Long Bio
Stan Cunningham came to ASU Polytechnic after working 30 years as a government professional wildlife biologist, primarily with the Arizona Game and Fish Department. During most of this period, he also worked as an adjunct professor, primarily teaching teachers on how to teach children about wildlife. Cunningham has studied and published on many different species including desert bighorn, mountain lions, coyotes and gray fox, mule deer, peccary, elk, pronghorn and lizard populations after a fire. He believes this diversity makes him a better instructor. His primary interests now is becoming a better instructor each year.
- M.S. Zoology, Arizona State University 1982
- B.S. Secondary Education in Biology, University of Wyoming 1978
- L Monroe, Stanley Cunningham, L Kirkendall. Effects of a Central Arizona Wildfire on Small Mammal Populations. Journal of the AZ-Nevada Academy of Sciences (2005).
- Stanley Cunningham, W Ballard. Black Bear Demographics after a Catastrophic Wildfire in Central Arizona. Wildlife Society Bulletin (2004).
- Stanley Cunningham, L Monroe, W Ballard, M Rabe, K Bristow. Black Bear Habitat Use in Burned and Unburned Area, Central Arizona. Wildlife Society Bulletin (2003).
- Stanley Cunningham, R Babb, T Jones, B Taubert, R Vega. Effects of a Central Arizona Wildfire on Lizard Populations. Biological Conservation (2002).
- Stanley Cunningham, H Whitlaw, W Ballard. Age Structure, Survival, and Mortality of Mountain Lions in Southern Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist (2001).
- W Ballard, P Krausman, S Boe, Stanley Cunningham, H Whitlaw. Short Term Response of Gray Wolves, Canis Lupus, to Wildfire in Northwestern Alaska. Canadian Field Naturalist (2000).
- Cunningham, Stanley, Germaine, S., Germaine, H. Effects of Forest Restoration on Mule Deer Habitat Use on Mt. Trumbell, Arizona. Proceedings of the Colorado Plateau Symposium
- Cunningham, Stanley, Kirkendall, L., Vega, R. Reaction of Lizard Populations to a Wildfire on a Central Arizona Sky Island. Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 33rd Joint Annual Meeting
- Cunningham, Stanley, Monroe, L., Ballard, W., Rabe, M., Bristow, K. Black Bear Habitat Use in Burned and Unburned Area, Central Arizona. Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 34th Joint Annual Meeting
- Cunningham, Stanley. Wildlife Information Series. Arizona State Fairgrounds. Black Bear Natural History
- Cunningham, Stanley, Bristow, K., Ockenfels, R., Warren, J., Sprague, S., deVos Jr, J. Correlation between Coyote Density, Fawn Cover, Tree Density, and Precipitation and Pronghorn (Antilocapra Americana) Fawn Survival in 8 Sites in Arizona. Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 38th Joint Annual Meeting
- Cunningham, Stanley, Ballard, W. Black Bear Demographics after a Catastrophic Wildfire in Central Arizona. Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 35th Joint Annual Meeting