Pamela Swan
Phone: 480-884-2545
ABC1 Room 225 Phoenix, AZ 85004
Mail code: 9020Campus: Dtphx
Pamela D. Swan has been at ASU for 29 years. She is an associate professor of exercise science in the College of Health Solutions. Swan is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and a fellow of the The Obesity Society. She studies the physiological effects of exercise on obesity and chronic disease. She received the ASU's Outstanding Doctoral Mentor Award in 2014.
Swan's research focus has been to study the physiological effects of exercise and diet on obesity and chronic lifestyle diseases. Recently her attention has been to explore novel physical activity modalities (such as whole body vibration exercise training) to help improve metabolic and musculoskeletal fitness in women following extreme weight loss (i.e., bariatric surgery).
- Ph.D. Exercise Physiology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1991. Dissertation: "The effects of body fat distribution on metabolism at rest and during exercise in women." Dissertation Director: Edward Howley.
- M.S. Exercise Physiology, University of North Carolina, Greensboro 1987. Thesis: "Relationship of left ventricular posterior wall thickness with physical activity status in postmenopausal women." Thesis Director: Diane Spitler.
- B.A. University of California-Santa Barbara 1978
Recent Publications:
Swan PD, Garber CE, Ainsworth BE, Hubal MJ, Ransdell L., Millard-Stafford M, Panton LB (2022). “Preeminent Women in Exercise Physiology and Their Contributions to Title IX”, Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 30(2), 89-96.
Caveidas J, Li B, Swan PD, Chen J (2022). “A New Wearable Stretch Sensor Array for 3D Spine Model Visualization During Therapeutic Exercise”, Medical Engineering & Physics. Volume 99, January 2022.
Wherry S, DerAnanian C, Swan PD (2019). "Feasibility of a home-based balance intervention in middle-aged women using Wii Fit Plus®" Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 16(9):736-744.
Renteria Mexia AM, Vega Lopez S, Swan PD, Lee C, Williams A, Shaibi G (2018). “Effects of a lifestyle intervention on markers of cardiometabolic risk and oxidized lipoproteins among obese youth with prediabetes” Public Health Nutrition. 22 (4), 706-713.
Ashurst J, van Woerden I, Dunton G, Todd M, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Swan PD, Bruening M, (2018). “The association among emotions and food choices in first-year college students using mobile-ecological momentary assessments”, BMC Public Health, 18(1):1-9.
Zeigler ZS, Swan PD, Buman MP, Mookadam F, Gaesser GA, Angadi SS. (2018). “Postexercise hemodynamic responses in lean and obese men”. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 50(11):2292-2300.
Zeigler ZS, Birchfield N, Moreno K, James D, Swan PD (2018) “Fatness and fluctuating body weight: Effect on central vasculature”, BioResearch Open Access 7:1, 90-100.
Aslam F, Iqbal S; Nasir M, Anjum AA, Swan PD, Sweazea K. (2017). “Effect of hydrogenated fat replacement with white sesame seed oil on physical, chemical and nutritional properties of cookies”. Italian Journal of Food Science. 30:1-13.
Aslam F, Iqbal S; Nasir M, Anjum AA, Swan PD, Sweazea K. (2017). “Evaluation of white sesame seed oil on glucose control, antioxidant activity and biomarkers of hepatic, cardiac, and renal function in male Sprague- Dawley rats with chemically induced diabetes”. Journal of Medicinal Food. May;20(5):448-457.
Zeigler Z & Swan PD (2016). “Acute effects of whole-body vibration with resistance exercise on post-exercise blood pressure and oxygen consumption in prehypertensive adults”, Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness. 14(1),14-23.
Benton MJ, Raab S, Waggener GT & Swan PD (2016). “Effect of training status on oxygen consumption in women after resistance exercise”, Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 30(3):800-806.
James D, Sebren A, DerAnanian C, Bruening M, Rooney L, Araas T & Swan PD (2016). “Associations among self-compassion, eating behaviors, and stress in college freshmen”, Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 12:92-97.
Smith L, Wherry S, Larkey LK, Ainsworth BE & Swan PD (2015). “Energy expenditure and cardiovascular responses to Tai Chi Easy” Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 23(6):802-5.
Der Ananian C, Soroush A, Ainsworth BE, Belyea M, Walker J Poortvliet E, Swan PD & Ygnve A (2015). “Trajectories and predictors of steps in a worksite intervention: ASUKI-Step”, Health Behavior and Policy Review, 2(1): 46-61.
Kelly SB, Brown LE, Hooker SP, Swan PD, Buman MP, Alvar BA, & Black LE. (2015). “Comparison of Concentric and Eccentric Bench Press Repetitions To Failure”. J Strength Cond Res. Apr;29(4):1027-32
Zeigler Z, Swan PD, Bhammar D, & Gaesser GA (2015). “Use of A Walking Workstation Reduces Ambulatory Blood Pressure In Prehypertension”, Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2015 Jun 16;12. Suppl 1:S119-S127.
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 692 | Research |
NTR 792 | Research |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 692 | Research |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
HEP 410 | Obesity Perspective/Prescript |
HEP 410 | Obesity Perspective/Prescript |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 692 | Research |
NTR 792 | Research |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
CHS 499 | Individualized Instruction |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
CHS 494 | Special Topics |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 692 | Research |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
HEP 410 | Obesity Perspective/Prescript |
HEP 410 | Obesity Perspective/Prescript |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
HEP 102 | Foundations of HEHP |
HEP 102 | Foundations of HEHP |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 692 | Research |
NTR 792 | Research |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
EXW 420 | Exercise Testing |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 692 | Research |
HEP 410 | Obesity Persp and Prescip |
HEP 410 | Obesity Persp and Prescip |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 692 | Research |
NTR 792 | Research |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
CHS 394 | Special Topics |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
EXW 335 | Phys Activity & Physio Concept |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
EXW 535 | Adv Exercise & Prescription |
EXW 325 | Fitness for Life |
EXW 325 | Fitness for Life |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
NTR 692 | Research |
HEP 410 | Obesity Persp and Prescip |
HEP 410 | Obesity Persp and Prescip |
EXW 510 | Obesity Persp and Prescip |
EXW 494 | Special Topics |
EXW 510 | Obesity Persp and Prescip |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 325 | Fitness for Life |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
EXW 325 | Fitness for Life |
NTR 692 | Research |
NTR 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
EXW 302 | Fundamentals of Wellness |
EXW 535 | Adv Exercise & Prescription |
EXW 302 | Fundamentals of Wellness |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
EXW 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 692 | Research |
HEP 410 | Obesity Persp and Prescip |
HEP 410 | Obesity Persp and Prescip |
EXW 510 | Obesity Persp and Prescip |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 344 | Phys Activity in Hlth&Disease |
EXW 325 | Fitness for Life |
EXW 325 | Fitness for Life |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
NTR 692 | Research |
NTR 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
NTR 792 | Research |
NTR 799 | Dissertation |
EXW 302 | Fundamentals of Wellness |
EXW 535 | Adv Exercise & Prescription |
EXW 302 | Fundamentals of Wellness |
CHS 493 | Honors Thesis |