Ross-Blakley Hall 331 PO Box 871401
TEMPE, AZ 85287-1401
Mail code: 1401
Campus: Tempe
Long Bio
Patricia Webb is an Associate Professor of Writing Studies. She teaches undergraduate courses in writing, as well as the graduate seminars: Composition Theory and Composition and Feminism. Her work has appeared in national journals like Computers and Composition, College English, Composition Forum, Peer Review, Works and Days and international journals like JELLiC and O1E3Media. When she's not engaged in teaching or research, she loves spending time listening to music and hiking with her dog.
Ph.D. English, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1998
Using blogs and other social media in business writing classes and graduate composition courses
Current representations of women in online fourms (particularly online book discussions and weight loss/diet blogs)
Cultural representations of bipolar disorder (particularly in movies like Silver Lining Playbook and television ads)
Gendered representations of coercion and consent in 50 Shades of Grey
Patricia Boyd. "Pulling the Difference.". Kairos (2009).
Patricia Boyd. "Analyzing Students’ Perceptions of their Learning in Online and Hybrid First-Year Composition Courses. Computers and Composition (2008).
Patricia Webb. Reconceptualizing Research in Computers and Composition. Computers and Composition (2006).
Patricia Webb, Kirsti Cole, Thomas Skeen. Building Bridges between Communities and Universities: Social Projects in Graduate Courses. College English (2006).
Patricia Webb, Zachary Waggoner. Re-membering Our Spirit in a Technological Age: A Study of Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (an NCTE Assembly) (2005).
Webb, Patricia Rose (Author) . Changing Praxis/Changing Students: Online Graduate Education. Culture Shock and the Practice of the Profession (2005).
Patricia Webb. Technologies of Difference: Reading the Virtual Age through Sexual (In)Difference. Computers and Composition (2003).
Patricia Webb. Writing and Publishing in the Boundaries: Academic Writing in/through the Virtual Age. Writing Instructor (2002).
Patricia Webb, Cheryl Greene, Teryl Sands-Herz, Zachary Waggoner. Who Wrote This Course? Professors and Graduate Students as Co-Conspirators. Kairos (2002).
Patricia Webb. The Debateabout ONline Learning: Key Issues for Writing Teachers. Computers and Composition (2001).
Patricia Webb. Whose Stories? Whose Realities? The Materiality of Narratives in the Electronic Writing Classroom. Works and Days (2000).
Patricia Webb. Telling Stories in/out of class: Writing Narratives about Writing. Composition Forum (1999).
Webb, Patricia Rose. Changing Writing/Changing Writers: The World Wide Web and Collaborative Inquiry in the Classroom. (1999).
Patricia Webb. Narratives of Self in Networked Communications. Computers and Composition (1997).
Patricia Boyd. "Twenty-First Century Lore: Discursive Ecologies as Practice of Inquiry.". Revisiting Making Knowledge in Composition: Perspectives on an Evolving Field (0).
Patricia Webb. "’The 21st Century to Meet and Socialize’: Discursive Constructions of Black Heterosexual Male Identities in Online Personal Ads. Racing Desire (0).
Research Activity
Boyd,Patricia Rose*. Assessing and Evaluating Learning Outcomes in Traditional, Hybrid, and Online First Year Composition Courses. AZ BOARD OF REGENTS(1/1/2004 - 6/30/2005).