Ralph Chamberlin
Phone: 480-965-3922
PSF 425 TEMPE, AZ 85287-1504
Mail code: 1504Campus: Tempe
Ralph Chamberlin received his BS in physics in 1978 from the University of Utah, where he did milli-Kelvin research with Orest Symko. He received his PhD in physics in 1984 from UC Los Angeles, under the direction of Ray Orbach, where his research focused on developing and using fast SQUID magnetometers to study spin glass dynamics. He spent two years as a postdoc at U Penn, working with Paul Chaikin to measure low-dimensional organic superconductors in high magnetic fields. He joined Arizona State University in 1986. His career has shifted between experiments, theory, and computer simulations, seeking to understand and interpret the thermal and dynamic properties of materials. Original terminology and techniques that he has introduced include stretched-exponential relaxation, non-resonant spectral hole burning, stable nanothermodynamics, the nanocanonical ensemble, mesoscopic mean-field theory, and orthogonal dynamics for distinct conservation laws. A primary goal is to find simplified pictures that give improved agreement with measured behavior, including non-classical critical scaling near ferromagnetic transitions, thermal and dynamic properties near liquid-glass transitions, and 1/f-like noise in metal films, nanopores, and qubits. Fundamental discoveries include a novel solution to Gibbs’ paradox, the stable solution of Ising’s original (1925) model for finite chains of interacting spins, and small and simple systems that favor the arrow of time. Practical applications of this research include characterizing and controlling excess thermal fluctuations (“hot spots”) in advanced materials, and insight into how nanometer-sized thermal fluctuations can cause bits of magnetic memory to forget their alignment.
Ph.D. University of California-Los Angeles
A practical application of our research is to understand how thermal fluctuations might erase magnetic memory when the recorded bits reach the scale of nanometers. Another application is to explain how nanometer-sized hot spots occur inside bulk materials. Several experimental techniques have shown that these thermal fluctuations are localized, uncorrelated with neighboring fluctuations, thereby deviating from standard thermodynamics that requires an effectively infinite and homogeneous heat bath. In 1878 Gibbs introduced the chemical potential, which accommodates the thermal energy of individual particles. In 1962 Hill introduced the subdivision potential, which accommodates the thermal energy of individual fluctuations. We find that Hill’s subdivision potential is essential to ensure conservation of energy and maximum entropy during equilibrium fluctuations. We use this “nanothermodynamics” as a guide to develop experiments, theories, and computer simulations. Experiments that we pioneered include: ultrafast SQUID magnetometry, time-domain dielectric spectroscopy, nonresonant-spectral hole burning, vertical-cantilever force microscopy, and tickle-field electron microscopy. Theories that we develop utilize Hill’s fully-open nanocanonical ensemble, yielding a mesocopic mean-field theory and local Landau theory for phase transitions. Computer simulations that we investigate include nonlinear corrections to the total energy from changes in local entropy applied to the Ising model, Creutz model, and molecular dynamics. We have shown that nanothermodynamics provides a fundamental foundation for several formulas that have been known empirically for many years, including stretched-exponential relaxation (1854), super-Arrhenius activation (1921), non-classical corrections to critical scaling (1893), and 1/f noise (1925). The fundamental goal of our research is to understand these empirical formulas, including commonly measured deviations, using nanoscale corrections to classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
- B. F. Davis, R. V. Chamberlin, 1/f noise from a finite entropy bath: comparison with flux noise from SQUIDs, J. Stat. Mech.: Theory Expt. (2018)
- R. V. Chamberlin, R. Boehmer, R. Richert, Nonresonant spectral hole burning in liquids and solids, in Nonlinear Dielectric Spectroscopy, ed. by R. Richert, Springer (2018)
- R. V. Chamberlin, Reducing low-frequency noise during reversible fluctuations. Eur. Phys. J. ST (2017)
- R. V. Chamberlin, S. Abe, B. F. Davis, P. E. Greenwood and A. S.H. Shevchuk. Fluctuation theorems and 1/f noise from a simple matrix. Eur. Phys. J B (2016).
- R. V. Chamberlin. The big world of nanothermodynamics. Entropy (2015).
- R. V. Chamberlin and D. M. Nasir. 1/f noise from the laws of thermodynamics for finite-size fluctuations. Physical Review E (2014).
