Adi Wiezel
SCOB 232 620 Orange St. Tempe, AZ 85281
Adi Wiezel completed her PhD in psychology at ASU in 2023, under the joint direction of Dr. Douglas Kenrick and Dr. Lani Shiota. Her research emphasizes the structure of political attitudes as well as emotional, motivational, social mechanisms of attitude change, and intergroup relations. She also has strong interests in leadership preferences, and in the influence of emotion on motivation and engagement in educational settings.
She also spent several years serving as a graduate research associate for the NSF-funded Secondary Mathematics in-the-Moment Longitudinal Study (SMiLES). Previously, Adi was the first to formally oversee retention efforts at ASU's College of Health Solutions, where she aided in ASU 101 first year curriculum design and served as the chair of the college's case management committee and joint faculty and staff retention committee. Adi also served as the State Department Campus Affairs Coordinator for ASU for two years, and she earned both her bachelor's and master's degrees in political science from Arizona State University. She is now an assistant professor of psychology at Elon University, and maintains her role as a faculty affiliate at ASU as part of her ongoing collaborations with ASU researchers and faculty.
Ph.D., Psychology, Arizona State University
- Dissertation: Using the psychology of immediate rewards to improve intergroup contact across the political divide.
M.A., Psychology, Arizona State University
- Thesis: Socially motivated economic attitudes? Examining the impact of status desire on economic and social political attitudes.
M.A., Political Science, Arizona State University
- Thesis: Is political science raising politicians?: The influence of civic education on political ambition.
B.A., Political Science, Arizona State University
- Thesis: Putting the “AP” in the gender gap: A content analysis exploring the differential treatment of women in regular and AP high school civics textbooks.
Political psychology, political attitudes, attitude change, leadership, political polarization, stereotypes, evolutionary psychology, motivation, affect, education.