Rosemary Renaut’s recent research is focused on the design and analysis of computational algorithms for solving problems arising mainly in medical and geophysical applications. In particular, the commonality between these apparently disparate disciplines is the need to infer physical information, say about the Earth substructure or an internal organ such as the brain, from measurements that are taken relating to a model of a physical situation. In the geophysics situation this might be gravity survey measurements taken on the surface over an area in which one expects to find a variable subsurface structure, characterized by different density values. This situation typifies many of the challenges associated with effectively and solving inverse problems, namely that the sample size is typically small in relation to the required number of parameters, that the data are often corrupted by noise, and that the underlying model is ill-posed.
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of Cambridge, UK 1985
S. Vatankhah, R. A. Renaut and V. E. Ardestani. Regularization Parameter Estimation for Underdetermined problems by the $\chi^2$ principle with application to 2D focusing gravity inversion. Inverse Problems (2014).
S. Vatankhah, V. E. Ardestani and R. A. Renaut. Automatic estimation of the regularization parameter in 2-D focusing gravity inversion: an application to the Safo manganese mine in northwest of Iran. Geophysics and Engineering (2014).
R. A. Renaut, R. Baker, M. Horst, C. Johnson, and D. Nasir,. Stability and error analysis of the polarization estimation inverse problem for microbial fuel cells. Inverse Problems (2013).
R. A. Renaut, Y. Lin, and H. Guo. Multisplitting for Regularized Least Squares with Krylov Subspace Recycling. Numerical Linear Algebra and its Applications (2012).
W. Stefan, A. Viswanathan, A. Gelb and R. A. Renaut. Sparsity Enforcing edge detection method for blurred and noisy Fourier data. J. Scientific Computing (2012).
W. Stefan,, K. Chen, H. Guo, R. Renaut and S. Roudenko. Wavelet-based denoising of positron emission tomography scans. J Scientific Computing ( see comment International J. Biomedical Imaging.) Accepted to IJ Biomedical Imaging, but we objected to the publication costs and resubmitted to J Scientific Computing. Is now in press (2012).
A. Viswanathan, A. Gelb, D. Cochran and R. A. Renaut. On Reconstruction from Non-uniform Spectral Data. J. Scientific Computing (2010).
H. Guo R. A. Renaut, K.~Chen, and E. Reiman. Reducing modeling error of graphical methods for estimating volume of distribution measurements in PIB-PET study. Mathematical Biosciences (2010).
Jodi Mead, Rosemary Renaut. Least Squares problems with inequality constraints as quadratic constraints. Linear Algebra and its Applications (2010).
Rosemary A. Renaut Iveta Hnetynkováa, and Jodi Mead. Regularization parameter estimation for large-scale Tikhonov regularization using a priori information. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2010).
W. Stefan, R. A. Renaut and A. Gelb. Improved Total variation-type regularization using higher order edge detectors}. SIAM J. Imaging Sciences (2010).
W.-J. Chen, H. Guo, R. A. Renaut, and K. Chen. A new SVM Model for classifying genetic data. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics and Chemoinformatics (BCBGC-10), isbn = {978-1-60651-017-9}, {Orlando, Florida, USA}, published by IRST. Mukesh Doble, William Loging, Zhirong Sun (Editors) (2010).
H. Guo, R. A. Renaut, K. Chen and E. Reiman. FDG–PET parametric imaging by total variation minimization. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (2009).
H. Nam, Rosemary Renaut, K. Chen, Hongbin Guo. Improved inter-modality image registration using normalized mutual information with coarse-binned histograms. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (2009).
Rosemary Renaut, Jodi mead. A Newton root-finding algorithm for estimating the regularization parameter for solving ill-conditioned least squares problems. Inverse Problems (2009).
. A Structured Data Least Squares Algorithm and its Application in Digital Filtering. (2008).
H Guo, Rosemary Renaut, K Chen. An Input Function Estimation Method for FDG-PET Human Brain Studies. Nuclear Medicine and Biology (2007).
K Chen, X Chen, Rosemary Renaut, G Alexander, D Bandy, H Guo, E Reiman. Characterization of the image-derived carotid artery input function using independent component analysis for the quantitation of [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography images,. Physics in Medicine and Biology (2007).