- R. V. Chamberlin and B. F. Davis. Modified Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics if excitations are localized on an intermediate length scale: Application to non-Debye specific heat. Physical Review E (2013).
- T. Kim, R. V. Chamberlin, and J. P. Bird. Large Magnetoresistance of Nickel-Silicide Nanowires: Non-Equilibrium Heating of Magnetically-Coupled Dangling Bonds. Nano Letters (2013).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics: Small-system thermodynamics applied to large systems. Cartolibreria SNOOPY s.n.c. - via Bligny n.27 25133 Brescia (2013).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Monte-Carlo simulations including energy from an entropic force. Physica A (2012).
- Y. Shen, R. K. Singh, S. Sanghavi, Y. Wei, R. V. Chamberlin, B. H. Moeckly, J. M Rowell, and N. Newman,. Characterization of Josephson and quasi-particle currents in MgB2/MgB2 and Pb/Pb contact junctions. Superconductor Science & Technology (2010).
- R. V. Chamberlin, J. V. Vermaas, and G. H. Wolf. Beyond the Boltzmann factor for corrections to scaling in ferromagnetic materials and critical fluids. European Physical Journal B (2009).
- R.V. Chamberlin and G. H Wolf. Fluctuation-theory constraint for extensive entropy in Monte-Carlo simulations. European Physical Journal B (2009).
- T. Kim, R. V. Chamberlin, P. A. Bennett, and J. P. Bird. Dynamical characteristics of the giant magneto-resistance of epitaxial silicide nanowires. Nanotechnology (2009).
- M. Cardona, R. V. Chamberlin, W. Marx. The history of the stretched exponential function. Annalen der Physik (2007).
- R. V. Chamberlin, N Newman, R Gandikota, R Singh, B Moeckly. Saturation and intrinsic dynamics of fluxons in NbTi and MgB2. Appl. Phys. Lett (2007).
- T Kim, B Naser, R. V. Chamberlin, M Schilfgaarde, P Bennett, J Bird. Large hysteretic magnetoresistance of silicide nanostructures. Physical Review B (2007).
- M Javaheri, R. V. Chamberlin. A free-energy landscape picture and Landau theory for the dynamics of disordered materials. J. Chem. Phys (2006).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Critical behavior from Landau theory in nanothermodynamic equilibrium. Phys. Lett. A (2003).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Adrian Cho's article on tsallis entropy. SCIENCE (2002).
- R. V. Chamberlin, J Hemberger, A Loidl, K Humfeld, D Farrell, S Yamamuro, Y Ijiri, S Majetich. Percolation, relaxation halt, and retarded van der Waals interaction in dilute systems of iron nanoparticles. PHYSICAL REVIEW B (2002).
- R. V. Chamberlin, K Humfeld, D Farrell, S Yamamuro, Y Ijiri, S Majetich. Magnetic relaxation of iron nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS (2002).
- T Hill, R. V. Chamberlin. Fluctuations in energy in completely open small systems. NANO LETTERS (2002).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Mean-Field Cluster Model for the Critical Behaviour of Ferromagnets. Nature (2000).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Mesoscopic Mean-Field Theory for Supercooled Liquids and the Glass Transition. Phys. Rev. Lett. (1999).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Nonresonant Spectral Hole Burning in a Spin Glass. Phys. Rev. Lett. (1999).
