Sheldon Simon came to Arizona State University in 1975 to chair the Political Science Department. He passed away in 2021. Simon served as director of the Center for Asian Studies at ASU. He has also held faculty appointments at the universities of Hawaii, British Columbia, and Kentucky as well as at George Washington University, Carleton University (Ottawa), the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and the American Graduate School of International Management. He has received research grants from the National Bureau of Asian Research, the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Hiroshima Peace Institute, and the Earhart Foundation. Currently, he serves on five professional journal editorial boards. Professor Simon is the author or editor of 10 books, most recently co-edited volumes: "China, the United States, and Southeast Asia: Contending Perspectives on Politics, Security, and Economics" (Routledge, 2008) and "Religion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia: Disrupting Violence" (Routledge, 2007). He is also the author of approximately 200 scholarly articles and book chapters in such journals as Pacific Affairs, The Pacific Review, Asian Survey, Asian Affairs, International Politics, NBR Analysis, Comparative Connections: An E-Journal of East Asian Bilateral Relations, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Current History, The Third World Quarterly, The Australian Jourrnal of International Affairs,The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis,The Journal of East Asian Affairs, and The Indonesian Quarterly. Simon is an academic associate of the National Intelligence Council and a consultant to the U.S. Departments of State and Defense on Asian security issues. For the 2008-09 academic year, he held the Visiting Asia Mentor Professorship at The U.S. Naval War College. In 2010, Professor Simon delivered a series of lectures on behalf of the U.S. embassy in Indonesia on US strategic interests in Southeast Asia and in May 2013, he was a member of a U.S. embassy traveling symposium in Japan on the South China Sea conflicts and its implications for the U.S.-Japan alliance.
- Ph.D. 1964 Dissertation completed under a grant from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
- M.A. Woodrow Wilson School (Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship), Princeton University 1960
- B.A. ( Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude), University of Minnesota 1958
- Sheldon W Simon. US-Southeast Asian Relations: High Level Attention". COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2013).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "The ASEAN Regional Forum: Beyond the 'Talk Shop'". NBR Analysis Brief (2013).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "US-Southeast Asian Relations: Military Commitments and Human Rights Concerns". COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2013).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "US-Southeast Asian Relations: Philippines--Exemplar of the Rebalance". COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2013).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "Conflict and Diplomacy in the South China Sea: The View from Washington". ASIAN SURVEY (2012).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "US-Southeast Asian Relations: Rebalancing". COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2012).
- Sheldon W Simon. "Safety and Security in the Malacca Straits: The Limits of Collaboration,". ASIAN SECURITY (2011).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "US-Southeast Asian Relations: Dismay at Thai-Cambodian Skirmishes". COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2011).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "The United States, Japan, and Australia: Security Linkages to Southeast Asia". The U.S.-Japan Security Alliance: Regional Multilateralism (2011).
- Sheldon Simon. "U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations: Engagement with Burma Ramps Up,". Comparative Connections--A Quarterly E-Journal of East Asian Bilateral Relations (2010).
- Sheldon Simon. "U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations: Growing Enmeshment in Regional Affairs,". Comparative Connections (2010).
- Sheldon Simon. "U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations: Thai Turmoil; President Postpones Indonesia Trip Again". Comparative Connections (2010).
- . . Review of: Whose Ideas Matter? Agency and Power in Asian Regionalism (2010).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "Evaluating Track II Approaches to Security Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific Region: The CSCAP Experience". Assessing Track 2 Security Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific Region: A CSCAP Reader (2010).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "Southeast Asian International Relations: Is There Institutional Traction?". International Relations in Southeast Asia: Between Bilateralism and Multilateralism (2010).
- Sheldon Simon. "U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations: Indonesia as Exemplar of Southeast Asia's Importance". Comparative Connections (2009).
- Sheldon Simon. "U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations: President's Cairo Speech Resonates in Southeast Asia". Comparative Connections (2009).
- Sheldon Simon. "U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations: Thai Political Turmoil Impacts ASEAN". Comparative Connections: A Quarterly E-Journal of East Asian Bilateral Relations (2009).
- Sheldon Simon. "ASEAN and Multilateralism: The Long, Bumpy Road to Community". Contemporary Southeast Asia (2008).
- Sheldon Simon. "Southeast Asian Security and Its Influential 'Others'". The Indonesian Quarterly (2008).
