Elliott Goldstein studies the control of gene expression in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. In the past, his research focused mainly on understanding Jun and Fos, specific genes involved in developmental processes and in learning and memory. He and his collaborators focused on how the protein product (AP-1) formed by these oncogenes can act as a positive or negative regulator, turning a number of genes on or off.
Currently, Professor Goldstein's focus is more on the communication of this information and other educational material in molecular biology and molecular genetics. He is co-author of the textbooks "Lewin's Genes" and "Lewin's Essential Genes." He continues to work to make educational information on genetics more accessible to students.
Ph.D. University of Minnesota 1972
- Krebs, J. E., Goldstein, E. S. and Kilpatrick, S. T. (2012) Lewin’s Genes XI, 11th Edition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 10 chapters
- Krebs, J. E., Goldstein, E. S. and Kilpatrick, S. T. (2011) Lewin’s Essential Genes, 3ed Edition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 10 chapters
- Hudson, S. G. and Goldstein, E. S. (2008) “Characterization of the gene structure and embryonic expression pattern of the nested Drosophila melanogaster genes kayak and fig” Gene 420, 76-81
- Hudson, S. G, Garrett, M.J., Carlson, J.W., Micklem, G., Celniker, S.E., Goldstein, E.S. and Newfeld, S.J. (2007) “Phylogenetic and genome-wide analyses suggests a functional relationship between kayak the Drosophila Fos homolog and fig a predicted PP2C phosphatase nested within a kayak intron” Genetics 177, 1349-1361
- Krebs, Jocelyn, Goldstein, Elliott Stuart, Kilpatrick, Stephen T. Genes XI. (2012).
- Krebs, Jocelyn, Goldstein, Elliott Stuart, Kilpatrick, Stephen T. Lewin's Essential Genes, 3ed edition. (2011).
- Stephanie Gidget Hudson, Elliott S. Goldstein. The gene structure of the Drosophila melanogaster proto-oncogene, kayak, and its nested gene, fos-intronic gene. Gene (2008).
- S Hudson, Elliott Goldstein. Phylogenetic analysis suggests a functional relationship between kayak the Drosophila Fos homolog and fig a predicted PP2C phosphatase nested within a kayak intron. Report of the 48th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (2007).
- Stephanie Hudson, Mattthew Garrett, Joseph Carlson, Gos Micklem, Susan Celniker, Elliott Goldstein, Stuart Newfeld. Phylogenetic and genome-wide analyses suggests a functional relationship between kayak the Drosophila Fos homolog and fig a predicted PP2C phosphatase nested within a kayak intron. Genetics (2007).
- S Hudson, Elliott Goldstein. Characterization of the D. melanogaster homolog of the human proto-oncogene fos (kayak) and its nested gene. Report of the 47th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (2006).
- S Hudson, Elliott Goldstein. The Gene Structure of kayak and fig: A Complex Chromosome Region With a Nested Gene. Report of the 46th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (2005).
- S Hudson, Elliott Goldstein. Characterization of the Drosophila gene fig (fos intronic gene). Report of the 45th Annual Drosophila Research Conference. Pg 195 (2004).
- M O'Day, Elliott Goldstein. The identification and Characterization of persephone, A Gene that codes for a Transcription Factor in Drosophila melanogaster. Report of the 44th Annual Drosophila Conference (2003).
- S Hudson, Elliott Goldstein. Characterization of the Drosophila gene fig (fos intronic gene. Report of the 44th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (2003).
- E Rousseau, Elliott Goldstein. The Gene Structure of the Drosophila melanogaster Homolog of the Human Proto-oncogene fos. Gene (2001).
- E Rousseau, S Hudson, Elliott Goldstein. The Gene Structure of the Drosophila Homolog of the Human Proto-oncogene fos. Report of the 42nd Annual Drosophila Conference (2001).
- Elliott Goldstein, A LeBell, M O'Day, C Duncan, M Tallman, A Cattelino, J Lim, S Treadway, A Stephenson, G Gramstad, A Keilty, L Kirsch, M Imperial, S Guest, S Hudson. A Genetic Analysis of the 2R 46 C-F Region Containing the Drosophila Melanogaster Homolog at the jun proto-oncogene. Molecular Genetics and Genomics (2001).
- Goldstein,Elliott Stuart*. A MOLECULAR AND GENETIC ANALYSIS OF THE JUN ONCOGENE. DEL WEBB FDN(1/1/1991 - 6/30/1992).
- Hudson, S, Goldstein, Elliott. Characterization of the D. melanogaster homolog of the human proto-oncogene fos (kayak) and its nested gene fig. 47th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Mar 2006).
- Fortney, Z, Ellis, J, Straus, S, Hudson, S, Goldstein, Elliott. Imprecise Excision of the Kayak P-element. UBEP 13th Annual Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium (Feb 2006).
- Hudson, S, Goldstein, Elliott. The Gene Structures of kayak and fig: a Complex Chromosomal Region with a Nested Gene. 46th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Mar 2005).
- Hudson, S, Goldstein, Elliott. Characterization of the Drosophila gene fig (fos intronic gene). 45th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Mar 2004).
- Goldstein, Elliott. Characterization of the Drosophila gene fig (fos intronic gene. 44th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Mar 2003).
- Goldstein, Elliott. The identification and Characterization of persephone, A Gene that codes f. 44th Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Mar 2003).
- Goldstein, Elliott. Annual Drosophila Conference
- Hudson, Stephanie, Goldstein, Elliott. Phylogenetic Analysis suggests a functional relationship between kayak the Drosophila Fos homolog and fig a predicted PP2C phosphatase nested within a kayak intron. 48th Annual Drosophila Research Conference
- Goldstein, Elliott. Annual Drosophila Conference
- presentation to: Humanist Society of Phoenix, seminar (2009 - Present)
- SoLS Cellular, Molecular Biosciences Personel Committee, member (2007 - Present)
- SoLS Cellular, Molecular Biosciences Personel Committee, member (2007 - Present)
- SoLS Cellular, Molecular Biosciences Personel Committee, member (2007 - Present)
- Temple Beth Sholom, chair of the cemetary committee (2007 - Present)
- Temple Beth Sholom, chair of the cemetary committee (2007 - Present)
- Facilities Committee, member (2006 - Present)
- Facilities Committee, member (2006 - Present)
- Facilities Committee, member (2006 - Present)
- Facilities Committee, member (2006 - Present)
- Facilities Committee, member (2006 - Present)
- Facilities Committee, member (2006 - Present)
- Facilities Committee, member (2006 - Present)
- Ask A Biologist, answer quesions (2005 - Present)
- Ask A Biologist, answer quesions (2005 - Present)
- Ask A Biologist, answer quesions (2005 - Present)
- Ask A Biologist, answer quesions (2005 - Present)
- Ask A Biologist, answer quesions (2005 - Present)
- Ask A Biologist, answer quesions (2005 - Present)
- Ask A Biologist, answer quesions (2005 - Present)
- School of Life Science, contributor (2004 - Present)
- School of Life Science, contributor (2004 - Present)
- School of Life Science, contributor (2004 - Present)
- School of Life Science, contributor (2004 - Present)
- School of Life Science, contributor (2004 - Present)
- School of Life Science, contributor (2004 - Present)
- School of Life Science, contributor (2004 - Present)
- Arizona Counties & Federal Government, Consultant/expert witness (1992 - Present)
- Arizona Counties & Federal Government, Consultant/expert witness (1992 - Present)
- Arizona Counties & Federal Government, Consultant/expert witness (1992 - Present)
- Textbook publishers, Reviewer (1980 - Present)
- Textbook publishers, Reviewer (1980 - Present)
- Textbook publishers, Reviewer (1980 - Present)
- Textbook publishers, Reviewer (1980 - Present)
- Textbook publishers, Reviewer (1980 - Present)
- Textbook publishers, Reviewer (1980 - Present)
- Phoenix ASU Chapter SecretaryTreasurer of Sigma Xi, Secretary/Treasurer (2006 - 2015)
- adjunct/affiliated faculty oversight committee, chair (2005 - 2015)
- Phoenix ASU Chapter SecretaryTreasurer of Sigma Xi, Secretary/Treasurer (2006 - 2014)
- adjunct/affiliated faculty oversight committee, chair (2005 - 2013)
- SoLS Cellular, Molecular Biosciences Personel Committee, member (2007 - 2012)
- Phoenix ASU Chapter SecretaryTreasurer of Sigma Xi, Secretary/Treasurer (2006 - 2012)
- adjunct/affiliated faculty oversight committee, chair (2005 - 2012)
- Temple Beth Sholom, member of the Board of Directors (2007 - 2012)
- Arizona Counties & Federal Government, Consultant/expert witness (1992 - 2012)
- SoLS Cellular, Molecular Biosciences Personel Committee, member (2007 - 2011)
- Phoenix ASU Chapter Treasurer of Sigma Xi, Treasurer (2006 - 2011)
- adjunct/affiliated faculty oversight committee, chair (2005 - 2011)
- School of Life Science, Parlimentarian (2004 - 2010)
- adjunct/affiliated faculty oversight committee, chair (2005 - 2010)
- Arizona Counties & Federal Government, Consultant/expert witness (1992 - 2010)
- adjunct/affiliated faculty oversight committee, chair (2005 - 2009)
- Temple Beth Sholom, Secretary (2007 - 2009)
- Temple Beth Sholom, Secretary, member of the Executive Board (2007 - 2009)
- Temple Beth Sholom, member of Board of Directors (2005 - 2009)
- School of Life Science, Parlimentarian (2004 - 2008)
- University Hearing Board, member (2007 - 2008)
- Phoenix ASU Chapter Treasurer of Sigma Xi, Treasurer (2006 - 2008)
- Temple Beth Sholom, Executive Vice President (2006 - 2007)
- University Radiation Saftey Committee, member (1986 - 2006)
- School of Life Science, member (2005 - 2006)
- University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, course syllabus review (2004 - 2005)
- adjunct/affiliated faculty oversight committee, member (2004 - 2005)
- SoLS Adjunct/Affiliated Committee, Member (2004 - 2004)
- University Radiation Saftey Committee, member (2004)
- Faculty Ambassador to Tempe Public Library's Research Revolution, presentation (2003)
- Phoenix ASU Chapter Treasurer of Sigma Xi, Treasurer (2003)
- Presentation to Desert Vista High School, discussion talk (2003)
- Presentation to the Phoenix Public Library on Human Cloning, discussion talk (2003)
- Undergraduate Programs Committee, summer, member (2003)
- presentation to: Humanist Society of Phoenix, seminar (2003)
- Genetics Program Committee, Coordinator (2002 - 2002)
- MCB Comprehensive Exam Committee, Chair (2001 - 2001)