2025 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2025 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 498 | Pro-Seminar |
PHY 598 | Special Topics |
2024 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 792 | Research |
2024 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2024 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
2023 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2023 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2023 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 584 | Internship |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
2022 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2022 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 584 | Internship |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 499 | Individualized Instruction |
2021 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
2021 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2021 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 584 | Internship |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
2020 Fall
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I |
2020 Summer
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 792 | Research |
2020 Spring
Course Number | Course Title |
PHY 333 | Electronic Circuits/Measuremnt |
PHY 493 | Honors Thesis |
PHY 792 | Research |
PHY 799 | Dissertation |
PHY 584 | Internship |
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Thermal fluctuations and 1/f noise from nanothermodynamics. StatPhys 26, Lyon. (Jul 2016)
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Equilibrium response, thermal fluctuations, and 1/f noise from nanothermodynamics. University of Goettingen, University of Augsburg, University of Twente, University of Montpellier, University of Burgundy, University of Barcelona, University of Heidelberg (Jul 2016)
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics and nonlinear corrections to statistical mechanics: 1/f noise and critical scaling. International Workshop on Nonlinearity, Nonequilibrium and Complexity, Mexico City. (Nov 2015)
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics and nonlinear corrections to statistical mechanics using the Ising model. Bradley University. (Oct 2015)
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics: A poor-man’s approach to the crossover from classical to quantum behavior. Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratories. (Aug 2015).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics and nonlinear corrections to statistical mechanics. Thermodynamics and Nonlinear Dynamics in the Information Age, Telluride (July 2015)
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. A common mechanism for 1/f noise and other forms of slow dynamics. University of Dortmund, University of Roskilde (Jun 2015).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. A physical foundation for 1/f noise and other forms of slow relaxation. Workshop on Fluctuations, Slow Dynamics, and Internal Time in Complex Critical Systems. Kurashiki, Japan (Mar 2015).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. The big world of nanothermodynamics. Lorentz Center Workshop on Nanothermodynamics, Leiden Netherlands (Dec 2014).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Nanoscale dynamics from maintaining maximum entropy during equilibrium fluctuations. University of Luxembourg (Nov 14)
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Nanoscale dynamics from maintaining maximum entropy during equilibrium fluctuations. Physics and Materials Science Research Unit Seminar (Nov 2014).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Adapting Monte Carlo simulations to obey the laws of thermodynamics on intermediate lengths. Gordon Research Conference on Energetic Materials, Sunday River, Maine (Jun 2014).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. The big world of nanothermodynamics. Montana State University Physics Colloquium (Oct 2013).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. The Laws of Thermodynamics and Computer Simulations. Seminar, University of Dortmund, Germany (Jul 2013).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics: Small-system thermodynamics applied to large systems. 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, Brescia, Italy (Jul 2013).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Thermodynamic Heterogeneity in Experiments, Theory, and Simulations. Seminar, University of Rostock, Germany (Jun 2013).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Thermodynamic Heterogeneity in Experiments, Theory, and Simulations. Seminar, University of Augsburg, Germany (Jun 2013).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Specific Heat and Local Equilibrium Temperature Inside Disordered Materials. Seminar, LMU University, Munich, Germany (Jun 2013).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Modeling thermodynamic heterogeneity in disordered materials. Seminar in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Missouri (Oct 2012).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Modeling thermodynamic heterogeneity in disordered materials. Seminar in Physics at the University of Central Florida (Aug 2012).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Modeling thermodynamic heterogeneity in disordered materials. NATAS-North American Thermal Analysis Society Meeting (Aug 2012).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Can the Canonical Ensemble Give Thermal Equilibrium. Seminar in Chemistry at the University of Missouri (Mar 2012).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. The stretched exponential: Experiments, theory, and simulations. Department of Chemistry seminar (Nov 2011).
- Ralph V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics and nonlinear corrections to statistical mechanics. Department of physics colloquium (Mar 2011).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics and nonlinear corrections to statistical mechanics. Department of Physics Colloquium (Sep 2010).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics and Nonlinear Corrections to Statistical Mechanics in Monte Carlo Simulations of Disordered Materials. Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition (VIII) (May 2010).
