Yang Jiao
Phone: 480-965-4560
ENGRC 387 Tempe, AZ 85287-6106
Mail code: 6106Campus: Tempe
Yang Jiao is a professor of materials science and engineering in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy at Arizona State University. Jiao obtained his B.E. from Peking University, China in 2005 and Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2010. He has developed analytical and computational models for complex materials which can deepen fundamental understanding of the nature of such materials. Before joining ASU in 2013, Jiao was a postdoctoral reserach associate at the Physical Science in Oncology Center and Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials at Princeton University.
- Ph.D. Princeton University 2010
- B.E. Peking University, China 2005
Microstructure and effective properties of heterogeneous materials; multifunctional composites design and modeling; soft matter (colloids, foams and polymer network); granular materials; biomaterials; physics of cancer.
Group website: http://complexmaterial.lab.asu.edu/
2008 and before
H. Duan, Y. Jiao, X. Yi, Z. Huang and J. Wang
Solutions of Inhomogeneity Problems with Graded Shell and Applications to Core-Shell Nanoparticles and Composites
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 54, 1401 (2006)
Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
Modeling Heterogeneous Materials via Two-Point Correlation Functions: Basic Principles
Physical Review E 76, 031110 (2007)
Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
Modeling Heterogeneous Materials via Two-Point Correlation Functions II: Algorithmic Details and Applications
Physical Review E 77, 031135 (2008)
Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
Optimal Packings of Superdisks and the Role of Symmetry
Physical Review Letters 100, 245504 (2008)
Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
Dense Packings of Superballs
Physical Review E 79, 041309 (2009)
S. Torquato and Y. Jiao
Dense Packings of Platonic and Archimedean Solids
Nature 460, 876 (2009)
[The Featured Cover Story of Aug. 13, 2009 issue of Nature ]
Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
A Superior Descriptor of Random Textures and Its Predictive Capacity
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106, 17634 (2009)
S. Torquato and Y. Jiao
Dense Packings of Polyhedra: Platonic and Archimedean Solids
Physical Review E 80, 041104 (2009)
Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
Geometrical Ambiguity of Pair Statistics I. Point Configurations
Physical Review E 81, 011105 (2010)
Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
Distinctive Features Arising in Maximally Random Jammed Packings of Superballs
Physical Review E 81, 041304 (2010)
[Figure 7b is selected as the "Kaleidoscope Image" by Phys. Rev. E.]
S. Torquato and Y. Jiao
Exact Constructions of a Family of Dense Periodic Packings of Tetrahedra
Physical Review E 81, 041310 (2010)
Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
Geometrical Ambiguity of Pair Statistics II. Heterogeneous Materials
Physical Review E 82, 011106 (2010)
S. Torquato and Y. Jiao
Robust Algorithm to Generate a Diverse Class of Dense Disordered and Ordered Sphere Packings via Linear Programming
Physical Review E 82, 061302 (2010)
Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
Controllable Diversity of Jammed Hard-Sphere Packings with Variable Density and Disorder
Journal of Applied Physics 109, 013508 (2011)
C. Zachary, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Hyperuniform Long-Range Correlations Are a Signature of Disordered Jammed Hard-Particles Packings
Physical Review Letters 106, 178001 (2011)
C. Zachary, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Hyperuniformity, Quasi-Long-Range Correlations, and Void-Space Constraints in Maximally Random Jammed Particle Packings.
I. Polydisperse Spheres
Physical Review E 83, 051308 (2011)
C. Zachary, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Hyperuniformity, Quasi-Long-Range Correlations, and Void-Space Constraints in Maximally Random Jammed Particle Packings.
II. Anisotropy in Particle Shape
Physical Review E 83, 051309 (2011)
J. Conway, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
A New Family of Tilings of 3D Space by Tetrahedra and Octahedra
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, 11009 (2011)
H. Cohn, Y. Jiao, A. Kumar and S. Torquato
Rigidity of Spherical Codes
Geometry and Topology 15, 2235 (2011)
A. Hopkins, Y. Jiao, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
Phase Diagram and Structural Diversity of Densest Binary Sphere Packings
Physical Review Letters 107, 125501 (2011)
Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Communication: A Dense Packing of Truncated Tetrahedra that Nearly Fills All Space and its Melting Properties
Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 151101 (2011)
[Featured on the cover of October 17, 2011 issue of J. Chem. Phys.]
Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Maximally Random Jammed Packings of Platonic Solids: Isostaticity and hyperuniformity
Physical Review E 84, 041309 (2011)
Y. Jiao, H. Berman T-R Kiehl and S. Torquato
Spatial Organization and Correlation of Cell Nuclei in Brain Tumors
PLoS One 6, e27323 (2011)
Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Emergent Properties from a Cellular Automaton Model for Invasive Tumor Growth in Heterogeneous Environment
PLoS Computational Biology 7, 1002314 (2011)
C. Gommes, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
The Amount of Morphological Information Missing in Spatial Correlation Functions
Physical Review Letters 108, 080601 (2012)
Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Diversity of Dynamics and Morphologies of Invasive Solid Tumors
AIP Advances 2, 011003 (2012)
[Invited paper for special issue "Physics of Cancer"]
Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Quantitative Characterization of the Microstructure and Transport Properties of Biopolymer Networks
Physical Biology 9, 036009 (2012)
C. Gommes, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Microstructural Degeneracy Associated with a Two Correlation Function and Its Information Content
Physical Review E 85, 051140 (2012)
S. Torquato and Y. Jiao
Organizing Principles for Dense Packings of Nonspherical Particles: Not All Shapes Are Created Equal
Physical Review E 86, 011102 (2012)
S. Torquato and Y. Jiao
Effect of Dimensionality on the Continuum Percolation of Overlapping Hyperspheres and Hypercubes. II. Simulations and Analyses
Journal of Chemical Physics 137, 074106 (2012)
S. Atkinson, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Maximally Dense Packings of Two-Dimensional Convex and Concave Noncircular Particles
Physical Review E 86, 031302 (2012)
[Figure 6 is selected as the "Kaleidoscope Image" by Phys. Rev. E.]
S. Singh, J. J. Williams, Y. Jiao and N. Chawla
Modeling Anisotropic Multiphase Heterogeneous Materials via Direction Correlation Functions: Simulations and Experimental Verfication
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 4470 (2012)
R. Gabbrielli, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Families of Tessellations of Space by Elementary Polyhedra via Retessellations of the Face-Centered-Cubic Tiling
Physical Review E 86, 041141 (2012)
S. Torquato and Y. Jiao
Effect of Dimensionality on the Percolation Threshold of Anisotropic Overlapping Particles
Physical Review E 87, 022111 (2013)
Y. Jiao, E. Padilla and N. Chawla
Modeling and Predicting Microstructure Evolution in Lead/Tin Alloy via Correlation Functions and Stochastic Material Reconstruction
Acta Materialia 61, 3370 (2013)
S. Torquato and Y. Jiao
Effect of Dimensionality on the Percolation Thresholds of Various d-Dimensional Lattices
Physical Review E 87, 032149 (2013)
Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Evolution and Morphology of Microenvironment-Enhanced Malignancy of Three-Dimensional Invasive Solid Tumors
Physical Review E 87, 052707 (2013)
Y. Jiao
Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Material Microstructure Reconstruction from Limited Morphological Information via Stochastic Optimization
AIMS Materials Science 1, 28 (2014)
[Invited paper for special issue "Materials by Design"]
E.Y. Guo, N. Chawla, T. Jing, S. Torquato, and Y. Jiao
Accurate Modeling and Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Filamentary Structures from Two-Dimensional Micrographs via Dilation-Erosion Method
Materials Characterization 89, 33 (2014)
R. Gabbrielli, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Dense Periodic Packings of Tori
Physical Review E 89, 022133 (2014)
[Selected as "Editors' Suggestion" by Phys. Rev. E]
Y. Jiao, T. Lau, H. Haztzikirou, M. Meyer-Hermann, J. C. Corbo, and S. Torquato
Avian Photoreceptor Patterns Represent a Disordered Hyperuniform Solution to a Multiscale Packing Problem
Physical Review E 89, 022721 (2014)
[Highlighted in Princeton Top Stories]
Y. Jiao and N. Chawla
Three-Dimensional Modeling of Complex Heterogeneous Material via Statistical Microstructural Descriptors
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 3, 3 (2014)
[Invited paper for special issue "3D Materials Science"]
Y. Jiao and N. Chawla
