2021.
Association of College and University Educators and the American Council on Education Certificate in Effective College Instruction, 2018.
“Distinguished Contribution to Making and Doing,” Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, September (with Rae Ostman, Ira Bennett, David Sittenfeld, and Stephanie Long), 2017.
SFIS Director’s Service Award, 2016
SHESC Director’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 2014
Visiting Scholar, Department of Science, Technology & Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 2013-2014
‘Bright Ideas’ Visiting Research Fellow, ESRC Genomics Policy & Research Forum, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 2011 & 2012
SHESC Faculty Award for Significant Contribution to Undergraduate Education, 2009
Society of Technical Communication – Philadelphia Metro Chapter’s Award of Excellence in Technical Publications for “Amish Technology: Reinforcing Values and Building Community”, 2007
Society of Automotive Historian’s Student Paper Award for: “Driving the Dream: The History and Motivations Behind Sixty Years of Automated Highway Systems in America,” 2001
Member, Development Committee, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, AZ (2024-2025)
Member, Art Advisory Committee, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, AZ (2024-2025)
Member, Board of Trustees, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, AZ (2018-2024)
Chair, MS in Futures and Design, School for the Future of Innovation in Society (2024-present)
Chair, Masters Degrees Committee, School for the Future of Innovation in Society (2024-present)
SFIS General Studies Gold Coordinator, School for the Future of Innovation in Society (2023-2024)
Committee Chair, ASU Higher Learning Council review preparation team, Criterion 3C6 (2021-2023)
Member, ASU Higher Learning Council review preparation team, Criterion 3B3 (2021-2023)
Associate Director for Programs, School for the Future of Innovation in Society (Co-AD with Mary Jane Parmentier Fall 2021-Summer 2022) (2019-2022)
Co-Chair, Undergraduate Programs, School for the Future of Innovation in Society (with Mary Jane Parmentier) (2020-2022)
Member, SFIS Academic Program Review Committee (2021-2022)
Faculty Honors Advisor for SFIS (2020-2022)
Interim Deputy Director, School for the Future of Innovation in Society (2019-2020)
Co-Director, Center for Engagement & Training in Science & Society (2016-present)
Faculty chair, Undergraduate Programs, ASU’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society (2016-2019)
Senator, ASU Faculty Senate (2015-2018)