- R. V. Chamberlin. Nanothermodynamics and Nonlinear Corrections to Statistical Mechanics. Dynamics Days 2010, Northwestern University (Jan 2010).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Stretched Exponential Relaxation and Nanothermodynamics. Physics Colloquium (Nov 2007).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Fluxon Relaxation in Superconductors. APS Four-Corners Section Meeting (Oct 2007).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Stretched Exponential Relaxation and Nanothermodynamics. Physics Colloquium (Apr 2007).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanothermodynamics and the response of disordered materials. Physics Colloquium (Feb 2006).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanothermodynamics in Disordered Materials. APS Four-Corners Section Meeting (Oct 2005).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Free-Energy Landscape Picture for Dynamics in Disordered Materials. Workshop on Correlated Electrons and Amorphous Materials (Jul 2005).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanothermodynamics and the Williams-Landel-Ferry Equation. 76th Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology (Feb 2005).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanothermodynamics: Experiment, Theory, and Simulation. ASU Soft Matter Seminar (Nov 2004).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanothermodynamics: Experiment, Theory, and Simulation. (Sep 2004).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Stretched Exponential Relaxation and Nanothermodynamics. (Jul 2004).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanothermodynamics: Experiment, Theory, and Simulation. (Jul 2004).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanothermodynamics: Experiment, Theory, and Simulation. (Jun 2004).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Stretched Exponential Relaxation and Nanothermodynamics. (May 2004).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Stretched-Exponential Relaxation and Nanothermodynamics in Condensed Matter. 4-Corners Meeting of the American Physical Society (Oct 2002).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Mean-Field Cluster Model for the Thermal and Dynamic Properties of Condensed Matter. Slow Dynamics and Glass Transition (Jan 2002).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Mean-Field Cluster Model for the Response of Supercooled Liquids. 4th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems (Jun 2001).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. The Big World of Nanothermodynamics. 4th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems (Jun 2001).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanothermodynamic Response of Magnetic Materials. March Meeting of the American Physical Society (Mar 2001).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanoscopic Heterogeneities in the Response of Magnetic Materials. The 8 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference (Jan 2001).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Nanoscopic Heterogeneities in the Thermal and Dynamic Behavior of Supercooled Liquids. 220th ACS National Meeting (Aug 2000).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. Mesoscopic Mean-Field Theory for the Thermal and Dynamic Properties of Condensed Matter. Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition Søminenstationen (Jun 2000).
- Chamberlin, Ralph. A Mean-Field Cluster Model for Ferromagnets. March Meeting of the American Physical Society (Mar 2000).
- Arizona Course Equivalency Transfer, Physics, Transfer evaluator for physics (2005 - Present)
- Arizona Articulation Task Force, University Representative for Physics (2005 - Present)
- Barrett Honors College Faculty Council, Faculty Representative (2005 - Present)
- Faculty Honors Disciplinary Advisor, Physics (2004 - Present)
- Graduate Exam Committee, Chair (2014-2017)
- Committee on Committees, Chair (2014-2016)
- Intel ISEF, Science Fair, Grand Award Judge (2013)
- Engineers Club of the West Valley, Luncheon Meeting Speaker (2012)
- Graduate Program Committee, Associate Chair (2010 - 2014)
- CLAS Curriculum Committee, Committee member (2008 - 2010)
- University Standards Committee, Comittee Member (2007 - 2010)
- Head Undergraduate Advisor, Physics (2000 - 2004)
- Graduate Program Committee, Co-Chair (2010 - 2014)
- American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Physics Department Chairs Conference, Department Representative (2012)
- American Physical Society, Congressional Visit Day participant (2012)
- Springer Verlag, Book reviewer (2011)
- College Board AP Physics, Participant (2011)
- CLAS Curriculum Committee, Committee member (2008 - 2011)
- CLAS Curriculum Committee, Committee member (2008 - 2009)
- Danish National Research Foundation, Chair of site visit review panel (2009)
- University Standards Committee, Comittee Member (2007 - 2009)
- McGraw Hill Publishers, Physics problem writing (2007 - 2008)
- Committee on Committees, Committee Chair (2006 - 2008)
- Graduate Student Recruitment, (2007)
- Task force on University Physics, PHY121/131, Committee member (2006 - 2007)
- CLAS Standards Committee, Chair (2003 - 2006)
- Barrett Honors College/Science Curriculum Committee, Member (2005 - 2006)
- Undergraduate Advisor, Physics and Astronomy Advisor (2002 - 2005)
- Graduate Exam Committee, Chair (2003 - 2005)
- Space Committee, Committee Member (2004 - 2005)
- Workshop on Correlated Electrons and Glassy Matter, Co-Organizer (2005)
- Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, AVASC Special Awards Judge (2005)
- Space Committee, Committee Member and convener (2004 - 2005)
- Personnel Committee, Committee Member (2002 - 2004)
- Al-Balqa' Applied University, Reference for Promotion Evaluation (2003)
- Kyrene de las Manitas Elementary School, Guest Lecturer (2003)
- CLAS Standards Committee, Committee Member (2003)