Timothy Tyrrell
Affiliate Global Futures Scholar,
Global Futures Scientists and Scholars
Phone: 480-266-9441
UCENT 580 E PHOENIX, AZ 85004-0690
Long Bio
1978-2005: Professor, Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (ENRE), University of Rhode Island (URI), Kingston, Rhode Island. (Currently Emeritus Professor)
2006-2008: Associate Dean, College of Public Programs, Arizona State University.
2005-2013: Professor, School of Community Resources and Development, Arizona State University.
2007–2013 Director, Center for Sustainable Tourism, Arizona State University
2013-present Adjunct Professor
Research Interests
Sustainable destination communities
Hotel Revenue Management
Econometric Methods and Dynamic Models
- Lee, Woojin and Timothy Tyrrell. Arizona Meeting Planners' Use of Social Networking Media. Web 2.0 in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality: Theory, Practice, and Cases (2011).
- Tyrrell, Timothy Jay. Solving Little Math Problems about Community Tourism. Discovery of Tourism Economics (2011).
- Tyrrell, Timothy, Cody Morris Paris and Mallory Casson. Evaluating Tourism Community Preferences. Tourism Analysis (2010).
- Perdue, R., T.J. Tyrrell and M.Uysal. Understanding the value of tourism: a conceptual divergence. Tourism Research: a 20-20 vision (2010).
- Budruk, Megha, Heidi Thomas and Timothy Tyrrell. Urban green spaces: A study of place attachment and environmental attitudes in India. ", Society and Natural Resources (2009).
- Chapman, Jeffrey, Robert Johnston and Timothy Tyrrell. Implications of a Land Value Tax with Error in Assessed Values. Land Economics (2009).
- Tyrrell, Timothy and Robert Johnston. An Econometric Analysis of the Effects of Tourism Growth on Municipal Revenues and Expenditures. Tourism Economics (2009).
- Tyrrell, Timothy and Robert Johnston. Tourism sustainability, resiliency and dynamics: Towards a more comprehensive perspective. Tourism and Hospitality Research (2008).
- Johnston, Robert and Timothy Tyrrell. Management exercises and trainer’s note in sustainable tourism and dynamics. " International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research (2007).
- Johnston, Robert and Timothy Tyrrell. Sustainability and Tourism Dynamics. Tourism Management: Analysis, Behaviour and Strategy (2007).
- Tyrrell, Tim and Ted Martens. Tourism Industry Productivity across Metropolitan Areas in the US. Tourism, Fundamentals and Concepts for Achieving Growth and Competitiveness (2007).
- Anderson, Christopher, Chhandita Das and Timothy Tyrrell. Parking Preferences among Tourists in Newport, Rhode Island. Transportation Research Review, Part A (2006).
- Timothy Tyrrell, Robert Johnston. The Economic Impacts of Tourism: A Special Issue. Journal of Travel Research (2006).
- Robert Johnston, Timothy Tyrrell. A Dynamic Model of Sustainable Tourism. Journal of Travel Research (2005).
- Robert Johnston, Timothy Tyrrell. Estimating Recreational User Counts: Corrigendum. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2005).
- Timothy Tyrrell, Mark Okrant. Importance-Performance Analysis: Some Recommendations from an Economic Planning Perspective. Tourism Analysis (2004).
- Robert Johnston, Stephen Swallow, Timothy Tyrrell, Dana Bauer. Rural Amenity Values and Length of Residency. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2003).
- Robert Johnston, Timothy Tyrrell. Estimating Recreational User Counts. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2003).
- Andrada Pacheco, Timothy Tyrrell. Testing Spatial Patterns and Growth Spillover Effects in Clusters of Cities. Journal of Geographical Systems (2002).
- Timothy Tyrrell, Robert Johnston. Estimating Regional Visitor Numbers. Tourism Analysis (2002).
Research Activity
- Tyrrell,Timothy J*. Economic Impact of Riverside County Detention Center on Tourism. (6/1/2009 - 12/30/2009).
- Tyrrell,Timothy J*. On-Line CMP Study Program. MPI(3/1/2008 - 2/28/2011).
- Tyrrell,Timothy J*, Virden,Randy Jay. Modeling of NPS Visitation Trends. DOI-NPS(11/15/2007 - 7/1/2010).
- Tyrrell,Timothy J*. Multicultural Meetings Professional Certification (MMPC). GREATER PHOENIX C&V BUR(7/1/2007 - 12/31/2008).
- College of Public Programs Search Committee for Director of Student Affairs and Academic Services, Chair (2006 - 2006)