Kewei Chen, Xu Xhen, Rosemary Renaut, Gene Alexander, Hongbin Guo, Eric Reiman. Characterization of the image-derived carotid artery input function using independent component analysis for the quantitation of [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography images. Physics in Medicine and Biology (2007).
W Stefan, E Garnero, Rosemary Renaut. Signal restoration through deconvolution applied to deep mantle seismic probes, with electronic supplement. Geophys. J Int (2006).
Cristina Negoita, Rosemary Renaut. On the Convergence of the Generalized Linear Least Squares Algorithm. BIT (2005).
H Guo, Rosemary Renaut. Parallel Variable Distribution for Total Least Squares. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (2005).
Rosemary Renaut, Guo Hongbin. Efficient Algorithms for Solution of Regularized Total Least Squares. SIAM J Matrix Analysis (2005).
Beaudry, C, Berens, M, El Doker, T, Joy, A, Karam, L, Lacroix, Z, Lutfi, J, Moturu, S, Renaut, Rosemary. Automated Characterization of cellular migration phenomena. (2005).
H Guo, Rosemary Renaut. Estimation of ${\bf u}^T f(A){\bf v}$ for large-scale unsymmetric matrices. Numerical Linear Algebra and its Applications (2004).
Kewei Chen, Eric Reiman, Gene Alexander, Daniel Bandy, Rosemary Renaut, William Crum, Nick Fox, Martin Rossor. An Automated Algorithm for the Computation of Brain Volume Change from Sequential MRI's Using an Iterative Principal Component Analysis and Its Evaluation for the Assessment of Whole Brain Atrophy Rates in Patients with Probable Alzheimer's Disease. Neuroimage (2004).
Richard Archibald, Anne Gelb, Kewei Chen, Rosemary Renaut. Improving tissue segmentation of human brain MRI through preprocessing by the Gegenbauer reconstruction method. NeuroImage (2003).
S Georgapolous, C Birtcher, C Balanis, Rosemary Renaut. HIRF Penetration and PED Coupling Analysis for Scaled Fueslage Models Using a Hybrid Subgrid FDTD(2,2)/FDTD(2,4) Method. IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatability (2003).
Hongbin, Guo, Renaut, Rosemary, Chen, Kewei. Clustering for three dimensional Kinetic PET data. (2003).
. Special Issue : Education in Computational Sciences. (2003).
J Mead, Rosemary Renaut. Accuracy, Resolution and Stability Properties of a Modified Chebyshev Method. SIAM Journal Scientific and Statistical Computing (2002).
S Georgapolous, C Birtcher, C Balanis, Rosemary Renaut. Higher-order finite-difference schemes for electromagnetic radiation, scattering, and penetration: part I: Theory. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine (2002).
S Georgapolous, C Birtcher, C Balanis, Rosemary Renaut. Higher-order finite-difference schemes for electromagnetic radiation, scattering, and penetration: part II: Applications. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine (2002).
S Georgapolous, Rosemary Renaut, C Balanis, C Birtcher, A Panaretos. A Hybrid Method of FDTD(2,4) and Subgrid FDTD(2,2) for Modeling of Coupling. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (2002).
Z Jackiewicz, Rosemary Renaut. A note on stability of pseudospectral methods for wave propagation. JCAM (2002).
J Mead, Rosemary Renaut, B Welfert. Stability of a Pivoting Strategy for Parallel Gaussian Elimination. BIT (2001).
S Georgapolous, Rosemary Renaut, C Balanis, C Birtcher. A Hybrid Fourth-Order FDTD Utilizing a Second-Order Subgrid. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components (2001).
Guo, H, Renaut, Rosemary. A Regularized Total Least Squares Algorithm. (2001).
Z Jackiewicz, Rosemary Renaut. Diagonally Implicit Multistage Methods for Pseudospectral Solutions of the Wave Equation. Applied Numerical Methods (2000).
Chen, C, Renaut, Rosemary, Chen, K. Total Least Squares Image Reconstruction for Positron Emission Tomography. CSREA Press (2000).
