Vladimiro Mujica's research interests are in the areas of theoretical chemistry, nanoscience, electron transfer, solar energy, quantum relaxation theory and nanophotonics. He joined the faculty at Arizona State University in 2009.
He received his undergraduate education in chemistry was from the Universidad de Concepción in Chile and the Universidad Central de Venezuela in Venezuela. He obtained his doctorate in quantum chemistry from Uppsala University in Sweden in 1985. He was a visiting professor at the University of Tel Aviv, professor of chemistry at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and research professor at Northwestern University.
Ph.D. Quantum Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden 1985
Licenciado en Química, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas 1979
Our research is centered on modeling the behavior of complex physical and chemical systems. We are particularly interested in the description of quantum effects in the emerging behavior of systems of nanoscopic dimensions. Nanosystems may have very different optical, magnetic, chemical and electrical properties compared to the bulk system of the same material. Size and quantum effects determine these variations and we try to describe how they translate into the observed experimental behavior.
Our research is strongly guided and influenced by the interaction with experimental groups. This is of special importance in the modeling of nanosystems because of the complexity of the emerging physics and chemistry. We have ongoing research efforts with a strong international cooperation in several major areas:
Electron transport in molecule-electrode interfaces.
Paz, Jose Luis; Loroño, Marcos; Torres, F. Javier; González-Paz, Lenin A.; Marquez, Edgar; Mora, José R.; Alvarado, Ysaias J.; Mujica, Vladimiro. A Kinetic Model for the Equilibrium Dynamics of Absorption and Scattering Processes in Four-wave Mixing Spectroscopy. AIP ADVANCES (2022).
Wang, C-Z (Wang, Cheng-Zhen); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Lai, Y-C (Lai, Ying-Cheng). Spin Fano Resonances in Chiral Molecules: An Alternative Mechanism for the CISS Effect and Experimental Implications. NANO LETT. (2021).
Ortuño, AM (Ortuño, Ana M.); Reiné, P (Reiné, Pablo); Resa, S (Resa, Sandra); Álvarez de Cienfuegos, L (Álvarez de Cienfuegos, Luis); Blanco, V (Blanco, Victor); Paredes, JM (Paredes, José Manuel); Mota, AJ (Mota, Antonio J.); Mazzeo, G (Mazzeo, Giuseppe); Abbate, S (Abbate, Sergio); Ugalde, JM (Ugalde, Jesus M.); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Longhi, G (Longhi, Giovanna); Miguel, D (Miguel, Delia); Cuerva, JM (Cuerva, Juan Manuel). Extended enantiopure ortho-phenylene ethylene (o-OPE)-based helical systems as scaffolds for supramolecular architectures: a study of chiroptical response and its connection to the CISS effect. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS (2021).
Gunawan, A (Gunawan, Andrey); Tarakeshwar, P (Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Buttry, D (Buttry, Daniel A.); Phelan, PE (Phelan, Patrick E.). Improving Seebeck coefficient of thermoelectrochemical cells by controlling ligand complexation at metal redox centers. APPL. PHYS. LETT. (2021).
Chamberlin, R (Chamberlin, Ralph V.); Clark, M (Clark, Michael R.); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Wolf, G (Wolf, George H). Multiscale Thermodynamics: Energy, Entropy, and Symmetry from Atoms to Bulk Behavior . SYMMETRY (2021).
Medrano Sandonas L (Medrano Sandonas, Leonardo); Rodríguez Méndez A (Rodriguez Méndez, Álvaro); Gutierrez R (Gutierrez, Rafael); Cuniberti G (Cuniberti, Gianaurelio); Mujica V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Nanoscale Phononic Analog of the Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube. PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED (2021).
Peralta M (Peralta, Mayra); Feijoo S (Feijoo, Steven); Varela S (Varela, Solmar); Mujica V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Medina E (Medina, Ernesto). Coherence preservation and electron-phonon interaction in electron transfer in DNA. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (2020).