Modeling and Charactering Anisotropic Inclusion Orientation in Heterogeneous Materials via Directional Cluster Function and Stochastic Reconstruction
Journal of Applied Physics 115, 093511 (2014)
Y. Jiao
A Generalized Lattice-Point Method for Reconstructing Heterogeneous Materials from Lower-Order Correlation Functions
Annals of Materials Science and Engineering 1, 11 (2014)
[Invited review paper for the Inaugural Issue]
H.C. Li, N. Chawla, and Y. Jiao
Reconstruction of Heterogeneous Materials via Stochastic Optimization of Limited-Angle X-ray Tomographic Projections
Scripta Materialia 86, 48 (2014)
D. Chen, Y. Jiao and S. Torquato
Equilibrium Phase Behavior and Maximally Random Jammed State of Truncated Tetrahedra
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118, 7981 (2014)
H. Chen, E. Lin, Y. Jiao, and Y. Liu
A Generalized 2D Non-Local Lattice Spring Model for Fracture Simulation
Computational Mechanics 54, 1541 (2014)
D. Chen, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato
A Cellular Automaton Model for Tumor Dormancy: Emergence of a Proliferative Switch
PLoS One 9, e109934 (2014)
C. Jones, L. Liang, D. Lin, Y. Jiao, and B. Sun
The Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Type I Collagen-Based Extracellular Matrix
Soft Matter 10, 8855 (2014)
L. Liang and Y. Jiao
Microenvironment-Enhanced Invasive Tumor Growth via Cellular Automaton Simulations
Acta Physica Sinica 64, 058706 (2015)
J. Zhu, L. Liang, Y. Jiao, and L. Liu
Enhanced Invasion of Metastatic Cancer Cells via Extracellular Matrix Interface
PLoS One 10, e0118058 (2015)
H. Chen, Y. Jiao, and Y. Liu
Investigating the Microstructural Effect on Elastic and Fracture Behavior of Polycrystals Using a Nonlocal Lattice-Particle Model
Materials Science and Engineering A 631, 173 (2015)
S. Chen, H. Li, and Y. Jiao
Dynamic Reconstruction of Heterogeneous Materials and Microstructure Evolution
Physical Review E 92, 023301 (2015)
J. Tian, Y. Xu, Y. Jiao, and S. Torquato
A Geometric-Structure Theory for Maximally Random Jammed Packings
Scientific Reports 5, 16722 (2015)
S Chen, A. Kirubanandham, N. Chawla and Y. Jiao
Stochastic Multi-Scale Reconstruction of 3D Microstructure Consisting of Polycrystalline Grains and Second-Phase Particles from 2D Micrographs
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 1440 (2016)
H. Chen, Y. Jiao and Y. Liu
A Nonlocal Lattice Particle Model for Fracture Simulation of Anisotropic Materials
Composites Part B 90, 141 (2016)
H. Chen, Y. Xu, Y. Jiao and Y. Liu
A Novel Discrete Computational Tool for Microstructure-Sensitive Mechanical Analysis of Composite Materials Materials
Materials Science and Engineering A 659, 234 (2016)
L. Meng, Y. Jiao and S. Li
Maximally Dense Random Packings of Spherocylinders
Powder Technology 292, 176 (2016)
W. Gao, Y. Jiao and L. Dai
Effects of Size, Shape, and Surface Composition on the Diffusive Behaviors of Nanoparticles at/across Water-Oil Interfaces via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 18, 91 (2016)
H. Chen, L. Meng, S. Chen, Y. Jiao and Y. Liu
Numerical Investigation of Microstructure Effect on Mechanical Properties of Bi-continuous and Particulate Reinforced Composite Materials
Computational Materials Science 122, 288 (2016)
H. Li, S. Singh, C. S. Kaira, J. C. E. Mertens, J. J. Williams, N. Chawla, and Y. Jiao
Microstructural Quantification and Property Prediction Using Limited X-ray Tomography Data
JOM 68, 2288 (2016)
H. Li, C. S. Kaira, J. Mertens, N. Chawla, and Y. Jiao
Accurate Stochastic Reconstruction of Heterogeneous Microstructures by Limited X-ray Tomographic Projections
Journal of Microscopy 264, 339 (2016)
W. Xu, X. Su, and Y. Jiao
Continuum Percolation of Congruent Overlapping Spherocylinders
Physical Review E 94, 032122 (2016)
S. Chen, Y. Xu, and Y. Jiao
Modeling Morphology evolution and densification during solid-state sintering via kinetic Monte Carlo simulation
Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 24, 085003 (2016)
W. Han, S. Chen, W. Yuan, Q. Fan, J. Tian, X. Wang, L. Chen, X. Zhang, W. Wei, R. Liu, J. Qu, Y. Jiao, R. H. Austin, and L. Liu
Oriented Collagen Fibers Direct Tumor Cell Intravasation
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 11208 (2016)
L. Liang, C. Jones, S. Chen, B. Sun, and Y. Jiao
Heterogeneous Force Network in 3D Cellularized Collagen Networks
Physical Biology 13, 066001 (2016)