Negoita, C, Renaut, Rosemary, Chen, K. Determination of individual cerebral glucose uptake parameters in PET Alzheimer studies utilizing non-invasive acquisition procedures. CSREA Press (2000).
Gelb,Anne*, Platte,Rodrigo B, Renaut,Rosemary Anne. International Conference on High Order and Spectral Methods Participant costs:2014. DOD-NAVY-ONR(6/15/2014 - 9/1/2015).
Renaut,Rosemary Anne*, Gelb,Anne, Platte,Rodrigo B. Participant expenses: International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods 2014. DOD-AFOSR(6/1/2014 - 5/31/2015).
Gelb,Anne, Renaut,Rosemary Anne. Particiant support: International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods 2014. NSF-MPS-DMS(3/1/2014 - 2/28/2015).
Gelb,Anne*, Platte,Rodrigo B, Renaut,Rosemary Anne. Development and Analysis of Non-Classical Numerical Approximation Methods. DOD-AFOSR(7/15/2012 - 7/14/2015).
Torres,Cesar I*, Popat,Sudeep C, Renaut,Rosemary Anne, Rittmann,Bruce Edward. Characterizing electron transport resistances from anode-respiring bacteria using electrochemical techniques. DOD-NAVY-ONR(2/1/2012 - 7/31/2015).
Renaut,Rosemary Anne*, Renaut,Rosemary Anne*, Bimonte-Nelson,Heather, Coon,David Wayne, Gonzalez,Graciela H, Marchant,Gary E, Sierks,Michael Richard. C/S: AZ ASU Alzheimer's Research Center Project - 12. INT ASU(7/1/2009 - 6/30/2010).
Renaut,Rosemary Anne*. NSF IPA (Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment) Assignment for Dr. Rosemary Renaut. NSF-MPS(10/20/2008 - 8/31/2011).
Renaut,Rosemary Anne*, Bimonte-Nelson,Heather, Coon,David Wayne, Johnston,Stephen Albert, Marchant,Gary E, Sierks,Michael Richard, Ye,Jieping. AZ ASU Alzheimer's Reserach Center Project- Year 11. AADC(7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009).
Kostelich,Eric John*, Armbruster,Hans Dieter, Crook,Sharon Marie, Crook,Sharon Marie, Gardner,Carl L, Gelb,Anne, Jackiewicz,Zdzislaw, Jones,Donald, Lopez,Juan Manuel, Mahalov,Alex, Renaut,Rosemary Anne, Ringhofer,Christian, Welfert,Bruno Denis. CSUMS: Undergraduate research Experiences for Computational Math Science Majors at ASU. NSF-MPS-DMS(9/15/2007 - 8/31/2014).
Guo,Hongbin*, Renaut,Rosemary Anne. Improve the Quality of FDG-PET Parametric Imaging with Spatial Continuity Regularization (Project 7-3). AZ ADCC(8/15/2007 - 6/30/2009).
Gelb,Anne*, Cochran,Douglas, Eubank,Randall, Renaut,Rosemary Anne, Roudenko,Svetlana. FRG: Collaborative Research: Integrated Mathematical Methods in Medical imaging. NSF-MPS-DMS(8/15/2007 - 7/31/2012).
Renaut,Rosemary Anne*, Aiken,Leona S, Bimonte-Nelson,Heather, Coon,David Wayne, Farin,Gerald E, Johnston,Stephen Albert, Sierks,Michael Richard. AZ ASU Alzheimer's Research Center Project - Year 10. AADC(7/1/2007 - 6/30/2008).
Alexander,Gene Evans*, Bimonte-Nelson,Heather, Coon,David Wayne, Farin,Gerald E, Johnston,Stephen Albert, Renaut,Rosemary Anne, Sierks,Michael Richard. AZ ASU Alzheimer's Research Center Project. AZ ADCC(7/1/2006 - 6/30/2007).
Renaut,Rosemary Anne*. Institute for Mathematics and Its Application 2005-06 Program "Imaging". U of Minn(10/2/2005 - 11/19/2005).