San Sebastian E (San Sebastian, Eider); Cepeda J (Cepeda, Javier); Huizi-Rayo U (Huizi-Rayo, Uxua); Terenzi A (Terenzi, Alessio); Finkelstein-Shapiro D (Finkelstein-Shapiro, Daniel); Padro D (Padro, Daniel); Santos J I (Santos, Jose Ignacio); Matxain J M (Matxain, Jon M.); Ugalde J.M. (Ugalde, Jesus M.); Mujica V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Enantiospecific Response in Cross-Polarization Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Optically Active Metal Organic Frameworks. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (2020).
Varela S (Varela, Solmar); Zambrano, I (Zambrano, Iskra); Berche, B. (Berche, Bertrand); Mujica, V. (Mujica, Vladimiro); Medina, E. (Medina, Ernesto). Spin-orbit interaction and spin selectivity for tunneling electron transfer in DNA. PHYSICAL REVIEW B (2020).
Rahman, MW (Rahman, Md Wazedur); Firouzeh, S (Firouzeh, Seyedamin); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Pramanik, S (Pramanik, Sandipan). Carrier Transport Engineering in Carbon Nanotubes by Chirality-Induced Spin Polarization. ACS NANO (2020).
Chamberlin, RV (Chamberlin, Ralph V.); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Izvekov, S (Izvekov, Sergei); Larentzos, JP (Larentzos, James P.). Energy localization and excess fluctuations from long-range interactions in equilibrium molecular dynamics. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS (2020).
Garcia-Etxarri, A (Garcia-Etxarri, Aitzol); Ugalde, JM (Ugalde, Jesus M.); Jose Saenz, J (Jose Saenz, Juan); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Field-Mediated Chirality Information Transfer in Molecule-Nanoparticle Hybrids. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C (2020).
Zollner, MS; Varela, S; Medina, E; Mujica, V; Herrmann, C. Insight into the Origin of Chiral-Induced Spin Selectivity from a Symmetry Analysis of Electronic Transmission. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION (2020).
Matxain, J. M.; Ugalde, J. M.; Mujica, V.; Allec, S.I; Wong, B.M.; Casanova, D. Chirality Induced Spin Selectivity of Photoexcited Electrons in Carbon-Sulfur [n]Helicenes. CHEMPHOTOCHEM (2019).
Varela, S.; Montanes, B.; Lopez, F.; Berche, B.; Guillot, B.; Mujica, V.; Medina, E. Intrinsic Rashba coupling due to hydrogen bonding in DNA. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (2019).
Geyer, M.; Gutierrez, R.; Mujica, V.; Cuniberti, G. Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity in a Coarse-Grained Tight-Binding Model for Helicene. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C (2019).
Santos, J. I.; Rivilla, I.; Cossio, F. P.; Garcia-Garcia, F.; Matxain, J. M.; Grzeliczak, M.; Mazinani, S. K. S.; Ugalde, J. M.; Mujica, V. Reply to "Comment on 'Chirality-Induced Electron Spin Polarization and Enantiospecific Response in Solid-State Cross-Polarization Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.'" ACS NANO (2019).
Sandonas, L. M.; Mendez, A. R.; Gutierrez, R.; Ugalde, J. M.; Mujica, V.; Cuniberti, G. "Selective Transmission of Phonons in Molecular Junctions with Nanoscopic Thermal Baths." Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2019).
Tejeda-Ferrari, M.E.; Brown, C.L.; Coutinho, G.C. C. C.; de Sa, G.A.G.; Palma, J.L.; Llansola-Portoles, M.J.; Kodis, G.; Mujica, V.; Ho, J.; Gust, D.; Moore, T.A.; Moore, A.L. "Electronic Structure and Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer in Artificial Photosynthetic Antennas." Photochemistry and Photobiology (2019).
Santos, J. I.; Rivilla, I.; Cossio, F. P.; Matxain, J. M.; Grzelczak, M.; Mazinani, S. K. S.; Ugalde, J. M.; Mujica, V. Chirality-Induced Electron Spin Polarization and Enantiospecific Response in Solid-State Cross-Polarization Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. ACS NANO (2018).