S. Chen, Y. Xu, and Y. Jiao
Modeling Solid-State Sintering with Externally Applied Pressure: A Geometric Force Approach
AIMS Materials Science 4, 75 (2017)
L. Liu, Z. Li, Y. Jiao and S. Li
Maximally Dense Random Packings of Cubes and Cuboids via Novel Inverse Packing Method
Soft Matter 13, 748 (2017)
W. Jin, Y. Jiao, L. Liu, Y. Yuan, and S. Li
Dense Crystalline Packings of Ellipsoids
Physical Review E 95, 033003 (2017)
S. Chen, M. Adepu, H. Emady, Y. Jiao, and A. Gel
Enhancing the Physical Modeling Capability of Open-Source MFIX-DEM Software for Handling Particle Size Polydispersity: Implementation and Validation
Powder Technology, (2017)
W. Xu, F. Wu, Y. Jiao, M. Liu
A General Micromechanical Framework of Effective Moduli for the Design of Nonspherical Nano- and Micro-particle Reinforced Composites with Interface Properties
Materials & Design, (2017)
R. Cang, Y. Xu, S. Chen, Y. Liu, Y. Jiao, and Y. Ren
Microstructure Representation and Reconstruction of Heterogeneous Materials via Deep Belief Network for Computational Material Design
ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, (2017)
- Yang Jiao*, Direct microsructure quantification and property prediction of porous materials from limited imaging data. ACS Petroleum Research Fund (9/1/2016 - 8/31/2019)
- Yi Ren*, Yongming Liu, Yang Jiao, EAGER: Reconstruction and Optimal Design of Multi-scale Material Systems through Deep Networks (9/1/2016 - 8/31/2017)
- Jiao,Yang*. Integrated Computational Scheme for the Characterization Modeling and Prediction of Microstructure Evolution and Fatigue Response in Titanium Alloys. DOD-DARPA(9/9/2014 - 9/8/2017).
- Jiao,Yang*, Chawla,Nikhilesh. Microstructural Evolution via Stochastic Morphology Reconstruction from Limited Tomography Data: Modeling Simulation and Experimental Verification. NSF-MPS-DMR(9/15/2013 - 8/31/2016).
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 335 | Materials Kinetics |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 593 | Applied Project |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 330 | Thermodynamics of Materials |
CHE 592 | Research |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 524 | Advanced Thermodynamics |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 561 | Kinetics&Phase Trans in Solids |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 593 | Applied Project |
MAE 792 | Research |
MSE 561 | Kinetics&Phase Trans in Solids |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 330 | Thermodynamics of Materials |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 592 | Research |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 561 | Kinetics&Phase Trans in Solids |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 593 | Applied Project |
MAE 792 | Research |
MSE 561 | Kinetics&Phase Trans in Solids |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 493 | Honors Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 330 | Thermodynamics of Materials |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 492 | Honors Directed Study |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 561 | Kinetics&Phase Trans in Solids |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 593 | Applied Project |
MAE 792 | Research |
MSE 561 | Kinetics&Phase Trans in Solids |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 792 | Research |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 330 | Thermodynamics of Materials |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 592 | Research |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 561 | Kinetics&Phase Trans in Solids |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 593 | Applied Project |
MSE 561 | Kinetics&Phase Trans in Solids |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 592 | Research |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
CHE 593 | Applied Project |
MAE 593 | Applied Project |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
MAE 792 | Research |
MSE 595 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
MSE 561 | Kinetics&Phase Trans in Solids |
MSE 599 | Thesis |
MSE 792 | Research |
MSE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MSE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 792 | Research |
MAE 795 | Continuing Registration |
MAE 799 | Dissertation |
MAE 598 | Special Topics |