Renaut,Rosemary Anne*, Alexander,Gene Evans, Farin,Gerald E, Gelb,Anne. IMPROVED ALGORITHMS FOR PET/MR PHYSIOLOGICAL ESTIMATES. HHS-NIH-NIBIB(9/20/2003 - 8/31/2007).
Rosemary Renaut. Resolution Arguments via the Singular Value Expansion for the Efficient Estimation of Regularization Parameters in the Solution of Ill-Posed Problems. Householder Symposium June 2014 (Jun 2014).
Rosemary Renaut. Biofuel cell polarization estimation inversion of electrochemical impedance spectroscopic measurements: Importance of Model Formulation. Workshop Mathematical Biosciences Institute (Mar 2014).
Rosemary Renaut. Biofuel cell polarization estimation: Inversion of electrochemical impedance spectroscopic measurements. Seminar University of Arizona (Feb 2014).
Rosemary Renaut. Non-negatively constrained least squares and parameter choice by the residual periodogram for the inversion of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Computational Seminar, Purdue University (Oct 2013).
Rosemary Renaut and Yi Wang. Automatic estimation of regularization parameters: initial steps. Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Workshop, July 27, 2013 (Jul 2013).
Rosemary Renaut. Signal and image restoration: solving ill-posed inverse problems - estimating parameters. Seminar, May 10, 2013, Weill Cornell Medical College (May 2013).
Rosemary Renaut. Signal and Image Restoration: Solving Ill-Posed Inverse Problems - Estimating Parameters. Workshop on Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging (Apr 2013).
Rosemary Renaut. Signal and Image Restoration: Solving Ill-Posed Inverse Problems - Numerical Analysis. Mathematical Challenges in Biomolecular/Biomedical Imaging and Visualization (Feb 2013).
Rosemary Renaut. Computational Issues Relating to Inversion of Practical Data. Bridging the Gap, Math-Geo, Princeton (Oct 2012).
Rosemary Renaut. Stability Analysis for Estimating Parameters in the Split Bregman Algorithm for Signal Restoration. Gamm Applied Linear Algebra, Liblice, Czech Republic, (Sep 2012).
Rosemary Renaut. Generalized Picard Condition Analysis for Estimating Parameters in the Split Bregman Algorithm for Noisy Data. MS presentation, SIAM Imaging Sciences (May 2012).
Rosemary Renaut. Solution of ill-posed inverse problems pertaining to signal restoration : Revealing Noise in the Basis,. Numerical Analysis Seminar, Edinburgh University (Apr 2012).
Rosemary Renaut. Solution of ill-posed inverse problems pertaining to signal restoration : Total Variation restoration. Scientific Computing Seminar, University of Manchester, (Mar 2012).
Rosemaru Renaut. Solution of ill-posed inverse problems pertaining to signal restoration : Total Variation restoration. Computational Mathematics Seminar, Oxford University (Mar 2012).
Rosemary Renaut. Solution of Ill-Posed Problems pertaining to signal restoration and feature extraction. School of Mathematical Sciences, Leeds University (Mar 2012).
Rosemaru Renaut. An approach for robust segmentation of images from arbitrary blurred and noisy Fourier data. n- stitute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, Prague (Jan 2012).
Rosemary Renaut. Algorithms Towards Improving Data Uncertainty in Image Analysis Problems: Examples from Positron Emission Tomography Images. Molecular Basis of Disease Distinguished Lecture Series Georgia State University (Dec 2011).
Rosemary Renaut. An approach for robust segmentation of images from arbitrary blurred and noisy Fourier data. Department Seminar, Department of Numerical Mathematics (Nov 2011).
Rosemary Renaut and Youzuo Lin. Recycling Krylov Subspaces for Efficient Schwarz Algorithms with Extensions to Solve Regularized Least Squares Problems. Householder Symposium XVIII, Lake Tahoe, June 2011 (Jun 2011).
Rosemary Renaut. An approach for robust segmentation of images from arbitrary Fourier data using l1 minimization techniques. Large-scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty, Institute of Mathematics and Its App (Jun 2011).
Rosemary Renaut. NSF SEES Presentation. Large-scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty (Jun 2011).