- Sheldon Simon. "The New ASEAN Charter Bedeviled by Burma's Impunity". Comparative Connections: A Quarterly E-Journal of East Asian Bilateral Relations (2008).
- Sheldon Simon. "The United States, Japan, and Australia: Security Linkages to S.E. Asia. National Bureau of Asian Research Special Report No. 16 (2008).
- Evelyn Goh and Sheldon Simon. China, the United States, and Southeast Asia: Contending Perspectives on Politics, Security, and Economics. (2008).
- . . Review of: Review of America's Strategy in Southeast Asia: From the Cold War to the Terror War (2008).
- Sheldon Simon. "ASEAN and the New Regionalism Multilateralism". International Relations of Asia (2008).
- Sheldon Simon. "Whither Security Regionalism: ASEAN and the ARF in the Face of New Security Challenges". Reassessing Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (2008).
- Cady, Linell, Simon, Sheldon W. Religion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia:Disrupting Violence. (2007).
- Sheldon Simon. Military Relations with Indonesia Restored. Comparative Connections (2006).
- Sheldon Simon. U.S.-Southeast Asia Relations: President Bush Reaches Out to Southeast Asia at APEC Summit. Comparative Connections (2006).
- Sheldon Simon. U.S.-Southeast Asia Relations: U.S. Pushes Security and Trade Interests in South- east Asia. Comparative Connections (2006).
- Sheldon Simon. U.S.-Southeast Asia Relations: U.S. Strengthens Ties to Southeast Asian Regionalism. Comparative Connections (2006).
- Simon, Sheldon W, Cady, Linell. Religion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia: Disrupting Violence. (2006).
- Sheldon Simon. U.S.-Southeast Asia Relations: Military Relations with Indonesia Restored, While the U.S. Passes on the First East Asia Summit. COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2005).
- Sheldon Simon. U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations: Aid Burnishes U.S. Image but Other Concerns Persist. COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2005).
- Sheldon Simon. U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations: Misses and Hits. COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2005).
- Simon, Sheldon W (Author) . Realism and Regionalism in Southeast Asia: The ARF and the War on Terror. ORDER AND SECURITY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA: ESSAYS IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL LEIFER (2005).
- Simon, Sheldon W (Author) . Southeast Asia's Defense Needs: Change or Continuity?. STRATEGIC ASIA: 2005-2006--MILIARY MODERNIZATION IN AN AGE OF UNCERTAINTY (2005).
- Sheldon Simon. Philippines Withdraws from Iraq and JI Strikes Again. COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2004).
- Sheldon Simon. Security Cooperation Between the U.S. and Its Southeast Asian Partners. IDSS Commentaries (Singapore) (2004).
- Sheldon Simon. WMD in Malaysia and Counter-Terrorism in the Rest of Southeast Asia. COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (2004).
- Simon, Sheldon W (Author) . Southeast Asia: Back to the Future?. STRATTEGIC ASIA:2004-2005 CONFRONTING TERRORISM IN THE PURSUIT OF POWER (2004).
- Sheldon Simon. President Bush Presses Anti-Terrorism Agenda in Southeast Asia. Comparative Connections (2003).
- Sheldon Simon. Rethinking Terrorism in Southeast Asia. Swords and Ploughshares (2003).
- Sheldon Simon. Southeast Asia Solidifies Terrorism Support, Lobbies for Postwar Iraq Reconstruction. Comparative Connections (2003).
- Sheldon Simon. Terrorism Perpetrated and Terrorists Apprehended Dominate Southeast Asian Politics. Comparative Connections (2003).
- Sheldon Simon. Theater Security Cooperation in the U.S. Pacific Command. NBR Analysis (2003).
- Simon, Sheldon W. Southeast Asia: Whither Security Regionalism?. (2003).
- . Southeast Asia. Strategic Asia, 2002-2003: Asian Aftershocks (2003).
- . Southeast Asia: Whither Security Regionalism?. Strategic Asia: 2003-2004 (2003).
- Sheldon Simon. Evaluating Track II Approaches to Security Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific: The CSCAP Experience. The Pacific Review (2002).
- Sheldon Simon. Managing Security Challenges in Southeast Asia. NBR Analysis (2002).
- Sheldon Simon. Mixed Reactions in Southeast Asia to the American War on Terrorism. Comparative Connections (2001).