Diaz E (Diaz, Elena); Dominguez-Adame F (Dominguez-Adame, Francisco); Gutierrez R (Gutierrez, Rafael); Cuniberti G (Cuniberti, Gianaurelio); Mujica V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Thermal Decoherence and Disorder Effects on Chiral-Induced Spin Selectivity. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS (2018).
Maslyuk V.V. (Maslyuk, Volodymyr V.); Gutierrez R (Gutierrez, Rafael); Dianat A (Dianat, Arezoo); Mujica V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Cuniberti G (Cuniberti, Gianaurelio). Enhanced Magnetoresistance in Chiral Molecular Junctions. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS (2018).
Varela Salazar S (Varela Salazar, Solmar); Mujica V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Medina E (Medina, Ernesto). Spin-orbit Coupling Modulation in DNA by Mechanical Deformations. CHIMIA (2018).
Singh, P (Singh, Poonam); Rheinhardt, JH (Rheinhardt, Joseph H.); Olson, JZ (Olson, Jarred Z.); Tarakeshwar, P (Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Buttry, DA (Buttry, Daniel A.). Electrochemical Capture and Release of Carbon Dioxide Using a Disulfide-Thiocarbonate Redox Cycle. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (2017).
Aragones, AC (Aragones, Albert C.); Medina, E (Medina, Ernesto); Ferrer-Huerta, M (Ferrer-Huerta, Miriam); Gimeno, N (Gimeno, Nuria); Teixido, M (Teixido, Meritxell); Palma, JL (Palma, Julio L.); Tao, NJ (Tao, Nongjian); Ugalde, JM (Ugalde, Jesus M.); Giralt, E (Giralt, Ernest); Diez-Perez, I (Diez-Perez, Ismael); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Measuring the Spin-Polarization Power of a Single Chiral Molecule. Small (2017).
Xiang, LM (Xiang, Limin); Palma, JL (Palma, Julio L.); Bruot, C (Bruot, Christopher); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Ratner, MA (Ratner, Mark A.); Tao, NJ (Tao, Nongjian). Intermediate tunnelling-hopping regime in DNA charge transport (vol 7, pg 221, 2015). Nature Chemistry (2017).
Xiang, LM (Xiang, Limin]; Palma, JL (Palma, Julio L.); Li, YQ (Li, Yueqi); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro) ; Ratner, MA (Ratner, Mark A.); Tao, NJ (Tao, Nongjian). Gate-controlled conductance switching in DNA. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2017).
Mazinani, SKS (Mazinani, Shobeir K. S.); Meidanshahi, RV (Meidanshahi, Reza Vatan); Palma, JL (Palma, Julio L.); Tarakeshwar, P (Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty); Hansen, T (Hansen, Thorsten); Ratner, MA (Ratner, Mark A.); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Polarizability as a Molecular Descriptor for Conductance in Organic Molecular Circuits. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C (2016).
Orozco-Gonzalez, Y (Orozco-Gonzalez, Yoelvis); Tarakeshwar, P (Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty); Canuto, S (Canuto, Sylvio); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Solvent Effects on the Dynamic Polarizability and Raman Response of Molecule-Metal Oxide Hybrid Clusters. CHEMPHYSCHEM (2016).
Wimmer, M (Wimmer, Micah); Palma, JL (Palma, Julio L.); Tarakeshwar, P (Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Single-Molecule Conductance through Hydrogen Bonds: The Role of Resonances. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS (2016).
Finkelstein-Shapiro, D (Finkelstein-Shapiro, Daniel); Calatayud, M (Calatayud, Monica); Atabek, O (Atabek, Osman); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Keller, A (Keller, Arne). Nonlinear Fano interferences in open quantum systems: An exactly solvable model. PHYSICAL REVIEW A (2016).
Varela, S (Varela, Solmar); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Medina, E (Medina, Ernesto). Effective spin-orbit couplings in an analytical tight-binding model of DNA: Spin filtering and chiral spin transport. PHYSICAL REVIEW B (2016).
Xiang, LM (Xiang, Limin); Hines, T (Hines, Thomas); Palma, JL (Palma, Julio L.); Lu, XF (Lu, Xuefeng); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Ratner, MA (Ratner, Mark A.); Zhou, G (Zhou, Gang); Tao, NJ (Tao, Nongjian). Non-exponential Length Dependence of Conductance in Iodide Terminated Oligothiophene Single-Molecule Tunneling Junctions. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (2016).
Mazinani, SKS (Mazinani, Shobeir K. S.)[; Vatan, R (Vatan, Reza); Pilarisetty, T (Pilarisetty, Tarakeshwar); Palma, J (Palma, Julio); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Molecular polarizability as a descriptor of molecular conductance. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (2015).
Mazinani, SKS (Mazinani, Shobeir K. S.); Vatan, R (Vatan, Reza); Pilarisetty, T (Pilarisetty, Tarakeshwar); Palma, J (Palma, Julio); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Molecular polarizability as a descriptor of molecular conductance. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (2015).
Xiang, LM (Xiang, Limin); Palma, JL (Palma, Julio L.); Bruot, C (Bruot, Christopher); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Ratner, MA (Ratner, Mark A.); Tao, NJ (Tao, Nongjian). Intermediate tunnelling-hopping regime in DNA charge transport. NATURE CHEMISTRY (2015).
Gan, L (Gan, Lu); Groy, TL (Groy, Thomas L.); Tarakeshwar, P (Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty); Mazinani, SKS (Mazinani, Shobeir K. S.); Shearer, J (Shearer, Jason) ; Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Jones, AK (Jones, Anne K.). A Nickel Phosphine Complex as a Fast and Efficient Hydrogen Production Catalyst. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (2015).
Mujica, Vladimiro. NANO-PLASMONICS: Chirality transfer takes a jump. NATURE CHEMISTRY (2015).
Finkelstein-Shapiro, D (Finkelstein-Shapiro, Daniel); Urdaneta, I (Urdaneta, Ines); Calatayud, M (Calatayud, Monica); Atabek, O (Atabek, Osman); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Keller, A (Keller, Arne). Fano-Liouville Spectral Signatures in Open Quantum Systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (2015).
Bruot, C (Bruot, Christopher); Palma, JL (Palma, Julio L.); Xiang, LM (Xiang, Limin); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Ratner, MA (Ratner, Mark A.); Tao, NJ (Tao, Nongjian). Piezoresistivity in single DNA molecules. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2015).
Carmeli, I (Carmeli, Itai); Cohen, M (Cohen, Moshik); Heifler, O (Heifler, Omri); Lilach, Y (Lilach, Yigal); Zalevsky, Z (Zalevsky, Zeev); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Richter, S (Richter, Shachar). Spatial modulation of light transmission through a single microcavity by coupling of photosynthetic complex excitations to surface plasmons. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2015).
Medina, E (Medina, Ernesto); Gonzalez-Arraga, LA (Gonzalez-Arraga, Luis A.); Finkelstein-Shapiro, D (Finkelstein-Shapiro, Daniel); Berche, B (Berche, Bertrand); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Continuum model for chiral induced spin selectivity in helical molecules. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (2015).
Mendez-Hernandez, DD (Mendez-Hernandez, Dalvin D.); Gillmore, JG (Gillmore, Jason G.); Montano, LA (Montano, Luis A.); Gust, D (Gust, Devens); Moore, TA (Moore, Thomas A.); Moore, AL (Moore, Ana L.); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Building and testing correlations for the estimation of one-electron reduction potentials of a diverse set of organic molecules. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (2015).
Keller, A (Keller, Arne); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro). Optical response of molecule - semiconducting nanoparticle hybrids. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (2015).
Meidanshahi, RV (Meidanshahi, Reza Vatan); Mazinani, SKS (Mazinani, Shobeir K. S.); Mujica, V (Mujica, Vladimiro); Tarakeshwar, P (Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty). Electronic transport across hydrogen bonds in organic electronics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY (2015).
Gunawan, A; Li, HC; Lin, CH; Buttry, DA; Mujica, V ; Taylor, RA; Prasher, RS ; Phelan, PE. The amplifying effect of natural convection on power generation of thermogalvanic cells. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER (2014).
Krishna, KS ; Tarakeshwar, P ; Mujica, V; Kumar, CSSR. Chemically Induced Magnetism in Atomically Precise Gold Clusters. Small (2014).
Megiatto, JD; Mendez-Hernandez, DD ; Tejeda-Ferrari, ME ; Teillout, AL ; Llansola-Portoles, MJ; Kodis, G ; Poluektov, OG ; Rajh, T ; Mujica, V ; Groy, TL ; Gust, D ; Moore, TA ; Moore, AL. A bioinspired redox relay that mimics radical interactions of the Tyr-His pairs of photosystem II. Nature Chemistry (2014).
Roy, S ; Mazinani, SKS ; Groy, TL ; Gan, L ; Tarakeshwar, P ; Mujica, V; Jones, AK. Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution by Fe(II) Carbonyls Featuring a Dithiolate and a Chelating Phosphine. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (2014).
Tarakeshwar, P ; Palma, JL ; Finkelstein-Shapiro, D ; Keller, A ; Urdaneta, I ; Calatayud, M ; Atabek, O ; Mujica, V. SERS as a Probe of Charge-Transfer Pathways in Hybrid Dye/Molecule-Metal Oxide Complexes. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C (2014).
Tarakeshwar, P ; Palma, JL ; Holland, GP ; Fromme, P ; Yarger, JL ; Mujica, V. Probing the Nature of Charge Transfer at Nano-Bio Interfaces: Peptides on Metal Oxide Nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS (2014).
Urdaneta, I ; Keller, A ; Atabek, O ; Palma, JL ; Finkelstein-Shapiro, D ; Tarakeshwar, P ; Mujica, V ; Calatayud, M. Dopamine Adsorption on TiO2 Anatase Surfaces. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C (2014).
Urdaneta, I ; Pilme, J ; Keller, A ; Atabek, O ; Tarakeshwar, P ; Mujica, V ; Calatayud, M. Probing Raman Enhancement in a Dopamine-Ti2O4 Hybrid Using Stretched Molecular Geometries. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A (2014).
Varela, S ; Medina, E ; Lopez, F ; Mujica, V. Inelastic electron scattering from a helical potential: transverse polarization and the structure factor in the single scattering approximation. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER (2014).
A Gunawan, CH Lin, DA Buttry, V Mujica, RA Taylor, RS Prasher, PE Phelan. Liquid Thermoelectrics: Review of Recent And Limited New Data of Thermogalvanic Cell Experiments. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering (2013).
Finkelstein-Shapiro, Daniel ; Petrosko, Sarah Hurst ; Dimitrijevic, Nada M.; Gosztola, David ; Gray, Kimberly A. ; Rajh, Tijana ; Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty ; Mujica, Vladimiro. CO2 Preactivation in Photoinduced Reduction via Surface Functionalization of TiO2 Nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS (2013).
Mendez-Hernandez, Dalvin D.; Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty ; Gust, Devens; Moore, Thomas A. ;Moore, Ana L.; Mujica, Vladimiro. Simple and accurate correlation of experimental redox potentials and DFT-calculated HOMO/LUMO energies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING (2013).
Mentovich, Elad D. ; Rosenberg-Shraga, Natalie ; Kalifa, Itsik ; Gozin, Michael; Mujica, Vladimiro ; Hansen, Thorsten; Richter, Shachar. Gated-Controlled Rectification of a Self-Assembled Monolayer-Based Transistor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013).
Rosenberg, Richard A.;Symonds, Joshua M.; Kalyanaraman, Vijayalakshmi; Markus, Tal; Orlando, Thomas M.;Naaman, Ron; Medina, Ernesto A.; Lopez, Floralba A.; Mujica, Vladimiro). Kinetic energy dependence of spin filtering of electrons transmitted through organized layers of DNA. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2013).
S Roy, V Mujica, MA Ratner 139 (7), 074702. Chemistry at molecular junctions: Rotation and dissociation of O2 on the Ag (110) surface induced by a scanning tunneling microscope. The Journal of Chemical Physics (2013).
Dalvin D. Méndez-Hernández & Pilarisetty Tarakeshwar & Devens Gust & Thomas A. Moore & Ana L. Moore & Vladimiro Mujica. Simple and accurate correlation of experimental redox potentials and DFT-calculated HOMO/LUMO energies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Journal of Molecular Modeling (2012).
Franco, Hector; Puerta, Luis; Murgich, Juan; Mujica, Vladimiro. Simulation of adsorption on surfaces from ab initio calculations on clusters of nano gold atoms. REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA (2012).
Medina, Ernesto ; Lopez, Floralba ; Ratner, Mark A. ; Mujica, Vladimiro. Chiral molecular films as electron polarizers and polarization modulators. Europhysics Letters (2012).
Alberto Roldán, Francesc Illas, Pilarisetty Tarakeshwar, and Vladimiro Mujica. "Stability and Quenching of Plasmon Resonance Absorption in Magnetic Gold Nanoparticles". J. Phys. Chem. Lett (2011).
Nicolas Renaud, Mark A. Ratner and Vladimiro Mujica. "A Stochastic Surrogate Hamiltonian Approach of Coherent and Incoherent Exciton Transport in the FMO complex". J. Chem. Phys (2011).
P. Tarakeshwar, D. Finkelstein Shapiro, T. Rajh and V. Mujica. Quantum Confinement Effects on the Surface Enhanced Raman Spectra of Hybrid Systems Molecule-TiO2 Nanoparticles. Int. J. Quantum Chem (2011).
P. Tarakeshwar, D. Finkelstein-Shapiro, S. J. Hurst, T. Rajh and V. Mujica. "Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering on Semiconducting Oxide Nanoparticles: Oxide Nature, Size, Solvent, and pH Effects". J. Phys. Chem. C (2011).
Finkelstein-Shapiro, Daniel, Tarakeshwar, Pilarisetty, Rajh, Tijana, Mujica, Vladimiro. Photoinduced Kinetics of SERS in Bioinorganic Hybrid Systems A Case Study Dopamine-TiO2. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 114 (2010).
Herrmann, Carmen, Solomon, Gemma, Subotnik, Joseph E., Mujica, Vladimiro, Ratner, Mark A. Ghost transmission: How large basis sets can make electron transport calculations worse. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (2010).
Tim Hansen, Thorsten Hansen, Vaida Arcisauskaite, Kurt V. Mikkelsen*, Jacob Kongsted, and Vladimiro Mujica. Nonlinear Optical Effects Induced by Nanoparticles in Symmetric Molecules†. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2010).
Anthony Musumeci, David Gosztola, Tara Schiller, Nada M. Dimitrijevic,Vladimiro Mujica, Darren Martin and ,Tijana Rajh. SERS of semiconducting nanoparticles (TiO2 hybrid composites). Journal of the American Chemical Society (2009).
Michael D. Shultz, Scott Calvin, Fernando González-Jimenez, Vladimiro Mujica, Blaine C. Alleluia and Everett E. Carpenter. Gold-Coated Cementite Nanoparticles: An Oxidation-Resistant Alternative to Alpha-Iron. Chemistry of Materials (2009).
Sina Yeganeh, Mark A. Ratner, Ernesto Medina and Vladimiro Mujica. Chiral Electron Transport: Scattering Through Helical Potentials. Journal of Chemical Physics (2009).
Jose I. Santos, Iván Rivilla, Fernando P. Cossío, Jon M. Matxain, Marek Grzelczak, Shobeir K.S. Mazinani, Jesus M. Ugalde and Vladimiro Mujica. Chirality-Induced Electron Spin Polarization and Enantiospecific Response in Solid-State Cross-Polarization Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. ACS Nano (2018).
Elena Díaz, Francisco Domínguez-Adame, Rafael Gutierrez, Gianaurelio Cuniberti and Vladimiro Mujica. Thermal Decoherence and Disorder Effects on Chiral-Induced Spin Selectivity. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018).
Volodymyr V. Maslyuk, Rafael Gutierrez, Arezoo Dianat, Vladimiro Mujica and Gianaurelio Cuniberti. Enhanced Magnetoresistance in Chiral Molecular Junctions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018).
Lina S. Franco, Vladimiro Mujica, Joseph N. Blattman and Antonio A García. Successive Optimization of a Homogeneous Immunoassay for Antibody Detection in Viral Infections. Preprints.org (2018).
Solmar Varela Salazar, Vladimiro Mujica and Ernesto Medina. Spin-orbit coupling modulation in DNA by mechanical deformations. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry (2018).
Holly Clingan, Alex Laidlaw, Pilarisetty Tarakeshwar, Micah Wimmer, Antonio García and Vladimiro Mujica. Nanosensors for Biomedical Applications: A Tutorial. Semiconductor Nanotechnology (2018).
Marely E. Tejeda-Ferrari, Chelsea L. Brown, Gabriela C.C.C. Coutinho, Ghabriel A. Gomes de Sá, Julio L. Palma, Manuel J. Llansola-Portoles, Gerdenis Kodis, Vladimiro Mujica, Junming Ho, Devens Gust, Thomas A. Moore and Ana L Moore. Electronic Structure and Triplet–Triplet Energy Transfer in Artificial Photosynthetic Antennas. Photochemistry and Photobiology (2018).
Research Activity
Buttry,Daniel A.*, Friesen,Cody A, Mujica,Vladimiro, Stechel,Ellen B.. Energy Efficient Electrochemical Capture and Release of Carbon Dioxide. DOE-ARPA(3/12/2013 - 10/31/2016).
Mujica,Vladimiro*, Buttry,Daniel A., Phelan,Patrick E. Transport-Enhanced Thermogalvanic Energy Conversion. NSF-ENG-CBET(9/15/2012 - 8/31/2016).
Mujica,Vladimiro*. International Collaboration in Chemistry: A Theoretical Investigation Of The Role Of The Chemical Bond In The Raman And Fluorescence Response Of Molec. NSF-MPS(9/1/2011 - 8/31/2015).
Vladimiro Mujica. From Photosynthesis to Sensors, Solar Cells and Photovoltaics: How Is Theoretical Chemistry Helping Us to Understand How They Work and Control the Design of Devices. QUITEL 2014 (Nov 2014).
Vladimiro Mujica. Molecular Spin Filters. 10th Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (Oct 2014).
Y. Orozco-Gonzalez, P. Tarakeshwar, S. Canuto, and Vladimiro Mujica. Resonant Nature of the Raman Response and Solvent Effects in Molecule-Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Hybrids. 8th Photodynamics (Oct 2014).
Vladimiro Mujica. Computational Modeling and Simulation of Nanostructured Materials and Devices. Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy From Materials to Devices to (Mar 2014).
Vladimiro Mujica. Molecular Chiral Effects in Interfacial Electron Transfer. ARO workshop on "Surface Plasmons, Metamaterials, and Catalysis" at Rice University (Oct 2013).
Vladimiro Mujica. Chair, Talk Session 4. ARO workshop on "Surface Plasmons, Metamaterials, and Catalysis" at Rice University (Oct 2013).
Vladimiro Mujica. Lectures on Quantum Theory of relaxation at the Center for Exploitation of Solar Energy, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen. ’Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Kinetics: Exploitation of Solar Energy’ Summer School on Photophys (Aug 2013).
Vladimiro Mujica. The influence of spin polarization in biological electron transfer. Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Molecular Systems (Jul 2013).
Vladimiro Mujica. The Influence of Spin Polarization Electron Transfer Processes in Chiral Molecules. XXXIX International Conference of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression, Quitel, Granada, Spain (Jun 2013).
Vladimiro Mujica. SERS as a Probe of Interfacial Charge Transfer in Hybids Molecule/Metal Oxide. West Virginia University NanoSAFE Bioelectronics and Biosensing Symposium: Charge Trans (Apr 2013).
Vladimiro Mujica. Magnetic Phenomena. ESPM VII, Electronic Structure and Processes at Molecular based Interfaces- the 7th Edition. Weizma (Apr 2013).
Vladimiro Mujica. Molecules as spin polarizers. A theoretical examination of models and challenges. Faculty of Chemistry Colloquium, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (Dec 2012).
Vladimiro Mujica. Chiral molecular films as electron polarizers and polarization modulators. Telluride Science Research Center Workshop: Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Chiral Structures (Jun 2012).
Vladimiro Mujica. Short course in Nanoscience. 2012: Jornadas de Investigación, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela (May 2012).
Vladimiro Mujica. Electronic and vibrational properties of magnetic core-shell nanoparticles. 2012: EuCAP 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (Mar 2012).
Vladimiro Mujica. Electron Transmission and Molecular Spin Filters. 2012: Sanibel Symposium, February 19-24, St. Simons Island, GA, U.S.A (Feb 2012).
Vladimiro Mujica. A Unified Theory of Electron Transport and Electron Transfer in Molecular Interfaces. 2012: "Summer Talks in Santiago III: Recent Developments in Quantum Chemistry" honoring Peter Politz (Jan 2012).
Vladimiro Mujica. Electron Transport in Electrode-Molecule Junctions. Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy (Sep 2011).
Vladimiro Mujica. Molecular spin filters: Recent advances. Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Molecular Systems (Aug 2011).
Vladimiro Mujica. The role of photo-excited states of molecule-semiconductor nanoparticles hybrids in nanosensors, solar cells and photo-catalysis. 9th WATOC (Jul 2011).
Vladimiro Mujica. Spin polarized electrons and molecular chirality. III International Congress in Theoretical and Computational Physical Chemistry, Caracas, Venezuela (Dec 2010).
Vladimiro Mujica. Converging Technologies: Nanoscience, Bio-technology and Information Technology. VII Congreso Nacional y 1er Congreso Internacional de Investigación, Univ. of Carabobo, Venezuela (Dec 2010).
Vladimiro Mujica. Molecular Spin Filters. TSRC Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Chiral Structures and their Assemblies (Jul 2010).
Vladimiro Mujica. Estados foto-excitados de sistemas híbridos moléculas-semiconductor: Aplicaciones a celdas solares y nanosensores. Jornadas de Investigacion, Facultad de Ciencias, UCV, Caracas, Venezuela (May 2010).
Vladimiro Mujica and Luis Nunez. Social Impact of Nanotechnology. Presidential Lecture Series, Northeastern Illinois University (Sep 2009).
Vladimiro Mujica. The Influence of Chirality in Electron Transport in Molecular Interfaces. 13th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland (Jun 2009).
Vladimiro Mujica. Electronic Transport in Chiral Interfaces. II Congreso de Fisico-Quuimica, Choroni, Venezuela (Mar 2009).
PSM in Nanoscience, Associate Director (2010 - Present)
PSM in Nanoscience, Associate Director (2010 - Present)
PSM in Nanoscience, Associate Director (2010 - Present)
PSM in Nanoscience, Associate Director (2010 - Present)
Chemistry Graduate Committe, Member (2010 - Present)
Chemistry Graduate Committe, Member (2010 - Present)
Chemistry Graduate Committe, Member (2010 - Present)
Chemistry Graduate Committee, Member (2010 - Present)