Rosemary Renaut. Sparsity Enforcing Edge Detection Method for Blurred and Noisy Fourier Data. Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Temple University, April 2011 (Apr 2011).
Rosemary Renaut. Sparsity Enforcing Edge Detection Method for Blurred and Noisy Fourier Data. SIAM Computational Science and Engineering Meeting (Mar 2011).
Rosemary Renaut, Wolfgang Stefan, Aditya Viswanathan, Anne Gelb. Sparsity Enforcing Edge Detection Method for Blurred and Noisy Fourier Data. February Fourier Talks, 2011, University of Maryland, College Park. February 2011 (Feb 2011).
Rosemary Renaut. Multisplitting for Solving the Regularized Least Squares Problem with Krylov Subspace Recycling. AMS sectional meeting, Syracuse (Oct 2010).
Rosemary Renaut and Y Lin. Multisplitting for Regularized Least Squares: Tikhonov, Total Variation and Krylov Updating. IMA Linear Algebra and Optimization Conference Birmingham England (Sep 2010).
Rosemary Renaut, Y Lin and H Guo. Multisplitting for Regularized Least Squares: Tikhonov,TV and Krylov updating. 16th Conference International Linear Algebra Society, Pisa, Italy, Minisymposium speaker (Jun 2010).
Rosemary Renaut, Y Lin and H Guo. Multisplitting for Regularized Least Squares: Tikhonov, TV and Krylov updating. BIT 50th Anniversary Meeting - Trends in Numerical Computing - speaker at Invited MS (Jun 2010).
Rosemary Renaut and Jodi Mead. Deblurring for Related Images Using Hybrid Regularization: Multiple Systems. SIAM J Imaging Science, Minisymposium speaker (Apr 2010).
Rosemary A Renaut. Hybrid LSQR algorithms for Image Deblurring and Signal Restoration. Colloquium at the FDA (Nov 2009).
Rosemary A Renaut. Hybrid LSQR algorithms for Image Deblurring and Signal Restoration}. Colloquium University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Mathematics (Oct 2009).
Rosemary Renaut. Numerical Linear Algebra Education and Industry. SIAM Applied Linear Algebra: Numerical Linear Algebra Education and Industry (Oct 2009).
Rosemary A Renaut. Minisymposium Organizer at the SIAM Meeting on Applied Linear Algebra, with eight talks. Statistically-Motivated Iterative Techniques and Regularization. SIAM Meeting on Applied Linear Algebra (Oct 2009).
Rosemary A Renaut. Mini symposium Statistical Methods for Inverse Problems 8 talks. SIAM Annual Meeting (Jun 2009).
Rosemary A Renaut. Statistical Regularization Approaches for Linear/Nonlinear Inverse Problems: Hybrids. Inverse Problems Workshop, Colorado State University (Jun 2009).
Rosemary Renaut. A Hybrid LSQR Regularization Parameter Estimation Algorithm for Large Scale Problems. SIAM Annual Meeting Presented at a minisymposium on Statistical Methods for Inverse Problems (Jun 2009).
Rosemary A Renaut. Statistically-Based hybrid LSQR Newton method for finding the Regularization Parameter: Application in Image Deblurring and Signal Restoration. Department of Mathematics, University of Texas Austin (May 2009).
Rosemary A Renaut. tatistically-Based hybrid LSQR Newton method for finding the Regularization Parameter: Application in Image Deblurring and Signal Restoration. University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Computer Science (Apr 2009).
Rosemary A Renaut. A Statistical Properties of the Regularized Least Squares Functional and a hybrid LSQR Newton method for Finding the Regularization Parameter: Application in Image Deblurring and Signal Restoration. Midwest Conference on Mathematical Methods for Images and Surfaces (Apr 2009).
Renaut, Rosemary. Information Extraction from PET Images. SIAM Imaging Conference (May 2006).
Renaut, Rosemary. Iteratively Regularized Gauss Newton with Variable Weighting. Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative MEthods (Apr 2006).
Renaut, Rosemary. The Computational Biosciences Program at ASU. Georgia State University (Feb 2006).