- Simon, Sheldon W. The Many Faces of Asian Security. (2001).
- . Southeast Asia. Strategic Asia:Power and Purpose, 2001-2002 (2001).
- Sheldon Simon. Asian Armed Forces: Internal and External Tasks and Capabilities. NBR Analysis (2000).
- Sheldon Simon. The United States and Southeast Asia: Blowing Hot and Cold. Comparative Connections (2000).
- Sheldon Simon. "U.S. Responds to Southeast Asia Political Turmoil. Comparative Connections (0).
- Sheldon Simon. "U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations: President's Cairo Speech Resonates in Southeast Asia". Comparative Connections (0).
- Sheldon W. Simon. "US-Southeast Asian Relations: Deep into South China Sea Diplomacy". COMPARATIVE CONNECTIONS (0).
- Simon,Sheldon W*. EAST ASIAN INVESTMENT IN ARIZONA'S FUTURE. (6/1/1987 - 2/28/1988).
- Simon,Sheldon W*. SE ASIAN SECURITY PROGRAM. MISC FEDERAL(1/1/1986 - 12/15/1986).
- Sheldon W Simon. "The US Rebalance and the South China Sea Conflicts:. US Embassy Japan Symposium (May 2013).
- Sheldon W Simon. South China Sea: A Wicked Problem. US National Intelligence Council (Jul 2012).
- Sheldon W Simon. "The Malacca Straits". Pacific Forum/Center for Strategic and International Studies (Jun 2012).
- Sheldon W Simon. "Philippine-US Security Relations". A conference sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (May 2011).
- Sheldon W. Simon. Philippine-US Security Relation". Asia Foundation Colloquium (Feb 2011).
- Simon, Sheldon. Southeast Asian International Relations: Is There Institutional Traction?. Bilateralism versus Multilateralism in Southeast Asia (Dec 2007).
- Simon, Sheldon. "ASEAN and Multilateralism: The Long Bumpy Road to Community. The Future of Asian International Relations (Sep 2007).
- Simon, Sheldon. "ASEAN and Its Security Offspring". annual conference on U.S. security (Mar 2007).
- Simon, Sheldon. Nuclear Weapons and Southeast Asia: The Path Not Taken. The National Bureau of Asian Research and the U.S. Department of Energy (Oct 2006).
- Simon, Sheldon. ASEAN and Its Outliers: Burma, Cambodia, and Laos. State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research Workshop on ASEAN (Jun 2006).
- Simon, Sheldon. ASEAN and the ARF: Whither Security Regionalism?. Joint session of The National Defense University and The American Enterprise Institute on Asia (Nov 2005).
- Simon, Sheldon. Theater Security Cooperation in the U.S. Pacific Command. Colloquim for senior Asian military officers (Aug 2004).
- Simon, Sheldon. Regional Approaches to Terrorism in Southeast Asia. U.S. Intelligence Community (Jul 2004).
- Simon, Sheldon. Realism and Regionalism in Southeast Asia. Conference in honor of Prof. Michael Leifer (May 2004).
- Simon, Sheldon. Security Regionalism and the War on Terror in East Asia. Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies (Nov 2003).
- Simon, Sheldon. Theater Security Cooperation in the U.S. Pacific Command. U.S. Intelligence Community conference on Asian security and to the Conference on Asian Regionalism (Aug 2003).
- Simon, Sheldon. Southeast Asia: Whither Security Regionalism. Conference on Southeast Asia's Future sponsored by the Indonesian Mission to the United Natons (Jun 2003).
- Simon, Sheldon. Southeast Asia's Terrorist Challenge. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Apr 2003).
- Simon, Sheldon. Terrorism in Southeast Asia. University of Illinois Conference on Rethinking Global Terrorism (Oct 2002).
- Simon, Sheldon. Southeast Asian Security Regionalism and the War on Terror. U.S. intelligence community (Aug 2002).
- Simon, Sheldon. Southeast Asian Security. The National Defense University Pacific Symposium (Feb 2002).
- Simon, Sheldon. Southeast Asian Security. The Johns Hopkins University School Advanced International Studies conference on Thailand's Future (Nov 2001).
- Simon, Sheldon. Japan and Southeast Asia: A Cautious Courtship. U.S. Intelligence Community Seminar (Sep 2001).
- Simon, Sheldon. Asian Armed Forces. Southern Methodist University conference ...Regional Conflicts in East and Southeast Asia (Sep 2001).
- Simon, Sheldon. Evaluating Track II Security Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific: The CSCAP Experience. Meeting of The American Political Science Association (Aug 2001).
- Simon, Sheldon. The Many Faces of Asian Security:Beyond. NBR-ASU conference (Apr 2000).
- Simon, Sheldon. Asian Armed Forces: Internal and External Tasks and Capabilities. Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (Mar 2000).
- Simon, Sheldon. Asian international politics aboard the world cruises of The Crystal Symphony and The Radisson Navigator in East Asia. Smithsonian Institution guest lecturer
- Simon, Sheldon. U.S. role in world affairs and the political situation on the Korean peninsula. ASU President's Community Enrichment Program
- School of Politics & Global Studies, Undergraduate Committee, committee member (2013 - Present)
- International Studies Perspectives, Member of the Editorial Board (2009 - Present)
- NBR Analysis, member of editorial board (2009 - Present)
- National Bureau of Asian Research, Senior Advisor (2009 - Present)
- U.S. National Intelligence Council, Member of the Academic Advisory Group (2006 - Present)
- Academic Associates of the U.S. National Intelligence Council, Member (2006 - Present)
- Asia Policy, Member of the editorial board (2005 - Present)
- Advisory board, ASU Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Member (2005 - Present)
- Asian Policy, Editorial board (2005 - Present)
- Asian Security, member of editorial board (2003 - Present)
- Asian Security, Editorial Board (2003 - Present)
- The National Bureau of Asian Research, Senior Advisor (1996 - Present)
- The Pacific Review, Editorial Board Member (1995 - Present)
- The Pacific Review, Editorial Board Member (1995 - Present)
- The Pacific Review, Editorial Board (1995 - Present)
- NBR Analysis, Editorial Board (1993 - Present)
- Asian Affairs, Editorial Board (1983 - Present)
- Asian Affairs, Editorial Board member (1983 - Present)
- Asian Affairs, Editorial Board (1983 - Present)
- Radio. Television, and press, Expert to be interviewed on international political developments (1976 - Present)
- Asian Security, Editorial Board member (2005 - 2015)
- NBR Analysis, Editorial Board member (1999 - 2015)
- Asia Policy, Editorial Board member (1996 - 2015)
- The Pacific Review, Editorial Board member (1995 - 2015)
- National Bureau of Asian Research, Senior Advisor (1991 - 2015)
- Asia Affairs, Editorial Board member (1983 - 2015)
- International Studies Perspectives, Editorial Board member (2010 - 2013)
- College of Liberal Arts and All-University Senate, Senator for School of Politics and Global Studies (2013 - 2013)
- U.S. National Intelligence Council, Member of Academic Advisory Board (2009 - 2011)
- University Governance-Griveance Committee, Member (2006 - 2009)
- University Senate, Member (2006 - 2009)
- Governance/Grievance Committee, Member (2004 - 2007)
- National Bureau of Asian Research, Senior Advisor (1991 - 2006)
- Promotion and tenure, Member (2005 - 2005)
- Undergraduate Committee, Member (2005 - 2005)
- KTAR Radio, Commentator on international politics (2004 - 2005)
- Johnson Foundation Analysis Group on U.S.-Southeast Asian Relations, Member (2004 - 2004)
- Fulbright Scholar, Evaluator (2003 - 2003)
- Appointment of William Tow as Senior Fellow at Asia-Pacific Center, Honolulu, Outside evaluator (2003)
- Asian Survey, Refereed manuscript (2003)
- Governance-Grievance Committee, Member (2003)
- NBR Analysis, Refereed manuscript (2003)
- National Bureau of Asian Research, Senior Advisor in Southeast Asian Studies (2003)
- National Defense University, Workshop participant (2003)
- Oxford University Press, Prospectus reviewer (2003)
- Perspectives on Politics, Book review (2003)
- Political Science Advisory Committee, Member (2003)
- Reviewer for M.E. Sharpe of See Seng Tan and Amitav Acharaya book manuscript, Refereed manuscript (2003)
- U.S. Intelligence Community, Commentator (2003)
- U.S. Intelligence Community, Simulation participant (2003)
- U.S. Military Academy, Referee (2003)
- U.S. State Department, Expertise (2003)