Renaut, Rosemary. Ill-posed Inverse Problems: Algorithms and Applications Total Least Squares. San Diego State University, Colloquium series (Feb 2006).
Renaut, Rosemary, Guo, H, Nam, H, Stefan, W, Chen, K. Challenges in Quantification of PET images : registration and restoration techniques. IMA workshop: Frontiers in Imaging (Nov 2005).
Renaut, Rosemary. The Computational Biosciences PSM at ASU. US Water Conservation Lab (Nov 2005).
Renaut, Rosemary, Chen, Kewei, Hongbin, Guo. Modifying a Linear Support Vector Machine for Microarray Data Classification Householder (May 2005).
Renaut, Rosemary. The Computational Biosciences PSM at ASU. MAA section Meeting (Apr 2005).
Renaut, Rosemary. The Computational Biosciences PSM at ASU. Sloan conference on PSM (Feb 2005).
Renaut, Rosemary. Iterative Algorithms for Solution of Regularized Total Least Squares. SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (May 2004).
Renaut, Rosemary. Parallel Variable Distribution for Total Least Squares. Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods (Mar 2004).
Renaut, Rosemary. Algorithmic Issues with Generation of Parametric PET Images. INFORMS (Oct 2003).
Renaut, Rosemary. Efficient and Novel Iterative Algorithms for Solution of Regularized Total Least Squares. IMACS 03 (Oct 2003).
Renaut, Rosemary. Regularized Total Least Squares for Image Reconstruction. SIAM Annual Meeting (Jul 2002).
Renaut, Rosemary. Computational Issues in Medical Imaging Applications. BIOCOMP2002 (Jun 2002).
Renaut, Rosemary. A Newton Iteration for estimating the regularizing parameter for least squares.
Renaut, Rosemary. Efficiently estimating the Regularization Parameter for Least Squares problems: a Newton algorithm using the $\chi^2$ distribution of the cost functional. Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
Renaut, Rosemary. Improving the efficiency of the $\chi^2$ Regularization Method for Large Scale Regularized Least Squares. SIAM Annual Meeting: Minisymposium
Renaut, Rosemary. Statistical Properties of the Regularized Least Squares Functional and a hybrid LSQR Newton method for Finding the Regularization Parameter: Application in Image Deblurring and Signal Restoration.
Renaut, Rosemary. The Chi-squared Distribution of the Regularized Least Squares Functional for Regularization Parameter Estimation.
Renaut, Rosemary. The Chi-squared Distribution of the Regularized Least Squares Functional for Regularization Parameter Estimation. Gamm Workshop on Applied Linear algebra
Renaut, Rosemary. Issues with Generation of Parametric Images from Positron Emission Tomography. Symposium of the Computational Biology Society
Renaut, Rosemary. Challenges for PET image Processing. Department Colloquium
Renaut, Rosemary. Challenges in Improved Sensitivity of Quantification of PET Data for Alzheimer’s Disease Studies. Math Theory Bio Institute m ASU
Renaut, Rosemary. Determining the Regularization Parameters for the Solution of Ill-posed Least Squares: A Newton method using the $\chi^2$-distribution. Colloquium
Renaut, Rosemary. Determining the Regularization Parameters for the Solution of Ill-posed Least Squares: A Newton method using the $\chi^2$-distribution. Seminar
Renaut, Rosemary. Determining the Regularization Parameters for the Solution of Ill-posed Least Squares: A Newton method using the $\chi^2$-distribution. Seminar Temple University
Renaut, Rosemary. Postprocessing of nonuniform MRI Data. Minisymposium
Renaut, Rosemary. Regularization Parameter Estimation for Least Squares. Inverse problems
Renaut, Rosemary. Regularization Parameter Estimation for Least Squares: Using the chi^2-curve. Computational Methods with Applications
Renaut, Rosemary. Regularization Parameter Estimation for Least Squares: Using the chi^2-curve. Czech-France-Germany Optimization Meeting
Renaut, Rosemary. Regularization Parameter Estimation for Least Squares: Using the chi^2-curve. Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, IMA Meeting,
Renaut, Rosemary. Towards Improved Sensitivity in Feature Extraction from Signals: one and two dimensional. Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing